""" PyQt based UI for bitmessage, the main module """ import hashlib import os import random import string import subprocess import sys import textwrap import threading import time from datetime import datetime, timedelta from sqlite3 import register_adapter from PyQt4 import QtCore, QtGui from PyQt4.QtNetwork import QLocalSocket, QLocalServer import shared import state from debug import logger from tr import _translate from addresses import decodeAddress, addBMIfNotPresent from bmconfigparser import BMConfigParser import namecoin from messageview import MessageView from migrationwizard import Ui_MigrationWizard from foldertree import ( AccountMixin, Ui_FolderWidget, Ui_AddressWidget, Ui_SubscriptionWidget, MessageList_AddressWidget, MessageList_SubjectWidget, Ui_AddressBookWidgetItemLabel, Ui_AddressBookWidgetItemAddress, MessageList_TimeWidget) from main import Window import settingsmixin import support from helper_sql import sqlQuery, sqlExecute, sqlExecuteChunked, sqlStoredProcedure import helper_addressbook import helper_search import l10n from utils import str_broadcast_subscribers, avatarize from account import ( getSortedAccounts, getSortedSubscriptions, accountClass, BMAccount, GatewayAccount, MailchuckAccount, AccountColor) import dialogs from network.stats import pendingDownload, pendingUpload from uisignaler import UISignaler from proofofwork import getPowType import queues import shutdown import sound # This is needed for tray icon import bitmessage_icons_rc # noqa:F401 pylint: disable=unused-import import helper_sent try: from plugins.plugin import get_plugin, get_plugins except ImportError: get_plugins = False # TODO: rewrite def powQueueSize(): """Returns the size of queues.workerQueue including current unfinished work""" queue_len = queues.workerQueue.qsize() for thread in threading.enumerate(): try: if thread.name == "singleWorker": queue_len += thread.busy except Exception as err: logger.info('Thread error %s', err) return queue_len def openKeysFile(): """Open keys file with an external editor""" keysfile = os.path.join(state.appdata, 'keys.dat') if 'linux' in sys.platform: subprocess.call(["xdg-open", keysfile]) elif sys.platform.startswith('win'): os.startfile(keysfile) # pylint: disable=no-member class MainWindow(Window): # the maximum frequency of message sounds in seconds maxSoundFrequencySec = 60 REPLY_TYPE_SENDER = 0 REPLY_TYPE_CHAN = 1 REPLY_TYPE_UPD = 2 def init_identities_popup_menu(self): # Popup menu for the Your Identities tab # load all gui.menu plugins with prefix 'address' self.menu_plugins = {'address': []} if not get_plugins: return for plugin in get_plugins('gui.menu', 'address'): try: handler, title = plugin(self) except TypeError: continue self.menu_plugins['address'].append( self.addressContextMenuToolbarYourIdentities.addAction( title, handler )) def rerenderTabTreeSubscriptions(self): treeWidget = self.treeWidgetSubscriptions folders = Ui_FolderWidget.folderWeight.keys() folders.remove("new") # sort ascending when creating if treeWidget.topLevelItemCount() == 0: treeWidget.header().setSortIndicator( 0, QtCore.Qt.AscendingOrder) # init dictionary db = getSortedSubscriptions(True) for address in db: for folder in folders: if folder not in db[address]: db[address][folder] = {} if treeWidget.isSortingEnabled(): treeWidget.setSortingEnabled(False) widgets = {} i = 0 while i < treeWidget.topLevelItemCount(): widget = treeWidget.topLevelItem(i) if widget is not None: toAddress = widget.address else: toAddress = None if toAddress not in db: treeWidget.takeTopLevelItem(i) # no increment continue unread = 0 j = 0 while j < widget.childCount(): subwidget = widget.child(j) try: subwidget.setUnreadCount(db[toAddress][subwidget.folderName]['count']) unread += db[toAddress][subwidget.folderName]['count'] db[toAddress].pop(subwidget.folderName, None) except: widget.takeChild(j) # no increment continue j += 1 # add missing folders if len(db[toAddress]) > 0: j = 0 for f, c in db[toAddress].iteritems(): try: subwidget = Ui_FolderWidget(widget, j, toAddress, f, c['count']) except KeyError: subwidget = Ui_FolderWidget(widget, j, toAddress, f, 0) j += 1 widget.setUnreadCount(unread) db.pop(toAddress, None) i += 1 i = 0 for toAddress in db: widget = Ui_SubscriptionWidget(treeWidget, i, toAddress, db[toAddress]["inbox"]['count'], db[toAddress]["inbox"]['label'], db[toAddress]["inbox"]['enabled']) j = 0 unread = 0 for folder in folders: try: subwidget = Ui_FolderWidget(widget, j, toAddress, folder, db[toAddress][folder]['count']) unread += db[toAddress][folder]['count'] except KeyError: subwidget = Ui_FolderWidget(widget, j, toAddress, folder, 0) j += 1 widget.setUnreadCount(unread) i += 1 treeWidget.setSortingEnabled(True) def rerenderTabTreeMessages(self): self.rerenderTabTree('messages') def rerenderTabTreeChans(self): self.rerenderTabTree('chan') def rerenderTabTree(self, tab): if tab == 'messages': treeWidget = self.treeWidgetYourIdentities elif tab == 'chan': treeWidget = self.treeWidgetChans folders = Ui_FolderWidget.folderWeight.keys() # sort ascending when creating if treeWidget.topLevelItemCount() == 0: treeWidget.header().setSortIndicator( 0, QtCore.Qt.AscendingOrder) # init dictionary db = {} enabled = {} for toAddress in getSortedAccounts(): isEnabled = BMConfigParser().getboolean( toAddress, 'enabled') isChan = BMConfigParser().safeGetBoolean( toAddress, 'chan') isMaillinglist = BMConfigParser().safeGetBoolean( toAddress, 'mailinglist') if treeWidget == self.treeWidgetYourIdentities: if isChan: continue elif treeWidget == self.treeWidgetChans: if not isChan: continue db[toAddress] = {} for folder in folders: db[toAddress][folder] = 0 enabled[toAddress] = isEnabled # get number of (unread) messages total = 0 queryreturn = sqlQuery('SELECT toaddress, folder, count(msgid) as cnt FROM inbox WHERE read = 0 GROUP BY toaddress, folder') for row in queryreturn: toaddress, folder, cnt = row total += cnt if toaddress in db and folder in db[toaddress]: db[toaddress][folder] = cnt if treeWidget == self.treeWidgetYourIdentities: db[None] = {} db[None]["inbox"] = total db[None]["new"] = total db[None]["sent"] = 0 db[None]["trash"] = 0 enabled[None] = True if treeWidget.isSortingEnabled(): treeWidget.setSortingEnabled(False) widgets = {} i = 0 while i < treeWidget.topLevelItemCount(): widget = treeWidget.topLevelItem(i) if widget is not None: toAddress = widget.address else: toAddress = None if toAddress not in db: treeWidget.takeTopLevelItem(i) # no increment continue unread = 0 j = 0 while j < widget.childCount(): subwidget = widget.child(j) try: subwidget.setUnreadCount( db[toAddress][subwidget.folderName]) if subwidget.folderName not in ("new", "trash", "sent"): unread += db[toAddress][subwidget.folderName] db[toAddress].pop(subwidget.folderName, None) except: widget.takeChild(j) # no increment continue j += 1 # add missing folders if len(db[toAddress]) > 0: j = 0 for f, c in db[toAddress].iteritems(): if toAddress is not None and tab == 'messages' and folder == "new": continue subwidget = Ui_FolderWidget(widget, j, toAddress, f, c) if subwidget.folderName not in ("new", "trash", "sent"): unread += c j += 1 widget.setUnreadCount(unread) db.pop(toAddress, None) i += 1 i = 0 for toAddress in db: widget = Ui_AddressWidget(treeWidget, i, toAddress, db[toAddress]["inbox"], enabled[toAddress]) j = 0 unread = 0 for folder in folders: if toAddress is not None and tab == 'messages' and folder == "new": continue subwidget = Ui_FolderWidget(widget, j, toAddress, folder, db[toAddress][folder]) if subwidget.folderName not in ("new", "trash", "sent"): unread += db[toAddress][folder] j += 1 widget.setUnreadCount(unread) i += 1 treeWidget.setSortingEnabled(True) def __init__(self, parent=None): super(MainWindow, self).__init__(parent) self.indicatorUpdate = None self.actionStatus = None # the last time that a message arrival sound was played self.lastSoundTime = datetime.now() - timedelta(days=1) # Ask the user if we may delete their old version 1 addresses if they # have any. for addressInKeysFile in getSortedAccounts(): status, addressVersionNumber, streamNumber, hash = decodeAddress( addressInKeysFile) if addressVersionNumber == 1: displayMsg = _translate( "MainWindow", "One of your addresses, %1, is an old version 1 address. Version 1 addresses are no longer supported. " + "May we delete it now?").arg(addressInKeysFile) reply = QtGui.QMessageBox.question( self, 'Message', displayMsg, QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes, QtGui.QMessageBox.No) if reply == QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes: BMConfigParser().remove_section(addressInKeysFile) BMConfigParser().save() self.change_translation() # e.g. for editing labels self.recurDepth = 0 # switch back to this when replying self.replyFromTab = None # so that quit won't loop self.wait = self.quitAccepted = False self.init_identities_popup_menu() # Initialize the user's list of addresses on the 'Chan' tab. self.rerenderTabTreeChans() # Initialize the user's list of addresses on the 'Messages' tab. self.rerenderTabTreeMessages() # Initialize the address book self.rerenderAddressBook() # Initialize the Subscriptions self.rerenderSubscriptions() self.numberOfMessagesProcessed = 0 self.numberOfBroadcastsProcessed = 0 self.numberOfPubkeysProcessed = 0 self.unreadCount = 0 self.UISignalThread = UISignaler.get() QtCore.QObject.connect(self.UISignalThread, QtCore.SIGNAL( "writeNewAddressToTable(PyQt_PyObject,PyQt_PyObject,PyQt_PyObject)"), self.writeNewAddressToTable) QtCore.QObject.connect(self.UISignalThread, QtCore.SIGNAL( "updateStatusBar(PyQt_PyObject)"), self.updateStatusBar) QtCore.QObject.connect(self.UISignalThread, QtCore.SIGNAL( "updateSentItemStatusByToAddress(PyQt_PyObject,PyQt_PyObject)"), self.updateSentItemStatusByToAddress) QtCore.QObject.connect(self.UISignalThread, QtCore.SIGNAL( "updateSentItemStatusByAckdata(PyQt_PyObject,PyQt_PyObject)"), self.updateSentItemStatusByAckdata) QtCore.QObject.connect(self.UISignalThread, QtCore.SIGNAL( "displayNewInboxMessage(PyQt_PyObject,PyQt_PyObject,PyQt_PyObject,PyQt_PyObject,PyQt_PyObject)"), self.displayNewInboxMessage) QtCore.QObject.connect(self.UISignalThread, QtCore.SIGNAL( "displayNewSentMessage(PyQt_PyObject,PyQt_PyObject,PyQt_PyObject,PyQt_PyObject,PyQt_PyObject,PyQt_PyObject)"), self.displayNewSentMessage) QtCore.QObject.connect(self.UISignalThread, QtCore.SIGNAL( "setStatusIcon(PyQt_PyObject)"), self.setStatusIcon) QtCore.QObject.connect(self.UISignalThread, QtCore.SIGNAL( "changedInboxUnread(PyQt_PyObject)"), self.changedInboxUnread) QtCore.QObject.connect(self.UISignalThread, QtCore.SIGNAL( "rerenderMessagelistFromLabels()"), self.rerenderMessagelistFromLabels) QtCore.QObject.connect(self.UISignalThread, QtCore.SIGNAL( "rerenderMessgelistToLabels()"), self.rerenderMessagelistToLabels) QtCore.QObject.connect(self.UISignalThread, QtCore.SIGNAL( "rerenderAddressBook()"), self.rerenderAddressBook) QtCore.QObject.connect(self.UISignalThread, QtCore.SIGNAL( "rerenderSubscriptions()"), self.rerenderSubscriptions) QtCore.QObject.connect(self.UISignalThread, QtCore.SIGNAL( "removeInboxRowByMsgid(PyQt_PyObject)"), self.removeInboxRowByMsgid) QtCore.QObject.connect(self.UISignalThread, QtCore.SIGNAL( "newVersionAvailable(PyQt_PyObject)"), self.newVersionAvailable) QtCore.QObject.connect(self.UISignalThread, QtCore.SIGNAL( "displayAlert(PyQt_PyObject,PyQt_PyObject,PyQt_PyObject)"), self.displayAlert) self.UISignalThread.start() # Key press in tree view self.treeWidgetYourIdentities.keyPressEvent = self.treeWidgetKeyPressEvent self.treeWidgetSubscriptions.keyPressEvent = self.treeWidgetKeyPressEvent self.treeWidgetChans.keyPressEvent = self.treeWidgetKeyPressEvent # Key press in addressbook self.tableWidgetAddressBook.keyPressEvent = self.addressbookKeyPressEvent # Key press in messagelist self.tableWidgetInbox.keyPressEvent = self.tableWidgetKeyPressEvent self.tableWidgetInboxSubscriptions.keyPressEvent = self.tableWidgetKeyPressEvent self.tableWidgetInboxChans.keyPressEvent = self.tableWidgetKeyPressEvent # Key press in messageview self.textEditInboxMessage.keyPressEvent = self.textEditKeyPressEvent self.textEditInboxMessageSubscriptions.keyPressEvent = self.textEditKeyPressEvent self.textEditInboxMessageChans.keyPressEvent = self.textEditKeyPressEvent # Below this point, it would be good if all of the necessary global data # structures were initialized. self.rerenderComboBoxSendFrom() self.rerenderComboBoxSendFromBroadcast() # Put the TTL slider in the correct spot TTL = BMConfigParser().getint('bitmessagesettings', 'ttl') if TTL < 3600: # an hour TTL = 3600 elif TTL > 28*24*60*60: # 28 days TTL = 28*24*60*60 self.horizontalSliderTTL.setSliderPosition((TTL - 3600) ** (1/3.199)) self.updateHumanFriendlyTTLDescription(TTL) self.initSettings() self.resetNamecoinConnection() self.sqlInit() self.indicatorInit() self.notifierInit() self.updateStartOnLogon() self.updateNetworkSwitchMenuLabel() self._firstrun = BMConfigParser().safeGetBoolean( 'bitmessagesettings', 'dontconnect') self._contact_selected = None def getContactSelected(self): """Returns last selected contact once""" try: return self._contact_selected except AttributeError: pass finally: self._contact_selected = None def updateStartOnLogon(self): """ Configure Bitmessage to start on startup (or remove the configuration) based on the setting in the keys.dat file """ startonlogon = BMConfigParser().safeGetBoolean( 'bitmessagesettings', 'startonlogon') if sys.platform.startswith('win'): # Auto-startup for Windows RUN_PATH = "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run" settings = QtCore.QSettings( RUN_PATH, QtCore.QSettings.NativeFormat) # In case the user moves the program and the registry entry is # no longer valid, this will delete the old registry entry. if startonlogon: settings.setValue("PyBitmessage", sys.argv[0]) else: settings.remove("PyBitmessage") else: try: # get desktop plugin if any self.desktop = get_plugin('desktop')() self.desktop.adjust_startonlogon(startonlogon) except (NameError, TypeError): self.desktop = False def updateTTL(self, sliderPosition): TTL = int(sliderPosition ** 3.199 + 3600) self.updateHumanFriendlyTTLDescription(TTL) BMConfigParser().set('bitmessagesettings', 'ttl', str(TTL)) BMConfigParser().save() def updateHumanFriendlyTTLDescription(self, TTL): numberOfHours = int(round(TTL / (60*60))) font = QtGui.QFont() stylesheet = "" if numberOfHours < 48: self.labelHumanFriendlyTTLDescription.setText( _translate("MainWindow", "%n hour(s)", None, QtCore.QCoreApplication.CodecForTr, numberOfHours) + ", " + _translate("MainWindow", "not recommended for chans", None, QtCore.QCoreApplication.CodecForTr) ) stylesheet = "QLabel { color : red; }" font.setBold(True) else: numberOfDays = int(round(TTL / (24*60*60))) self.labelHumanFriendlyTTLDescription.setText( _translate( "MainWindow", "%n day(s)", None, QtCore.QCoreApplication.CodecForTr, numberOfDays)) font.setBold(False) self.labelHumanFriendlyTTLDescription.setStyleSheet(stylesheet) self.labelHumanFriendlyTTLDescription.setFont(font) # Show or hide the application window after clicking an item within the # tray icon or, on Windows, the try icon itself. def appIndicatorShowOrHideWindow(self): if not self.actionShow.isChecked(): self.hide() else: self.show() self.setWindowState( self.windowState() & ~QtCore.Qt.WindowMinimized | QtCore.Qt.WindowActive) self.raise_() self.activateWindow() # show the application window def appIndicatorShow(self): if self.actionShow is None: return if not self.actionShow.isChecked(): self.actionShow.setChecked(True) self.appIndicatorShowOrHideWindow() # unchecks the show item on the application indicator def appIndicatorHide(self): if self.actionShow is None: return if self.actionShow.isChecked(): self.actionShow.setChecked(False) self.appIndicatorShowOrHideWindow() def appIndicatorSwitchQuietMode(self): BMConfigParser().set( 'bitmessagesettings', 'showtraynotifications', str(not self.actionQuiet.isChecked()) ) # application indicator show or hide """# application indicator show or hide def appIndicatorShowBitmessage(self): #if self.actionShow == None: # return print self.actionShow.isChecked() if not self.actionShow.isChecked(): self.hide() #self.setWindowState(self.windowState() & QtCore.Qt.WindowMinimized) else: self.appIndicatorShowOrHideWindow()""" # Show the program window and select inbox tab def appIndicatorInbox(self, item=None): self.appIndicatorShow() # select inbox self.tabWidget.setCurrentIndex( self.tabWidget.indexOf(self.inbox) ) self.treeWidgetYourIdentities.setCurrentItem( self.treeWidgetYourIdentities.topLevelItem(0).child(0) ) if item: self.tableWidgetInbox.setCurrentItem(item) self.tableWidgetInboxItemClicked() else: self.tableWidgetInbox.setCurrentCell(0, 0) # Show the program window and select send tab def appIndicatorSend(self): self.appIndicatorShow() self.tabWidget.setCurrentIndex( self.tabWidget.indexOf(self.send) ) # Show the program window and select subscriptions tab def appIndicatorSubscribe(self): self.appIndicatorShow() self.tabWidget.setCurrentIndex( self.tabWidget.indexOf(self.subscriptions) ) # Show the program window and select channels tab def appIndicatorChannel(self): self.appIndicatorShow() self.tabWidget.setCurrentIndex( self.tabWidget.indexOf(self.chans) ) def updateUnreadStatus(self, widget, row, msgid, unread=True): """ Switch unread for item of msgid and related items in other STableWidgets "All Accounts" and "Chans" """ status = widget.item(row, 0).unread if status != unread: return widgets = [self.tableWidgetInbox, self.tableWidgetInboxChans] rrow = None try: widgets.remove(widget) related = widgets.pop() except ValueError: pass else: # maybe use instead: # rrow = related.row(msgid), msgid should be QTableWidgetItem # related = related.findItems(msgid, QtCore.Qt.MatchExactly), # returns an empty list for rrow in range(related.rowCount()): if related.item(rrow, 3).data() == msgid: break for col in range(widget.columnCount()): widget.item(row, col).setUnread(not status) if rrow: related.item(rrow, col).setUnread(not status) # Here we need to update unread count for: # - all widgets if there is no args # - All accounts # - corresponding account if current is "All accounts" # - current account otherwise def propagateUnreadCount(self, folder=None, widget=None): queryReturn = sqlQuery( 'SELECT toaddress, folder, COUNT(msgid) AS cnt' ' FROM inbox WHERE read = 0 GROUP BY toaddress, folder') totalUnread = {} normalUnread = {} broadcastsUnread = {} for addr, fld, count in queryReturn: try: normalUnread[addr][fld] = count except KeyError: normalUnread[addr] = {fld: count} try: totalUnread[fld] += count except KeyError: totalUnread[fld] = count widgets = [self.treeWidgetYourIdentities] if widget not in ( self.treeWidgetSubscriptions, self.treeWidgetChans): widgets += [ self.treeWidgetSubscriptions, self.treeWidgetChans] queryReturn = sqlQuery( 'SELECT fromaddress, folder, COUNT(msgid) AS cnt' ' FROM inbox WHERE read = 0 AND toaddress = ?' ' GROUP BY fromaddress, folder', str_broadcast_subscribers) for addr, fld, count in queryReturn: try: broadcastsUnread[addr][fld] = count except KeyError: broadcastsUnread[addr] = {fld: count} for treeWidget in widgets: root = treeWidget.invisibleRootItem() for i in range(root.childCount()): addressItem = root.child(i) if addressItem.type == AccountMixin.ALL: newCount = sum(totalUnread.itervalues()) self.drawTrayIcon(self.currentTrayIconFileName, newCount) else: try: newCount = sum(( broadcastsUnread if addressItem.type == AccountMixin.SUBSCRIPTION else normalUnread )[addressItem.address].itervalues()) except KeyError: newCount = 0 if newCount != addressItem.unreadCount: addressItem.setUnreadCount(newCount) for j in range(addressItem.childCount()): folderItem = addressItem.child(j) folderName = folderItem.folderName if folderName == "new": folderName = "inbox" if folder and folderName != folder: continue if addressItem.type == AccountMixin.ALL: newCount = totalUnread.get(folderName, 0) else: try: newCount = ( broadcastsUnread if addressItem.type == AccountMixin.SUBSCRIPTION else normalUnread )[addressItem.address][folderName] except KeyError: newCount = 0 if newCount != folderItem.unreadCount: folderItem.setUnreadCount(newCount) def addMessageListItem(self, tableWidget, items): sortingEnabled = tableWidget.isSortingEnabled() if sortingEnabled: tableWidget.setSortingEnabled(False) tableWidget.insertRow(0) for i, item in enumerate(items): tableWidget.setItem(0, i, item) if sortingEnabled: tableWidget.setSortingEnabled(True) def addMessageListItemSent( self, tableWidget, toAddress, fromAddress, subject, status, ackdata, lastactiontime ): acct = accountClass(fromAddress) or BMAccount(fromAddress) acct.parseMessage(toAddress, fromAddress, subject, "") if status == 'awaitingpubkey': statusText = _translate( "MainWindow", "Waiting for their encryption key. Will request it again soon." ) elif status == 'doingpowforpubkey': statusText = _translate( "MainWindow", "Doing work necessary to request encryption key." ) elif status == 'msgqueued': statusText = _translate("MainWindow", "Queued.") elif status == 'msgsent': statusText = _translate( "MainWindow", "Message sent. Waiting for acknowledgement. Sent at %1" ).arg(l10n.formatTimestamp(lastactiontime)) elif status == 'msgsentnoackexpected': statusText = _translate( "MainWindow", "Message sent. Sent at %1" ).arg(l10n.formatTimestamp(lastactiontime)) elif status == 'doingmsgpow': statusText = _translate( "MainWindow", "Doing work necessary to send message.") elif status == 'ackreceived': statusText = _translate( "MainWindow", "Acknowledgement of the message received %1" ).arg(l10n.formatTimestamp(lastactiontime)) elif status == 'broadcastqueued': statusText = _translate( "MainWindow", "Broadcast queued.") elif status == 'doingbroadcastpow': statusText = _translate( "MainWindow", "Doing work necessary to send broadcast.") elif status == 'broadcastsent': statusText = _translate("MainWindow", "Broadcast on %1").arg( l10n.formatTimestamp(lastactiontime)) elif status == 'toodifficult': statusText = _translate( "MainWindow", "Problem: The work demanded by the recipient is more" " difficult than you are willing to do. %1" ).arg(l10n.formatTimestamp(lastactiontime)) elif status == 'badkey': statusText = _translate( "MainWindow", "Problem: The recipient\'s encryption key is no good." " Could not encrypt message. %1" ).arg(l10n.formatTimestamp(lastactiontime)) elif status == 'forcepow': statusText = _translate( "MainWindow", "Forced difficulty override. Send should start soon.") else: statusText = _translate( "MainWindow", "Unknown status: %1 %2").arg(status).arg( l10n.formatTimestamp(lastactiontime)) items = [ MessageList_AddressWidget( toAddress, unicode(acct.toLabel, 'utf-8')), MessageList_AddressWidget( fromAddress, unicode(acct.fromLabel, 'utf-8')), MessageList_SubjectWidget( str(subject), unicode(acct.subject, 'utf-8', 'replace')), MessageList_TimeWidget( statusText, False, lastactiontime, ackdata)] self.addMessageListItem(tableWidget, items) return acct def addMessageListItemInbox( self, tableWidget, toAddress, fromAddress, subject, msgid, received, read ): if toAddress == str_broadcast_subscribers: acct = accountClass(fromAddress) else: acct = accountClass(toAddress) or accountClass(fromAddress) if acct is None: acct = BMAccount(fromAddress) acct.parseMessage(toAddress, fromAddress, subject, "") items = [ MessageList_AddressWidget( toAddress, unicode(acct.toLabel, 'utf-8'), not read), MessageList_AddressWidget( fromAddress, unicode(acct.fromLabel, 'utf-8'), not read), MessageList_SubjectWidget( str(subject), unicode(acct.subject, 'utf-8', 'replace'), not read), MessageList_TimeWidget( l10n.formatTimestamp(received), not read, received, msgid) ] self.addMessageListItem(tableWidget, items) return acct # Load Sent items from database def loadSent(self, tableWidget, account, where="", what=""): if tableWidget == self.tableWidgetInboxSubscriptions: tableWidget.setColumnHidden(0, True) tableWidget.setColumnHidden(1, False) xAddress = 'toaddress' elif tableWidget == self.tableWidgetInboxChans: tableWidget.setColumnHidden(0, False) tableWidget.setColumnHidden(1, True) xAddress = 'both' else: tableWidget.setColumnHidden(0, False) tableWidget.setColumnHidden(1, bool(account)) xAddress = 'fromaddress' queryreturn = helper_search.search_sql( xAddress, account, "sent", where, what, False) for row in queryreturn: self.addMessageListItemSent(tableWidget, *row) tableWidget.horizontalHeader().setSortIndicator( 3, QtCore.Qt.DescendingOrder) tableWidget.setSortingEnabled(True) tableWidget.horizontalHeaderItem(3).setText( _translate("MainWindow", "Sent")) tableWidget.setUpdatesEnabled(True) # Load messages from database file def loadMessagelist( self, tableWidget, account, folder="inbox", where="", what="", unreadOnly=False ): tableWidget.setUpdatesEnabled(False) tableWidget.setSortingEnabled(False) tableWidget.setRowCount(0) if folder == 'sent': self.loadSent(tableWidget, account, where, what) return if tableWidget == self.tableWidgetInboxSubscriptions: xAddress = "fromaddress" if not what: where = _translate("MainWindow", "To") what = str_broadcast_subscribers else: xAddress = "toaddress" if account is not None: tableWidget.setColumnHidden(0, True) tableWidget.setColumnHidden(1, False) else: tableWidget.setColumnHidden(0, False) tableWidget.setColumnHidden(1, False) queryreturn = helper_search.search_sql( xAddress, account, folder, where, what, unreadOnly) for row in queryreturn: toAddress, fromAddress, subject, _, msgid, received, read = row self.addMessageListItemInbox( tableWidget, toAddress, fromAddress, subject, msgid, received, read) tableWidget.horizontalHeader().setSortIndicator( 3, QtCore.Qt.DescendingOrder) tableWidget.setSortingEnabled(True) tableWidget.selectRow(0) tableWidget.horizontalHeaderItem(3).setText( _translate("MainWindow", "Received")) tableWidget.setUpdatesEnabled(True) # create application indicator def appIndicatorInit(self, app): self.initTrayIcon("can-icon-24px-red.png", app) traySignal = "activated(QSystemTrayIcon::ActivationReason)" QtCore.QObject.connect(self.tray, QtCore.SIGNAL( traySignal), self.__icon_activated) m = QtGui.QMenu() self.actionStatus = QtGui.QAction(_translate( "MainWindow", "Not Connected"), m, checkable=False) m.addAction(self.actionStatus) # separator actionSeparator = QtGui.QAction('', m, checkable=False) actionSeparator.setSeparator(True) m.addAction(actionSeparator) # show bitmessage self.actionShow = QtGui.QAction(_translate( "MainWindow", "Show Bitmessage"), m, checkable=True) self.actionShow.setChecked(not BMConfigParser().getboolean( 'bitmessagesettings', 'startintray')) self.actionShow.triggered.connect(self.appIndicatorShowOrHideWindow) if not sys.platform[0:3] == 'win': m.addAction(self.actionShow) # quiet mode self.actionQuiet = QtGui.QAction(_translate( "MainWindow", "Quiet Mode"), m, checkable=True) self.actionQuiet.setChecked(not BMConfigParser().getboolean( 'bitmessagesettings', 'showtraynotifications')) self.actionQuiet.triggered.connect(self.appIndicatorSwitchQuietMode) m.addAction(self.actionQuiet) # Send actionSend = QtGui.QAction(_translate( "MainWindow", "Send"), m, checkable=False) actionSend.triggered.connect(self.appIndicatorSend) m.addAction(actionSend) # Subscribe actionSubscribe = QtGui.QAction(_translate( "MainWindow", "Subscribe"), m, checkable=False) actionSubscribe.triggered.connect(self.appIndicatorSubscribe) m.addAction(actionSubscribe) # Channels actionSubscribe = QtGui.QAction(_translate( "MainWindow", "Channel"), m, checkable=False) actionSubscribe.triggered.connect(self.appIndicatorChannel) m.addAction(actionSubscribe) # separator actionSeparator = QtGui.QAction('', m, checkable=False) actionSeparator.setSeparator(True) m.addAction(actionSeparator) # Quit m.addAction(_translate( "MainWindow", "Quit"), self.quit) self.tray.setContextMenu(m) self.tray.show() # returns the number of unread messages and subscriptions def getUnread(self): counters = [0, 0] queryreturn = sqlQuery(''' SELECT msgid, toaddress, read FROM inbox where folder='inbox' ''') for msgid, toAddress, read in queryreturn: if not read: # increment the unread subscriptions if True (1) # else messages (0) counters[toAddress == str_broadcast_subscribers] += 1 return counters # play a sound def playSound(self, category, label): # filename of the sound to be played soundFilename = None def _choose_ext(basename): for ext in sound.extensions: if os.path.isfile(os.extsep.join([basename, ext])): return os.extsep + ext # if the address had a known label in the address book if label: # Does a sound file exist for this particular contact? soundFilename = state.appdata + 'sounds/' + label ext = _choose_ext(soundFilename) if not ext: category = sound.SOUND_KNOWN soundFilename = None if soundFilename is None: # Avoid making sounds more frequently than the threshold. # This suppresses playing sounds repeatedly when there # are many new messages if not sound.is_connection_sound(category): # elapsed time since the last sound was played dt = datetime.now() - self.lastSoundTime # suppress sounds which are more frequent than the threshold if dt.total_seconds() < self.maxSoundFrequencySec: return # the sound is for an address which exists in the address book if category is sound.SOUND_KNOWN: soundFilename = state.appdata + 'sounds/known' # the sound is for an unknown address elif category is sound.SOUND_UNKNOWN: soundFilename = state.appdata + 'sounds/unknown' # initial connection sound elif category is sound.SOUND_CONNECTED: soundFilename = state.appdata + 'sounds/connected' # disconnected sound elif category is sound.SOUND_DISCONNECTED: soundFilename = state.appdata + 'sounds/disconnected' # sound when the connection status becomes green elif category is sound.SOUND_CONNECTION_GREEN: soundFilename = state.appdata + 'sounds/green' if soundFilename is None: logger.warning("Probably wrong category number in playSound()") return if not sound.is_connection_sound(category): # record the last time that a received message sound was played self.lastSoundTime = datetime.now() try: # try already known format soundFilename += ext except (TypeError, NameError): ext = _choose_ext(soundFilename) if not ext: try: # if no user sound file found try to play from theme return self._theme_player(category, label) except TypeError: return soundFilename += ext self._player(soundFilename) # Adapters and converters for QT <-> sqlite def sqlInit(self): register_adapter(QtCore.QByteArray, str) def indicatorInit(self): """ Try init the distro specific appindicator, for example the Ubuntu MessagingMenu """ def _noop_update(*args, **kwargs): pass try: self.indicatorUpdate = get_plugin('indicator')(self) except (NameError, TypeError): logger.warning("No indicator plugin found") self.indicatorUpdate = _noop_update # initialise the message notifier def notifierInit(self): def _simple_notify( title, subtitle, category, label=None, icon=None): self.tray.showMessage(title, subtitle, 1, 2000) self._notifier = _simple_notify # does nothing if isAvailable returns false self._player = QtGui.QSound.play if not get_plugins: return _plugin = get_plugin('notification.message') if _plugin: self._notifier = _plugin else: logger.warning("No notification.message plugin found") self._theme_player = get_plugin('notification.sound', 'theme') if not QtGui.QSound.isAvailable(): _plugin = get_plugin( 'notification.sound', 'file', fallback='file.fallback') if _plugin: self._player = _plugin else: logger.warning("No notification.sound plugin found") def notifierShow( self, title, subtitle, category, label=None, icon=None): self.playSound(category, label) self._notifier( unicode(title), unicode(subtitle), category, label, icon) # tree def treeWidgetKeyPressEvent(self, event): return self.handleKeyPress(event, self.getCurrentTreeWidget()) # addressbook def addressbookKeyPressEvent(self, event): """Handle keypress event in addressbook widget""" if event.key() == QtCore.Qt.Key_Delete: self.on_action_AddressBookDelete() else: return QtGui.QTableWidget.keyPressEvent( self.tableWidgetAddressBook, event) # inbox / sent def tableWidgetKeyPressEvent(self, event): return self.handleKeyPress(event, self.getCurrentMessagelist()) # messageview def textEditKeyPressEvent(self, event): return self.handleKeyPress(event, self.getCurrentMessageTextedit()) def handleKeyPress(self, event, focus=None): """This method handles keypress events for all widgets on MyForm""" messagelist = self.getCurrentMessagelist() if event.key() == QtCore.Qt.Key_Delete: if isinstance(focus, (MessageView, QtGui.QTableWidget)): folder = self.getCurrentFolder() if folder == "sent": self.on_action_SentTrash() else: self.on_action_InboxTrash() event.ignore() elif QtGui.QApplication.queryKeyboardModifiers() == QtCore.Qt.NoModifier: if event.key() == QtCore.Qt.Key_N: currentRow = messagelist.currentRow() if currentRow < messagelist.rowCount() - 1: messagelist.selectRow(currentRow + 1) event.ignore() elif event.key() == QtCore.Qt.Key_P: currentRow = messagelist.currentRow() if currentRow > 0: messagelist.selectRow(currentRow - 1) event.ignore() elif event.key() == QtCore.Qt.Key_R: if messagelist == self.tableWidgetInboxChans: self.on_action_InboxReplyChan() else: self.on_action_InboxReply() event.ignore() elif event.key() == QtCore.Qt.Key_C: currentAddress = self.getCurrentAccount() if currentAddress: self.setSendFromComboBox(currentAddress) self.tabWidgetSend.setCurrentIndex( self.tabWidgetSend.indexOf(self.sendDirect) ) self.tabWidget.setCurrentIndex( self.tabWidget.indexOf(self.send) ) self.lineEditTo.setFocus() event.ignore() elif event.key() == QtCore.Qt.Key_F: try: self.getCurrentSearchLine(retObj=True).setFocus() except AttributeError: pass event.ignore() if not event.isAccepted(): return if isinstance(focus, MessageView): return MessageView.keyPressEvent(focus, event) if isinstance(focus, QtGui.QTableWidget): return QtGui.QTableWidget.keyPressEvent(focus, event) if isinstance(focus, QtGui.QTreeWidget): return QtGui.QTreeWidget.keyPressEvent(focus, event) # menu button 'manage keys' def click_actionManageKeys(self): if 'darwin' in sys.platform or 'linux' in sys.platform: if state.appdata == '': # reply = QtGui.QMessageBox.information(self, 'keys.dat?','You # may manage your keys by editing the keys.dat file stored in # the same directory as this program. It is important that you # back up this file.', QMessageBox.Ok) reply = QtGui.QMessageBox.information(self, 'keys.dat?', _translate( "MainWindow", "You may manage your keys by editing the keys.dat file stored in the same directory as this program. It is important that you back up this file."), QtGui.QMessageBox.Ok) else: QtGui.QMessageBox.information(self, 'keys.dat?', _translate( "MainWindow", "You may manage your keys by editing the keys.dat file stored in\n %1 \nIt is important that you back up this file.").arg(state.appdata), QtGui.QMessageBox.Ok) elif sys.platform == 'win32' or sys.platform == 'win64': if state.appdata == '': reply = QtGui.QMessageBox.question(self, _translate("MainWindow", "Open keys.dat?"), _translate( "MainWindow", "You may manage your keys by editing the keys.dat file stored in the same directory as this program. It is important that you back up this file. Would you like to open the file now? (Be sure to close Bitmessage before making any changes.)"), QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes, QtGui.QMessageBox.No) else: reply = QtGui.QMessageBox.question(self, _translate("MainWindow", "Open keys.dat?"), _translate( "MainWindow", "You may manage your keys by editing the keys.dat file stored in\n %1 \nIt is important that you back up this file. Would you like to open the file now? (Be sure to close Bitmessage before making any changes.)").arg(state.appdata), QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes, QtGui.QMessageBox.No) if reply == QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes: openKeysFile() # menu button 'delete all treshed messages' def click_actionDeleteAllTrashedMessages(self): if QtGui.QMessageBox.question(self, _translate("MainWindow", "Delete trash?"), _translate("MainWindow", "Are you sure you want to delete all trashed messages?"), QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes, QtGui.QMessageBox.No) == QtGui.QMessageBox.No: return sqlStoredProcedure('deleteandvacuume') self.rerenderTabTreeMessages() self.rerenderTabTreeSubscriptions() self.rerenderTabTreeChans() if self.getCurrentFolder(self.treeWidgetYourIdentities) == "trash": self.loadMessagelist(self.tableWidgetInbox, self.getCurrentAccount(self.treeWidgetYourIdentities), "trash") elif self.getCurrentFolder(self.treeWidgetSubscriptions) == "trash": self.loadMessagelist(self.tableWidgetInboxSubscriptions, self.getCurrentAccount(self.treeWidgetSubscriptions), "trash") elif self.getCurrentFolder(self.treeWidgetChans) == "trash": self.loadMessagelist(self.tableWidgetInboxChans, self.getCurrentAccount(self.treeWidgetChans), "trash") # menu button 'regenerate deterministic addresses' def click_actionRegenerateDeterministicAddresses(self): dialog = dialogs.RegenerateAddressesDialog(self) if dialog.exec_(): if dialog.lineEditPassphrase.text() == "": QtGui.QMessageBox.about( self, _translate("MainWindow", "bad passphrase"), _translate( "MainWindow", "You must type your passphrase. If you don\'t" " have one then this is not the form for you." )) return streamNumberForAddress = int(dialog.lineEditStreamNumber.text()) try: addressVersionNumber = int( dialog.lineEditAddressVersionNumber.text()) except: QtGui.QMessageBox.about( self, _translate("MainWindow", "Bad address version number"), _translate( "MainWindow", "Your address version number must be a number:" " either 3 or 4." )) return if addressVersionNumber < 3 or addressVersionNumber > 4: QtGui.QMessageBox.about( self, _translate("MainWindow", "Bad address version number"), _translate( "MainWindow", "Your address version number must be either 3 or 4." )) return queues.addressGeneratorQueue.put(( 'createDeterministicAddresses', addressVersionNumber, streamNumberForAddress, "regenerated deterministic address", dialog.spinBoxNumberOfAddressesToMake.value(), dialog.lineEditPassphrase.text().toUtf8(), dialog.checkBoxEighteenByteRipe.isChecked() )) self.tabWidget.setCurrentIndex( self.tabWidget.indexOf(self.chans) ) # opens 'join chan' dialog def click_actionJoinChan(self): dialogs.NewChanDialog(self) def showConnectDialog(self): dialog = dialogs.ConnectDialog(self) if dialog.exec_(): if dialog.radioButtonConnectNow.isChecked(): self.updateNetworkSwitchMenuLabel(False) BMConfigParser().remove_option( 'bitmessagesettings', 'dontconnect') BMConfigParser().save() elif dialog.radioButtonConfigureNetwork.isChecked(): self.click_actionSettings() else: self._firstrun = False def showMigrationWizard(self, level): self.migrationWizardInstance = Ui_MigrationWizard(["a"]) if self.migrationWizardInstance.exec_(): pass else: pass def changeEvent(self, event): if event.type() == QtCore.QEvent.LanguageChange: # FIXME: it's called very often self.retranslateUi() self.init_identities_popup_menu(False) self.blackwhitelist.init_blacklist_popup_menu() if event.type() == QtCore.QEvent.WindowStateChange: if self.windowState() & QtCore.Qt.WindowMinimized: if BMConfigParser().getboolean('bitmessagesettings', 'minimizetotray') and not 'darwin' in sys.platform: QtCore.QTimer.singleShot(0, self.appIndicatorHide) elif event.oldState() & QtCore.Qt.WindowMinimized: # The window state has just been changed to # Normal/Maximised/FullScreen pass def __icon_activated(self, reason): if reason == QtGui.QSystemTrayIcon.Trigger: self.actionShow.setChecked(not self.actionShow.isChecked()) self.appIndicatorShowOrHideWindow() # Indicates whether or not there is a connection to the Bitmessage network connected = False def setStatusIcon(self, color): # print 'setting status icon color' _notifications_enabled = not BMConfigParser().getboolean( 'bitmessagesettings', 'hidetrayconnectionnotifications') if color == 'red': self.pushButtonStatusIcon.setIcon( QtGui.QIcon(":/newPrefix/images/redicon.png")) state.statusIconColor = 'red' # if the connection is lost then show a notification if self.connected and _notifications_enabled: self.notifierShow( 'Bitmessage', _translate("MainWindow", "Connection lost"), sound.SOUND_DISCONNECTED) if not BMConfigParser().safeGetBoolean('bitmessagesettings', 'upnp') and \ BMConfigParser().get('bitmessagesettings', 'socksproxytype') == "none": self.updateStatusBar( _translate( "MainWindow", "Problems connecting? Try enabling UPnP in the Network" " Settings" )) self.connected = False if self.actionStatus is not None: self.actionStatus.setText(_translate( "MainWindow", "Not Connected")) self.setTrayIconFile("can-icon-24px-red.png") if color == 'yellow': if self.statusbar.currentMessage() == 'Warning: You are currently not connected. Bitmessage will do the work necessary to send the message but it won\'t send until you connect.': self.statusbar.clearMessage() self.pushButtonStatusIcon.setIcon( QtGui.QIcon(":/newPrefix/images/yellowicon.png")) state.statusIconColor = 'yellow' # if a new connection has been established then show a notification if not self.connected and _notifications_enabled: self.notifierShow( 'Bitmessage', _translate("MainWindow", "Connected"), sound.SOUND_CONNECTED) self.connected = True if self.actionStatus is not None: self.actionStatus.setText(_translate( "MainWindow", "Connected")) self.setTrayIconFile("can-icon-24px-yellow.png") if color == 'green': if self.statusbar.currentMessage() == 'Warning: You are currently not connected. Bitmessage will do the work necessary to send the message but it won\'t send until you connect.': self.statusbar.clearMessage() self.pushButtonStatusIcon.setIcon( QtGui.QIcon(":/newPrefix/images/greenicon.png")) state.statusIconColor = 'green' if not self.connected and _notifications_enabled: self.notifierShow( 'Bitmessage', _translate("MainWindow", "Connected"), sound.SOUND_CONNECTION_GREEN) self.connected = True if self.actionStatus is not None: self.actionStatus.setText(_translate( "MainWindow", "Connected")) self.setTrayIconFile("can-icon-24px-green.png") def initTrayIcon(self, iconFileName, app): self.currentTrayIconFileName = iconFileName self.tray = QtGui.QSystemTrayIcon( self.calcTrayIcon(iconFileName, self.findInboxUnreadCount()), app) def setTrayIconFile(self, iconFileName): self.currentTrayIconFileName = iconFileName self.drawTrayIcon(iconFileName, self.findInboxUnreadCount()) def calcTrayIcon(self, iconFileName, inboxUnreadCount): pixmap = QtGui.QPixmap(":/newPrefix/images/" + iconFileName) if inboxUnreadCount > 0: # choose font and calculate font parameters fontName = "Lucida" fontSize = 10 font = QtGui.QFont(fontName, fontSize, QtGui.QFont.Bold) fontMetrics = QtGui.QFontMetrics(font) # text txt = str(inboxUnreadCount) rect = fontMetrics.boundingRect(txt) # margins that we add in the top-right corner marginX = 2 # it looks like -2 is also ok due to the error of metric marginY = 0 # if it renders too wide we need to change it to a plus symbol if rect.width() > 20: txt = "+" fontSize = 15 font = QtGui.QFont(fontName, fontSize, QtGui.QFont.Bold) fontMetrics = QtGui.QFontMetrics(font) rect = fontMetrics.boundingRect(txt) # draw text painter = QtGui.QPainter() painter.begin(pixmap) painter.setPen( QtGui.QPen(QtGui.QColor(255, 0, 0), QtCore.Qt.SolidPattern)) painter.setFont(font) painter.drawText(24-rect.right()-marginX, -rect.top()+marginY, txt) painter.end() return QtGui.QIcon(pixmap) def drawTrayIcon(self, iconFileName, inboxUnreadCount): self.tray.setIcon(self.calcTrayIcon(iconFileName, inboxUnreadCount)) def changedInboxUnread(self, row=None): self.drawTrayIcon( self.currentTrayIconFileName, self.findInboxUnreadCount()) self.rerenderTabTreeMessages() self.rerenderTabTreeSubscriptions() self.rerenderTabTreeChans() def findInboxUnreadCount(self, count=None): if count is None: queryreturn = sqlQuery('''SELECT count(*) from inbox WHERE folder='inbox' and read=0''') cnt = 0 for row in queryreturn: cnt, = row self.unreadCount = int(cnt) else: self.unreadCount = count return self.unreadCount def updateSentItemStatusByToAddress(self, toAddress, textToDisplay): for sent in ( self.tableWidgetInbox, self.tableWidgetInboxSubscriptions, self.tableWidgetInboxChans ): treeWidget = self.widgetConvert(sent) if self.getCurrentFolder(treeWidget) != "sent": continue if treeWidget in ( self.treeWidgetSubscriptions, self.treeWidgetChans ) and self.getCurrentAccount(treeWidget) != toAddress: continue for i in range(sent.rowCount()): rowAddress = sent.item(i, 0).data(QtCore.Qt.UserRole) if toAddress == rowAddress: sent.item(i, 3).setToolTip(textToDisplay) try: newlinePosition = textToDisplay.indexOf('\n') except: # If someone misses adding a "_translate" to a string before passing it to this function, this function won't receive a qstring which will cause an exception. newlinePosition = 0 if newlinePosition > 1: sent.item(i, 3).setText( textToDisplay[:newlinePosition]) else: sent.item(i, 3).setText(textToDisplay) def updateSentItemStatusByAckdata(self, ackdata, textToDisplay): if type(ackdata) is str: ackdata = QtCore.QByteArray(ackdata) for sent in ( self.tableWidgetInbox, self.tableWidgetInboxSubscriptions, self.tableWidgetInboxChans ): treeWidget = self.widgetConvert(sent) if self.getCurrentFolder(treeWidget) != "sent": continue for i in range(sent.rowCount()): toAddress = sent.item(i, 0).data(QtCore.Qt.UserRole) tableAckdata = sent.item(i, 3).data() status, addressVersionNumber, streamNumber, ripe = decodeAddress( toAddress) if ackdata == tableAckdata: sent.item(i, 3).setToolTip(textToDisplay) try: newlinePosition = textToDisplay.indexOf('\n') except: # If someone misses adding a "_translate" to a string before passing it to this function, this function won't receive a qstring which will cause an exception. newlinePosition = 0 if newlinePosition > 1: sent.item(i, 3).setText( textToDisplay[:newlinePosition]) else: sent.item(i, 3).setText(textToDisplay) def removeInboxRowByMsgid(self, msgid): # msgid and inventoryHash are the same thing for inbox in ( self.tableWidgetInbox, self.tableWidgetInboxSubscriptions, self.tableWidgetInboxChans ): i = None for i in range(inbox.rowCount()): if msgid == inbox.item(i, 3).data(): break else: continue self.updateStatusBar(_translate("MainWindow", "Message trashed")) treeWidget = self.widgetConvert(inbox) self.propagateUnreadCount( # wrong assumption about current folder here: self.getCurrentFolder(treeWidget), treeWidget ) if i: inbox.removeRow(i) def newVersionAvailable(self, version): self.notifiedNewVersion = ".".join(str(n) for n in version) self.updateStatusBar(_translate( "MainWindow", "New version of PyBitmessage is available: %1. Download it" " from https://github.com/Bitmessage/PyBitmessage/releases/latest" ).arg(self.notifiedNewVersion) ) def displayAlert(self, title, text, exitAfterUserClicksOk): self.updateStatusBar(text) QtGui.QMessageBox.critical(self, title, text, QtGui.QMessageBox.Ok) if exitAfterUserClicksOk: os._exit(0) def rerenderMessagelistFromLabels(self): for messagelist in (self.tableWidgetInbox, self.tableWidgetInboxChans, self.tableWidgetInboxSubscriptions): for i in range(messagelist.rowCount()): messagelist.item(i, 1).setLabel() def rerenderMessagelistToLabels(self): for messagelist in (self.tableWidgetInbox, self.tableWidgetInboxChans, self.tableWidgetInboxSubscriptions): for i in range(messagelist.rowCount()): messagelist.item(i, 0).setLabel() def rerenderAddressBook(self): def addRow (address, label, type): self.tableWidgetAddressBook.insertRow(0) newItem = Ui_AddressBookWidgetItemLabel(address, unicode(label, 'utf-8'), type) self.tableWidgetAddressBook.setItem(0, 0, newItem) newItem = Ui_AddressBookWidgetItemAddress(address, unicode(label, 'utf-8'), type) self.tableWidgetAddressBook.setItem(0, 1, newItem) oldRows = {} for i in range(self.tableWidgetAddressBook.rowCount()): item = self.tableWidgetAddressBook.item(i, 0) oldRows[item.address] = [item.label, item.type, i] if self.tableWidgetAddressBook.rowCount() == 0: self.tableWidgetAddressBook.horizontalHeader().setSortIndicator(0, QtCore.Qt.AscendingOrder) if self.tableWidgetAddressBook.isSortingEnabled(): self.tableWidgetAddressBook.setSortingEnabled(False) newRows = {} # subscriptions queryreturn = sqlQuery('SELECT label, address FROM subscriptions WHERE enabled = 1') for row in queryreturn: label, address = row newRows[address] = [label, AccountMixin.SUBSCRIPTION] # chans addresses = getSortedAccounts() for address in addresses: account = accountClass(address) if (account.type == AccountMixin.CHAN and BMConfigParser().safeGetBoolean(address, 'enabled')): newRows[address] = [account.getLabel(), AccountMixin.CHAN] # normal accounts queryreturn = sqlQuery('SELECT * FROM addressbook') for row in queryreturn: label, address = row newRows[address] = [label, AccountMixin.NORMAL] completerList = [] for address in sorted( oldRows, key=lambda x: oldRows[x][2], reverse=True ): try: completerList.append( newRows.pop(address)[0] + " <" + address + ">") except KeyError: self.tableWidgetAddressBook.removeRow(oldRows[address][2]) for address in newRows: addRow(address, newRows[address][0], newRows[address][1]) completerList.append(unicode(newRows[address][0], encoding="UTF-8") + " <" + address + ">") # sort self.tableWidgetAddressBook.sortByColumn( 0, QtCore.Qt.AscendingOrder) self.tableWidgetAddressBook.setSortingEnabled(True) self.lineEditTo.completer().model().setStringList(completerList) def rerenderSubscriptions(self): self.rerenderTabTreeSubscriptions() def click_pushButtonTTL(self): QtGui.QMessageBox.information(self, 'Time To Live', _translate( "MainWindow", """The TTL, or Time-To-Live is the length of time that the network will hold the message. The recipient must get it during this time. If your Bitmessage client does not hear an acknowledgement, it will resend the message automatically. The longer the Time-To-Live, the more work your computer must do to send the message. A Time-To-Live of four or five days is often appropriate."""), QtGui.QMessageBox.Ok) def click_pushButtonClear(self): self.lineEditSubject.setText("") self.lineEditTo.setText("") self.textEditMessage.setText("") self.comboBoxSendFrom.setCurrentIndex(0) def click_pushButtonSend(self): encoding = 3 if QtGui.QApplication.queryKeyboardModifiers() & QtCore.Qt.ShiftModifier else 2 self.statusbar.clearMessage() if self.tabWidgetSend.currentIndex() == \ self.tabWidgetSend.indexOf(self.sendDirect): # message to specific people sendMessageToPeople = True fromAddress = str(self.comboBoxSendFrom.itemData( self.comboBoxSendFrom.currentIndex(), QtCore.Qt.UserRole).toString()) toAddresses = str(self.lineEditTo.text().toUtf8()) subject = str(self.lineEditSubject.text().toUtf8()) message = str( self.textEditMessage.document().toPlainText().toUtf8()) else: # broadcast message sendMessageToPeople = False fromAddress = str(self.comboBoxSendFromBroadcast.itemData( self.comboBoxSendFromBroadcast.currentIndex(), QtCore.Qt.UserRole).toString()) subject = str(self.lineEditSubjectBroadcast.text().toUtf8()) message = str( self.textEditMessageBroadcast.document().toPlainText().toUtf8()) """ The whole network message must fit in 2^18 bytes. Let's assume 500 bytes of overhead. If someone wants to get that too an exact number you are welcome to but I think that it would be a better use of time to support message continuation so that users can send messages of any length. """ if len(message) > (2 ** 18 - 500): QtGui.QMessageBox.about( self, _translate("MainWindow", "Message too long"), _translate( "MainWindow", "The message that you are trying to send is too long" " by %1 bytes. (The maximum is 261644 bytes). Please" " cut it down before sending." ).arg(len(message) - (2 ** 18 - 500))) return acct = accountClass(fromAddress) # To send a message to specific people (rather than broadcast) if sendMessageToPeople: toAddressesList = set([ s.strip() for s in toAddresses.replace(',', ';').split(';') ]) # remove duplicate addresses. If the user has one address # with a BM- and the same address without the BM-, this will # not catch it. They'll send the message to the person twice. for toAddress in toAddressesList: if toAddress != '': # label plus address if "<" in toAddress and ">" in toAddress: toAddress = toAddress.split('<')[1].split('>')[0] # email address if toAddress.find("@") >= 0: if isinstance(acct, GatewayAccount): acct.createMessage(toAddress, fromAddress, subject, message) subject = acct.subject toAddress = acct.toAddress else: if QtGui.QMessageBox.question(self, "Sending an email?", _translate("MainWindow", "You are trying to send an email instead of a bitmessage. This requires registering with a gateway. Attempt to register?"), QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes|QtGui.QMessageBox.No) != QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes: continue email = acct.getLabel() if email[-14:] != "@mailchuck.com": #attempt register # 12 character random email address email = ''.join(random.SystemRandom().choice(string.ascii_lowercase) for _ in range(12)) + "@mailchuck.com" acct = MailchuckAccount(fromAddress) acct.register(email) BMConfigParser().set(fromAddress, 'label', email) BMConfigParser().set(fromAddress, 'gateway', 'mailchuck') BMConfigParser().save() self.updateStatusBar(_translate( "MainWindow", "Error: Your account wasn't registered at" " an email gateway. Sending registration" " now as %1, please wait for the registration" " to be processed before retrying sending." ).arg(email) ) return status, addressVersionNumber, streamNumber = decodeAddress(toAddress)[:3] if status != 'success': try: toAddress = unicode(toAddress, 'utf-8', 'ignore') except: pass logger.error('Error: Could not decode recipient address ' + toAddress + ':' + status) if status == 'missingbm': self.updateStatusBar(_translate( "MainWindow", "Error: Bitmessage addresses start with" " BM- Please check the recipient address %1" ).arg(toAddress)) elif status == 'checksumfailed': self.updateStatusBar(_translate( "MainWindow", "Error: The recipient address %1 is not" " typed or copied correctly. Please check it." ).arg(toAddress)) elif status == 'invalidcharacters': self.updateStatusBar(_translate( "MainWindow", "Error: The recipient address %1 contains" " invalid characters. Please check it." ).arg(toAddress)) elif status == 'versiontoohigh': self.updateStatusBar(_translate( "MainWindow", "Error: The version of the recipient address" " %1 is too high. Either you need to upgrade" " your Bitmessage software or your" " acquaintance is being clever." ).arg(toAddress)) elif status == 'ripetooshort': self.updateStatusBar(_translate( "MainWindow", "Error: Some data encoded in the recipient" " address %1 is too short. There might be" " something wrong with the software of" " your acquaintance." ).arg(toAddress)) elif status == 'ripetoolong': self.updateStatusBar(_translate( "MainWindow", "Error: Some data encoded in the recipient" " address %1 is too long. There might be" " something wrong with the software of" " your acquaintance." ).arg(toAddress)) elif status == 'varintmalformed': self.updateStatusBar(_translate( "MainWindow", "Error: Some data encoded in the recipient" " address %1 is malformed. There might be" " something wrong with the software of" " your acquaintance." ).arg(toAddress)) else: self.updateStatusBar(_translate( "MainWindow", "Error: Something is wrong with the" " recipient address %1." ).arg(toAddress)) elif fromAddress == '': self.updateStatusBar(_translate( "MainWindow", "Error: You must specify a From address. If you" " don\'t have one, go to the" " \'Your Identities\' tab.") ) else: toAddress = addBMIfNotPresent(toAddress) if addressVersionNumber > 4 or addressVersionNumber <= 1: QtGui.QMessageBox.about(self, _translate("MainWindow", "Address version number"), _translate( "MainWindow", "Concerning the address %1, Bitmessage cannot understand address version numbers of %2. Perhaps upgrade Bitmessage to the latest version.").arg(toAddress).arg(str(addressVersionNumber))) continue if streamNumber > 1 or streamNumber == 0: QtGui.QMessageBox.about(self, _translate("MainWindow", "Stream number"), _translate( "MainWindow", "Concerning the address %1, Bitmessage cannot handle stream numbers of %2. Perhaps upgrade Bitmessage to the latest version.").arg(toAddress).arg(str(streamNumber))) continue self.statusbar.clearMessage() if state.statusIconColor == 'red': self.updateStatusBar(_translate( "MainWindow", "Warning: You are currently not connected." " Bitmessage will do the work necessary to" " send the message but it won\'t send until" " you connect.") ) ackdata = helper_sent.insert( toAddress=toAddress, fromAddress=fromAddress, subject=subject, message=message, encoding=encoding) toLabel = '' queryreturn = sqlQuery('''select label from addressbook where address=?''', toAddress) if queryreturn != []: for row in queryreturn: toLabel, = row self.displayNewSentMessage( toAddress, toLabel, fromAddress, subject, message, ackdata) queues.workerQueue.put(('sendmessage', toAddress)) self.click_pushButtonClear() if self.replyFromTab is not None: self.tabWidget.setCurrentIndex(self.replyFromTab) self.replyFromTab = None self.updateStatusBar(_translate( "MainWindow", "Message queued.")) # self.tableWidgetInbox.setCurrentCell(0, 0) else: self.updateStatusBar(_translate( "MainWindow", "Your \'To\' field is empty.")) else: # User selected 'Broadcast' if fromAddress == '': self.updateStatusBar(_translate( "MainWindow", "Error: You must specify a From address. If you don\'t" " have one, go to the \'Your Identities\' tab." )) else: self.statusbar.clearMessage() # We don't actually need the ackdata for acknowledgement since # this is a broadcast message, but we can use it to update the # user interface when the POW is done generating. toAddress = str_broadcast_subscribers # msgid. We don't know what this will be until the POW is done. ackdata = helper_sent.insert( fromAddress=fromAddress, subject=subject, message=message, status='broadcastqueued', encoding=encoding) toLabel = str_broadcast_subscribers self.displayNewSentMessage( toAddress, toLabel, fromAddress, subject, message, ackdata) queues.workerQueue.put(('sendbroadcast', '')) self.comboBoxSendFromBroadcast.setCurrentIndex(0) self.lineEditSubjectBroadcast.setText('') self.textEditMessageBroadcast.reset() self.tabWidget.setCurrentIndex( self.tabWidget.indexOf(self.send) ) self.tableWidgetInboxSubscriptions.setCurrentCell(0, 0) self.updateStatusBar(_translate( "MainWindow", "Broadcast queued.")) def click_pushButtonLoadFromAddressBook(self): self.tabWidget.setCurrentIndex(5) for i in range(4): time.sleep(0.1) self.statusbar.clearMessage() time.sleep(0.1) self.updateStatusBar(_translate( "MainWindow", "Right click one or more entries in your address book and" " select \'Send message to this address\'." )) def click_pushButtonFetchNamecoinID(self): identities = str(self.lineEditTo.text().toUtf8()).split(";") err, addr = self.namecoin.query(identities[-1].strip()) if err is not None: self.updateStatusBar( _translate("MainWindow", "Error: %1").arg(err)) else: identities[-1] = addr self.lineEditTo.setText("; ".join(identities)) self.updateStatusBar(_translate( "MainWindow", "Fetched address from namecoin identity.")) def setBroadcastEnablementDependingOnWhetherThisIsAMailingListAddress(self, address): # If this is a chan then don't let people broadcast because no one # should subscribe to chan addresses. self.tabWidgetSend.setCurrentIndex( self.tabWidgetSend.indexOf( self.sendBroadcast if BMConfigParser().safeGetBoolean(str(address), 'mailinglist') else self.sendDirect )) def rerenderComboBoxSendFrom(self): self.comboBoxSendFrom.clear() for addressInKeysFile in getSortedAccounts(): isEnabled = BMConfigParser().getboolean( addressInKeysFile, 'enabled') # I realize that this is poor programming practice but I don't care. It's easier for others to read. isMaillinglist = BMConfigParser().safeGetBoolean(addressInKeysFile, 'mailinglist') if isEnabled and not isMaillinglist: label = unicode(BMConfigParser().get(addressInKeysFile, 'label'), 'utf-8', 'ignore').strip() if label == "": label = addressInKeysFile self.comboBoxSendFrom.addItem(avatarize(addressInKeysFile), label, addressInKeysFile) # self.comboBoxSendFrom.model().sort(1, Qt.AscendingOrder) for i in range(self.comboBoxSendFrom.count()): address = str(self.comboBoxSendFrom.itemData( i, QtCore.Qt.UserRole).toString()) self.comboBoxSendFrom.setItemData( i, AccountColor(address).accountColor(), QtCore.Qt.ForegroundRole) self.comboBoxSendFrom.insertItem(0, '', '') if(self.comboBoxSendFrom.count() == 2): self.comboBoxSendFrom.setCurrentIndex(1) else: self.comboBoxSendFrom.setCurrentIndex(0) def rerenderComboBoxSendFromBroadcast(self): self.comboBoxSendFromBroadcast.clear() for addressInKeysFile in getSortedAccounts(): isEnabled = BMConfigParser().getboolean( addressInKeysFile, 'enabled') # I realize that this is poor programming practice but I don't care. It's easier for others to read. isChan = BMConfigParser().safeGetBoolean(addressInKeysFile, 'chan') if isEnabled and not isChan: label = unicode(BMConfigParser().get(addressInKeysFile, 'label'), 'utf-8', 'ignore').strip() if label == "": label = addressInKeysFile self.comboBoxSendFromBroadcast.addItem(avatarize(addressInKeysFile), label, addressInKeysFile) for i in range(self.comboBoxSendFromBroadcast.count()): address = str(self.comboBoxSendFromBroadcast.itemData( i, QtCore.Qt.UserRole).toString()) self.comboBoxSendFromBroadcast.setItemData( i, AccountColor(address).accountColor(), QtCore.Qt.ForegroundRole) self.comboBoxSendFromBroadcast.insertItem(0, '', '') if(self.comboBoxSendFromBroadcast.count() == 2): self.comboBoxSendFromBroadcast.setCurrentIndex(1) else: self.comboBoxSendFromBroadcast.setCurrentIndex(0) # This function is called by the processmsg function when that function # receives a message to an address that is acting as a # pseudo-mailing-list. The message will be broadcast out. This function # puts the message on the 'Sent' tab. def displayNewSentMessage( self, toAddress, toLabel, fromAddress, subject, message, ackdata): acct = accountClass(fromAddress) acct.parseMessage(toAddress, fromAddress, subject, message) tab = -1 for sent in ( self.tableWidgetInbox, self.tableWidgetInboxSubscriptions, self.tableWidgetInboxChans ): tab += 1 if tab == 1: tab = 2 treeWidget = self.widgetConvert(sent) if self.getCurrentFolder(treeWidget) != "sent": continue if ( treeWidget == self.treeWidgetYourIdentities and self.getCurrentAccount(treeWidget) not in (fromAddress, None, False) ): continue elif treeWidget in ( self.treeWidgetSubscriptions, self.treeWidgetChans ) and self.getCurrentAccount(treeWidget) != toAddress: continue elif not helper_search.check_match( toAddress, fromAddress, subject, message, self.getCurrentSearchOption(tab), self.getCurrentSearchLine(tab) ): continue self.addMessageListItemSent( sent, toAddress, fromAddress, subject, "msgqueued", ackdata, time.time()) self.getAccountTextedit(acct).setPlainText(message) sent.setCurrentCell(0, 0) def displayNewInboxMessage( self, inventoryHash, toAddress, fromAddress, subject, message): acct = accountClass( fromAddress if toAddress == str_broadcast_subscribers else toAddress ) inbox = self.getAccountMessagelist(acct) ret = treeWidget = None tab = -1 for treeWidget in ( self.treeWidgetYourIdentities, self.treeWidgetSubscriptions, self.treeWidgetChans ): tab += 1 if tab == 1: tab = 2 if not helper_search.check_match( toAddress, fromAddress, subject, message, self.getCurrentSearchOption(tab), self.getCurrentSearchLine(tab) ): continue tableWidget = self.widgetConvert(treeWidget) current_account = self.getCurrentAccount(treeWidget) current_folder = self.getCurrentFolder(treeWidget) # pylint: disable=too-many-boolean-expressions if ((tableWidget == inbox and current_account == acct.address and current_folder in ("inbox", None)) or (treeWidget == self.treeWidgetYourIdentities and current_account is None and current_folder in ("inbox", "new", None))): ret = self.addMessageListItemInbox( tableWidget, toAddress, fromAddress, subject, inventoryHash, time.time(), False) if ret is None: acct.parseMessage(toAddress, fromAddress, subject, "") else: acct = ret self.propagateUnreadCount(widget=treeWidget if ret else None) if BMConfigParser().safeGetBoolean( 'bitmessagesettings', 'showtraynotifications'): self.notifierShow( _translate("MainWindow", "New Message"), _translate("MainWindow", "From %1").arg( unicode(acct.fromLabel, 'utf-8')), sound.SOUND_UNKNOWN ) if self.getCurrentAccount() is not None and ( (self.getCurrentFolder(treeWidget) != "inbox" and self.getCurrentFolder(treeWidget) is not None) or self.getCurrentAccount(treeWidget) != acct.address): # Ubuntu should notify of new message irrespective of # whether it's in current message list or not self.indicatorUpdate(True, to_label=acct.toLabel) try: if acct.feedback != GatewayAccount.ALL_OK: if acct.feedback == GatewayAccount.REGISTRATION_DENIED: dialogs.EmailGatewayDialog( self, BMConfigParser(), acct).exec_() # possible other branches? except AttributeError: pass def click_pushButtonAddAddressBook(self, dialog=None): if not dialog: dialog = dialogs.AddAddressDialog(self) dialog.exec_() try: address, label = dialog.data except AttributeError: return # First we must check to see if the address is already in the # address book. The user cannot add it again or else it will # cause problems when updating and deleting the entry. if shared.isAddressInMyAddressBook(address): self.updateStatusBar(_translate( "MainWindow", "Error: You cannot add the same address to your" " address book twice. Try renaming the existing one" " if you want." )) return if helper_addressbook.insert(label=label, address=address): self.rerenderMessagelistFromLabels() self.rerenderMessagelistToLabels() self.rerenderAddressBook() else: self.updateStatusBar(_translate( "MainWindow", "Error: You cannot add your own address in the address book." )) def addSubscription(self, address, label): # This should be handled outside of this function, for error displaying # and such, but it must also be checked here. if shared.isAddressInMySubscriptionsList(address): return # Add to database (perhaps this should be separated from the MyForm class) sqlExecute( '''INSERT INTO subscriptions VALUES (?,?,?)''', label, address, True ) self.rerenderMessagelistFromLabels() shared.reloadBroadcastSendersForWhichImWatching() self.rerenderAddressBook() self.rerenderTabTreeSubscriptions() def click_pushButtonAddSubscription(self): dialog = dialogs.NewSubscriptionDialog(self) dialog.exec_() try: address, label = dialog.data except AttributeError: return # We must check to see if the address is already in the # subscriptions list. The user cannot add it again or else it # will cause problems when updating and deleting the entry. if shared.isAddressInMySubscriptionsList(address): self.updateStatusBar(_translate( "MainWindow", "Error: You cannot add the same address to your" " subscriptions twice. Perhaps rename the existing one" " if you want." )) return self.addSubscription(address, label) # Now, if the user wants to display old broadcasts, let's get # them out of the inventory and put them # to the objectProcessorQueue to be processed if dialog.checkBoxDisplayMessagesAlreadyInInventory.isChecked(): for value in dialog.recent: queues.objectProcessorQueue.put(( value.type, value.payload )) def click_pushButtonStatusIcon(self): dialogs.IconGlossaryDialog(self, config=BMConfigParser()).exec_() def click_actionHelp(self): dialogs.HelpDialog(self).exec_() def click_actionSupport(self): support.createSupportMessage(self) def click_actionAbout(self): dialogs.AboutDialog(self).exec_() def click_actionSettings(self): dialogs.SettingsDialog(self, firstrun=self._firstrun).exec_() def on_action_Send(self): """Send message to current selected address""" self.click_pushButtonClear() account_item = self.getCurrentItem() if not account_item: return self.lineEditTo.setText(account_item.accountString()) self.tabWidget.setCurrentIndex( self.tabWidget.indexOf(self.send) ) def on_action_SpecialAddressBehaviorDialog(self): """Show SpecialAddressBehaviorDialog""" dialogs.SpecialAddressBehaviorDialog(self, BMConfigParser()) def on_action_EmailGatewayDialog(self): dialog = dialogs.EmailGatewayDialog(self, config=BMConfigParser()) # For Modal dialogs dialog.exec_() try: acct = dialog.data except AttributeError: return # Only settings remain here acct.settings() for i in range(self.comboBoxSendFrom.count()): if str(self.comboBoxSendFrom.itemData(i).toPyObject()) \ == acct.fromAddress: self.comboBoxSendFrom.setCurrentIndex(i) break else: self.comboBoxSendFrom.setCurrentIndex(0) self.lineEditTo.setText(acct.toAddress) self.lineEditSubject.setText(acct.subject) self.textEditMessage.setText(acct.message) self.tabWidgetSend.setCurrentIndex( self.tabWidgetSend.indexOf(self.sendDirect) ) self.tabWidget.setCurrentIndex( self.tabWidget.indexOf(self.send) ) self.textEditMessage.setFocus() def on_action_MarkAllRead(self): if QtGui.QMessageBox.question( self, "Marking all messages as read?", _translate( "MainWindow", "Are you sure you would like to mark all messages read?" ), QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes | QtGui.QMessageBox.No ) != QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes: return tableWidget = self.getCurrentMessagelist() idCount = tableWidget.rowCount() if idCount == 0: return msgids = [] for i in range(0, idCount): msgids.append(tableWidget.item(i, 3).data()) for col in xrange(tableWidget.columnCount()): tableWidget.item(i, col).setUnread(False) markread = sqlExecuteChunked( "UPDATE inbox SET read = 1 WHERE msgid IN({0}) AND read=0", idCount, *msgids ) if markread > 0: self.propagateUnreadCount() def click_NewAddressDialog(self): dialogs.NewAddressDialog(self) def network_switch(self): dontconnect_option = not BMConfigParser().safeGetBoolean( 'bitmessagesettings', 'dontconnect') reply = QtGui.QMessageBox.question( self, _translate("MainWindow", "Disconnecting") if dontconnect_option else _translate("MainWindow", "Connecting"), _translate( "MainWindow", "Bitmessage will now drop all connections. Are you sure?" ) if dontconnect_option else _translate( "MainWindow", "Bitmessage will now start connecting to network. Are you sure?" ), QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes | QtGui.QMessageBox.Cancel, QtGui.QMessageBox.Cancel) if reply != QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes: return BMConfigParser().set( 'bitmessagesettings', 'dontconnect', str(dontconnect_option)) BMConfigParser().save() self.updateNetworkSwitchMenuLabel(dontconnect_option) self.pushButtonFetchNamecoinID.setHidden( dontconnect_option or self.namecoin.test()[0] == 'failed' ) # Quit selected from menu or application indicator def quit(self): """Quit the bitmessageqt application""" if self.quitAccepted and not self.wait: return self.show() self.raise_() self.activateWindow() waitForPow = True waitForConnection = False waitForSync = False # C PoW currently doesn't support interrupting and OpenCL is untested if getPowType() == "python" and (powQueueSize() > 0 or pendingUpload() > 0): reply = QtGui.QMessageBox.question( self, _translate("MainWindow", "Proof of work pending"), _translate( "MainWindow", "%n object(s) pending proof of work", None, QtCore.QCoreApplication.CodecForTr, powQueueSize() ) + ", " + _translate( "MainWindow", "%n object(s) waiting to be distributed", None, QtCore.QCoreApplication.CodecForTr, pendingUpload() ) + "\n\n" + _translate( "MainWindow", "Wait until these tasks finish?"), QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes | QtGui.QMessageBox.No | QtGui.QMessageBox.Cancel, QtGui.QMessageBox.Cancel) if reply == QtGui.QMessageBox.No: waitForPow = False elif reply == QtGui.QMessageBox.Cancel: return if pendingDownload() > 0: reply = QtGui.QMessageBox.question( self, _translate("MainWindow", "Synchronisation pending"), _translate( "MainWindow", "Bitmessage hasn't synchronised with the network," " %n object(s) to be downloaded. If you quit now," " it may cause delivery delays. Wait until the" " synchronisation finishes?", None, QtCore.QCoreApplication.CodecForTr, pendingDownload() ), QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes | QtGui.QMessageBox.No | QtGui.QMessageBox.Cancel, QtGui.QMessageBox.Cancel) if reply == QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes: self.wait = waitForSync = True elif reply == QtGui.QMessageBox.Cancel: return if state.statusIconColor == 'red' and not BMConfigParser().safeGetBoolean( 'bitmessagesettings', 'dontconnect'): reply = QtGui.QMessageBox.question( self, _translate("MainWindow", "Not connected"), _translate( "MainWindow", "Bitmessage isn't connected to the network. If you" " quit now, it may cause delivery delays. Wait until" " connected and the synchronisation finishes?" ), QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes | QtGui.QMessageBox.No | QtGui.QMessageBox.Cancel, QtGui.QMessageBox.Cancel) if reply == QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes: waitForConnection = True self.wait = waitForSync = True elif reply == QtGui.QMessageBox.Cancel: return self.quitAccepted = True self.updateStatusBar(_translate( "MainWindow", "Shutting down PyBitmessage... %1%").arg(0)) if waitForConnection: self.updateStatusBar(_translate( "MainWindow", "Waiting for network connection...")) while state.statusIconColor == 'red': time.sleep(0.5) QtCore.QCoreApplication.processEvents( QtCore.QEventLoop.AllEvents, 1000 ) # this probably will not work correctly, because there is a delay # between the status icon turning red and inventory exchange, # but it's better than nothing. if waitForSync: self.updateStatusBar(_translate( "MainWindow", "Waiting for finishing synchronisation...")) while pendingDownload() > 0: time.sleep(0.5) QtCore.QCoreApplication.processEvents( QtCore.QEventLoop.AllEvents, 1000 ) if waitForPow: # check if PoW queue empty maxWorkerQueue = 0 curWorkerQueue = powQueueSize() while curWorkerQueue > 0: # worker queue size curWorkerQueue = powQueueSize() if curWorkerQueue > maxWorkerQueue: maxWorkerQueue = curWorkerQueue if curWorkerQueue > 0: self.updateStatusBar(_translate( "MainWindow", "Waiting for PoW to finish... %1%" ).arg(50 * (maxWorkerQueue - curWorkerQueue) / maxWorkerQueue)) time.sleep(0.5) QtCore.QCoreApplication.processEvents( QtCore.QEventLoop.AllEvents, 1000 ) self.updateStatusBar(_translate( "MainWindow", "Shutting down Pybitmessage... %1%").arg(50)) QtCore.QCoreApplication.processEvents( QtCore.QEventLoop.AllEvents, 1000 ) if maxWorkerQueue > 0: # a bit of time so that the hashHolder is populated time.sleep(0.5) QtCore.QCoreApplication.processEvents( QtCore.QEventLoop.AllEvents, 1000 ) # check if upload (of objects created locally) pending self.updateStatusBar(_translate( "MainWindow", "Waiting for objects to be sent... %1%").arg(50)) maxPendingUpload = max(1, pendingUpload()) while pendingUpload() > 1: self.updateStatusBar(_translate( "MainWindow", "Waiting for objects to be sent... %1%" ).arg(int(50 + 20 * (pendingUpload() / maxPendingUpload)))) time.sleep(0.5) QtCore.QCoreApplication.processEvents( QtCore.QEventLoop.AllEvents, 1000 ) QtCore.QCoreApplication.processEvents( QtCore.QEventLoop.AllEvents, 1000 ) QtCore.QCoreApplication.processEvents( QtCore.QEventLoop.AllEvents, 1000 ) # save state and geometry self and all widgets self.updateStatusBar(_translate( "MainWindow", "Saving settings... %1%").arg(70)) QtCore.QCoreApplication.processEvents( QtCore.QEventLoop.AllEvents, 1000 ) self.saveSettings() for attr, obj in self.__dict__.iteritems(): if hasattr(obj, "__class__") \ and isinstance(obj, settingsmixin.SettingsMixin): saveMethod = getattr(obj, "saveSettings", None) if callable(saveMethod): obj.saveSettings() self.updateStatusBar(_translate( "MainWindow", "Shutting down core... %1%").arg(80)) QtCore.QCoreApplication.processEvents( QtCore.QEventLoop.AllEvents, 1000 ) shutdown.doCleanShutdown() self.updateStatusBar(_translate( "MainWindow", "Stopping notifications... %1%").arg(90)) self.tray.hide() self.updateStatusBar(_translate( "MainWindow", "Shutdown imminent... %1%").arg(100)) logger.info("Shutdown complete") self.close() # FIXME: rewrite loops with timer instead if self.wait: self.destroy() app.quit() def closeEvent(self, event): """window close event""" event.ignore() trayonclose = BMConfigParser().safeGetBoolean( 'bitmessagesettings', 'trayonclose') if trayonclose: self.appIndicatorHide() else: # custom quit method self.quit() def on_action_InboxMessageForceHtml(self): msgid = self.getCurrentMessageId() textEdit = self.getCurrentMessageTextedit() if not msgid: return queryreturn = sqlQuery( '''select message from inbox where msgid=?''', msgid) if queryreturn != []: for row in queryreturn: messageText, = row lines = messageText.split('\n') totalLines = len(lines) for i in xrange(totalLines): if 'Message ostensibly from ' in lines[i]: lines[i] = '


' % ( lines[i]) elif lines[i] == '------------------------------------------------------': lines[i] = '
' elif lines[i] == '' and (i+1) < totalLines and \ lines[i+1] != '------------------------------------------------------': lines[i] = '

' content = ' '.join(lines) # To keep the whitespace between lines content = shared.fixPotentiallyInvalidUTF8Data(content) content = unicode(content, 'utf-8)') textEdit.setHtml(QtCore.QString(content)) def on_action_InboxMarkUnread(self): tableWidget = self.getCurrentMessagelist() if not tableWidget: return msgids = set() # modified = 0 for row in tableWidget.selectedIndexes(): currentRow = row.row() msgid = tableWidget.item(currentRow, 3).data() msgids.add(msgid) # if not tableWidget.item(currentRow, 0).unread: # modified += 1 self.updateUnreadStatus(tableWidget, currentRow, msgid, False) # for 1081 idCount = len(msgids) # rowcount = sqlExecuteChunked( '''UPDATE inbox SET read=0 WHERE msgid IN ({0}) AND read=1''', idCount, *msgids ) self.propagateUnreadCount() # tableWidget.selectRow(currentRow + 1) # This doesn't de-select the last message if you try to mark it # unread, but that doesn't interfere. Might not be necessary. # We could also select upwards, but then our problem would be # with the topmost message. # tableWidget.clearSelection() manages to mark the message # as read again. # Format predefined text on message reply. def quoted_text(self, message): if not BMConfigParser().safeGetBoolean('bitmessagesettings', 'replybelow'): return '\n\n------------------------------------------------------\n' + message quoteWrapper = textwrap.TextWrapper( replace_whitespace=False, initial_indent='> ', subsequent_indent='> ', break_long_words=False, break_on_hyphens=False) def quote_line(line): # Do quote empty lines. if line == '' or line.isspace(): return '> ' # Quote already quoted lines, but do not wrap them. elif line[0:2] == '> ': return '> ' + line # Wrap and quote lines/paragraphs new to this message. else: return quoteWrapper.fill(line) return '\n'.join([quote_line(l) for l in message.splitlines()]) + '\n\n' def setSendFromComboBox(self, address=None): if address is None: messagelist = self.getCurrentMessagelist() if not messagelist: return currentInboxRow = messagelist.currentRow() address = messagelist.item(currentInboxRow, 0).address for box in ( self.comboBoxSendFrom, self.comboBoxSendFromBroadcast ): for i in range(box.count()): if str(box.itemData(i).toPyObject()) == address: box.setCurrentIndex(i) break else: box.setCurrentIndex(0) def on_action_InboxReplyChan(self): self.on_action_InboxReply(self.REPLY_TYPE_CHAN) def on_action_SentReply(self): self.on_action_InboxReply(self.REPLY_TYPE_UPD) def on_action_InboxReply(self, reply_type=None): """Handle any reply action depending on reply_type""" # pylint: disable=too-many-locals tableWidget = self.getCurrentMessagelist() if not tableWidget: return if reply_type is None: reply_type = self.REPLY_TYPE_SENDER # save this to return back after reply is done self.replyFromTab = self.tabWidget.currentIndex() column_to = 1 if reply_type == self.REPLY_TYPE_UPD else 0 column_from = 0 if reply_type == self.REPLY_TYPE_UPD else 1 currentInboxRow = tableWidget.currentRow() toAddressAtCurrentInboxRow = tableWidget.item( currentInboxRow, column_to).address acct = accountClass(toAddressAtCurrentInboxRow) fromAddressAtCurrentInboxRow = tableWidget.item( currentInboxRow, column_from).address msgid = tableWidget.item(currentInboxRow, 3).data() queryreturn = sqlQuery( "SELECT message FROM inbox WHERE msgid=?", msgid ) or sqlQuery("SELECT message FROM sent WHERE ackdata=?", msgid) if queryreturn != []: for row in queryreturn: messageAtCurrentInboxRow, = row acct.parseMessage( toAddressAtCurrentInboxRow, fromAddressAtCurrentInboxRow, tableWidget.item(currentInboxRow, 2).subject, messageAtCurrentInboxRow) widget = { 'subject': self.lineEditSubject, 'from': self.comboBoxSendFrom, 'message': self.textEditMessage } if toAddressAtCurrentInboxRow == str_broadcast_subscribers: self.tabWidgetSend.setCurrentIndex( self.tabWidgetSend.indexOf(self.sendDirect) ) # toAddressAtCurrentInboxRow = fromAddressAtCurrentInboxRow elif not BMConfigParser().has_section(toAddressAtCurrentInboxRow): QtGui.QMessageBox.information( self, _translate("MainWindow", "Address is gone"), _translate( "MainWindow", "Bitmessage cannot find your address %1. Perhaps you" " removed it?" ).arg(toAddressAtCurrentInboxRow), QtGui.QMessageBox.Ok) elif not BMConfigParser().getboolean( toAddressAtCurrentInboxRow, 'enabled'): QtGui.QMessageBox.information( self, _translate("MainWindow", "Address disabled"), _translate( "MainWindow", "Error: The address from which you are trying to send" " is disabled. You\'ll have to enable it on the" " \'Your Identities\' tab before using it." ), QtGui.QMessageBox.Ok) else: self.setBroadcastEnablementDependingOnWhetherThisIsAMailingListAddress(toAddressAtCurrentInboxRow) broadcast_tab_index = self.tabWidgetSend.indexOf( self.sendBroadcast ) if self.tabWidgetSend.currentIndex() == broadcast_tab_index: widget = { 'subject': self.lineEditSubjectBroadcast, 'from': self.comboBoxSendFromBroadcast, 'message': self.textEditMessageBroadcast } self.tabWidgetSend.setCurrentIndex(broadcast_tab_index) toAddressAtCurrentInboxRow = fromAddressAtCurrentInboxRow if fromAddressAtCurrentInboxRow == \ tableWidget.item(currentInboxRow, column_from).label or ( isinstance(acct, GatewayAccount) and fromAddressAtCurrentInboxRow == acct.relayAddress): self.lineEditTo.setText(str(acct.fromAddress)) else: self.lineEditTo.setText( tableWidget.item(currentInboxRow, column_from).accountString() ) # If the previous message was to a chan then we should send our # reply to the chan rather than to the particular person who sent # the message. if acct.type == AccountMixin.CHAN and reply_type == self.REPLY_TYPE_CHAN: logger.debug( 'Original sent to a chan. Setting the to address in the' ' reply to the chan address.') if toAddressAtCurrentInboxRow == \ tableWidget.item(currentInboxRow, column_to).label: self.lineEditTo.setText(str(toAddressAtCurrentInboxRow)) else: self.lineEditTo.setText( tableWidget.item(currentInboxRow, column_to).accountString() ) self.setSendFromComboBox(toAddressAtCurrentInboxRow) quotedText = self.quoted_text( unicode(messageAtCurrentInboxRow, 'utf-8', 'replace')) widget['message'].setPlainText(quotedText) if acct.subject[0:3] in ('Re:', 'RE:'): widget['subject'].setText( tableWidget.item(currentInboxRow, 2).label) else: widget['subject'].setText( 'Re: ' + tableWidget.item(currentInboxRow, 2).label) self.tabWidget.setCurrentIndex( self.tabWidget.indexOf(self.send) ) widget['message'].setFocus() def on_action_InboxAddSenderToAddressBook(self): tableWidget = self.getCurrentMessagelist() if not tableWidget: return currentInboxRow = tableWidget.currentRow() addressAtCurrentInboxRow = tableWidget.item( currentInboxRow, 1).data(QtCore.Qt.UserRole) self.tabWidget.setCurrentIndex( self.tabWidget.indexOf(self.send) ) self.click_pushButtonAddAddressBook( dialogs.AddAddressDialog(self, addressAtCurrentInboxRow)) def on_action_InboxAddSenderToBlackList(self): tableWidget = self.getCurrentMessagelist() if not tableWidget: return currentInboxRow = tableWidget.currentRow() addressAtCurrentInboxRow = tableWidget.item( currentInboxRow, 1).data(QtCore.Qt.UserRole) recipientAddress = tableWidget.item( currentInboxRow, 0).data(QtCore.Qt.UserRole) # Let's make sure that it isn't already in the address book queryreturn = sqlQuery('''select * from blacklist where address=?''', addressAtCurrentInboxRow) if queryreturn == []: label = "\"" + tableWidget.item(currentInboxRow, 2).subject + "\" in " + BMConfigParser().get(recipientAddress, "label") sqlExecute('''INSERT INTO blacklist VALUES (?,?, ?)''', label, addressAtCurrentInboxRow, True) self.blackwhitelist.rerenderBlackWhiteList() self.updateStatusBar(_translate( "MainWindow", "Entry added to the blacklist. Edit the label to your liking.") ) else: self.updateStatusBar(_translate( "MainWindow", "Error: You cannot add the same address to your blacklist" " twice. Try renaming the existing one if you want.")) def deleteRowFromMessagelist( self, row=None, inventoryHash=None, ackData=None, messageLists=None ): if messageLists is None: messageLists = ( self.tableWidgetInbox, self.tableWidgetInboxChans, self.tableWidgetInboxSubscriptions ) elif type(messageLists) not in (list, tuple): messageLists = (messageLists,) for messageList in messageLists: if row is not None: inventoryHash = messageList.item(row, 3).data() messageList.removeRow(row) elif inventoryHash is not None: for i in range(messageList.rowCount() - 1, -1, -1): if messageList.item(i, 3).data() == inventoryHash: messageList.removeRow(i) elif ackData is not None: for i in range(messageList.rowCount() - 1, -1, -1): if messageList.item(i, 3).data() == ackData: messageList.removeRow(i) # Send item on the Inbox tab to trash def on_action_InboxTrash(self): tableWidget = self.getCurrentMessagelist() if not tableWidget: return currentRow = 0 folder = self.getCurrentFolder() shifted = QtGui.QApplication.queryKeyboardModifiers() \ & QtCore.Qt.ShiftModifier tableWidget.setUpdatesEnabled(False) inventoryHashesToTrash = set() # ranges in reversed order for r in sorted( tableWidget.selectedRanges(), key=lambda r: r.topRow() )[::-1]: for i in range(r.bottomRow() - r.topRow() + 1): inventoryHashesToTrash.add( tableWidget.item(r.topRow() + i, 3).data()) currentRow = r.topRow() self.getCurrentMessageTextedit().setText("") tableWidget.model().removeRows( r.topRow(), r.bottomRow() - r.topRow() + 1) idCount = len(inventoryHashesToTrash) sqlExecuteChunked( ("DELETE FROM inbox" if folder == "trash" or shifted else "UPDATE inbox SET folder='trash', read=1") + " WHERE msgid IN ({0})", idCount, *inventoryHashesToTrash) tableWidget.selectRow(0 if currentRow == 0 else currentRow - 1) tableWidget.setUpdatesEnabled(True) self.propagateUnreadCount(folder) self.updateStatusBar(_translate("MainWindow", "Moved items to trash.")) def on_action_TrashUndelete(self): tableWidget = self.getCurrentMessagelist() if not tableWidget: return currentRow = 0 tableWidget.setUpdatesEnabled(False) inventoryHashesToTrash = set() # ranges in reversed order for r in sorted( tableWidget.selectedRanges(), key=lambda r: r.topRow() )[::-1]: for i in range(r.bottomRow() - r.topRow() + 1): inventoryHashesToTrash.add( tableWidget.item(r.topRow() + i, 3).data()) currentRow = r.topRow() self.getCurrentMessageTextedit().setText("") tableWidget.model().removeRows( r.topRow(), r.bottomRow() - r.topRow() + 1) tableWidget.selectRow(0 if currentRow == 0 else currentRow - 1) idCount = len(inventoryHashesToTrash) sqlExecuteChunked( "UPDATE inbox SET folder='inbox' WHERE msgid IN({0})", idCount, *inventoryHashesToTrash) tableWidget.selectRow(0 if currentRow == 0 else currentRow - 1) tableWidget.setUpdatesEnabled(True) self.propagateUnreadCount() self.updateStatusBar(_translate("MainWindow", "Undeleted item.")) def on_action_InboxSaveMessageAs(self): tableWidget = self.getCurrentMessagelist() if not tableWidget: return currentInboxRow = tableWidget.currentRow() try: subjectAtCurrentInboxRow = str(tableWidget.item( currentInboxRow, 2).data(QtCore.Qt.UserRole)) except: subjectAtCurrentInboxRow = '' # Retrieve the message data out of the SQL database msgid = tableWidget.item(currentInboxRow, 3).data() queryreturn = sqlQuery( '''select message from inbox where msgid=?''', msgid) if queryreturn != []: for row in queryreturn: message, = row defaultFilename = "".join(x for x in subjectAtCurrentInboxRow if x.isalnum()) + '.txt' filename = QtGui.QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self, _translate("MainWindow","Save As..."), defaultFilename, "Text files (*.txt);;All files (*.*)") if filename == '': return try: f = open(filename, 'w') f.write(message) f.close() except Exception: logger.exception('Message not saved', exc_info=True) self.updateStatusBar(_translate("MainWindow", "Write error.")) # Send item on the Sent tab to trash def on_action_SentTrash(self): tableWidget = self.getCurrentMessagelist() if not tableWidget: return folder = self.getCurrentFolder() shifted = QtGui.QApplication.queryKeyboardModifiers() & QtCore.Qt.ShiftModifier while tableWidget.selectedIndexes() != []: currentRow = tableWidget.selectedIndexes()[0].row() ackdataToTrash = tableWidget.item(currentRow, 3).data() sqlExecute( "DELETE FROM sent" if folder == "trash" or shifted else "UPDATE sent SET folder='trash'" " WHERE ackdata = ?", ackdataToTrash ) self.getCurrentMessageTextedit().setPlainText("") tableWidget.removeRow(currentRow) self.updateStatusBar(_translate( "MainWindow", "Moved items to trash.")) self.tableWidgetInbox.selectRow( currentRow if currentRow == 0 else currentRow - 1) def on_action_ForceSend(self): currentRow = self.tableWidgetInbox.currentRow() addressAtCurrentRow = self.tableWidgetInbox.item( currentRow, 0).data(QtCore.Qt.UserRole) toRipe = decodeAddress(addressAtCurrentRow)[3] sqlExecute( '''UPDATE sent SET status='forcepow' WHERE toripe=? AND status='toodifficult' and folder='sent' ''', toRipe) queryreturn = sqlQuery('''select ackdata FROM sent WHERE status='forcepow' ''') for row in queryreturn: ackdata, = row queues.UISignalQueue.put(('updateSentItemStatusByAckdata', ( ackdata, 'Overriding maximum-difficulty setting. Work queued.'))) queues.workerQueue.put(('sendmessage', '')) def on_action_SentClipboard(self): currentRow = self.tableWidgetInbox.currentRow() addressAtCurrentRow = self.tableWidgetInbox.item( currentRow, 0).data(QtCore.Qt.UserRole) clipboard = QtGui.QApplication.clipboard() clipboard.setText(str(addressAtCurrentRow)) # Group of functions for the Address Book dialog box def on_action_AddressBookNew(self): self.click_pushButtonAddAddressBook() def on_action_AddressBookDelete(self): while self.tableWidgetAddressBook.selectedIndexes() != []: currentRow = self.tableWidgetAddressBook.selectedIndexes()[ 0].row() item = self.tableWidgetAddressBook.item(currentRow, 0) sqlExecute( 'DELETE FROM addressbook WHERE address=?', item.address) self.tableWidgetAddressBook.removeRow(currentRow) self.rerenderMessagelistFromLabels() self.rerenderMessagelistToLabels() def on_action_AddressBookClipboard(self): addresses_string = '' for item in self.getAddressbookSelectedItems(): if addresses_string == '': addresses_string = item.address else: addresses_string += ', ' + item.address clipboard = QtGui.QApplication.clipboard() clipboard.setText(addresses_string) def on_action_AddressBookSend(self): selected_items = self.getAddressbookSelectedItems() if not selected_items: # FIXME: impossible return self.updateStatusBar(_translate( "MainWindow", "No addresses selected.")) addresses_string = unicode( self.lineEditTo.text().toUtf8(), 'utf-8') for item in selected_items: address_string = item.accountString() if not addresses_string: addresses_string = address_string else: addresses_string += '; ' + address_string self.lineEditTo.setText(addresses_string) self.statusbar.clearMessage() self.tabWidget.setCurrentIndex( self.tabWidget.indexOf(self.send) ) def on_action_AddressBookSubscribe(self): for item in self.getAddressbookSelectedItems(): # Then subscribe to it... # provided it's not already in the address book if shared.isAddressInMySubscriptionsList(item.address): self.updateStatusBar(_translate( "MainWindow", "Error: You cannot add the same address to your" " subscriptions twice. Perhaps rename the existing" " one if you want.")) continue self.addSubscription(item.address, item.label) self.tabWidget.setCurrentIndex( self.tabWidget.indexOf(self.subscriptions) ) def on_context_menuAddressBook(self, point): self.popMenuAddressBook = QtGui.QMenu(self) self.popMenuAddressBook.addAction(self.actionAddressBookSend) self.popMenuAddressBook.addAction(self.actionAddressBookClipboard) self.popMenuAddressBook.addAction(self.actionAddressBookSubscribe) self.popMenuAddressBook.addAction(self.actionAddressBookSetAvatar) self.popMenuAddressBook.addAction(self.actionAddressBookSetSound) self.popMenuAddressBook.addSeparator() self.popMenuAddressBook.addAction(self.actionAddressBookNew) normal = True selected_items = self.getAddressbookSelectedItems() for item in selected_items: if item.type != AccountMixin.NORMAL: normal = False break if normal: # only if all selected addressbook items are normal, allow delete self.popMenuAddressBook.addAction(self.actionAddressBookDelete) if len(selected_items) == 1: self._contact_selected = selected_items.pop() self.popMenuAddressBook.addSeparator() for plugin in self.menu_plugins['address']: self.popMenuAddressBook.addAction(plugin) self.popMenuAddressBook.exec_( self.tableWidgetAddressBook.mapToGlobal(point)) # Group of functions for the Subscriptions dialog box def on_action_SubscriptionsNew(self): self.click_pushButtonAddSubscription() def on_action_SubscriptionsDelete(self): if QtGui.QMessageBox.question( self, "Delete subscription?", _translate( "MainWindow", "If you delete the subscription, messages that you" " already received will become inaccessible. Maybe" " you can consider disabling the subscription instead." " Disabled subscriptions will not receive new" " messages, but you can still view messages you" " already received.\n\nAre you sure you want to" " delete the subscription?" ), QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes | QtGui.QMessageBox.No ) != QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes: return address = self.getCurrentAccount() sqlExecute('''DELETE FROM subscriptions WHERE address=?''', address) self.rerenderTabTreeSubscriptions() self.rerenderMessagelistFromLabels() self.rerenderAddressBook() shared.reloadBroadcastSendersForWhichImWatching() def on_action_SubscriptionsClipboard(self): address = self.getCurrentAccount() clipboard = QtGui.QApplication.clipboard() clipboard.setText(str(address)) def on_action_SubscriptionsEnable(self): address = self.getCurrentAccount() sqlExecute( '''update subscriptions set enabled=1 WHERE address=?''', address) account = self.getCurrentItem() account.setEnabled(True) self.rerenderAddressBook() shared.reloadBroadcastSendersForWhichImWatching() def on_action_SubscriptionsDisable(self): address = self.getCurrentAccount() sqlExecute( '''update subscriptions set enabled=0 WHERE address=?''', address) account = self.getCurrentItem() account.setEnabled(False) self.rerenderAddressBook() shared.reloadBroadcastSendersForWhichImWatching() def on_context_menuSubscriptions(self, point): currentItem = self.getCurrentItem() self.popMenuSubscriptions = QtGui.QMenu(self) if isinstance(currentItem, Ui_AddressWidget): self.popMenuSubscriptions.addAction(self.actionsubscriptionsNew) self.popMenuSubscriptions.addAction(self.actionsubscriptionsDelete) self.popMenuSubscriptions.addSeparator() if currentItem.isEnabled: self.popMenuSubscriptions.addAction(self.actionsubscriptionsDisable) else: self.popMenuSubscriptions.addAction(self.actionsubscriptionsEnable) self.popMenuSubscriptions.addAction(self.actionsubscriptionsSetAvatar) self.popMenuSubscriptions.addSeparator() self.popMenuSubscriptions.addAction(self.actionsubscriptionsClipboard) self.popMenuSubscriptions.addAction(self.actionsubscriptionsSend) self.popMenuSubscriptions.addSeparator() self._contact_selected = currentItem # preloaded gui.menu plugins with prefix 'address' for plugin in self.menu_plugins['address']: self.popMenuSubscriptions.addAction(plugin) self.popMenuSubscriptions.addSeparator() if self.getCurrentFolder() != 'sent': self.popMenuSubscriptions.addAction(self.actionMarkAllRead) if self.popMenuSubscriptions.isEmpty(): return self.popMenuSubscriptions.exec_( self.treeWidgetSubscriptions.mapToGlobal(point)) def widgetConvert(self, widget): if widget == self.tableWidgetInbox: return self.treeWidgetYourIdentities elif widget == self.tableWidgetInboxSubscriptions: return self.treeWidgetSubscriptions elif widget == self.tableWidgetInboxChans: return self.treeWidgetChans elif widget == self.treeWidgetYourIdentities: return self.tableWidgetInbox elif widget == self.treeWidgetSubscriptions: return self.tableWidgetInboxSubscriptions elif widget == self.treeWidgetChans: return self.tableWidgetInboxChans else: return None def getCurrentTreeWidget(self): currentIndex = self.tabWidget.currentIndex() treeWidgetList = ( self.treeWidgetYourIdentities, False, self.treeWidgetSubscriptions, self.treeWidgetChans ) if currentIndex >= 0 and currentIndex < len(treeWidgetList): return treeWidgetList[currentIndex] else: return False def getAccountTreeWidget(self, account): try: if account.type == AccountMixin.CHAN: return self.treeWidgetChans elif account.type == AccountMixin.SUBSCRIPTION: return self.treeWidgetSubscriptions else: return self.treeWidgetYourIdentities except: return self.treeWidgetYourIdentities def getCurrentMessagelist(self): currentIndex = self.tabWidget.currentIndex() messagelistList = ( self.tableWidgetInbox, False, self.tableWidgetInboxSubscriptions, self.tableWidgetInboxChans, ) if currentIndex >= 0 and currentIndex < len(messagelistList): return messagelistList[currentIndex] def getAccountMessagelist(self, account): try: if account.type == AccountMixin.CHAN: return self.tableWidgetInboxChans elif account.type == AccountMixin.SUBSCRIPTION: return self.tableWidgetInboxSubscriptions else: return self.tableWidgetInbox except: return self.tableWidgetInbox def getCurrentMessageId(self): messagelist = self.getCurrentMessagelist() if messagelist: currentRow = messagelist.currentRow() if currentRow >= 0: return messagelist.item(currentRow, 3).data() def getCurrentMessageTextedit(self): currentIndex = self.tabWidget.currentIndex() messagelistList = ( self.textEditInboxMessage, False, self.textEditInboxMessageSubscriptions, self.textEditInboxMessageChans, ) if currentIndex >= 0 and currentIndex < len(messagelistList): return messagelistList[currentIndex] def getAccountTextedit(self, account): try: if account.type == AccountMixin.CHAN: return self.textEditInboxMessageChans elif account.type == AccountMixin.SUBSCRIPTION: return self.textEditInboxSubscriptions else: return self.textEditInboxMessage except: return self.textEditInboxMessage def getCurrentSearchLine(self, currentIndex=None, retObj=False): if currentIndex is None: currentIndex = self.tabWidget.currentIndex() messagelistList = ( self.inboxSearchLineEdit, False, self.inboxSearchLineEditSubscriptions, self.inboxSearchLineEditChans, ) if currentIndex >= 0 and currentIndex < len(messagelistList): return ( messagelistList[currentIndex] if retObj else messagelistList[currentIndex].text().toUtf8().data()) def getCurrentSearchOption(self, currentIndex=None): if currentIndex is None: currentIndex = self.tabWidget.currentIndex() messagelistList = ( self.inboxSearchOption, False, self.inboxSearchOptionSubscriptions, self.inboxSearchOptionChans, ) if currentIndex >= 0 and currentIndex < len(messagelistList): return messagelistList[currentIndex].currentText() # Group of functions for the Your Identities dialog box def getCurrentItem(self, treeWidget=None): if treeWidget is None: treeWidget = self.getCurrentTreeWidget() if treeWidget: return treeWidget.currentItem() def getCurrentAccount(self, treeWidget=None): currentItem = self.getCurrentItem(treeWidget) if currentItem: return currentItem.address def getCurrentFolder(self, treeWidget=None): currentItem = self.getCurrentItem(treeWidget) try: return currentItem.folderName except AttributeError: pass def setCurrentItemColor(self, color): currentItem = self.getCurrentItem() if currentItem: brush = QtGui.QBrush() brush.setStyle(QtCore.Qt.NoBrush) brush.setColor(color) currentItem.setForeground(0, brush) def getAddressbookSelectedItems(self): return [ self.tableWidgetAddressBook.item(i.row(), 0) for i in self.tableWidgetAddressBook.selectedIndexes() if i.column() == 0 ] def on_action_YourIdentitiesNew(self): self.click_NewAddressDialog() def on_action_YourIdentitiesDelete(self): account = self.getCurrentItem() if account.type == AccountMixin.NORMAL: return # maybe in the future elif account.type == AccountMixin.CHAN: if QtGui.QMessageBox.question( self, "Delete channel?", _translate( "MainWindow", "If you delete the channel, messages that you" " already received will become inaccessible." " Maybe you can consider disabling the channel" " instead. Disabled channels will not receive new" " messages, but you can still view messages you" " already received.\n\nAre you sure you want to" " delete the channel?" ), QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes | QtGui.QMessageBox.No ) == QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes: BMConfigParser().remove_section(str(account.address)) else: return else: return BMConfigParser().save() shared.reloadMyAddressHashes() self.rerenderAddressBook() self.rerenderComboBoxSendFrom() if account.type == AccountMixin.NORMAL: self.rerenderTabTreeMessages() elif account.type == AccountMixin.CHAN: self.rerenderTabTreeChans() def on_action_Enable(self): addressAtCurrentRow = self.getCurrentAccount() self.enableIdentity(addressAtCurrentRow) account = self.getCurrentItem() account.setEnabled(True) def enableIdentity(self, address): BMConfigParser().set(address, 'enabled', 'true') BMConfigParser().save() shared.reloadMyAddressHashes() self.rerenderAddressBook() def on_action_Disable(self): address = self.getCurrentAccount() self.disableIdentity(address) account = self.getCurrentItem() account.setEnabled(False) def disableIdentity(self, address): BMConfigParser().set(str(address), 'enabled', 'false') BMConfigParser().save() shared.reloadMyAddressHashes() self.rerenderAddressBook() def on_action_Clipboard(self): address = self.getCurrentAccount() clipboard = QtGui.QApplication.clipboard() clipboard.setText(str(address)) def on_action_ClipboardMessagelist(self): tableWidget = self.getCurrentMessagelist() currentColumn = tableWidget.currentColumn() currentRow = tableWidget.currentRow() currentFolder = self.getCurrentFolder() if currentColumn not in (0, 1, 2): # to, from, subject currentColumn = 0 if currentFolder == "sent" else 1 if currentFolder == "sent": myAddress = tableWidget.item(currentRow, 1).data(QtCore.Qt.UserRole) otherAddress = tableWidget.item(currentRow, 0).data(QtCore.Qt.UserRole) else: myAddress = tableWidget.item(currentRow, 0).data(QtCore.Qt.UserRole) otherAddress = tableWidget.item(currentRow, 1).data(QtCore.Qt.UserRole) account = accountClass(myAddress) if isinstance(account, GatewayAccount) and otherAddress == account.relayAddress and ( (currentColumn in [0, 2] and self.getCurrentFolder() == "sent") or (currentColumn in [1, 2] and self.getCurrentFolder() != "sent")): text = str(tableWidget.item(currentRow, currentColumn).label) else: text = tableWidget.item(currentRow, currentColumn).data(QtCore.Qt.UserRole) clipboard = QtGui.QApplication.clipboard() clipboard.setText(text) # set avatar functions def on_action_TreeWidgetSetAvatar(self): address = self.getCurrentAccount() self.setAvatar(address) def on_action_AddressBookSetAvatar(self): self.on_action_SetAvatar(self.tableWidgetAddressBook) def on_action_SetAvatar(self, thisTableWidget): currentRow = thisTableWidget.currentRow() addressAtCurrentRow = thisTableWidget.item( currentRow, 1).text() setToIdenticon = not self.setAvatar(addressAtCurrentRow) if setToIdenticon: thisTableWidget.item( currentRow, 0).setIcon(avatarize(addressAtCurrentRow)) # TODO: reuse utils def setAvatar(self, addressAtCurrentRow): if not os.path.exists(state.appdata + 'avatars/'): os.makedirs(state.appdata + 'avatars/') hash = hashlib.md5(addBMIfNotPresent(addressAtCurrentRow)).hexdigest() extensions = [ 'PNG', 'GIF', 'JPG', 'JPEG', 'SVG', 'BMP', 'MNG', 'PBM', 'PGM', 'PPM', 'TIFF', 'XBM', 'XPM', 'TGA'] names = { 'BMP': 'Windows Bitmap', 'GIF': 'Graphic Interchange Format', 'JPG': 'Joint Photographic Experts Group', 'JPEG': 'Joint Photographic Experts Group', 'MNG': 'Multiple-image Network Graphics', 'PNG': 'Portable Network Graphics', 'PBM': 'Portable Bitmap', 'PGM': 'Portable Graymap', 'PPM': 'Portable Pixmap', 'TIFF': 'Tagged Image File Format', 'XBM': 'X11 Bitmap', 'XPM': 'X11 Pixmap', 'SVG': 'Scalable Vector Graphics', 'TGA': 'Targa Image Format'} filters = [] all_images_filter = [] current_files = [] for ext in extensions: filters += [names[ext] + ' (*.' + ext.lower() + ')'] all_images_filter += ['*.' + ext.lower()] upper = state.appdata + 'avatars/' + hash + '.' + ext.upper() lower = state.appdata + 'avatars/' + hash + '.' + ext.lower() if os.path.isfile(lower): current_files += [lower] elif os.path.isfile(upper): current_files += [upper] filters[0:0] = ['Image files (' + ' '.join(all_images_filter) + ')'] filters[1:1] = ['All files (*.*)'] sourcefile = QtGui.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName( self, _translate("MainWindow", "Set avatar..."), filter=';;'.join(filters) ) # determine the correct filename (note that avatars don't use the suffix) destination = state.appdata + 'avatars/' + hash + '.' + sourcefile.split('.')[-1] exists = QtCore.QFile.exists(destination) if sourcefile == '': # ask for removal of avatar if exists | (len(current_files) > 0): displayMsg = _translate( "MainWindow", "Do you really want to remove this avatar?") overwrite = QtGui.QMessageBox.question( self, 'Message', displayMsg, QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes, QtGui.QMessageBox.No) else: overwrite = QtGui.QMessageBox.No else: # ask whether to overwrite old avatar if exists | (len(current_files) > 0): displayMsg = _translate( "MainWindow", "You have already set an avatar for this address." " Do you really want to overwrite it?") overwrite = QtGui.QMessageBox.question( self, 'Message', displayMsg, QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes, QtGui.QMessageBox.No) else: overwrite = QtGui.QMessageBox.No # copy the image file to the appdata folder if (not exists) | (overwrite == QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes): if overwrite == QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes: for file in current_files: QtCore.QFile.remove(file) QtCore.QFile.remove(destination) # copy it if sourcefile != '': copied = QtCore.QFile.copy(sourcefile, destination) if not copied: logger.error('couldn\'t copy :(') # set the icon self.rerenderTabTreeMessages() self.rerenderTabTreeSubscriptions() self.rerenderTabTreeChans() self.rerenderComboBoxSendFrom() self.rerenderComboBoxSendFromBroadcast() self.rerenderMessagelistFromLabels() self.rerenderMessagelistToLabels() self.blackwhitelist.rerenderBlackWhiteList() # generate identicon return False return True def on_action_AddressBookSetSound(self): widget = self.tableWidgetAddressBook self.setAddressSound(widget.item(widget.currentRow(), 0).text()) def setAddressSound(self, addr): filters = [unicode(_translate( "MainWindow", "Sound files (%s)" % ' '.join(['*%s%s' % (os.extsep, ext) for ext in sound.extensions]) ))] sourcefile = unicode(QtGui.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName( self, _translate("MainWindow", "Set notification sound..."), filter=';;'.join(filters) )) if not sourcefile: return destdir = os.path.join(state.appdata, 'sounds') destfile = unicode(addr) + os.path.splitext(sourcefile)[-1] destination = os.path.join(destdir, destfile) if sourcefile == destination: return pattern = destfile.lower() for item in os.listdir(destdir): if item.lower() == pattern: overwrite = QtGui.QMessageBox.question( self, _translate("MainWindow", "Message"), _translate( "MainWindow", "You have already set a notification sound" " for this address book entry." " Do you really want to overwrite it?"), QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes, QtGui.QMessageBox.No ) == QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes if overwrite: QtCore.QFile.remove(os.path.join(destdir, item)) break if not QtCore.QFile.copy(sourcefile, destination): logger.error( 'couldn\'t copy %s to %s', sourcefile, destination) def on_context_menuYourIdentities(self, point): currentItem = self.getCurrentItem() self.popMenuYourIdentities = QtGui.QMenu(self) if isinstance(currentItem, Ui_AddressWidget): self.popMenuYourIdentities.addAction(self.actionNewYourIdentities) self.popMenuYourIdentities.addSeparator() self.popMenuYourIdentities.addAction(self.actionClipboardYourIdentities) self.popMenuYourIdentities.addSeparator() if currentItem.isEnabled: self.popMenuYourIdentities.addAction(self.actionDisableYourIdentities) else: self.popMenuYourIdentities.addAction(self.actionEnableYourIdentities) self.popMenuYourIdentities.addAction(self.actionSetAvatarYourIdentities) self.popMenuYourIdentities.addAction(self.actionSpecialAddressBehaviorYourIdentities) self.popMenuYourIdentities.addAction(self.actionEmailGateway) self.popMenuYourIdentities.addSeparator() if currentItem.type != AccountMixin.ALL: self._contact_selected = currentItem # preloaded gui.menu plugins with prefix 'address' for plugin in self.menu_plugins['address']: self.popMenuYourIdentities.addAction(plugin) self.popMenuYourIdentities.addSeparator() if self.getCurrentFolder() != 'sent': self.popMenuYourIdentities.addAction(self.actionMarkAllRead) if self.popMenuYourIdentities.isEmpty(): return self.popMenuYourIdentities.exec_( self.treeWidgetYourIdentities.mapToGlobal(point)) # TODO make one popMenu def on_context_menuChan(self, point): currentItem = self.getCurrentItem() self.popMenu = QtGui.QMenu(self) if isinstance(currentItem, Ui_AddressWidget): self.popMenu.addAction(self.actionNew) self.popMenu.addAction(self.actionDelete) self.popMenu.addSeparator() if currentItem.isEnabled: self.popMenu.addAction(self.actionDisable) else: self.popMenu.addAction(self.actionEnable) self.popMenu.addAction(self.actionSetAvatar) self.popMenu.addSeparator() self.popMenu.addAction(self.actionClipboard) self.popMenu.addAction(self.actionSend) self.popMenu.addSeparator() self._contact_selected = currentItem # preloaded gui.menu plugins with prefix 'address' for plugin in self.menu_plugins['address']: self.popMenu.addAction(plugin) self.popMenu.addSeparator() if self.getCurrentFolder() != 'sent': self.popMenu.addAction(self.actionMarkAllRead) if self.popMenu.isEmpty(): return self.popMenu.exec_( self.treeWidgetChans.mapToGlobal(point)) def on_context_menuInbox(self, point): tableWidget = self.getCurrentMessagelist() if not tableWidget: return currentFolder = self.getCurrentFolder() if currentFolder == 'sent': self.on_context_menuSent(point) return self.popMenuInbox = QtGui.QMenu(self) self.popMenuInbox.addAction(self.actionForceHtml) self.popMenuInbox.addAction(self.actionMarkUnread) self.popMenuInbox.addSeparator() currentRow = tableWidget.currentRow() account = accountClass( tableWidget.item(currentRow, 0).data(QtCore.Qt.UserRole)) if account.type == AccountMixin.CHAN: self.popMenuInbox.addAction(self.actionReplyChan) self.popMenuInbox.addAction(self.actionReply) self.popMenuInbox.addAction(self.actionAddSenderToAddressBook) self.actionClipboardMessagelist = self.inboxContextMenuToolbar.addAction( _translate("MainWindow", "Copy subject to clipboard") if tableWidget.currentColumn() == 2 else _translate("MainWindow", "Copy address to clipboard"), self.on_action_ClipboardMessagelist) self.popMenuInbox.addAction(self.actionClipboardMessagelist) # pylint: disable=no-member self._contact_selected = tableWidget.item(currentRow, 1) # preloaded gui.menu plugins with prefix 'address' for plugin in self.menu_plugins['address']: self.popMenuInbox.addAction(plugin) self.popMenuInbox.addSeparator() self.popMenuInbox.addAction(self.actionAddSenderToBlackList) self.popMenuInbox.addSeparator() self.popMenuInbox.addAction(self.actionSaveMessageAs) if currentFolder == "trash": self.popMenuInbox.addAction(self.actionUndeleteTrashedMessage) else: self.popMenuInbox.addAction(self.actionTrashInboxMessage) self.popMenuInbox.exec_(tableWidget.mapToGlobal(point)) def on_context_menuSent(self, point): currentRow = self.tableWidgetInbox.currentRow() self.popMenuSent = QtGui.QMenu(self) self.popMenuSent.addAction(self.actionSentClipboard) self._contact_selected = self.tableWidgetInbox.item(currentRow, 0) # preloaded gui.menu plugins with prefix 'address' for plugin in self.menu_plugins['address']: self.popMenuSent.addAction(plugin) self.popMenuSent.addSeparator() self.popMenuSent.addAction(self.actionTrashSentMessage) self.popMenuSent.addAction(self.actionSentReply) # Check to see if this item is toodifficult and display an additional # menu option (Force Send) if it is. if currentRow >= 0: ackData = self.tableWidgetInbox.item(currentRow, 3).data() queryreturn = sqlQuery('''SELECT status FROM sent where ackdata=?''', ackData) for row in queryreturn: status, = row if status == 'toodifficult': self.popMenuSent.addAction(self.actionForceSend) self.popMenuSent.exec_(self.tableWidgetInbox.mapToGlobal(point)) def inboxSearchLineEditUpdated(self, text): # dynamic search for too short text is slow text = text.toUtf8() if 0 < len(text) < 3: return messagelist = self.getCurrentMessagelist() if messagelist: searchOption = self.getCurrentSearchOption() account = self.getCurrentAccount() folder = self.getCurrentFolder() self.loadMessagelist( messagelist, account, folder, searchOption, text) def inboxSearchLineEditReturnPressed(self): logger.debug("Search return pressed") searchLine = self.getCurrentSearchLine() messagelist = self.getCurrentMessagelist() if messagelist and len(str(searchLine)) < 3: searchOption = self.getCurrentSearchOption() account = self.getCurrentAccount() folder = self.getCurrentFolder() self.loadMessagelist( messagelist, account, folder, searchOption, searchLine) messagelist.setFocus() def treeWidgetItemClicked(self): messagelist = self.getCurrentMessagelist() if not messagelist: return messageTextedit = self.getCurrentMessageTextedit() if messageTextedit: messageTextedit.setPlainText("") account = self.getCurrentAccount() folder = self.getCurrentFolder() # refresh count indicator self.propagateUnreadCount(folder) self.loadMessagelist( messagelist, account, folder, self.getCurrentSearchOption(), self.getCurrentSearchLine()) def treeWidgetItemChanged(self, item, column): # only for manual edits. automatic edits (setText) are ignored if column != 0: return # only account names of normal addresses (no chans/mailinglists) if (not isinstance(item, Ui_AddressWidget)) or (not self.getCurrentTreeWidget()) or self.getCurrentTreeWidget().currentItem() is None: return # not visible if (not self.getCurrentItem()) or (not isinstance(self.getCurrentItem(), Ui_AddressWidget)): return # only currently selected item if item.address != self.getCurrentAccount(): return # "All accounts" can't be renamed if item.type == AccountMixin.ALL: return newLabel = unicode(item.text(0), 'utf-8', 'ignore') oldLabel = item.defaultLabel() # unchanged, do not do anything either if newLabel == oldLabel: return # recursion prevention if self.recurDepth > 0: return self.recurDepth += 1 if item.type == AccountMixin.NORMAL or item.type == AccountMixin.MAILINGLIST: self.rerenderComboBoxSendFromBroadcast() if item.type == AccountMixin.NORMAL or item.type == AccountMixin.CHAN: self.rerenderComboBoxSendFrom() self.rerenderMessagelistFromLabels() if item.type != AccountMixin.SUBSCRIPTION: self.rerenderMessagelistToLabels() if item.type in (AccountMixin.NORMAL, AccountMixin.CHAN, AccountMixin.SUBSCRIPTION): self.rerenderAddressBook() self.recurDepth -= 1 def tableWidgetInboxItemClicked(self): messageTextedit = self.getCurrentMessageTextedit() if not messageTextedit: return msgid = self.getCurrentMessageId() folder = self.getCurrentFolder() if msgid: queryreturn = sqlQuery( '''SELECT message FROM %s WHERE %s=?''' % ( ('sent', 'ackdata') if folder == 'sent' else ('inbox', 'msgid') ), msgid ) try: message = queryreturn[-1][0] except NameError: message = "" except IndexError: message = _translate( "MainWindow", "Error occurred: could not load message from disk." ) else: tableWidget = self.getCurrentMessagelist() currentRow = tableWidget.currentRow() # refresh if tableWidget.item(currentRow, 0).unread is True: self.updateUnreadStatus(tableWidget, currentRow, msgid) # propagate if folder != 'sent' and sqlExecute( '''UPDATE inbox SET read=1 WHERE msgid=? AND read=0''', msgid ) > 0: self.propagateUnreadCount() messageTextedit.setCurrentFont(QtGui.QFont()) messageTextedit.setTextColor(QtGui.QColor()) messageTextedit.setContent(message) def tableWidgetAddressBookItemChanged(self, item): if item.type == AccountMixin.CHAN: self.rerenderComboBoxSendFrom() self.rerenderMessagelistFromLabels() self.rerenderMessagelistToLabels() completerList = self.lineEditTo.completer().model().stringList() for i in range(len(completerList)): if unicode(completerList[i]).endswith(" <" + item.address + ">"): completerList[i] = item.label + " <" + item.address + ">" self.lineEditTo.completer().model().setStringList(completerList) def tabWidgetCurrentChanged(self, n): if n == self.tabWidget.indexOf(self.networkstatus): self.networkstatus.startUpdate() else: self.networkstatus.stopUpdate() def writeNewAddressToTable(self, label, address, streamNumber): self.rerenderTabTreeMessages() self.rerenderTabTreeSubscriptions() self.rerenderTabTreeChans() self.rerenderComboBoxSendFrom() self.rerenderComboBoxSendFromBroadcast() self.rerenderAddressBook() def updateStatusBar(self, data): try: message, option = data except ValueError: option = 0 message = data except TypeError: logger.debug( 'Invalid argument for updateStatusBar!', exc_info=True) if message != "": logger.info('Status bar: ' + message) if option == 1: self.statusbar.addImportant(message) else: self.statusbar.showMessage(message, 10000) def resetNamecoinConnection(self): namecoin.ensureNamecoinOptions() self.namecoin = namecoin.namecoinConnection() # Check to see whether we can connect to namecoin. # Hide the 'Fetch Namecoin ID' button if we can't. if BMConfigParser().safeGetBoolean( 'bitmessagesettings', 'dontconnect' ) or self.namecoin.test()[0] == 'failed': logger.warning( 'There was a problem testing for a Namecoin daemon.' ' Hiding the Fetch Namecoin ID button') self.pushButtonFetchNamecoinID.hide() else: self.pushButtonFetchNamecoinID.show() def initSettings(self): self.loadSettings() for attr, obj in self.__dict__.iteritems(): if hasattr(obj, "__class__") and \ isinstance(obj, settingsmixin.SettingsMixin): loadMethod = getattr(obj, "loadSettings", None) if callable(loadMethod): obj.loadSettings() app = None myapp = None class BitmessageQtApplication(QtGui.QApplication): """ Listener to allow our Qt form to get focus when another instance of the application is open. Based off this nice reimplmentation of MySingleApplication: http://stackoverflow.com/a/12712362/2679626 """ # Unique identifier for this application uuid = '6ec0149b-96e1-4be1-93ab-1465fb3ebf7c' def __init__(self, *argv): super(BitmessageQtApplication, self).__init__(*argv) id = BitmessageQtApplication.uuid QtCore.QCoreApplication.setOrganizationName("PyBitmessage") QtCore.QCoreApplication.setOrganizationDomain("bitmessage.org") QtCore.QCoreApplication.setApplicationName("pybitmessageqt") self.server = None self.is_running = False socket = QLocalSocket() socket.connectToServer(id) self.is_running = socket.waitForConnected() # Cleanup past crashed servers if not self.is_running: if socket.error() == QLocalSocket.ConnectionRefusedError: socket.disconnectFromServer() QLocalServer.removeServer(id) socket.abort() # Checks if there's an instance of the local server id running if self.is_running: # This should be ignored, singleinstance.py will take care of exiting me. pass else: # Nope, create a local server with this id and assign on_new_connection # for whenever a second instance tries to run focus the application. self.server = QLocalServer() self.server.listen(id) self.server.newConnection.connect(self.on_new_connection) self.setStyleSheet("QStatusBar::item { border: 0px solid black }") def __del__(self): if self.server: self.server.close() def on_new_connection(self): if myapp: myapp.appIndicatorShow() def init(): global app if not app: app = BitmessageQtApplication(sys.argv) return app def run(): global myapp app = init() app.setStyleSheet("QStatusBar::item { border: 0px solid black }") myapp = MainWindow() myapp.appIndicatorInit(app) if myapp._firstrun: myapp.showConnectDialog() # ask the user if we may connect # try: # if BMConfigParser().get('bitmessagesettings', 'mailchuck') < 1: # myapp.showMigrationWizard(BMConfigParser().get('bitmessagesettings', 'mailchuck')) # except: # myapp.showMigrationWizard(0) # only show after wizards and connect dialogs have completed if not BMConfigParser().getboolean('bitmessagesettings', 'startintray'): myapp.show() app.exec_()