MainWindow One of your addresses, %1, is an old version 1 address. Version 1 addresses are no longer supported. May we delete it now? Reply Ответить Add sender to your Address Book Добавить отправителя в адресную книгу Move to Trash Поместить в корзину View HTML code as formatted text Save message as... Сохранить сообщение как ... New Новый адрес Enable Disable Copy address to clipboard Скопировать адрес в буфер обмена Special address behavior... Send message to this address Subscribe to this address Add New Address Добавить новый адрес Delete Copy destination address to clipboard Скопировать адрес отправки в буфер обмена Force send Add new entry Добавить новую запись Waiting on their encryption key. Will request it again soon. Encryption key request queued. Queued. Message sent. Waiting on acknowledgement. Sent at %1 Сообщение отправлено. Ожидаем подтверждения. Отправлено в %1 Need to do work to send message. Work is queued. Acknowledgement of the message received %1 Сообщение получено %1 Broadcast queued. Broadcast on %1 Problem: The work demanded by the recipient is more difficult than you are willing to do. %1 Problem: The recipient's encryption key is no good. Could not encrypt message. %1 Forced difficulty override. Send should start soon. Unknown status: %1 %2 Неизвестный статус: %1 %2 Since startup on %1 Not Connected Не соединено Show Bitmessage Send Отправка Subscribe Подписки Address Book Адресная книга Quit Выйти You may manage your keys by editing the keys.dat file stored in the same directory as this program. It is important that you back up this file. You may manage your keys by editing the keys.dat file stored in %1 It is important that you back up this file. Open keys.dat? You may manage your keys by editing the keys.dat file stored in the same directory as this program. It is important that you back up this file. Would you like to open the file now? (Be sure to close Bitmessage before making any changes.) You may manage your keys by editing the keys.dat file stored in %1 It is important that you back up this file. Would you like to open the file now? (Be sure to close Bitmessage before making any changes.) Delete trash? Are you sure you want to delete all trashed messages? bad passphrase Неподходящая секретная фраза You must type your passphrase. If you don't have one then this is not the form for you. Вы должны ввести секретную фразу. Если Вы не хотите это делать, то Вы выбрали неправильную опцию. Processed %1 person-to-person messages. Processed %1 broadcast messages. Processed %1 public keys. Total Connections: %1 Всего соединений: %1 Connection lost Соединение потеряно Connected Соединено Message trashed Error: Bitmessage addresses start with BM- Please check %1 Error: The address %1 is not typed or copied correctly. Please check it. Error: The address %1 contains invalid characters. Please check it. Error: The address version in %1 is too high. Either you need to upgrade your Bitmessage software or your acquaintance is being clever. Error: Some data encoded in the address %1 is too short. There might be something wrong with the software of your acquaintance. Error: Some data encoded in the address %1 is too long. There might be something wrong with the software of your acquaintance. Error: Something is wrong with the address %1. Error: You must specify a From address. If you don't have one, go to the 'Your Identities' tab. Sending to your address Error: One of the addresses to which you are sending a message, %1, is yours. Unfortunately the Bitmessage client cannot process its own messages. Please try running a second client on a different computer or within a VM. Address version number Concerning the address %1, Bitmessage cannot understand address version numbers of %2. Perhaps upgrade Bitmessage to the latest version. Stream number Номер потока Concerning the address %1, Bitmessage cannot handle stream numbers of %2. Perhaps upgrade Bitmessage to the latest version. Warning: You are currently not connected. Bitmessage will do the work necessary to send the message but it won't send until you connect. Your 'To' field is empty. Work is queued. Right click one or more entries in your address book and select 'Send message to this address'. Work is queued. %1 New Message From От Address is valid. Error: You cannot add the same address to your address book twice. Try renaming the existing one if you want. The address you entered was invalid. Ignoring it. Error: You cannot add the same address to your subsciptions twice. Perhaps rename the existing one if you want. Restart You must restart Bitmessage for the port number change to take effect. Bitmessage will use your proxy from now on but you may want to manually restart Bitmessage now to close existing connections. Error: You cannot add the same address to your list twice. Perhaps rename the existing one if you want. Passphrase mismatch The passphrase you entered twice doesn't match. Try again. Choose a passphrase Придумайте секретную фразу You really do need a passphrase. Вы действительно должны ввести секретную фразу. All done. Closing user interface... Address is gone Bitmessage cannot find your address %1. Perhaps you removed it? Address disabled Error: The address from which you are trying to send is disabled. You'll have to enable it on the 'Your Identities' tab before using it. Entry added to the Address Book. Edit the label to your liking. Moved items to trash. There is no user interface to view your trash, but it is still on disk if you are desperate to get it back. Удалено в корзину. Чтобы попасть в корзину, Вам нужно будет найти файл корзины на диске. Save As... Write error. No addresses selected. Options have been disabled because they either aren't applicable or because they haven't yet been implemented for your operating system. The address should start with ''BM-'' The address is not typed or copied correctly (the checksum failed). The version number of this address is higher than this software can support. Please upgrade Bitmessage. The address contains invalid characters. Some data encoded in the address is too short. Some data encoded in the address is too long. You are using TCP port %1. (This can be changed in the settings). Вы используете TCP порт %1 (Его можно поменять в настройках). Bitmessage Bitmessage To Кому From От кого Subject Тема Received Получено Inbox Входящие Load from Address book Взять из адресной книги Message: Сообщение: Subject: Тема: Send to one or more specific people Отправить одному или нескольким указанным получателям <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" ""> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'MS Shell Dlg 2'; font-size:9pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style="-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><br /></p></body></html> To: Кому: From: От: Broadcast to everyone who is subscribed to your address Рассылка всем, кто подписался на Ваш адрес Be aware that broadcasts are only encrypted with your address. Anyone who knows your address can read them. Пожалуйста, учитывайте, что рассылки шифруются лишь Вашим адресом. Любой человек, который знает Ваш адрес, сможет прочитать Вашу рассылку. Status Статус Sent Отправленные Label (not shown to anyone) Название (не показывается никому) Address Адрес Stream Поток Your Identities Ваши Адреса Here you can subscribe to 'broadcast messages' that are sent by other users. Messages will appear in your Inbox. Addresses here override those on the Blacklist tab. Здесь Вы можете подписаться на рассылки от других пользователей. Все рассылки будут появлять у Вас во Входящих. Вы будете следить за всеми адресами, указанными здесь, даже если они в черном списке. Add new Subscription Добавить новую подписку Label Название Subscriptions Подписки The Address book is useful for adding names or labels to other people's Bitmessage addresses so that you can recognize them more easily in your inbox. You can add entries here using the 'Add' button, or from your inbox by right-clicking on a message. Name or Label Название Use a Blacklist (Allow all incoming messages except those on the Blacklist) Использовать черный список (Разрешить все входящие сообщения, кроме указанных в черном списке) Use a Whitelist (Block all incoming messages except those on the Whitelist) Использовать белый список (блокировать все входящие сообщения, кроме указанных в белом списке) Blacklist Черный список Stream # № потока Connections Соединений Total connections: 0 Всего соединений: 0 Since startup at asdf: Processed 0 person-to-person message. Processed 0 public key. Processed 0 broadcast. Network Status Статус сети File Файл Settings Настройки Help Помощь Import keys Manage keys Управлять ключами About О программе Regenerate deterministic addresses Сгенерировать заново все адреса Delete all trashed messages Стереть все сообщения из корзины NewAddressDialog Create new Address Here you may generate as many addresses as you like. Indeed, creating and abandoning addresses is encouraged. You may generate addresses by using either random numbers or by using a passphrase. If you use a passphrase, the address is called a "deterministic" address. The 'Random Number' option is selected by default but deterministic addresses have several pros and cons: <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">Pros:<br/></span>You can recreate your addresses on any computer from memory. <br/>You need-not worry about backing up your keys.dat file as long as you can remember your passphrase. <br/><span style=" font-weight:600;">Cons:<br/></span>You must remember (or write down) your passphrase if you expect to be able to recreate your keys if they are lost. <br/>You must remember the address version number and the stream number along with your passphrase. <br/>If you choose a weak passphrase and someone on the Internet can brute-force it, they can read your messages and send messages as you.</p></body></html> Use a random number generator to make an address Использовать генератор случайных чисел для создания адреса Use a passphrase to make addresses Использовать секретную фразу для создания адресов Spend several minutes of extra computing time to make the address(es) 1 or 2 characters shorter Потратить несколько лишних минут, чтобы сделать адрес(а) короче на 1 или 2 символа Make deterministic addresses Address version number: 3 Версия адреса: 3 In addition to your passphrase, you must remember these numbers: В дополнение к секретной фразе, Вам необходимо запомнить эти числа: Passphrase Секретная фраза Number of addresses to make based on your passphrase: Кол-во адресов, которые Вы хотите получить из секретной фразы: Stream number: 1 Номер потока: 1 Retype passphrase Повторите секретную фразу Randomly generate address Сгенерировать случайный адрес Label (not shown to anyone except you) Название (не показывается никому кроме Вас) Use the most available stream Использовать наиболее доступный поток (best if this is the first of many addresses you will create) Use the same stream as an existing address (saves you some bandwidth and processing power) NewChanDialog Dialog Create a new chan Join a chan <html><head/><body><p>A chan is a set of encryption keys that is shared by a group of people. The keys and bitmessage address used by a chan is generated from a human-friendly word or phrase (the chan name).</p><p>Chans are experimental and are unmoderatable.</p></body></html> Chan name: Chan bitmessage address: Create a chan Enter a name for your chan. If you choose a sufficiently complex chan name (like a strong and unique passphrase) and none of your friends share it publicly then the chan will be secure and private. NewSubscriptionDialog Add new entry Добавить новую запись Label Название Address Адрес SpecialAddressBehaviorDialog Special Address Behavior Behave as a normal address Behave as a pseudo-mailing-list address Mail received to a pseudo-mailing-list address will be automatically broadcast to subscribers (and thus will be public). Name of the pseudo-mailing-list: aboutDialog About О программе PyBitmessage PyBitmessage version ? версия ? Copyright © 2013 Jonathan Warren Копирайт © 2013 Джонатан Уоррен <html><head/><body><p>Distributed under the MIT/X11 software license; see <a href=""><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;"></span></a></p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p>Программа распространяется в соответствии с лицензией MIT/X11; см. <a href=""><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;"></span></a></p></body></html> This is Beta software. Это бета версия программы. helpDialog Help Помощь <a href=""></a> <a href=""></a> As Bitmessage is a collaborative project, help can be found online in the Bitmessage Wiki: Битмесседж - это общественный проект. Вы можете найти подсказки и советы на Wiki-страничке Битмесседж: iconGlossaryDialog Icon Glossary Описание значков You have no connections with other peers. Нет соединения с другими участниками сети. You have made at least one connection to a peer using an outgoing connection but you have not yet received any incoming connections. Your firewall or home router probably isn't configured to forward incoming TCP connections to your computer. Bitmessage will work just fine but it would help the Bitmessage network if you allowed for incoming connections and will help you be a better-connected node. На текущий момент Вы установили по-крайней мере одно исходящее соединение, но пока ни одного входящего. Ваш файрвол или маршрутизатор скорее всего не настроен на переброс входящих TCP соединений к Вашему компьютеру. Битмесседж будет прекрасно работать и без этого, но Вы могли бы помочь сети если бы разрешили и входящие соединения тоже. Это помогло бы Вам стать более важным узлом сети. You are using TCP port ?. (This can be changed in the settings). Вы используете TCP порт ?. (Его можно поменять в настройках). You do have connections with other peers and your firewall is correctly configured. Вы установили соединение с другими участниками сети и ваш файрвол настроен правильно. regenerateAddressesDialog Regenerate Existing Addresses Сгенерировать заново существующие адреса Regenerate existing addresses Сгенерировать заново существующие адреса Passphrase Секретная фраза Number of addresses to make based on your passphrase: Address version Number: Версия адреса: 3 3 Stream number: Номер потока: 1 1 Spend several minutes of extra computing time to make the address(es) 1 or 2 characters shorter Потратить несколько лишних минут, чтобы сделать адрес(а) короче на 1 или 2 символа You must check (or not check) this box just like you did (or didn't) when you made your addresses the first time. Вы должны кликнуть эту галочку (или не кликать) точно также как Вы сделали в самый первый раз, когда создавали Ваши адреса. If you have previously made deterministic addresses but lost them due to an accident (like hard drive failure), you can regenerate them here. If you used the random number generator to make your addresses then this form will be of no use to you. settingsDialog Settings Настройки Start Bitmessage on user login Запускать Битмесседж при входе в систему Start Bitmessage in the tray (don't show main window) Запускать Битмесседж в свернутом виде (не показывать главное окно) Minimize to tray Сворачивать в трей Show notification when message received Показывать уведомления при получении новых сообщений Run in Portable Mode Запустить в переносном режиме In Portable Mode, messages and config files are stored in the same directory as the program rather than the normal application-data folder. This makes it convenient to run Bitmessage from a USB thumb drive. User Interface Пользовательские Listening port Порт прослушивания Listen for connections on port: Прослушивать соединения на порту: Proxy server / Tor Прокси сервер / Тор Type: Тип: none отсутствует SOCKS4a SOCKS4a SOCKS5 SOCKS5 Server hostname: Адрес сервера: Port: Порт: Authentication Авторизация Username: Имя пользователя: Pass: Прль: Network Settings Сетевые настройки When someone sends you a message, their computer must first complete some work. The difficulty of this work, by default, is 1. You may raise this default for new addresses you create by changing the values here. Any new addresses you create will require senders to meet the higher difficulty. There is one exception: if you add a friend or acquaintance to your address book, Bitmessage will automatically notify them when you next send a message that they need only complete the minimum amount of work: difficulty 1. Total difficulty: Общая сложность: Small message difficulty: Сложность для маленьких сообщений: The 'Small message difficulty' mostly only affects the difficulty of sending small messages. Doubling this value makes it almost twice as difficult to send a small message but doesn't really affect large messages. The 'Total difficulty' affects the absolute amount of work the sender must complete. Doubling this value doubles the amount of work. Demanded difficulty Требуемая сложность Here you may set the maximum amount of work you are willing to do to send a message to another person. Setting these values to 0 means that any value is acceptable. Maximum acceptable total difficulty: Макс допустимая общая сложность: Maximum acceptable small message difficulty: Макс допустимая сложность для маленький сообщений: Max acceptable difficulty Макс допустимая сложность