Please keep this module independent from the outside code, so that it can be reused in other applications. If you are going to use it, you should wrap your program's main file in this: ```python import workprover.dumbsolver workprover.dumbsolver.libcrypto = ... if __name__ == "__main__": import multiprocessing multiprocessing.freeze_support() ... ``` See the `multiprocessing` module documentation for explaination. Build fast solver ----------------- On Linux, BSDs or MacOS: `make -C fastsolver`. On Windows: - Install OpenSSL. Build it yourself or install [third-party]( prebuilt binaries. - Install MSVC as part of Visual Studio or standalone. Official offline installer: - Open its command line and go to the `fastsolver` directory. - Add OpenSSL paths to environment variables: ```bat set INCLUDE=C:\OpenSSL-Win64\include;%INCLUDE% set LIB=C:\OpenSSL-Win64\lib;%LIB% ``` - Do `cl @options.txt`. - Append the `-32` or `-64` suffix to the DLL file name.