""" Tests for core and those that do not work outside (because of import error for example) """ import os import pickle # nosec import Queue import random # nosec import shutil import socket import string import sys import time import unittest import protocol import state import helper_sent import helper_addressbook from bmconfigparser import BMConfigParser from helper_msgcoding import MsgEncode, MsgDecode from helper_startup import start_proxyconfig from helper_sql import sqlQuery from network import asyncore_pollchoose as asyncore, knownnodes from network.bmproto import BMProto from network.connectionpool import BMConnectionPool from network.node import Node, Peer from network.tcp import Socks4aBMConnection, Socks5BMConnection, TCPConnection from queues import excQueue from version import softwareVersion from common import cleanup try: import stem.version as stem_version except ImportError: stem_version = None knownnodes_file = os.path.join(state.appdata, 'knownnodes.dat') def pickle_knownnodes(): """Generate old style pickled knownnodes.dat""" now = time.time() with open(knownnodes_file, 'wb') as dst: pickle.dump({ stream: { Peer( '%i.%i.%i.%i' % tuple([ random.randint(1, 255) for i in range(4)]), 8444): {'lastseen': now, 'rating': 0.1} for i in range(1, 4) # 3 test nodes } for stream in range(1, 4) # 3 test streams }, dst) class TestCore(unittest.TestCase): """Test case, which runs in main pybitmessage thread""" addr = 'BM-2cVvkzJuQDsQHLqxRXc6HZGPLZnkBLzEZY' def test_msgcoding(self): """test encoding and decoding (originally from helper_msgcoding)""" msg_data = { 'subject': ''.join( random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits) # nosec for _ in range(40)), 'body': ''.join( random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits) # nosec for _ in range(10000)) } obj1 = MsgEncode(msg_data, 1) obj2 = MsgEncode(msg_data, 2) obj3 = MsgEncode(msg_data, 3) # print "1: %i 2: %i 3: %i" % ( # len(obj1.data), len(obj2.data), len(obj3.data)) obj1e = MsgDecode(1, obj1.data) # no subject in trivial encoding self.assertEqual(msg_data['body'], obj1e.body) obj2e = MsgDecode(2, obj2.data) self.assertEqual(msg_data['subject'], obj2e.subject) self.assertEqual(msg_data['body'], obj2e.body) obj3e = MsgDecode(3, obj3.data) self.assertEqual(msg_data['subject'], obj3e.subject) self.assertEqual(msg_data['body'], obj3e.body) try: MsgEncode({'body': 'A msg with no subject'}, 3) except Exception as e: self.fail( 'Exception %s while trying to encode message' ' with no subject!' % e ) @unittest.skip('Bad environment for asyncore.loop') def test_tcpconnection(self): """initial fill script from network.tcp""" BMConfigParser().set('bitmessagesettings', 'dontconnect', 'true') try: for peer in (Peer("", 8448),): direct = TCPConnection(peer) while asyncore.socket_map: print("loop, state = %s" % direct.state) asyncore.loop(timeout=10, count=1) except: self.fail('Exception in test loop') @staticmethod def _wipe_knownnodes(): with knownnodes.knownNodesLock: knownnodes.knownNodes = {stream: {} for stream in range(1, 4)} @staticmethod def _outdate_knownnodes(): with knownnodes.knownNodesLock: for nodes in knownnodes.knownNodes.itervalues(): for node in nodes.itervalues(): node['lastseen'] -= 2419205 # older than 28 days def test_knownnodes_pickle(self): """ensure that 3 nodes was imported for each stream""" pickle_knownnodes() self._wipe_knownnodes() knownnodes.readKnownNodes() for nodes in knownnodes.knownNodes.itervalues(): self_count = n = 0 for n, node in enumerate(nodes.itervalues()): if node.get('self'): self_count += 1 self.assertEqual(n - self_count, 2) def test_knownnodes_default(self): """test adding default knownnodes if nothing loaded""" cleanup(files=('knownnodes.dat',)) self._wipe_knownnodes() knownnodes.readKnownNodes() self.assertGreaterEqual( len(knownnodes.knownNodes[1]), len(knownnodes.DEFAULT_NODES)) def test_0_cleaner(self): """test knownnodes starvation leading to IndexError in Asyncore""" self._outdate_knownnodes() # time.sleep(303) # singleCleaner wakes up every 5 min knownnodes.cleanupKnownNodes() self.assertTrue(knownnodes.knownNodes[1]) while True: try: thread, exc = excQueue.get(block=False) except Queue.Empty: return if thread == 'Asyncore' and isinstance(exc, IndexError): self.fail("IndexError because of empty knownNodes!") def _initiate_bootstrap(self): BMConfigParser().set('bitmessagesettings', 'dontconnect', 'true') self._outdate_knownnodes() knownnodes.addKnownNode(1, Peer('', 8444), is_self=True) knownnodes.cleanupKnownNodes() time.sleep(2) def _check_connection(self): """ Check if there is at least one outbound connection to remote host with name not starting with "bootstrap" in 3 minutes, fail otherwise. """ _started = time.time() BMConfigParser().remove_option('bitmessagesettings', 'dontconnect') proxy_type = BMConfigParser().safeGet( 'bitmessagesettings', 'socksproxytype') if proxy_type == 'SOCKS5': connection_base = Socks5BMConnection elif proxy_type == 'SOCKS4a': connection_base = Socks4aBMConnection else: connection_base = TCPConnection for _ in range(180): time.sleep(1) for peer, con in BMConnectionPool().outboundConnections.iteritems(): if not peer.host.startswith('bootstrap'): self.assertIsInstance(con, connection_base) self.assertNotEqual(peer.host, '') return self.fail( 'Failed to connect during %s sec' % (time.time() - _started)) def test_connection(self): """test connection to bootstrap servers""" self._initiate_bootstrap() for port in [8080, 8444]: for item in socket.getaddrinfo( 'bootstrap%s.bitmessage.org' % port, 80): try: addr = item[4][0] socket.inet_aton(item[4][0]) except (TypeError, socket.error): continue else: knownnodes.addKnownNode(1, Peer(addr, port)) self._check_connection() def test_bootstrap(self): """test bootstrapping""" self._initiate_bootstrap() self._check_connection() @unittest.skipUnless(stem_version, 'No stem, skipping tor dependent test') def test_bootstrap_tor(self): """test bootstrapping with tor""" self._initiate_bootstrap() BMConfigParser().set('bitmessagesettings', 'socksproxytype', 'stem') start_proxyconfig() self._check_connection() @unittest.skipUnless(stem_version, 'No stem, skipping tor dependent test') def test_onionservicesonly(self): # this should start after bootstrap """ set onionservicesonly, wait for 3 connections and check them all are onions """ BMConfigParser().set('bitmessagesettings', 'socksproxytype', 'SOCKS5') BMConfigParser().set('bitmessagesettings', 'onionservicesonly', 'true') self._initiate_bootstrap() BMConfigParser().remove_option('bitmessagesettings', 'dontconnect') for _ in range(360): time.sleep(1) for n, peer in enumerate(BMConnectionPool().outboundConnections): if n > 2: return if ( not peer.host.endswith('.onion') and not peer.host.startswith('bootstrap') ): self.fail( 'Found non onion hostname %s in outbound connections!' % peer.host) self.fail('Failed to connect to at least 3 nodes within 360 sec') @staticmethod def _decode_msg(data, pattern): proto = BMProto() proto.bm_proto_reset() proto.payload = data[protocol.Header.size:] return proto.decode_payload_content(pattern) def test_version(self): """check encoding/decoding of the version message""" # with single stream msg = protocol.assembleVersionMessage('', 8444, [1]) decoded = self._decode_msg(msg, "IQQiiQlsLv") peer, _, ua, streams = self._decode_msg(msg, "IQQiiQlsLv")[4:] self.assertEqual( peer, Node(11 if state.dandelion else 3, '', 8444)) self.assertEqual(ua, '/PyBitmessage:' + softwareVersion + '/') self.assertEqual(streams, [1]) # with multiple streams msg = protocol.assembleVersionMessage('', 8444, [1, 2, 3]) decoded = self._decode_msg(msg, "IQQiiQlslv") peer, _, ua = decoded[4:7] streams = decoded[7:] self.assertEqual(streams, [1, 2, 3]) def test_insert_method_msgid(self): """Test insert method of helper_sent module with message sending""" fromAddress = 'BM-2cTrmD22fLRrumi3pPLg1ELJ6PdAaTRTdfg' toAddress = 'BM-2cUGaEcGz9Zft1SPAo8FJtfzyADTpEgU9U' message = 'test message' subject = 'test subject' result = helper_sent.insert( toAddress=toAddress, fromAddress=fromAddress, subject=subject, message=message ) queryreturn = sqlQuery( '''select msgid from sent where ackdata=?''', result) self.assertNotEqual(queryreturn[0][0] if queryreturn else '', '') column_type = sqlQuery( '''select typeof(msgid) from sent where ackdata=?''', result) self.assertEqual(column_type[0][0] if column_type else '', 'text') def test_old_knownnodes_pickle(self): """Testing old(v.0.6.2) version knownnodes.dat file""" try: old_source_file = os.path.join( os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), 'test_pattern', 'knownnodes.dat') new_destination_file = os.path.join(state.appdata, 'knownnodes.dat') shutil.copyfile(old_source_file, new_destination_file) knownnodes.readKnownNodes() except AttributeError as e: self.fail('Failed to load knownnodes: %s' % e) finally: cleanup(files=('knownnodes.dat',)) @staticmethod def delete_address_from_addressbook(address): """Clean up addressbook""" sqlQuery('''delete from addressbook where address=?''', address) def test_add_same_address_twice_in_addressbook(self): """checking same address is added twice in addressbook""" self.assertTrue(helper_addressbook.insert(label='test1', address=self.addr)) self.assertFalse(helper_addressbook.insert(label='test1', address=self.addr)) self.delete_address_from_addressbook(self.addr) def test_is_address_present_in_addressbook(self): """checking is address added in addressbook or not""" helper_addressbook.insert(label='test1', address=self.addr) queryreturn = sqlQuery('''select count(*) from addressbook where address=?''', self.addr) self.assertEqual(queryreturn[0][0], 1) self.delete_address_from_addressbook(self.addr) def test_is_own_address_add_to_addressbook(self): """Checking own address adding in addressbook""" from helper_addressGenerator import createAddressIfNeeded try: address = createAddressIfNeeded('test1') self.assertFalse(helper_addressbook.insert(label='test', address=address)) except IndexError: self.fail("Can't generate addresses") def test_adding_two_same_case_sensitive_addresses(self): """Testing same case sensitive address store in addressbook""" address1 = 'BM-2cVWtdUzPwF7UNGDrZftWuHWiJ6xxBpiSP' address2 = 'BM-2CvwTDuZpWf7ungdRzFTwUhwIj6XXbPIsp' self.assertTrue(helper_addressbook.insert(label='test1', address=address1)) self.assertTrue(helper_addressbook.insert(label='test2', address=address2)) self.delete_address_from_addressbook(address1) self.delete_address_from_addressbook(address2) def run(): """Starts all tests defined in this module""" loader = unittest.defaultTestLoader loader.sortTestMethodsUsing = None suite = loader.loadTestsFromTestCase(TestCore) try: import bitmessageqt.tests except ImportError: pass else: qt_tests = loader.loadTestsFromModule(bitmessageqt.tests) suite.addTests(qt_tests) def keep_exc(ex_cls, exc, tb): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """Own exception hook for test cases""" excQueue.put(('tests', exc)) sys.excepthook = keep_exc return unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2).run(suite)