from bitmessagekivy.get_platform import platform from bitmessagekivy import kivy_helper_search from kivy.clock import Clock from import StringProperty from kivy.uix.boxlayout import BoxLayout from kivy.uix.popup import Popup import state from addresses import decodeAddress from datetime import datetime from bitmessagekivy.baseclass.common import toast class LoadingPopup(Popup): """LoadingPopup class for kivy Ui""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(LoadingPopup, self).__init__(**kwargs) # call dismiss_popup in 2 seconds Clock.schedule_once(self.dismiss_popup, 0.5) def dismiss_popup(self, dt): """Dismiss popups""" self.dismiss() class GrashofPopup(BoxLayout): """GrashofPopup class for kivy Ui""" valid = False def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Grash of pop screen settings""" super(GrashofPopup, self).__init__(**kwargs) def checkAddress_valid(self, instance): """Checking address is valid or not""" my_addresses = ( state.kivyapp.root.ids.content_drawer.ids.btn.values) add_book = [addr[1] for addr in kivy_helper_search.search_sql( folder="addressbook")] entered_text = str(instance.text).strip() if entered_text in add_book: text = 'Address is already in the addressbook.' elif entered_text in my_addresses: text = 'You can not save your own address.' elif entered_text: text = self.addressChanged(entered_text) if entered_text in my_addresses or entered_text in add_book: self.ids.address.error = True self.ids.address.helper_text = text elif entered_text and self.valid: self.ids.address.error = False elif entered_text: self.ids.address.error = True self.ids.address.helper_text = text else: self.ids.address.error = False self.ids.address.helper_text = 'This field is required' def checkLabel_valid(self, instance): """Checking address label is unique or not""" entered_label = instance.text.strip() addr_labels = [labels[0] for labels in kivy_helper_search.search_sql( folder="addressbook")] if entered_label in addr_labels: self.ids.label.error = True self.ids.label.helper_text = 'label name already exists.' elif entered_label: self.ids.label.error = False else: self.ids.label.error = False self.ids.label.helper_text = 'This field is required' def _onSuccess(self, addressVersion, streamNumber, ripe): pass def addressChanged(self, addr): """Address validation callback, performs validation and gives feedback""" status, addressVersion, streamNumber, ripe = decodeAddress( str(addr)) self.valid = status == 'success' if self.valid: text = "Address is valid." self._onSuccess(addressVersion, streamNumber, ripe) elif status == 'missingbm': text = "The address should start with ''BM-''" elif status == 'checksumfailed': text = ( "The address is not typed or copied correctly" # " (the checksum failed)." ) elif status == 'versiontoohigh': text = ( "The version number of this address is higher than this" " software can support. Please upgrade Bitmessage.") elif status == 'invalidcharacters': text = "The address contains invalid characters." elif status == 'ripetooshort': text = "Some data encoded in the address is too short." elif status == 'ripetoolong': text = "Some data encoded in the address is too long." elif status == 'varintmalformed': text = "Some data encoded in the address is malformed." return text class AddbookDetailPopup(BoxLayout): """AddbookDetailPopup class for kivy Ui""" address_label = StringProperty() address = StringProperty() def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Set screen of address detail page""" super(AddbookDetailPopup, self).__init__(**kwargs) def checkLabel_valid(self, instance): """Checking address label is unique of not""" entered_label = str(instance.text.strip()) address_list = kivy_helper_search.search_sql(folder="addressbook") addr_labels = [labels[0] for labels in address_list] add_dict = dict(address_list) if self.address and entered_label in addr_labels \ and self.address != add_dict[entered_label]: self.ids.add_label.error = True self.ids.add_label.helper_text = 'label name already exists.' elif entered_label: self.ids.add_label.error = False else: self.ids.add_label.error = False self.ids.add_label.helper_text = 'This field is required' class MyaddDetailPopup(BoxLayout): """MyaddDetailPopup class for kivy Ui""" address_label = StringProperty() address = StringProperty() def __init__(self, **kwargs): """My Address Details screen setting""" super(MyaddDetailPopup, self).__init__(**kwargs) def send_message_from(self): """Method used to fill from address of composer autofield""" state.kivyapp.set_navbar_for_composer() window_obj = state.kivyapp.root.ids window_obj.sc3.children[1].ids.ti.text = self.address window_obj.sc3.children[1].ids.btn.text = self.address window_obj.sc3.children[1].ids.txt_input.text = '' window_obj.sc3.children[1].ids.subject.text = '' window_obj.sc3.children[1].ids.body.text = '' window_obj.scr_mngr.current = 'create' self.parent.parent.parent.dismiss() # @staticmethod def close_pop(self): """Pop is Canceled""" self.parent.parent.parent.dismiss() toast('Canceled') class AppClosingPopup(Popup): """AppClosingPopup class for kivy Ui""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(AppClosingPopup, self).__init__(**kwargs) def closingAction(self, text): """Action on closing window""" if text == 'Yes': print("*******************EXITING FROM APPLICATION*******************") import shutdown shutdown.doCleanShutdown() else: self.dismiss() toast(text) class SenderDetailPopup(Popup): """SenderDetailPopup class for kivy Ui""" to_addr = StringProperty() from_addr = StringProperty() time_tag = StringProperty() def __init__(self, **kwargs): """this metthod initialized the send message detial popup""" super(SenderDetailPopup, self).__init__(**kwargs) def assignDetail(self, to_addr, from_addr, timeinseconds): """Detailes assigned""" self.to_addr = to_addr self.from_addr = from_addr time_obj = datetime.fromtimestamp(int(timeinseconds)) self.time_tag = time_obj.strftime("%d %b %Y, %I:%M %p") device_type = 2 if platform == 'android' else 1.5 pop_height = 1.2 * device_type * (self.ids.sd_label.height + self.ids.dismiss_btn.height) if len(to_addr) > 3: self.height = 0 self.height = pop_height self.ids.to_addId.size_hint_y = None self.ids.to_addId.height = 50 self.ids.to_addtitle.add_widget(ToAddressTitle()) frmaddbox = ToAddrBoxlayout() frmaddbox.set_toAddress(to_addr) self.ids.to_addId.add_widget(frmaddbox) else: self.ids.space_1.height = dp(0) self.ids.space_2.height = dp(0) self.ids.myadd_popup_box.spacing = dp(8 if platform == 'android' else 3) self.height = 0 self.height = pop_height / 1.2 class ToAddrBoxlayout(BoxLayout): """ToAddrBoxlayout class for kivy Ui""" to_addr = StringProperty() def set_toAddress(self, to_addr): """This method is use to set to address""" self.to_addr = to_addr class ToAddressTitle(BoxLayout): """ToAddressTitle class for BoxLayout behaviour"""