#!/usr/bin/env python2.7 import os import sys import shutil try: from setuptools import setup, Extension from setuptools.command.install import install haveSetuptools = True except ImportError: install = object haveSetuptools = False from importlib import import_module from src.version import softwareVersion packageManager = { "OpenBSD": "pkg_add", "FreeBSD": "pkg install", "Debian": "apt-get install", "Ubuntu": "apt-get install", "Ubuntu 12": "apt-get install", "openSUSE": "zypper install", "Fedora": "dnf install", "Guix": "guix package -i", "Gentoo": "emerge" } packageName = { "PyQt4": { "OpenBSD": "py-qt4", "FreeBSD": "py27-qt4", "Debian": "python-qt4", "Ubuntu": "python-qt4", "Ubuntu 12": "python-qt4", "openSUSE": "python-qt", "Fedora": "PyQt4", "Guix": "python2-pyqt@4.11.4", "Gentoo": "dev-python/PyQt4", 'optional': True, 'description': "You only need PyQt if you want to use the GUI. " \ "When only running as a daemon, this can be skipped.\n" \ "However, you would have to install it manually " \ "because setuptools does not support PyQt." }, "msgpack": { "OpenBSD": "py-msgpack", "FreeBSD": "py27-msgpack-python", "Debian": "python-msgpack", "Ubuntu": "python-msgpack", "Ubuntu 12": "msgpack-python", "openSUSE": "python-msgpack-python", "Fedora": "python2-msgpack", "Guix": "python2-msgpack", "Gentoo": "dev-python/msgpack", "optional": True, "description": "python-msgpack is recommended for messages coding" }, "umsgpack": { "FreeBSD": "", "OpenBSD": "", "Fedora": "", "openSUSE": "", "Guix": "", "Ubuntu 12": "", "Debian": "python-u-msgpack", "Ubuntu": "python-u-msgpack", "Gentoo": "dev-python/u-msgpack", "optional": True, "description": "umsgpack can be used instead of msgpack" }, "pyopencl": { "FreeBSD": "py27-pyopencl", "Debian": "python-pyopencl", "Ubuntu": "python-pyopencl", "Ubuntu 12": "python-pyopencl", "Fedora": "python2-pyopencl", "openSUSE": "", "OpenBSD": "", "Guix": "", "Gentoo": "dev-python/pyopencl", "optional": True, 'description': "If you install pyopencl, you will be able to use " \ "GPU acceleration for proof of work. \n" \ "You also need a compatible GPU and drivers." }, "setuptools": { "OpenBSD": "py-setuptools", "FreeBSD": "py27-setuptools", "Debian": "python-setuptools", "Ubuntu": "python-setuptools", "Ubuntu 12": "python-setuptools", "Fedora": "python2-setuptools", "openSUSE": "python-setuptools", "Guix": "python2-setuptools", "Gentoo": "", } } compiling = { "Debian": "build-essential libssl-dev", "Ubuntu": "build-essential libssl-dev", "Fedora": "gcc-c++ redhat-rpm-config python-devel openssl-devel", "openSUSE": "gcc-c++ libopenssl-devel python-devel", } def detectOS(): if detectOS.result is not None: return detectOS.result if sys.platform.startswith('openbsd'): detectOS.result = "OpenBSD" elif sys.platform.startswith('freebsd'): detectOS.result = "FreeBSD" elif sys.platform.startswith('win'): detectOS.result = "Windows" elif os.path.isfile("/etc/os-release"): with open("/etc/os-release", 'r') as osRelease: version = None for line in osRelease: if line.startswith("NAME="): line = line.lower() if "fedora" in line: detectOS.result = "Fedora" elif "opensuse" in line: detectOS.result = "openSUSE" elif "ubuntu" in line: detectOS.result = "Ubuntu" elif "debian" in line: detectOS.result = "Debian" elif "gentoo" in line or "calculate" in line: detectOS.result = "Gentoo" else: detectOS.result = None if line.startswith("VERSION_ID="): try: version = float(line.split("\"")[1]) except ValueError: pass if detectOS.result == "Ubuntu" and version < 14: detectOS.result = "Ubuntu 12" elif os.path.isfile("/etc/config.scm"): detectOS.result = "Guix" return detectOS.result def detectPrereqs(missing=True): available = [] for module in packageName.keys(): try: import_module(module) if not missing: available.append(module) except ImportError: if missing: available.append(module) return available def prereqToPackages(): print "You can install the requirements by running, as root:" print "%s %s" % ( packageManager[detectOS()], " ".join( packageName[x][detectOS()] for x in detectPrereqs())) for package in detectPrereqs(): if packageName[package].get('optional'): print packageName[package].get('description') def compilerToPackages(): if not detectOS() in compiling: return print "You can install the requirements by running, as root:" print "%s %s" % ( packageManager[detectOS.result], compiling[detectOS.result]) class InstallCmd(install): def run(self): detectOS.result = None prereqs = detectPrereqs() if prereqs and detectOS() in packageManager: print "It looks like you're using %s. " \ "It is highly recommended to use the package manager " \ "instead of setuptools." % (detectOS.result) prereqToPackages() try: for module in prereqs: if not packageName[module]['optional']: sys.exit() except KeyError: sys.exit() if not haveSetuptools: print "It looks like you're missing setuptools." sys.exit() if prereqs and sys.stdin.isatty(): print "Press Return to continue" try: raw_input() except (EOFError, NameError): pass # prepare icons directories os.makedirs('desktop/icons/scalable') shutil.copyfile( 'desktop/can-icon.svg', 'desktop/icons/scalable/pybitmessage.svg') os.makedirs('desktop/icons/24x24') shutil.copyfile( 'desktop/icon24.png', 'desktop/icons/24x24/pybitmessage.png') return install.run(self) if __name__ == "__main__": here = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) with open(os.path.join(here, 'README.md')) as f: README = f.read() bitmsghash = Extension( 'pybitmessage.bitmsghash.bitmsghash', sources=['src/bitmsghash/bitmsghash.cpp'], libraries=['pthread', 'crypto'], ) installRequires = [] packages = [ 'pybitmessage', 'pybitmessage.bitmessageqt', 'pybitmessage.bitmessagecurses', 'pybitmessage.messagetypes', 'pybitmessage.network', 'pybitmessage.pyelliptic', 'pybitmessage.socks', 'pybitmessage.storage', 'pybitmessage.plugins' ] # this will silently accept alternative providers of msgpack # if they are already installed if "msgpack" in detectPrereqs(False): installRequires.append("msgpack-python") elif "umsgpack" in detectPrereqs(False): installRequires.append("umsgpack") else: packages += ['pybitmessage.fallback', 'pybitmessage.fallback.umsgpack'] try: dist = setup( name='pybitmessage', version=softwareVersion, description="Reference client for Bitmessage: " "a P2P communications protocol", long_description=README, license='MIT', # TODO: add author info #author='', #author_email='', url='https://bitmessage.org', # TODO: add keywords #keywords='', install_requires=installRequires, extras_require={ 'gir': ['pygobject'], 'qrcode': ['qrcode'], 'pyopencl': ['pyopencl'], 'notify2': ['notify2'], 'sound:platform_system=="Windows"': ['winsound'] }, classifiers=[ "License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License" "Operating System :: OS Independent", "Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7 :: Only", "Topic :: Internet", "Topic :: Security :: Cryptography", "Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules", ], package_dir={'pybitmessage': 'src'}, packages=packages, package_data={'': [ 'bitmessageqt/*.ui', 'bitmsghash/*.cl', 'sslkeys/*.pem', 'translations/*.ts', 'translations/*.qm', 'images/*.png', 'images/*.ico', 'images/*.icns' ]}, data_files=[ ('share/applications/', ['desktop/pybitmessage.desktop']), ('share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/', ['desktop/icons/scalable/pybitmessage.svg']), ('share/icons/hicolor/24x24/apps/', ['desktop/icons/24x24/pybitmessage.png']) ], ext_modules=[bitmsghash], zip_safe=False, entry_points={ 'bitmessage.gui.menu': [ 'popMenuYourIdentities.qrcode = ' 'pybitmessage.plugins.qrcodeui [qrcode]' ], 'bitmessage.notification.message': [ 'notify2 = pybitmessage.plugins.notification_notify2' '[gir, notify2]' ], 'bitmessage.notification.sound': [ 'file.fallback = pybitmessage.plugins.sound_playfile' '[sound]' ], 'bitmessage.indicator': [ 'libmessaging =' 'pybitmessage.plugins.indicator_libmessaging [gir]' ], # 'console_scripts': [ # 'pybitmessage = pybitmessage.bitmessagemain:main' # ] }, scripts=['src/pybitmessage'], cmdclass={'install': InstallCmd} ) except SystemExit as err: print err.message except: print "It looks like building the package failed.\n" \ "You may be missing a C++ compiler and the OpenSSL headers." compilerToPackages()