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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Circular Date & Time Picker for Kivy
(currently only time, date coming soon)
Based on [CircularLayout](
The main aim is to provide a date and time selector similar to the
one found in Android KitKat+.
Simple usage
Import the widget with
from import CircularTimePicker
then use it! That's it!
c = CircularTimePicker()
in Kv language:
orientation: "vertical"
text: "Dismiss"
size_hint_y: None
height: "40dp"
on_release: root.dismiss()
from kivy.animation import Animation
from kivy.clock import Clock
from kivymd.vendor.circleLayout import CircularLayout
from import Line, Color, Ellipse
from kivy.lang import Builder
from import NumericProperty, BoundedNumericProperty, \
ObjectProperty, StringProperty, DictProperty, \
ListProperty, OptionProperty, BooleanProperty, \
ReferenceListProperty, AliasProperty
from kivy.uix.boxlayout import BoxLayout
from kivy.uix.label import Label
from kivy.metrics import dp
from kivymd.theming import ThemableBehavior
from math import atan, pi, radians, sin, cos
import sys
import datetime
if sys.version_info[0] > 2:
def xrange(first=None, second=None, third=None):
if third:
return range(first, second, third)
return range(first, second)
def map_number(x, in_min, in_max, out_min, out_max):
return (x - in_min) * (out_max - out_min) / (in_max - in_min) + out_min
def rgb_to_hex(*color):
tor = "#"
for col in color:
tor += "{:>02}".format(hex(int(col * 255))[2:])
return tor
text_size: self.size
valign: "middle"
halign: "center"
font_size: self.height * self.size_factor
origin: self.center_x + self.padding[0] - self.padding[2], self.center_y + self.padding[3] - self.padding[1]
x: self.scale
y: self.scale
orientation: "vertical"
spacing: "20dp"
anchor_x: "center"
anchor_y: "center"
size_hint_y: 1./3
size_hint_x: 1
size: root.size
pos: root.pos
cols: 2
spacing: "10dp"
size_hint_x: None
width: self.minimum_width
pos_hint: {'center_x': .5, 'center_y': .5}
id: timelabel
text: root.time_text
markup: True
halign: "right"
valign: "middle"
# text_size: self.size
size_hint_x: None #.6
width: self.texture_size[0]
font_size: self.height * .75
id: ampmlabel
text: root.ampm_text
markup: True
halign: "left"
valign: "middle"
# text_size: self.size
size_hint_x: None #.4
width: self.texture_size[0]
font_size: self.height * .3
id: picker_container
#size_hint_y: 2./3
_bound: {}
class Number(Label):
"""The class used to show the numbers in the selector.
size_factor = NumericProperty(.5)
"""Font size scale.
:attr:`size_factor` is a :class:`` and
defaults to 0.5.
class CircularNumberPicker(CircularLayout):
"""A circular number picker based on CircularLayout. A selector will
help you pick a number. You can also set :attr:`multiples_of` to make
it show only some numbers and use the space in between for the other
min = NumericProperty(0)
"""The first value of the range.
:attr:`min` is a :class:`` and
defaults to 0.
max = NumericProperty(0)
"""The last value of the range. Note that it behaves like xrange, so
the actual last displayed value will be :attr:`max` - 1.
:attr:`max` is a :class:`` and
defaults to 0.
range = ReferenceListProperty(min, max)
"""Packs :attr:`min` and :attr:`max` into a list for convenience. See
their documentation for further information.
:attr:`range` is a :class:``.
multiples_of = NumericProperty(1)
"""Only show numbers that are multiples of this number. The other numbers
will be selectable, but won't have their own label.
:attr:`multiples_of` is a :class:`` and
defaults to 1.
# selector_color = ListProperty([.337, .439, .490])
selector_color = ListProperty([1, 1, 1])
"""Color of the number selector. RGB.
:attr:`selector_color` is a :class:`` and
defaults to [.337, .439, .490] (material green).
color = ListProperty([0, 0, 0])
"""Color of the number labels and of the center dot. RGB.
:attr:`color` is a :class:`` and
defaults to [1, 1, 1] (white).
selector_alpha = BoundedNumericProperty(.3, min=0, max=1)
"""Alpha value for the transparent parts of the selector.
:attr:`selector_alpha` is a :class:`` and
defaults to 0.3 (min=0, max=1).
selected = NumericProperty(None)
"""Currently selected number.
:attr:`selected` is a :class:`` and
defaults to :attr:`min`.
number_size_factor = NumericProperty(.5)
"""Font size scale factor fot the :class:`Number`s.
:attr:`number_size_factor` is a :class:`` and
defaults to 0.5.
number_format_string = StringProperty("{}")
"""String that will be formatted with the selected number as the first argument.
Can be anything supported by :meth:`str.format` (es. "{:02d}").
:attr:`number_format_string` is a :class:`` and
defaults to "{}".
scale = NumericProperty(1)
"""Canvas scale factor. Used in :class:`CircularTimePicker` transitions.
:attr:`scale` is a :class:`` and
defaults to 1.
_selection_circle = ObjectProperty(None)
_selection_line = ObjectProperty(None)
_selection_dot = ObjectProperty(None)
_selection_dot_color = ObjectProperty(None)
_selection_color = ObjectProperty(None)
_center_dot = ObjectProperty(None)
_center_color = ObjectProperty(None)
def _get_items(self):
return self.max - self.min
items = AliasProperty(_get_items, None)
def _get_shown_items(self):
sh = 0
for i in xrange(*self.range):
if i % self.multiples_of == 0:
sh += 1
return sh
shown_items = AliasProperty(_get_shown_items, None)
def __init__(self, **kw):
self._trigger_genitems = Clock.create_trigger(self._genitems, -1)
super(CircularNumberPicker, self).__init__(**kw)
self.selected = self.min
cx = self.center_x + self.padding[0] - self.padding[2]
cy = self.center_y + self.padding[3] - self.padding[1]
sx, sy = self.pos_for_number(self.selected)
epos = [i - (self.delta_radii * self.number_size_factor) for i in (sx, sy)]
esize = [self.delta_radii * self.number_size_factor * 2] * 2
dsize = [i * .3 for i in esize]
dpos = [i + esize[0] / 2. - dsize[0] / 2. for i in epos]
csize = [i * .05 for i in esize]
cpos = [i - csize[0] / 2. for i in (cx, cy)]
dot_alpha = 0 if self.selected % self.multiples_of == 0 else 1
color = list(self.selector_color)
with self.canvas:
self._selection_color = Color(*(color + [self.selector_alpha]))
self._selection_circle = Ellipse(pos=epos, size=esize)
self._selection_line = Line(points=[cx, cy, sx, sy], width=dp(1.25))
self._selection_dot_color = Color(*(color + [dot_alpha]))
self._selection_dot = Ellipse(pos=dpos, size=dsize)
self._center_color = Color(*self.color)
self._center_dot = Ellipse(pos=cpos, size=csize)
self.bind(selector_color=lambda ign, u: setattr(self._selection_color, "rgba", u + [self.selector_alpha]))
self.bind(selector_color=lambda ign, u: setattr(self._selection_dot_color, "rgb", u))
self.bind(selector_color=lambda ign, u: self.dot_is_none())
self.bind(color=lambda ign, u: setattr(self._center_color, "rgb", u))
Clock.schedule_once(self.on_selected) # Just to make sure pos/size are set
def dot_is_none(self, *args):
dot_alpha = 0 if self.selected % self.multiples_of == 0 else 1
if self._selection_dot_color:
self._selection_dot_color.a = dot_alpha
def _genitems(self, *a):
for i in xrange(*self.range):
if i % self.multiples_of != 0:
n = Number(text=self.number_format_string.format(i), size_factor=self.number_size_factor, color=self.color)
def on_touch_down(self, touch):
if not self.collide_point(*touch.pos):
self.selected = self.number_at_pos(*touch.pos)
if self.selected == 60:
self.selected = 0
def on_touch_move(self, touch):
if touch.grab_current is not self:
return super(CircularNumberPicker, self).on_touch_move(touch)
self.selected = self.number_at_pos(*touch.pos)
if self.selected == 60:
self.selected = 0
def on_touch_up(self, touch):
if touch.grab_current is not self:
return super(CircularNumberPicker, self).on_touch_up(touch)
def on_selected(self, *a):
cx = self.center_x + self.padding[0] - self.padding[2]
cy = self.center_y + self.padding[3] - self.padding[1]
sx, sy = self.pos_for_number(self.selected)
epos = [i - (self.delta_radii * self.number_size_factor) for i in (sx, sy)]
esize = [self.delta_radii * self.number_size_factor * 2] * 2
dsize = [i * .3 for i in esize]
dpos = [i + esize[0] / 2. - dsize[0] / 2. for i in epos]
csize = [i * .05 for i in esize]
cpos = [i - csize[0] / 2. for i in (cx, cy)]
dot_alpha = 0 if self.selected % self.multiples_of == 0 else 1
if self._selection_circle:
self._selection_circle.pos = epos
self._selection_circle.size = esize
if self._selection_line:
self._selection_line.points = [cx, cy, sx, sy]
if self._selection_dot:
self._selection_dot.pos = dpos
self._selection_dot.size = dsize
if self._selection_dot_color:
self._selection_dot_color.a = dot_alpha
if self._center_dot:
self._center_dot.pos = cpos
self._center_dot.size = csize
def pos_for_number(self, n):
"""Returns the center x, y coordinates for a given number.
if self.items == 0:
return 0, 0
radius = min(self.width - self.padding[0] - self.padding[2],
self.height - self.padding[1] - self.padding[3]) / 2.
middle_r = radius * sum(self.radius_hint) / 2.
cx = self.center_x + self.padding[0] - self.padding[2]
cy = self.center_y + self.padding[3] - self.padding[1]
sign = +1.
angle_offset = radians(self.start_angle)
if self.direction == 'cw':
angle_offset = 2 * pi - angle_offset
sign = -1.
quota = 2 * pi / self.items
mult_quota = 2 * pi / self.shown_items
angle = angle_offset + n * sign * quota
if self.items == self.shown_items:
angle += quota / 2
angle -= mult_quota / 2
# kived: looking it up, yes. x = cos(angle) * radius + centerx; y = sin(angle) * radius + centery
x = cos(angle) * middle_r + cx
y = sin(angle) * middle_r + cy
return x, y
def number_at_pos(self, x, y):
"""Returns the number at a given x, y position. The number is found
using the widget's center as a starting point for angle calculations.
Not thoroughly tested, may yield wrong results.
if self.items == 0:
return self.min
cx = self.center_x + self.padding[0] - self.padding[2]
cy = self.center_y + self.padding[3] - self.padding[1]
lx = x - cx
ly = y - cy
quota = 2 * pi / self.items
mult_quota = 2 * pi / self.shown_items
if lx == 0 and ly > 0:
angle = pi / 2
elif lx == 0 and ly < 0:
angle = 3 * pi / 2
angle = atan(ly / lx)
if lx < 0 < ly:
angle += pi
if lx > 0 > ly:
angle += 2 * pi
if lx < 0 and ly < 0:
angle += pi
angle += radians(self.start_angle)
if self.direction == "cw":
angle = 2 * pi - angle
if mult_quota != quota:
angle -= mult_quota / 2
if angle < 0:
angle += 2 * pi
elif angle > 2 * pi:
angle -= 2 * pi
return int(angle / quota) + self.min
class CircularMinutePicker(CircularNumberPicker):
""":class:`CircularNumberPicker` implementation for minutes.
def __init__(self, **kw):
super(CircularMinutePicker, self).__init__(**kw)
self.min = 0
self.max = 60
self.multiples_of = 5
self.number_format_string = "{:02d}"
self.direction = "cw"
def _update_start_angle(self, *a):
self.start_angle = -(360. / self.shown_items / 2) - 90
class CircularHourPicker(CircularNumberPicker):
""":class:`CircularNumberPicker` implementation for hours.
# military = BooleanProperty(False)
def __init__(self, **kw):
super(CircularHourPicker, self).__init__(**kw)
self.min = 1
self.max = 13
# 25 if self.military else 13
# self.inner_radius_hint = .8 if self.military else .6
self.multiples_of = 1
self.number_format_string = "{}"
self.direction = "cw"
# self.bind(military=lambda v: setattr(self, "max", 25 if v else 13))
# self.bind(military=lambda v: setattr(self, "inner_radius_hint", .8 if self.military else .6))
# Clock.schedule_once(self._genitems)
def _update_start_angle(self, *a):
self.start_angle = (360. / self.shown_items / 2) - 90
class CircularTimePicker(BoxLayout, ThemableBehavior):
"""Widget that makes use of :class:`CircularHourPicker` and
:class:`CircularMinutePicker` to create a user-friendly, animated
time picker like the one seen on Android.
See module documentation for more details.
primary_dark = ListProperty([1, 1, 1])
hours = NumericProperty(0)
"""The hours, in military format (0-23).
:attr:`hours` is a :class:`` and
defaults to 0 (12am).
minutes = NumericProperty(0)
"""The minutes.
:attr:`minutes` is a :class:`` and
defaults to 0.
time_list = ReferenceListProperty(hours, minutes)
"""Packs :attr:`hours` and :attr:`minutes` in a list for convenience.
:attr:`time_list` is a :class:``.
# military = BooleanProperty(False)
time_format = StringProperty(
"""String that will be formatted with the time and shown in the time label.
Can be anything supported by :meth:`str.format`. Make sure you don't
remove the refs. See the default for the arguments passed to format.
:attr:`time_format` is a :class:`` and
defaults to "[color={hours_color}][ref=hours]{hours}[/ref][/color]:[color={minutes_color}][ref=minutes]\
ampm_format = StringProperty(
"""String that will be formatted and shown in the AM/PM label.
Can be anything supported by :meth:`str.format`. Make sure you don't
remove the refs. See the default for the arguments passed to format.
:attr:`ampm_format` is a :class:`` and
defaults to "[color={am_color}][ref=am]AM[/ref][/color]\n[color={pm_color}][ref=pm]PM[/ref][/color]".
picker = OptionProperty("hours", options=("minutes", "hours"))
"""Currently shown time picker. Can be one of "minutes", "hours".
:attr:`picker` is a :class:`` and
defaults to "hours".
# selector_color = ListProperty([.337, .439, .490])
selector_color = ListProperty([0, 0, 0])
"""Color of the number selector and of the highlighted text. RGB.
:attr:`selector_color` is a :class:`` and
defaults to [.337, .439, .490] (material green).
color = ListProperty([1, 1, 1])
"""Color of the number labels and of the center dot. RGB.
:attr:`color` is a :class:`` and
defaults to [1, 1, 1] (white).
selector_alpha = BoundedNumericProperty(.3, min=0, max=1)
"""Alpha value for the transparent parts of the selector.
:attr:`selector_alpha` is a :class:`` and
defaults to 0.3 (min=0, max=1).
_am = BooleanProperty(True)
_h_picker = ObjectProperty(None)
_m_picker = ObjectProperty(None)
_bound = DictProperty({})
def _get_time(self):
return datetime.time(*self.time_list)
except ValueError:
self.time_list = [self.hours, 0]
return datetime.time(*self.time_list)
def set_time(self, dt):
if dt.hour >= 12:
self._am = False
self.time_list = [dt.hour, dt.minute]
time = AliasProperty(_get_time, set_time, bind=("time_list",))
"""Selected time as a datetime.time object.
:attr:`time` is an :class:``.
def _get_picker(self):
if self.picker == "hours":
return self._h_picker
return self._m_picker
_picker = AliasProperty(_get_picker, None)
def _get_time_text(self):
hc = rgb_to_hex(0, 0, 0) if self.picker == "hours" else rgb_to_hex(*self.primary_dark)
mc = rgb_to_hex(0, 0, 0) if self.picker == "minutes" else rgb_to_hex(*self.primary_dark)
h = self.hours == 0 and 12 or self.hours <= 12 and self.hours or self.hours - 12
m = self.minutes
primary_dark = rgb_to_hex(*self.primary_dark)
return self.time_format.format(hours_color=hc,
time_text = AliasProperty(_get_time_text, None, bind=("hours", "minutes", "time_format", "picker"))
def _get_ampm_text(self, *args):
amc = rgb_to_hex(0, 0, 0) if self._am else rgb_to_hex(*self.primary_dark)
pmc = rgb_to_hex(0, 0, 0) if not self._am else rgb_to_hex(*self.primary_dark)
return self.ampm_format.format(am_color=amc,
ampm_text = AliasProperty(_get_ampm_text, None, bind=("hours", "ampm_format", "_am"))
def __init__(self, **kw):
super(CircularTimePicker, self).__init__(**kw)
self.selector_color = self.theme_cls.primary_color[0], self.theme_cls.primary_color[1], \
self.color = self.theme_cls.text_color
self.primary_dark = self.theme_cls.primary_dark[0] / 2, self.theme_cls.primary_dark[1] / 2, \
self.theme_cls.primary_dark[2] / 2
if self.hours >= 12:
self._am = False
self._h_picker = CircularHourPicker()
self.h_picker_touch = False
self._m_picker = CircularMinutePicker()
self.animating = False
Clock.schedule_once(lambda *a: self._switch_picker(noanim=True))
def _init_later(self, *args):
def on_ref_press(self, ign, ref):
if not self.animating:
if ref == "hours":
self.picker = "hours"
elif ref == "minutes":
self.picker = "minutes"
if ref == "am":
self._am = True
elif ref == "pm":
self._am = False
def on_selected(self, *a):
if not self._picker:
if self.picker == "hours":
hours = self._picker.selected if self._am else self._picker.selected + 12
if hours == 24 and not self._am:
hours = 12
elif hours == 12 and self._am:
hours = 0
self.hours = hours
elif self.picker == "minutes":
self.minutes = self._picker.selected
def on_time_list(self, *a):
if not self._picker:
self._h_picker.selected = self.hours == 0 and 12 or self._am and self.hours or self.hours - 12
self._m_picker.selected = self.minutes
def on_ampm(self, *a):
if self._am:
self.hours = self.hours if self.hours < 12 else self.hours - 12
self.hours = self.hours if self.hours >= 12 else self.hours + 12
def is_animating(self, *args):
self.animating = True
def is_not_animating(self, *args):
self.animating = False
def on_touch_down(self, touch):
if not self._h_picker.collide_point(*touch.pos):
self.h_picker_touch = False
self.h_picker_touch = True
super(CircularTimePicker, self).on_touch_down(touch)
def on_touch_up(self, touch):
if not self.h_picker_touch:
if not self.animating:
if touch.grab_current is not self:
if self.picker == "hours":
self.picker = "minutes"
except AttributeError:
super(CircularTimePicker, self).on_touch_up(touch)
def _switch_picker(self, *a, **kw):
noanim = "noanim" in kw
if noanim:
noanim = kw["noanim"]
container = self.ids.picker_container
except (AttributeError, NameError):
Clock.schedule_once(lambda *a: self._switch_picker(noanim=noanim))
if self.picker == "hours":
picker = self._h_picker
prevpicker = self._m_picker
elif self.picker == "minutes":
picker = self._m_picker
prevpicker = self._h_picker
if len(self._bound) > 0:
self._bound = {"selector_color": picker.setter("selector_color"),
"color": picker.setter("color"),
"selector_alpha": picker.setter("selector_alpha")}
if len(container._bound) > 0:
container._bound = {"size": picker.setter("size"),
"pos": picker.setter("pos")}
picker.pos = container.pos
picker.size = container.size
picker.selector_color = self.selector_color
picker.color = self.color
picker.selector_alpha = self.selector_alpha
if noanim:
if prevpicker in container.children:
if picker.parent:
if prevpicker in container.children:
anim = Animation(scale=1.5, d=.5, t="in_back") & Animation(opacity=0, d=.5, t="in_cubic")
Clock.schedule_once(lambda *y: container.remove_widget(prevpicker), .5) # .31)
picker.scale = 1.5
picker.opacity = 0
if picker.parent:
anim = Animation(scale=1, d=.5, t="out_back") & Animation(opacity=1, d=.5, t="out_cubic")
Clock.schedule_once(lambda *y: anim.start(picker), .3)
if __name__ == "__main__":
from kivy.base import runTouchApp
c = CircularTimePicker()