# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Operating with plugins """ import logging import pkg_resources logger = logging.getLogger('default') def get_plugins(group, point='', name=None, fallback=None): """ :param str group: plugin group :param str point: plugin name prefix :param name: exact plugin name :param fallback: fallback plugin name Iterate through plugins (``connect_plugin`` attribute of entry point) which name starts with ``point`` or equals to ``name``. If ``fallback`` kwarg specified, plugin with that name yield last. """ for ep in pkg_resources.iter_entry_points('bitmessage.' + group): if name and ep.name == name or not point or ep.name.startswith(point): try: plugin = ep.load().connect_plugin if ep.name == fallback: _fallback = plugin else: yield plugin except (AttributeError, ImportError, ValueError, RuntimeError, # PyQt for example pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound, pkg_resources.UnknownExtra): logger.debug( 'Problem while loading %s', ep.name, exc_info=True) continue try: yield _fallback except NameError: pass def get_plugin(*args, **kwargs): """ :return: first available plugin from :func:`get_plugins` if any. """ for plugin in get_plugins(*args, **kwargs): return plugin