# coding=utf-8 from __future__ import unicode_literals from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import division from __future__ import absolute_import from future import standard_library standard_library.install_aliases() from builtins import * from builtins import object from kivy.lang import Builder from kivy.properties import StringProperty, BooleanProperty, ObjectProperty, \ NumericProperty, ListProperty, OptionProperty from kivy.uix.behaviors import ButtonBehavior from kivy.uix.boxlayout import BoxLayout from kivy.uix.floatlayout import FloatLayout from kivymd.ripplebehavior import RectangularRippleBehavior from kivymd.theming import ThemableBehavior Builder.load_string(""" _img_widget: img _img_overlay: img_overlay _box_overlay: box AsyncImage: id: img allow_stretch: root.allow_stretch anim_delay: root.anim_delay anim_loop: root.anim_loop color: root.img_color keep_ratio: root.keep_ratio mipmap: root.mipmap source: root.source size_hint_y: 1 if root.overlap else None x: root.x y: root.y if root.overlap or root.box_position == 'header' else box.top BoxLayout: id: img_overlay size_hint: img.size_hint size: img.size pos: img.pos BoxLayout: canvas: Color: rgba: root.box_color Rectangle: pos: self.pos size: self.size id: box size_hint_y: None height: dp(68) if root.lines == 2 else dp(48) x: root.x y: root.y if root.box_position == 'footer' else root.y + root.height - self.height _img_widget: img _img_overlay: img_overlay _box_overlay: box _box_label: boxlabel AsyncImage: id: img allow_stretch: root.allow_stretch anim_delay: root.anim_delay anim_loop: root.anim_loop color: root.img_color keep_ratio: root.keep_ratio mipmap: root.mipmap source: root.source size_hint_y: 1 if root.overlap else None x: root.x y: root.y if root.overlap or root.box_position == 'header' else box.top BoxLayout: id: img_overlay size_hint: img.size_hint size: img.size pos: img.pos BoxLayout: canvas: Color: rgba: root.box_color Rectangle: pos: self.pos size: self.size id: box size_hint_y: None height: dp(68) if root.lines == 2 else dp(48) x: root.x y: root.y if root.box_position == 'footer' else root.y + root.height - self.height MDLabel: id: boxlabel font_style: "Caption" halign: "center" text: root.text """) class Tile(ThemableBehavior, RectangularRippleBehavior, ButtonBehavior, BoxLayout): """A simple tile. It does nothing special, just inherits the right behaviors to work as a building block. """ pass class SmartTile(ThemableBehavior, RectangularRippleBehavior, ButtonBehavior, FloatLayout): """A tile for more complex needs. Includes an image, a container to place overlays and a box that can act as a header or a footer, as described in the Material Design specs. """ box_color = ListProperty([0, 0, 0, 0.5]) """Sets the color and opacity for the information box.""" box_position = OptionProperty('footer', options=['footer', 'header']) """Determines wether the information box acts as a header or footer to the image. """ lines = OptionProperty(1, options=[1, 2]) """Number of lines in the header/footer. As per Material Design specs, only 1 and 2 are valid values. """ overlap = BooleanProperty(True) """Determines if the header/footer overlaps on top of the image or not""" # Img properties allow_stretch = BooleanProperty(True) anim_delay = NumericProperty(0.25) anim_loop = NumericProperty(0) img_color = ListProperty([1, 1, 1, 1]) keep_ratio = BooleanProperty(False) mipmap = BooleanProperty(False) source = StringProperty() _img_widget = ObjectProperty() _img_overlay = ObjectProperty() _box_overlay = ObjectProperty() _box_label = ObjectProperty() def reload(self): self._img_widget.reload() def add_widget(self, widget, index=0): if issubclass(widget.__class__, IOverlay): self._img_overlay.add_widget(widget, index) elif issubclass(widget.__class__, IBoxOverlay): self._box_overlay.add_widget(widget, index) else: super(SmartTile, self).add_widget(widget, index) class SmartTileWithLabel(SmartTile): _box_label = ObjectProperty() # MDLabel properties font_style = StringProperty("Caption") theme_text_color = StringProperty("") text = StringProperty("") """Determines the text for the box footer/header""" class IBoxOverlay(object): """An interface to specify widgets that belong to to the image overlay in the :class:`SmartTile` widget when added as a child. """ pass class IOverlay(object): """An interface to specify widgets that belong to to the image overlay in the :class:`SmartTile` widget when added as a child. """ pass