# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import unicode_literals from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import division from __future__ import absolute_import from future import standard_library standard_library.install_aliases() from builtins import * from kivy.lang import Builder from kivy.properties import StringProperty, ListProperty, NumericProperty,AliasProperty, BooleanProperty from kivy.utils import get_color_from_hex from kivy.metrics import dp, sp from kivymd.color_definitions import colors from kivymd.theming import ThemableBehavior from kivy.uix.slider import Slider Builder.load_string(''' #:import Thumb kivymd.selectioncontrols.Thumb : id: slider canvas: Clear Color: rgba: self._track_color_disabled if self.disabled else (self._track_color_active if self.active \ else self._track_color_normal) Rectangle: size: (self.width - self.padding*2 - self._offset[0], dp(4)) if self.orientation == 'horizontal' \ else (dp(4),self.height - self.padding*2 - self._offset[1]) pos: (self.x + self.padding + self._offset[0], self.center_y - dp(4)) \ if self.orientation == 'horizontal' else (self.center_x - dp(4),self.y + self.padding + self._offset[1]) # If 0 draw circle Color: rgba: [0,0,0,0] if not self._is_off else (self._track_color_disabled if self.disabled \ else (self._track_color_active if self.active else self._track_color_normal)) Line: width: 2 circle: (self.x+self.padding+dp(3),self.center_y-dp(2),8 if self.active else 6 ) \ if self.orientation == 'horizontal' else (self.center_x-dp(2),self.y+self.padding+dp(3),8 \ if self.active else 6) Color: rgba: [0,0,0,0] if self._is_off \ else (self.thumb_color_down if not self.disabled else self._track_color_disabled) Rectangle: size: ((self.width-self.padding*2)*self.value_normalized, sp(4)) \ if slider.orientation == 'horizontal' else (sp(4), (self.height-self.padding*2)*self.value_normalized) pos: (self.x + self.padding, self.center_y - dp(4)) if self.orientation == 'horizontal' \ else (self.center_x - dp(4),self.y + self.padding) Thumb: id: thumb size_hint: None, None size: (dp(12), dp(12)) if root.disabled else ((dp(24), dp(24)) if root.active else (dp(16),dp(16))) pos: (slider.value_pos[0] - dp(8), slider.center_y - thumb.height/2 - dp(2)) \ if slider.orientation == 'horizontal' \ else (slider.center_x - thumb.width/2 - dp(2), slider.value_pos[1]-dp(8)) color: [0,0,0,0] if slider._is_off else (root._track_color_disabled if root.disabled \ else root.thumb_color_down) elevation: 0 if slider._is_off else (4 if root.active else 2) ''') class MDSlider(ThemableBehavior, Slider): # If the slider is clicked active = BooleanProperty(False) # Show the "off" ring when set to minimum value show_off = BooleanProperty(True) # Internal state of ring _is_off = BooleanProperty(False) # Internal adjustment to reposition sliders for ring _offset = ListProperty((0, 0)) _thumb_color = ListProperty(get_color_from_hex(colors['Grey']['50'])) def _get_thumb_color(self): return self._thumb_color def _set_thumb_color(self, color, alpha=None): if len(color) == 2: self._thumb_color = get_color_from_hex(colors[color[0]][color[1]]) if alpha: self._thumb_color[3] = alpha elif len(color) == 4: self._thumb_color = color thumb_color = AliasProperty(_get_thumb_color, _set_thumb_color, bind=['_thumb_color']) _thumb_color_down = ListProperty([1, 1, 1, 1]) def _get_thumb_color_down(self): return self._thumb_color_down def _set_thumb_color_down(self, color, alpha=None): if len(color) == 2: self._thumb_color_down = get_color_from_hex( colors[color[0]][color[1]]) if alpha: self._thumb_color_down[3] = alpha else: self._thumb_color_down[3] = 1 elif len(color) == 4: self._thumb_color_down = color thumb_color_down = AliasProperty(_get_thumb_color_down, _set_thumb_color_down, bind=['_thumb_color_down']) _thumb_color_disabled = ListProperty( get_color_from_hex(colors['Grey']['400'])) def _get_thumb_color_disabled(self): return self._thumb_color_disabled def _set_thumb_color_disabled(self, color, alpha=None): if len(color) == 2: self._thumb_color_disabled = get_color_from_hex( colors[color[0]][color[1]]) if alpha: self._thumb_color_disabled[3] = alpha elif len(color) == 4: self._thumb_color_disabled = color thumb_color_down = AliasProperty(_get_thumb_color_disabled, _set_thumb_color_disabled, bind=['_thumb_color_disabled']) _track_color_active = ListProperty() _track_color_normal = ListProperty() _track_color_disabled = ListProperty() _thumb_pos = ListProperty([0, 0]) def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(MDSlider, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.theme_cls.bind(theme_style=self._set_colors, primary_color=self._set_colors, primary_palette=self._set_colors) self._set_colors() def _set_colors(self, *args): if self.theme_cls.theme_style == 'Dark': self._track_color_normal = get_color_from_hex('FFFFFF') self._track_color_normal[3] = .3 self._track_color_active = self._track_color_normal self._track_color_disabled = self._track_color_normal self.thumb_color = get_color_from_hex(colors['Grey']['400']) self.thumb_color_down = get_color_from_hex( colors[self.theme_cls.primary_palette]['200']) self.thumb_color_disabled = get_color_from_hex( colors['Grey']['800']) else: self._track_color_normal = get_color_from_hex('000000') self._track_color_normal[3] = 0.26 self._track_color_active = get_color_from_hex('000000') self._track_color_active[3] = 0.38 self._track_color_disabled = get_color_from_hex('000000') self._track_color_disabled[3] = 0.26 self.thumb_color_down = self.theme_cls.primary_color def on_value_normalized(self, *args): """ When the value == min set it to "off" state and make slider a ring """ self._update_is_off() def on_show_off(self, *args): self._update_is_off() def _update_is_off(self): self._is_off = self.show_off and (self.value_normalized == 0) def on__is_off(self, *args): self._update_offset() def on_active(self, *args): self._update_offset() def _update_offset(self): """ Offset is used to shift the sliders so the background color shows through the off circle. """ d = 2 if self.active else 0 self._offset = (dp(11+d), dp(11+d)) if self._is_off else (0, 0) def on_touch_down(self, touch): if super(MDSlider, self).on_touch_down(touch): self.active = True def on_touch_up(self,touch): if super(MDSlider, self).on_touch_up(touch): self.active = False # thumb = self.ids['thumb'] # if thumb.collide_point(*touch.pos): # thumb.on_touch_down(touch) # thumb.on_touch_up(touch) if __name__ == '__main__': from kivy.app import App from kivymd.theming import ThemeManager class SliderApp(App): theme_cls = ThemeManager() def build(self): return Builder.load_string(""" BoxLayout: orientation:'vertical' BoxLayout: size_hint_y:None height: '48dp' Label: text:"Toggle disabled" color: [0,0,0,1] CheckBox: on_press: slider.disabled = not slider.disabled BoxLayout: size_hint_y:None height: '48dp' Label: text:"Toggle active" color: [0,0,0,1] CheckBox: on_press: slider.active = not slider.active BoxLayout: size_hint_y:None height: '48dp' Label: text:"Toggle show off" color: [0,0,0,1] CheckBox: on_press: slider.show_off = not slider.show_off MDSlider: id:slider min:0 max:100 value: 40 MDSlider: id:slider2 orientation:"vertical" min:0 max:100 value: 40 """) SliderApp().run()