# from bitmessagekivy.get_platform import platform # from bitmessagekivy import identiconGeneration from bitmessagekivy import kivy_helper_search from bmconfigparser import BMConfigParser from helper_sql import sqlExecute from functools import partial from kivy.clock import Clock from kivy.metrics import dp from kivy.properties import ( ListProperty, StringProperty ) from kivy.uix.button import Button from kivy.uix.carousel import Carousel from kivy.uix.screenmanager import Screen from kivymd.uix.label import MDLabel from kivymd.uix.list import TwoLineAvatarIconListItem import state from bitmessagekivy.baseclass.common import ( showLimitedCnt, initailize_detail_page, avatarImageFirstLetter, AddTimeWidget, ThemeClsColor, AvatarSampleWidget, toast ) class Inbox(Screen): """Inbox Screen class for kivy Ui""" queryreturn = ListProperty() has_refreshed = True account = StringProperty() def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Method Parsing the address""" super(Inbox, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) Clock.schedule_once(self.init_ui, 0) @staticmethod def set_defaultAddress(): """This method set's default address""" if state.association == "": if BMConfigParser().addresses(): state.association = BMConfigParser().addresses()[0] def init_ui(self, dt=0): """Clock schdule for method inbox accounts""" self.loadMessagelist() def loadMessagelist(self, where="", what=""): """Load Inbox list for Inbox messages""" self.set_defaultAddress() self.account = state.association if state.searcing_text: # self.children[2].children[0].children[0].scroll_y = 1.0 self.ids.scroll_y.scroll_y = 1.0 where = ["subject", "message"] what = state.searcing_text xAddress = "toaddress" data = [] self.ids.tag_label.text = "" self.inboxDataQuery(xAddress, where, what) self.ids.tag_label.text = "" if self.queryreturn: self.ids.tag_label.text = "Inbox" state.kivyapp.get_inbox_count() self.set_inboxCount(state.inbox_count) for mail in self.queryreturn: # third_text = mail[3].replace('\n', ' ') body = mail[3].decode() if isinstance(mail[3], bytes) else mail[3] subject = mail[5].decode() if isinstance(mail[5], bytes) else mail[5] data.append( { "text": mail[4].strip(), "secondary_text": ( subject[:50] + "........" if len(subject) >= 50 else (subject + "," + body)[0:50] + "........" ) .replace("\t", "") .replace(" ", ""), "msgid": mail[1], "received": mail[6] } ) self.has_refreshed = True self.set_mdList(data) self.ids.scroll_y.bind(scroll_y=self.check_scroll_y) else: self.set_inboxCount("0") content = MDLabel( font_style="Caption", theme_text_color="Primary", text="No message found!" if state.searcing_text else "yet no message for this account!!!!!!!!!!!!!", halign="center", size_hint_y=None, valign="top" ) self.ids.ml.add_widget(content) def set_inboxCount(self, msgCnt): # pylint: disable=no-self-use """This method is used to sent inbox message count""" src_mng_obj = state.kivyapp.root.ids.content_drawer.ids src_mng_obj.inbox_cnt.ids.badge_txt.text = showLimitedCnt(int(msgCnt)) state.kivyapp.get_sent_count() state.all_count = str( int(state.sent_count) + int(state.inbox_count)) src_mng_obj.allmail_cnt.ids.badge_txt.text = showLimitedCnt(int(state.all_count)) def inboxDataQuery(self, xAddress, where, what, start_indx=0, end_indx=20): """This method is used for retrieving inbox data""" self.queryreturn = kivy_helper_search.search_sql( xAddress, self.account, "inbox", where, what, False, start_indx, end_indx ) def set_mdList(self, data): """This method is used to create the mdList""" total_message = len(self.ids.ml.children) for item in data: meny = TwoLineAvatarIconListItem( text=item["text"], secondary_text=item["secondary_text"], theme_text_color="Custom", text_color=ThemeClsColor ) meny._txt_right_pad = dp(70) meny.add_widget( AvatarSampleWidget( source=state.imageDir + "/text_images/{}.png".format( avatarImageFirstLetter(item["secondary_text"].strip()) ) ) ) meny.bind(on_press=partial(self.inbox_detail, item["msgid"])) meny.add_widget(AddTimeWidget(item["received"])) carousel = Carousel(direction="right") carousel.height = meny.height carousel.size_hint_y = None carousel.ignore_perpendicular_swipes = True carousel.data_index = 0 carousel.min_move = 0.2 del_btn = Button(text="Delete") del_btn.background_normal = "" del_btn.background_color = (1, 0, 0, 1) del_btn.bind(on_press=partial(self.delete, item["msgid"])) carousel.add_widget(del_btn) carousel.add_widget(meny) # ach_btn = Button(text='Achieve') # ach_btn.background_color = (0, 1, 0, 1) # ach_btn.bind(on_press=partial(self.archive, item['msgid'])) # carousel.add_widget(ach_btn) carousel.index = 1 self.ids.ml.add_widget(carousel) update_message = len(self.ids.ml.children) self.has_refreshed = True if total_message != update_message else False def check_scroll_y(self, instance, somethingelse): """Loads data on scroll""" if self.ids.scroll_y.scroll_y <= -0.0 and self.has_refreshed: self.ids.scroll_y.scroll_y = 0.06 total_message = len(self.ids.ml.children) self.update_inbox_screen_on_scroll(total_message) def update_inbox_screen_on_scroll(self, total_message, where="", what=""): """This method is used to load more data on scroll down""" data = [] if state.searcing_text: where = ["subject", "message"] what = state.searcing_text self.inboxDataQuery("toaddress", where, what, total_message, 5) for mail in self.queryreturn: # third_text = mail[3].replace('\n', ' ') subject = mail[3].decode() if isinstance(mail[3], bytes) else mail[3] body = mail[5].decode() if isinstance(mail[5], bytes) else mail[5] data.append( { "text": mail[4].strip(), "secondary_text": body[:50] + "........" if len(body) >= 50 else (body + "," + subject.replace("\n", ""))[0:50] + "........", "msgid": mail[1], "received": mail[6] } ) self.set_mdList(data) def inbox_detail(self, msg_id, *args): """Load inbox page details""" state.detailPageType = "inbox" state.mail_id = msg_id if self.manager: src_mng_obj = self.manager else: src_mng_obj = self.parent.parent # src_mng_obj.screens[13].clear_widgets() # src_mng_obj.screens[13].add_widget(MailDetail()) # src_mng_obj.current = "mailDetail" initailize_detail_page(src_mng_obj) def delete(self, data_index, instance, *args): """Delete inbox mail from inbox listing""" sqlExecute("UPDATE inbox SET folder = 'trash' WHERE msgid = ?;", data_index) msg_count_objs = self.parent.parent.ids.content_drawer.ids if int(state.inbox_count) > 0: msg_count_objs.inbox_cnt.ids.badge_txt.text = showLimitedCnt( int(state.inbox_count) - 1 ) msg_count_objs.trash_cnt.ids.badge_txt.text = showLimitedCnt( int(state.trash_count) + 1 ) state.inbox_count = str(int(state.inbox_count) - 1) state.trash_count = str(int(state.trash_count) + 1) if int(state.all_count) > 0: msg_count_objs.allmail_cnt.ids.badge_txt.text = showLimitedCnt( int(state.all_count) - 1 ) state.all_count = str(int(state.all_count) - 1) if int(state.inbox_count) <= 0: # self.ids.identi_tag.children[0].text = '' self.ids.tag_label.text = '' self.ids.ml.remove_widget( instance.parent.parent) toast('Deleted') self.update_trash() def archive(self, data_index, instance, *args): """Archive inbox mail from inbox listing""" sqlExecute("UPDATE inbox SET folder = 'trash' WHERE msgid = ?;", data_index) self.ids.ml.remove_widget(instance.parent.parent) self.update_trash() def update_trash(self): """Update trash screen mails which is deleted from inbox""" try: self.parent.screens[4].clear_widgets() self.parent.screens[4].add_widget(Trash()) except Exception: self.parent.parent.screens[4].clear_widgets() self.parent.parent.screens[4].add_widget(Trash()) def refresh_callback(self, *args): """Method updates the state of application, While the spinner remains on the screen""" def refresh_callback(interval): """Method used for loading the inbox screen data""" state.searcing_text = "" self.children[2].children[1].ids.search_field.text = "" self.ids.ml.clear_widgets() self.loadMessagelist(state.association) self.has_refreshed = True self.ids.refresh_layout.refresh_done() self.tick = 0 Clock.schedule_once(refresh_callback, 1)