from bitmessagekivy.get_platform import platform from bmconfigparser import BMConfigParser from helper_sql import sqlExecute, sqlQuery from functools import partial from kivy.clock import Clock from kivy.metrics import dp from import ( ListProperty, StringProperty ) from kivy.uix.button import Button from kivymd.uix.button import MDFlatButton from kivy.uix.carousel import Carousel from kivymd.uix.dialog import MDDialog from kivymd.uix.label import MDLabel from kivymd.uix.list import TwoLineAvatarIconListItem from kivy.uix.screenmanager import Screen import state from bitmessagekivy.baseclass.common import ( showLimitedCnt, avatarImageFirstLetter, AddTimeWidget, ThemeClsColor, AvatarSampleWidget ) from bitmessagekivy.baseclass.common import ( toast, showLimitedCnt, ThemeClsColor, chipTag, AddTimeWidget, AvatarSampleWidget ) class Trash(Screen): """Trash Screen class for kivy Ui""" trash_messages = ListProperty() has_refreshed = True # delete_index = StringProperty() table_name = StringProperty() def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Trash method, delete sent message and add in Trash""" super(Trash, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) Clock.schedule_once(self.init_ui, 0) def init_ui(self, dt=0): """Clock Schdule for method trash screen""" if state.association == '': if BMConfigParser().addresses(): state.association = BMConfigParser().addresses()[0] self.ids.tag_label.text = '' self.trashDataQuery(0, 20) if self.trash_messages: self.ids.tag_label.text = 'Trash' # src_mng_obj = state.kivyapp.root.children[2].children[0].ids # src_mng_obj.trash_cnt.badge_text = state.trash_count self.set_TrashCnt(state.trash_count) self.set_mdList() self.ids.scroll_y.bind(scroll_y=self.check_scroll_y) else: self.set_TrashCnt('0') content = MDLabel( font_style='Caption', theme_text_color='Primary', text="yet no trashed message for this account!!!!!!!!!!!!!", halign='center', size_hint_y=None, valign='top') def trashDataQuery(self, start_indx, end_indx): """Trash message query""" self.trash_messages = sqlQuery( "SELECT toaddress, fromaddress, subject, message," " folder ||',' || 'sent' as folder, ackdata As" " id, DATE(senttime) As actionTime, senttime as msgtime FROM sent" " WHERE folder = 'trash' and fromaddress = '{0}' UNION" " SELECT toaddress, fromaddress, subject, message," " folder ||',' || 'inbox' as folder, msgid As id," " DATE(received) As actionTime, received as msgtime FROM inbox" " WHERE folder = 'trash' and toaddress = '{0}'" " ORDER BY actionTime DESC limit {1}, {2}".format( state.association, start_indx, end_indx)) def set_TrashCnt(self, Count): # pylint: disable=no-self-use """This method is used to set trash message count""" trashCnt_obj = state.kivyapp.root.ids.content_drawer.ids.trash_cnt trashCnt_obj.ids.badge_txt.text = showLimitedCnt(int(Count)) def set_mdList(self): """This method is used to create the mdlist""" total_trash_msg = len( for item in self.trash_messages: subject = item[2].decode() if isinstance(item[2], bytes) else item[2] body = item[3].decode() if isinstance(item[3], bytes) else item[3] meny = TwoLineAvatarIconListItem( text=item[1], secondary_text=(item[2][:50] + '........' if len( subject) >= 50 else (subject + ',' + body)[0:50] + '........').replace('\t', '').replace(' ', ''), theme_text_color='Custom', text_color=ThemeClsColor) meny._txt_right_pad = dp(70) img_latter = state.imageDir + '/text_images/{}.png'.format( subject[0].upper() if (subject[0].upper() >= 'A' and subject[0].upper() <= 'Z') else '!') meny.add_widget(AvatarSampleWidget(source=img_latter)) meny.add_widget(AddTimeWidget(item[7])) meny.add_widget(chipTag('inbox 'if 'inbox' in item[4] else 'sent')) carousel = Carousel(direction='right') carousel.height = meny.height carousel.size_hint_y = None carousel.ignore_perpendicular_swipes = True carousel.data_index = 0 carousel.min_move = 0.2 del_btn = Button(text='Delete') del_btn.background_normal = '' del_btn.background_color = (1, 0, 0, 1) del_btn.bind(on_press=partial( self.delete_permanently, item[5], item[4])) carousel.add_widget(del_btn) carousel.add_widget(meny) carousel.index = 1 self.has_refreshed = True if total_trash_msg != len( else False def check_scroll_y(self, instance, somethingelse): """Load data on scroll""" if self.ids.scroll_y.scroll_y <= -0.0 and self.has_refreshed: self.ids.scroll_y.scroll_y = 0.06 total_trash_msg = len( self.update_trash_screen_on_scroll(total_trash_msg) def update_trash_screen_on_scroll(self, total_trash_msg): """Load more data on scroll down""" self.trashDataQuery(total_trash_msg, 5) self.set_mdList() def delete_permanently(self, data_index, folder, instance, *args): """Deleting trash mail permanently""" self.table_name = folder.split(',')[1] self.delete_index = data_index self.delete_confirmation() def callback_for_screen_load(self, dt=0): """This methos is for loading screen""" self.init_ui(0) self.children[1].active = False toast('Message is permanently deleted') def delete_confirmation(self): """Show confirmation delete popup""" width = .8 if platform == 'android' else .55 dialog_box = MDDialog( text='Are you sure you want to delete this' ' message permanently from trash?', size_hint=(width, .25), buttons=[ MDFlatButton( text="Yes", on_release=lambda x: callback_for_delete_msg("Yes") ), MDFlatButton( text="No", on_release=lambda x: callback_for_delete_msg("No"), ), ],) def callback_for_delete_msg(text_item, *arg): """Getting the callback of alert box""" if text_item == 'Yes': self.delete_message_from_trash() else: toast(text_item) dialog_box.dismiss() # def callback_for_delete_msg(self, text_item, *arg): # """Getting the callback of alert box""" # if text_item == 'Yes': # self.delete_message_from_trash() # else: # toast(text_item) def delete_message_from_trash(self): """Deleting message from trash""" self.children[1].active = True if self.table_name == 'inbox': sqlExecute( "DELETE FROM inbox WHERE msgid = ?;", self.delete_index) elif self.table_name == 'sent': sqlExecute( "DELETE FROM sent WHERE ackdata = ?;", self.delete_index) if int(state.trash_count) > 0: # msg_count_objs.trash_cnt.badge_text = str( # int(state.trash_count) - 1) self.set_TrashCnt(int(state.trash_count) - 1) state.trash_count = str(int(state.trash_count) - 1) Clock.schedule_once(self.callback_for_screen_load, 1)