# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import unicode_literals from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import division from __future__ import absolute_import from future import standard_library standard_library.install_aliases() from builtins import * from kivy.lang import Builder from kivy.properties import StringProperty, ListProperty, OptionProperty from kivy.utils import get_color_from_hex from kivymd.color_definitions import colors from kivymd.theming import ThemableBehavior from kivy.uix.accordion import Accordion, AccordionItem from kivymd.backgroundcolorbehavior import BackgroundColorBehavior from kivy.uix.boxlayout import BoxLayout class MDAccordionItemTitleLayout(ThemableBehavior, BackgroundColorBehavior, BoxLayout): pass class MDAccordion(ThemableBehavior, BackgroundColorBehavior, Accordion): pass class MDAccordionItem(ThemableBehavior, AccordionItem): title_theme_color = OptionProperty(None, allownone=True, options=['Primary', 'Secondary', 'Hint', 'Error', 'Custom']) ''' Color theme for title text and icon ''' title_color = ListProperty(None, allownone=True) ''' Color for title text and icon if `title_theme_color` is Custom ''' background_color = ListProperty(None, allownone=True) ''' Color for the background of the accordian item title in rgba format. ''' divider_color = ListProperty(None, allownone=True) ''' Color for dividers between different titles in rgba format To remove the divider set a color with an alpha of 0. ''' indicator_color = ListProperty(None, allownone=True) ''' Color for the indicator on the side of the active item in rgba format To remove the indicator set a color with an alpha of 0. ''' font_style = OptionProperty( 'Subhead', options=['Body1', 'Body2', 'Caption', 'Subhead', 'Title', 'Headline', 'Display1', 'Display2', 'Display3', 'Display4', 'Button', 'Icon']) ''' Font style to use for the title text ''' title_template = StringProperty('MDAccordionItemTitle') ''' Template to use for the title ''' icon = StringProperty(None,allownone=True) ''' Icon name to use when this item is expanded ''' icon_expanded = StringProperty('chevron-up') ''' Icon name to use when this item is expanded ''' icon_collapsed = StringProperty('chevron-down') ''' Icon name to use when this item is collapsed ''' Builder.load_string(''' #:import MDLabel kivymd.label.MDLabel #:import md_icons kivymd.icon_definitions.md_icons : canvas.before: Color: rgba: self.background_color or self.theme_cls.primary_color Rectangle: size:self.size pos:self.pos PushMatrix Translate: xy: (dp(2),0) if self.orientation == 'vertical' else (0,dp(2)) canvas.after: PopMatrix Color: rgba: self.divider_color or self.theme_cls.divider_color Rectangle: size:(dp(1),self.height) if self.orientation == 'horizontal' else (self.width,dp(1)) pos:self.pos Color: rgba: [0,0,0,0] if self.collapse else (self.indicator_color or self.theme_cls.accent_color) Rectangle: size:(dp(2),self.height) if self.orientation == 'vertical' else (self.width,dp(2)) pos:self.pos [MDAccordionItemTitle@MDAccordionItemTitleLayout]: padding: '12dp' spacing: '12dp' orientation: 'horizontal' if ctx.item.orientation=='vertical' else 'vertical' canvas: PushMatrix Translate: xy: (-dp(2),0) if ctx.item.orientation == 'vertical' else (0,-dp(2)) Color: rgba: self.background_color or self.theme_cls.primary_color Rectangle: size:self.size pos:self.pos canvas.after: Color: rgba: [0,0,0,0] if ctx.item.collapse else (ctx.item.indicator_color or self.theme_cls.accent_color) Rectangle: size:(dp(2),self.height) if ctx.item.orientation == 'vertical' else (self.width,dp(2)) pos:self.pos PopMatrix MDLabel: id:_icon theme_text_color:ctx.item.title_theme_color if ctx.item.icon else 'Custom' text_color:ctx.item.title_color if ctx.item.icon else [0,0,0,0] text: md_icons[ctx.item.icon if ctx.item.icon else 'menu'] font_style:'Icon' size_hint: (None,1) if ctx.item.orientation == 'vertical' else (1,None) size: ((self.texture_size[0],1) if ctx.item.orientation == 'vertical' else (1,self.texture_size[1])) \ if ctx.item.icon else (0,0) text_size: (self.width, None) if ctx.item.orientation=='vertical' else (None,self.width) canvas.before: PushMatrix Rotate: angle: 90 if ctx.item.orientation == 'horizontal' else 0 origin: self.center canvas.after: PopMatrix MDLabel: id:_label theme_text_color:ctx.item.title_theme_color text_color:ctx.item.title_color text: ctx.item.title font_style:ctx.item.font_style text_size: (self.width, None) if ctx.item.orientation=='vertical' else (None,self.width) canvas.before: PushMatrix Rotate: angle: 90 if ctx.item.orientation == 'horizontal' else 0 origin: self.center canvas.after: PopMatrix MDLabel: id:_expand_icon theme_text_color:ctx.item.title_theme_color text_color:ctx.item.title_color font_style:'Icon' size_hint: (None,1) if ctx.item.orientation == 'vertical' else (1,None) size: (self.texture_size[0],1) if ctx.item.orientation == 'vertical' else (1,self.texture_size[1]) text:md_icons[ctx.item.icon_collapsed if ctx.item.collapse else ctx.item.icon_expanded] halign: 'right' if ctx.item.orientation=='vertical' else 'center' #valign: 'middle' if ctx.item.orientation=='vertical' else 'bottom' canvas.before: PushMatrix Rotate: angle: 90 if ctx.item.orientation == 'horizontal' else 0 origin:self.center canvas.after: PopMatrix ''') if __name__ == '__main__': from kivy.app import App from kivymd.theming import ThemeManager class AccordionApp(App): theme_cls = ThemeManager() def build(self): # self.theme_cls.primary_palette = 'Indigo' return Builder.load_string(""" #:import MDLabel kivymd.label.MDLabel #:import MDList kivymd.list.MDList #:import OneLineListItem kivymd.list.OneLineListItem BoxLayout: spacing: '64dp' MDAccordion: orientation:'vertical' MDAccordionItem: title:'Item 1' icon: 'home' ScrollView: MDList: OneLineListItem: text: "Subitem 1" theme_text_color: 'Custom' text_color: [1,1,1,1] OneLineListItem: text: "Subitem 2" theme_text_color: 'Custom' text_color: [1,1,1,1] OneLineListItem: text: "Subitem 3" theme_text_color: 'Custom' text_color: [1,1,1,1] MDAccordionItem: title:'Item 2' icon: 'globe' ScrollView: MDList: OneLineListItem: text: "Subitem 4" theme_text_color: 'Custom' text_color: [1,1,1,1] OneLineListItem: text: "Subitem 5" theme_text_color: 'Custom' text_color: [1,1,1,1] OneLineListItem: text: "Subitem 6" theme_text_color: 'Custom' text_color: [1,1,1,1] MDAccordionItem: title:'Item 3' ScrollView: MDList: OneLineListItem: text: "Subitem 7" theme_text_color: 'Custom' text_color: [1,1,1,1] OneLineListItem: text: "Subitem 8" theme_text_color: 'Custom' text_color: [1,1,1,1] OneLineListItem: text: "Subitem 9" theme_text_color: 'Custom' text_color: [1,1,1,1] MDAccordion: orientation:'horizontal' MDAccordionItem: title:'Item 1' icon: 'home' MDLabel: text:'Content 1' theme_text_color:'Primary' MDAccordionItem: title:'Item 2' MDLabel: text:'Content 2' theme_text_color:'Primary' MDAccordionItem: title:'Item 3' MDLabel: text:'Content 3' theme_text_color:'Primary' """) AccordionApp().run()