#!/usr/bin/make # WARN: gmake syntax ######################################################## # Makefile for $(NAME) # # useful targets: # make check -- manifest checks # make clean -- clean distutils # make coverage_report -- code coverage report # make flake8 -- flake8 checks # make pylint -- source code checks # make rpm -- build RPM package # make sdist -- build python source distribution # make systest -- runs the system tests # make tests -- run all of the tests # make unittest -- runs the unit tests # # Notes: # 1) flake8 is a wrapper around pep8, pyflakes, and McCabe. ######################################################## # variable section NAME = "python_jenkinsfile_testing" PYTHON=python COVERAGE=coverage NOSE_OPTS = --with-coverage --cover-package=$(NAME) SITELIB = $(shell $(PYTHON) -c "from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib; print get_python_lib()") VERSION := $(shell awk '/__version__/{print $$NF}' $(NAME)/__init__.py | sed "s/'//g") RPMSPECDIR = . RPMSPEC = $(RPMSPECDIR)/$(NAME).spec RPMRELEASE = 1 RPMNVR = "$(NAME)-$(VERSION)-$(RPMRELEASE)" FLAKE8_IGNORE = E302,E203,E261 ######################################################## all: clean check flake8 pylint tests flake8: flake8 --ignore=$(FLAKE8_IGNORE) $(NAME)/ flake8 --ignore=$(FLAKE8_IGNORE),E402 tests/ pylint: find ./$(NAME) ./tests -name \*.py | xargs pylint --rcfile .pylintrc check: @echo "Check-manifest disabled pending https://github.com/mgedmin/check-manifest/issues/68" #check-manifest clean: @echo "Cleaning up distutils stuff" rm -rf build rm -rf dist rm -rf MANIFEST rm -rf *.egg-info @echo "Cleaning up byte compiled python stuff" find . -type f -regex ".*\.py[co]$$" -delete @echo "Cleaning up doc builds" rm -rf docs/_build rm -rf docs/api_modules rm -rf docs/client_modules @echo "Cleaning up test reports" rm -rf report/* rpmcommon: sdist @mkdir -p rpmbuild @cp dist/*.gz rpmbuild/ @cp -R conf/* rpmbuild/ @sed -e 's#^Version:.*#Version: $(VERSION)#' -e 's#^Release:.*#Release: $(RPMRELEASE)#' $(RPMSPEC) >rpmbuild/$(NAME).spec rpm: rpmcommon @rpmbuild --define "_topdir %(pwd)/rpmbuild" \ --define "_builddir %{_topdir}" \ --define "_rpmdir %{_topdir}" \ --define "_srcrpmdir %{_topdir}" \ --define "_specdir $(RPMSPECDIR)" \ --define "_sourcedir %{_topdir}" \ --define "_rpmfilename %%{NAME}-%%{VERSION}-%%{RELEASE}.%%{ARCH}.rpm" \ --define "__python /usr/bin/python" \ -ba rpmbuild/$(NAME).spec @rm -f rpmbuild/$(NAME).spec sdist: clean $(PYTHON) setup.py sdist tests: unittest systest coverage_report unittest: clean nosetests $(NOSE_OPTS) tests/unit/* systest: clean nosetests $(NOSE_OPTS) tests/system/* coverage_report: $(COVERAGE) report --rcfile=".coveragerc"