""" src/network/uploadthread.py """ from __future__ import unicode_literals from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import division from __future__ import absolute_import # pylint: disable=unsubscriptable-object from future import standard_library standard_library.install_aliases() from builtins import * import threading import time import helper_random import protocol from debug import logger from helper_threading import StoppableThread from inventory import Inventory from .fix_circular_imports import BMConnectionPool, Dandelion from randomtrackingdict import RandomTrackingDict class UploadThread(threading.Thread, StoppableThread): """This is a thread that uploads the objects that the peers requested from me """ maxBufSize = 2097152 # 2MB def __init__(self): threading.Thread.__init__(self, name="Uploader") self.initStop() self.name = "Uploader" logger.info("init upload thread") def run(self): while not self._stopped: uploaded = 0 # Choose downloading peers randomly connections = [x for x in list(BMConnectionPool().inboundConnections.values()) + list(BMConnectionPool().outboundConnections.values()) if x.fullyEstablished] helper_random.randomshuffle(connections) for i in connections: now = time.time() # avoid unnecessary delay if i.skipUntil >= now: continue if len(i.write_buf) > UploadThread.maxBufSize: continue try: request = i.pendingUpload.randomKeys(RandomTrackingDict.maxPending) except KeyError: continue payload = bytearray() chunk_count = 0 for chunk in request: del i.pendingUpload[chunk] if Dandelion().hasHash(chunk) and \ i != Dandelion().objectChildStem(chunk): i.antiIntersectionDelay() logger.info('%s asked for a stem object we didn\'t offer to it.', i.destination) break try: payload.extend(protocol.CreatePacket('object', Inventory()[chunk].payload)) chunk_count += 1 except KeyError: i.antiIntersectionDelay() logger.info('%s asked for an object we don\'t have.', i.destination) break if not chunk_count: continue i.append_write_buf(payload) logger.debug("%s:%i Uploading %i objects", i.destination.host, i.destination.port, chunk_count) uploaded += chunk_count if not uploaded: self.stop.wait(1)