# PyBitmessage Linux flatpak instructions _Some recent Linux distributions don't support QT4 anymore, hence PyBitmessage won't run with a GUI. However, if you build PyBitmessage as a flatpak, it will run in a sandbox which provides QT4.__ ## Requirements First make sure you have `flatpak` and `flatpak-builder` installed. Follow the instructions for your distribution on [flathub](https://flatpak.org/setup/). The instructions there only cover the installation of `flatpak`, but `flatpak-builder` should be the same. ## Build and Install Once you have `flatpak` and `flatpak-builder` installed: ``` git clone git://github.com/Bitmessage/PyBitmessage.git cd PyBitmessage/ git submodule add https://github.com/flathub/shared-modules.git flatpak-builder --install --user -install-deps-from=flathub --force-clean --state-dir=build/.flatpak-builder build/_flatpak org.bitmessage.PyBitmessage.json ``` This will install PyBitmessage to your local flatpak user repository, but it takes a while to compile because QT4 and PyQt4 have to be build, among others. # Run When installation is done you can launch PyBitmessage via the **command line**: `flatpak run -v org.bitmessage.PyBitmessage` Flatpak also exports a `.desktop` file, so you should be able to find and launch PyBitmessage via the **application launcher** of your Desktop (Gnome, KDE, ...). # Export You can create a single file "bundle", which allows you to copy and install the PyBitmessage flatpak on other devices of the same architecture as the build machine. ## Create a local flatpak repository ``` flatpak-builder --repo=build/_flatpak_repo --force-clean --state-dir=build/.flatpak-builder build/_flatpak packages/flatpak/org.bitmessage.PyBitmessage.json ``` This will create a local flatpak repository in `build/_flatpak_repo/`. ## Create a bundle ``` flatpak build-bundle build/_flatpak_repo build/pybitmessage.flatpak org.bitmessage.PyBitmessage ``` This will create a `pybitmessage.flatpak` bundle file in the `build/` directory. This bundle can be copied to other systems or installed locally: ``` flatpak install pybitmessage.flatpak ``` The application can be run using flatpak: ``` flatpak run org.bitmessage.PyBitmessage ``` It can then be uninstalled with this command: ``` flatpak uninstall org.bitmessage.PyBitmessage ``` This way of building an application is very convenient when preparing flatpaks for testing on another system of the same processor architecture. ## Cleanup If you want to free up disk space you can remove the `Sdk` runtime again: `flatpak uninstall org.freedesktop.Sdk//18.08` You can also delete the `build` directory again.