""" Test for sqlThread """ import os import unittest from ..helper_sql import sqlStoredProcedure, sql_ready, sqlExecute, SqlBulkExecute, sqlQuery, sqlExecuteScript from ..class_sqlThread import (sqlThread) from ..addresses import encodeAddress import threading class TestSqlThread(unittest.TestCase): """ Test case for SQLThread """ # query file path root_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)) @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): # Start SQL thread sqlLookup = sqlThread() sqlLookup.daemon = True sqlLookup.start() sql_ready.wait() @classmethod def setUp(cls): tables = list(sqlQuery("select name from sqlite_master where type is 'table'")) with SqlBulkExecute() as sql: for q in tables: sql.execute("drop table if exists %s" % q) @classmethod def tearDown(cls): pass @classmethod def tearDownClass(cls): sqlStoredProcedure('exit') for thread in threading.enumerate(): if thread.name == "SQL": thread.join() def initialise_database(self, file): """ Initialise DB """ with open(os.path.join(self.root_path, "tests/sql/{}.sql".format(file)), 'r') as sql_as_string: # sql_as_string = open(os.path.join(self.root_path, "tests/sql/{}.sql".format(file))).read() sql_as_string = sql_as_string.read() sqlExecuteScript(sql_as_string) def test_create_function(self): # call create function encoded_str = encodeAddress(4, 1, "21122112211221122112") # Initialise Database self.initialise_database("create_function") sqlExecute('''INSERT INTO testhash (addressversion, hash) VALUES(4, "21122112211221122112")''') # call function in query # sqlExecute('''UPDATE testhash SET address=(enaddr(testhash.addressversion, 1, hash)) WHERE hash=testhash.hash''') sqlExecute('''UPDATE testhash SET address=(enaddr(testhash.addressversion, 1, hash));''') # Assertion query = sqlQuery('''select * from testhash;''') self.assertEqual(query[0][-1], encoded_str, "test case fail for create_function") sqlExecute('''DROP TABLE testhash''')