""" src/bitmessageqt/messageview.py =============================== """ from __future__ import absolute_import from PyQt4 import QtCore, QtGui from .safehtmlparser import SafeHTMLParser class MessageView(QtGui.QTextBrowser): """Message content viewer class, can switch between plaintext and HTML""" MODE_PLAIN = 0 MODE_HTML = 1 def __init__(self, parent=0): super(MessageView, self).__init__(parent) self.mode = MessageView.MODE_PLAIN self.html = None self.setOpenExternalLinks(False) self.setOpenLinks(False) self.anchorClicked.connect(self.confirmURL) self.out = "" self.outpos = 0 self.document().setUndoRedoEnabled(False) self.rendering = False self.defaultFontPointSize = self.currentFont().pointSize() self.verticalScrollBar().valueChanged.connect(self.lazyRender) self.setWrappingWidth() def resizeEvent(self, event): """View resize event handler""" super(MessageView, self).resizeEvent(event) self.setWrappingWidth(event.size().width()) def mousePressEvent(self, event): """Mouse press button event handler""" if event.button() == QtCore.Qt.LeftButton and self.html and self.html.has_html and self.cursorForPosition( event.pos()).block().blockNumber() == 0: if self.mode == MessageView.MODE_PLAIN: self.showHTML() else: self.showPlain() else: super(MessageView, self).mousePressEvent(event) def wheelEvent(self, event): """Mouse wheel scroll event handler""" # super will actually automatically take care of zooming super(MessageView, self).wheelEvent(event) if (QtGui.QApplication.queryKeyboardModifiers() & QtCore.Qt.ControlModifier) == QtCore.Qt.ControlModifier and event.orientation() == QtCore.Qt.Vertical: zoom = self.currentFont().pointSize() * 100 / self.defaultFontPointSize QtGui.QApplication.activeWindow().statusBar().showMessage( QtGui.QApplication.translate("MainWindow", "Zoom level %1%").arg(str(zoom))) def setWrappingWidth(self, width=None): """Set word-wrapping width""" self.setLineWrapMode(QtGui.QTextEdit.FixedPixelWidth) if width is None: width = self.width() self.setLineWrapColumnOrWidth(width) def confirmURL(self, link): """Show a dialog requesting URL opening confirmation""" if link.scheme() == "mailto": window = QtGui.QApplication.activeWindow() window.ui.lineEditTo.setText(link.path()) if link.hasQueryItem("subject"): window.ui.lineEditSubject.setText( link.queryItemValue("subject")) if link.hasQueryItem("body"): window.ui.textEditMessage.setText( link.queryItemValue("body")) window.setSendFromComboBox() window.ui.tabWidgetSend.setCurrentIndex(0) window.ui.tabWidget.setCurrentIndex( window.ui.tabWidget.indexOf(window.ui.send) ) window.ui.textEditMessage.setFocus() return reply = QtGui.QMessageBox.warning( self, QtGui.QApplication.translate( "MessageView", "Follow external link"), QtGui.QApplication.translate( "MessageView", "The link \"%1\" will open in a browser. It may be a security risk, it could de-anonymise you" " or download malicious data. Are you sure?").arg(unicode(link.toString())), QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes, QtGui.QMessageBox.No) if reply == QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes: QtGui.QDesktopServices.openUrl(link) def loadResource(self, restype, name): """ Callback for loading referenced objects, such as an image. For security reasons at the moment doesn't do anything) """ pass def lazyRender(self): """ Partially render a message. This is to avoid UI freezing when loading huge messages. It continues loading as you scroll down. """ if self.rendering: return self.rendering = True position = self.verticalScrollBar().value() cursor = QtGui.QTextCursor(self.document()) while self.outpos < len(self.out) and self.verticalScrollBar().value( ) >= self.document().size().height() - 2 * self.size().height(): startpos = self.outpos self.outpos += 10240 # find next end of tag if self.mode == MessageView.MODE_HTML: pos = self.out.find(">", self.outpos) if pos > self.outpos: self.outpos = pos + 1 cursor.movePosition(QtGui.QTextCursor.End, QtGui.QTextCursor.MoveAnchor) cursor.insertHtml(QtCore.QString(self.out[startpos:self.outpos])) self.verticalScrollBar().setValue(position) self.rendering = False def showPlain(self): """Render message as plain text.""" self.mode = MessageView.MODE_PLAIN out = self.html.raw if self.html.has_html: out = "
" + unicode( QtGui.QApplication.translate( "MessageView", "HTML detected, click here to display")) + "

" + out self.out = out self.outpos = 0 self.setHtml("") self.lazyRender() def showHTML(self): """Render message as HTML""" self.mode = MessageView.MODE_HTML out = self.html.sanitised out = "
" + unicode( QtGui.QApplication.translate("MessageView", "Click here to disable HTML")) + "

" + out self.out = out self.outpos = 0 self.setHtml("") self.lazyRender() def setContent(self, data): """Set message content from argument""" self.html = SafeHTMLParser() self.html.reset() self.html.reset_safe() self.html.allow_picture = True self.html.feed(data) self.html.close() self.showPlain()