""" The singleCleaner class is a timer-driven thread that cleans data structures to free memory, resends messages when a remote node doesn't respond, and sends pong messages to keep connections alive if the network isn't busy. It cleans these data structures in memory: inventory (moves data to the on-disk sql database) inventorySets (clears then reloads data out of sql database) It cleans these tables on the disk: inventory (clears expired objects) pubkeys (clears pubkeys older than 4 weeks old which we have not used personally) knownNodes (clears addresses which have not been online for over 3 days) It resends messages when there has been no response: resends getpubkey messages in 5 days (then 10 days, then 20 days, etc...) resends msg messages in 5 days (then 10 days, then 20 days, etc...) """ import gc import os import shared import threading import time import tr from bmconfigparser import BMConfigParser from helper_sql import sqlQuery, sqlExecute from helper_threading import StoppableThread from inventory import Inventory from network.connectionpool import BMConnectionPool from debug import logger import knownnodes import queues import state def resendStaleMessages(): staleMessages = sqlQuery(""" SELECT "toaddress", "ackdata", "status" FROM "sent" WHERE "status" IN ('awaitingpubkey', 'msgsent') AND "sleeptill" < ? AND "senttime" > ? AND "folder" == 'sent'; """, int(time.time()), int(time.time()) - shared.maximumLengthOfTimeToBotherResendingMessages) resendMessages = False for destination, ackData, status in staleMessages: if status == "awaitingpubkey": logger.info("Retrying getpubkey request for %s", destination) sqlExecute(""" UPDATE "sent" SET "status" = 'msgqueued' WHERE "status" == 'awaitingpubkey' AND "ackdata" == ?; """, ackData) elif status == "msgsent": state.watchedAckData -= {ackData} sqlExecute(""" UPDATE "sent" SET "status" = 'msgqueued' WHERE "status" == 'msgsent' AND "ackdata" == ?; """, ackData) queues.UISignalQueue.put(("updateSentItemStatusByAckdata", ( ackData, tr._translate( "MainWindow", "Queued." ) ))) resendMessages = True if resendMessages: logger.info("Resending old messages with undelivered acks or unknown pubkeys") queues.workerQueue.put(("sendmessage", )) class singleCleaner(threading.Thread, StoppableThread): cycleLength = 300 expireDiscoveredPeers = 300 def __init__(self): threading.Thread.__init__(self, name="singleCleaner") self.initStop() def run(self): gc.disable() timeWeLastClearedInventoryAndPubkeysTables = 0 try: shared.maximumLengthOfTimeToBotherResendingMessages = ( float(BMConfigParser().get( 'bitmessagesettings', 'stopresendingafterxdays')) * 24 * 60 * 60 ) + ( float(BMConfigParser().get( 'bitmessagesettings', 'stopresendingafterxmonths')) * (60 * 60 * 24 * 365)/12) except: # Either the user hasn't set stopresendingafterxdays and # stopresendingafterxmonths yet or the options are missing # from the config file. shared.maximumLengthOfTimeToBotherResendingMessages = float('inf') # initial wait if state.shutdown == 0: self.stop.wait(singleCleaner.cycleLength) while state.shutdown == 0: queues.UISignalQueue.put(( 'updateStatusBar', 'Doing housekeeping (Flushing inventory in memory to disk...)' )) Inventory().flush() queues.UISignalQueue.put(('updateStatusBar', '')) # If we are running as a daemon then we are going to fill up the UI # queue which will never be handled by a UI. We should clear it to # save memory. # FIXME redundant? if shared.thisapp.daemon or not state.enableGUI: queues.UISignalQueue.queue.clear() if timeWeLastClearedInventoryAndPubkeysTables < \ int(time.time()) - 7380: timeWeLastClearedInventoryAndPubkeysTables = int(time.time()) Inventory().clean() # pubkeys sqlExecute( "DELETE FROM pubkeys WHERE time 2419200: # 28 days shared.needToWriteKnownNodesToDisk = True del knownnodes.knownNodes[stream][node] continue # scrap old nodes with low rating if now - knownnodes.knownNodes[stream][node]["lastseen"] > 10800 and knownnodes.knownNodes[stream][node]["rating"] <= knownnodes.knownNodesForgetRating: shared.needToWriteKnownNodesToDisk = True del knownnodes.knownNodes[stream][node] continue except TypeError: print "Error in %s" % node keys = [] # Let us write out the knowNodes to disk # if there is anything new to write out. if shared.needToWriteKnownNodesToDisk: try: knownnodes.saveKnownNodes() except Exception as err: if "Errno 28" in str(err): logger.fatal( '(while receiveDataThread' ' knownnodes.needToWriteKnownNodesToDisk)' ' Alert: Your disk or data storage volume' ' is full. ' ) queues.UISignalQueue.put(( 'alert', (tr._translate("MainWindow", "Disk full"), tr._translate( "MainWindow", 'Alert: Your disk or data storage volume' ' is full. Bitmessage will now exit.'), True) )) # FIXME redundant? if shared.daemon or not state.enableGUI: os._exit(0) shared.needToWriteKnownNodesToDisk = False # # clear download queues # for thread in threading.enumerate(): # if thread.isAlive() and hasattr(thread, 'downloadQueue'): # thread.downloadQueue.clear() # inv/object tracking for connection in \ BMConnectionPool().inboundConnections.values() + \ BMConnectionPool().outboundConnections.values(): connection.clean() # discovery tracking exp = time.time() - singleCleaner.expireDiscoveredPeers reaper = (k for k, v in state.discoveredPeers.items() if v < exp) for k in reaper: try: del state.discoveredPeers[k] except KeyError: pass # TODO: cleanup pending upload / download gc.collect() if state.shutdown == 0: self.stop.wait(singleCleaner.cycleLength)