+ Add Sent, Subscription, and Blacklist tab functionality

+ Add code to delete address from Your Identities
+ Add code to load Sentbox, Subscriptions, and Blacklist
* Lengthen column width from 30 to 40 to better fit unlabeled addresses and long subject lines
* Fix row overflow support
* Reorder Dialog initialization to remove duplicate code
* Add reply argument to sendMessage()
* Add newline to Move to Trash message
* Replace Your Identities address copy option with an option to send a message
This commit is contained in:
Luke Montalvo 2014-04-29 21:45:41 -05:00
parent c3feb54b7b
commit 196047b2ed

View File

@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ startuptime = time.time()
inbox = []
inboxcur = 0
sent = []
sentbox = []
sentcur = 0
addresses = []
addrcur = 0
@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ addrbook = []
abookcur = 0
blacklist = []
blackcur = 0
bwtype = "black"
BROADCAST_STR = "[Broadcast subscribers]"
@ -100,10 +101,10 @@ def drawtab(stdscr):
if menutab in range(1, len(menu)+1):
if menutab == 1: # Inbox
stdscr.addstr(3, 5, "To", curses.A_BOLD)
stdscr.addstr(3, 30, "From", curses.A_BOLD)
stdscr.addstr(3, 60, "Subject", curses.A_BOLD)
stdscr.addstr(3, 90, "Time Received", curses.A_BOLD)
stdscr.hline(4, 5, '-', 91)
stdscr.addstr(3, 40, "From", curses.A_BOLD)
stdscr.addstr(3, 80, "Subject", curses.A_BOLD)
stdscr.addstr(3, 120, "Time Received", curses.A_BOLD)
stdscr.hline(4, 5, '-', 121)
for i, item in enumerate(inbox[max(min(len(inbox)-curses.LINES+6, inboxcur-5), 0):]):
if 6+i < curses.LINES:
a = 0
@ -111,40 +112,82 @@ def drawtab(stdscr):
a = a | curses.A_REVERSE
if item[7] == False: # If not read, highlight
a = a | curses.A_BOLD
stdscr.addstr(5+i, 5, item[1][:29], a)
stdscr.addstr(5+i, 30, item[3][:29], a)
stdscr.addstr(5+i, 60, item[5][:29], a)
stdscr.addstr(5+i, 90, item[6][:29], a)
stdscr.addstr(5+i, 5, item[1][:34], a)
stdscr.addstr(5+i, 40, item[3][:39], a)
stdscr.addstr(5+i, 80, item[5][:39], a)
stdscr.addstr(5+i, 120, item[6][:39], a)
elif menutab == 3: # Sent
stdscr.addstr(3, 5, "To", curses.A_BOLD)
stdscr.addstr(3, 40, "From", curses.A_BOLD)
stdscr.addstr(3, 80, "Subject", curses.A_BOLD)
stdscr.addstr(3, 120, "Status", curses.A_BOLD)
stdscr.hline(4, 5, '-', 121)
for i, item in enumerate(sentbox[max(min(len(sentbox)-curses.LINES+6, sentcur-5), 0):]):
if 6+i < curses.LINES:
a = 0
if i == sentcur - max(min(len(sentbox)-curses.LINES+6, sentcur-5), 0): # Highlight current address
a = a | curses.A_REVERSE
stdscr.addstr(5+i, 5, item[0][:34], a)
stdscr.addstr(5+i, 40, item[2][:39], a)
stdscr.addstr(5+i, 80, item[4][:39], a)
stdscr.addstr(5+i, 120, item[5][:39], a)
elif menutab == 2 or menutab == 4: # Send or Identities
stdscr.addstr(3, 5, "Label", curses.A_BOLD)
stdscr.addstr(3, 30, "Address", curses.A_BOLD)
stdscr.addstr(3, 60, "Stream", curses.A_BOLD)
stdscr.hline(4, 5, '-', 61)
stdscr.addstr(3, 40, "Address", curses.A_BOLD)
stdscr.addstr(3, 80, "Stream", curses.A_BOLD)
stdscr.hline(4, 5, '-', 81)
for i, item in enumerate(addresses[max(min(len(addresses)-curses.LINES+6, addrcur-5), 0):]):
a = 0
if i == addrcur - max(min(len(addresses)-curses.LINES+6, addrcur-5), 0): # Highlight current address
a = a | curses.A_REVERSE
if item[1] == True and item[3] not in [8,9]: # Embolden enabled, non-special addresses
a = a | curses.A_BOLD
stdscr.addstr(5+i, 5, item[0][:30], a)
stdscr.addstr(5+i, 30, item[2][:30], cpair(item[3]) | a)
stdscr.addstr(5+i, 60, str(1)[:30], a)
if 6+i < curses.LINES:
a = 0
if i == addrcur - max(min(len(addresses)-curses.LINES+6, addrcur-5), 0): # Highlight current address
a = a | curses.A_REVERSE
if item[1] == True and item[3] not in [8,9]: # Embolden enabled, non-special addresses
a = a | curses.A_BOLD
stdscr.addstr(5+i, 5, item[0][:34], a)
stdscr.addstr(5+i, 40, item[2][:39], cpair(item[3]) | a)
stdscr.addstr(5+i, 80, str(1)[:39], a)
elif menutab == 5: # Subscriptions
stdscr.addstr(3, 5, "Label", curses.A_BOLD)
stdscr.addstr(3, 80, "Address", curses.A_BOLD)
stdscr.addstr(3, 120, "Enabled", curses.A_BOLD)
stdscr.hline(4, 5, '-', 121)
for i, item in enumerate(subscriptions[max(min(len(subscriptions)-curses.LINES+6, subcur-5), 0):]):
if 6+i < curses.LINES:
a = 0
if i == subcur - max(min(len(subscriptions)-curses.LINES+6, subcur-5), 0): # Highlight current address
a = a | curses.A_REVERSE
if item[2] == True: # Embolden enabled subscriptions
a = a | curses.A_BOLD
stdscr.addstr(5+i, 5, item[0][:74], a)
stdscr.addstr(5+i, 80, item[1][:39], a)
stdscr.addstr(5+i, 120, str(item[2]), a)
elif menutab == 6: # Address book
stdscr.addstr(3, 5, "Label", curses.A_BOLD)
stdscr.addstr(3, 30, "Address", curses.A_BOLD)
stdscr.hline(4, 5, '-', 31)
stdscr.addstr(3, 40, "Address", curses.A_BOLD)
stdscr.hline(4, 5, '-', 41)
for i, item in enumerate(addrbook[max(min(len(addrbook)-curses.LINES+6, abookcur-5), 0):]):
a = 0
if i == abookcur - max(min(len(addrbook)-curses.LINES+6, abookcur-5), 0): # Highlight current address
a = a | curses.A_REVERSE
stdscr.addstr(5+i, 5, item[0][:30], a)
stdscr.addstr(5+i, 30, item[1][:30], a)
if 6+i < curses.LINES:
a = 0
if i == abookcur - max(min(len(addrbook)-curses.LINES+6, abookcur-5), 0): # Highlight current address
a = a | curses.A_REVERSE
stdscr.addstr(5+i, 5, item[0][:34], a)
stdscr.addstr(5+i, 40, item[1][:39], a)
elif menutab == 7: # Blacklist
stdscr.addstr(3, 5, "Type: "+bwtype)
stdscr.addstr(4, 5, "Label", curses.A_BOLD)
stdscr.addstr(4, 80, "Address", curses.A_BOLD)
stdscr.addstr(4, 120, "Enabled", curses.A_BOLD)
stdscr.hline(5, 5, '-', 121)
for i, item in enumerate(blacklist[max(min(len(blacklist)-curses.LINES+6, blackcur-5), 0):]):
if 7+i < curses.LINES:
a = 0
if i == blackcur - max(min(len(blacklist)-curses.LINES+6, blackcur-5), 0): # Highlight current address
a = a | curses.A_REVERSE
if item[2] == True: # Embolden enabled subscriptions
a = a | curses.A_BOLD
stdscr.addstr(6+i, 5, item[0][:74], a)
stdscr.addstr(6+i, 80, item[1][:39], a)
stdscr.addstr(6+i, 120, str(item[2]), a)
elif menutab == 8: # Network status
# Connection data
stdscr.addstr(4, 5, "Total Connections: "+str(len(shared.connectedHostsList)).ljust(2))
@ -211,9 +254,9 @@ def handlech(c, stdscr):
global quit
quit = True
elif chr(c) == '\n':
d = Dialog(dialog="dialog")
if menutab == 1:
d = Dialog(dialog="dialog")
d.set_background_title("Inbox Message Dialog Box")
r, t = d.menu("Do what with \""+inbox[inboxcur][5]+"\" from \""+inbox[inboxcur][3]+"\"?",
choices=[("1", "View message"),
@ -265,11 +308,11 @@ def handlech(c, stdscr):
for row in ret:
body, = row
sendMessage(fromaddr, toaddr, ischan, subject, body)
sendMessage(fromaddr, toaddr, ischan, subject, body, True)
elif t == "4": # Add to Address Book
addr = inbox[inboxcur][4]
if addr in [item[1] for i,item in enumerate(addrbook)]:
if addr not in [item[1] for i,item in enumerate(addrbook)]:
r, t = d.inputbox("Label for address \""+addr+"\"")
if r == d.DIALOG_OK:
sqlExecute("INSERT INTO addressbook VALUES (?,?)", t, addr)
@ -293,20 +336,37 @@ def handlech(c, stdscr):
elif t == "6": # Move to trash
sqlExecute("UPDATE inbox SET folder='trash' WHERE msgid=?", inbox[inboxcur][0])
del inbox[inboxcur]
d.scrollbox(unicode("Message moved to trash. There is no interface to view your trash, but the message is still on disk if you are desperate to recover it."),
d.scrollbox(unicode("Message moved to trash. There is no interface to view your trash, \nbut the message is still on disk if you are desperate to recover it."),
elif menutab == 2:
elif menutab == 3:
d.set_background_title("Sent Messages Dialog Box")
r, t = d.menu("Do what with \""+sentbox[sentcur][4]+"\" to \""+sentbox[sentcur][0]+"\"?",
choices=[("1", "View message"),
("2", "Move to trash")])
if r == d.DIALOG_OK:
if t == "1": # View
d.set_background_title("\""+sentbox[sentcur][4]+"\" from \""+sentbox[sentcur][3]+"\" to \""+sentbox[sentcur][1]+"\"")
msg = ""
ret = sqlQuery("SELECT message FROM sent WHERE subject=? AND ackdata=?", sentbox[sentcur][4], sentbox[sentcur][6])
if ret != []:
for row in ret:
msg, = row
msg = shared.fixPotentiallyInvalidUTF8Data(msg)
d.scrollbox(unicode(ascii(msg)), 30, 100, exit_label="Continue")
d.scrollbox(unicode("Could not fetch message."), exit_label="Continue")
elif t == "2": # Move to trash
sqlExecute("UPDATE sent SET folder='trash' WHERE subject=? AND ackdata=?", sentbox[sentcur][4], sentbox[sentcur][6])
del sentbox[sentcur]
d.scrollbox(unicode("Message moved to trash. There is no interface to view your trash, \nbut the message is still on disk if you are desperate to recover it."),
elif menutab == 4:
d = Dialog(dialog="dialog")
d.set_background_title("Your Identities Dialog Box")
r, t = d.menu("Do what with \""+addresses[addrcur][0]+"\" : \""+addresses[addrcur][2]+"\"?",
choices=[("1", "Create new address"),
("2", "Copy address to internal buffer"),
("2", "Send a message from this address"),
("3", "Rename"),
("4", "Enable"),
("5", "Disable"),
@ -381,9 +441,8 @@ def handlech(c, stdscr):
shared.addressGeneratorQueue.put(('createDeterministicAddresses', 4, stream, "unused deterministic address", number, str(passphrase), shorten))
d.scrollbox(unicode("Passphrases do not match"), exit_label="Continue")
elif t == "2": # Copy address to internal buffer
global addrcopy
addrcopy = addrcur
elif t == "2": # Send a message
elif t == "3": # Rename address label
a = addresses[addrcur][2]
label = addresses[addrcur][0]
@ -420,7 +479,12 @@ def handlech(c, stdscr):
addresses[addrcur][1] = False
shared.reloadMyAddressHashes() # Reload address hashes
elif t == "6": # Delete address
r, t = d.inputbox("Type in \"I want to delete this address\"", width=50)
if r == d.DIALOG_OK and t == "I want to delete this address":
with open(shared.appdata + 'keys.dat', 'wb') as configfile:
del addresses[addrcur]
elif t == "7": # Special address behavior
a = addresses[addrcur][2]
d.set_background_title("Special address behavior")
@ -452,39 +516,147 @@ def handlech(c, stdscr):
# Write config
with open(shared.appdata + 'keys.dat', 'wb') as configfile:
elif menutab == 5:
d.set_background_title("Subscriptions Dialog Box")
r, t = d.menu("Do what with subscription to \""+subscriptions[subcur][0]+"\"?",
choices=[("1", "Add new subscription"),
("2", "Delete this subscription"),
("3", "Enable"),
("4", "Disable")])
if r == d.DIALOG_OK:
if t == "1":
r, t = d.inputbox("New subscription address")
if r == d.DIALOG_OK:
addr = addBMIfNotPresent(t)
if not shared.isAddressInMySubscriptionsList(addr):
r, t = d.inputbox("New subscription label")
if r == d.DIALOG_OK:
label = t
subscriptions.reverse().append(label, addr, True).reverse()
sqlExecute("INSERT INTO subscriptions VALUES (?,?,?)", label, address, True)
elif t == "2":
r, t = d.inpuxbox("Type in \"I want to delete this subscription\"")
if r == d.DIALOG_OK and t == "I want to delete this subscription":
sqlExecute("DELETE FROM subscriptions WHERE label=? AND address=?", subscriptions[subcur][0], subscriptions[subcur][1])
del subscriptions[subcur]
elif t == "3":
sqlExecute("UPDATE subscriptions SET enabled=1 WHERE label=? AND address=?", subscriptions[subcur][0], subscriptions[subcur][1])
subscriptions[subcur][2] = True
elif t == "4":
sqlExecute("UPDATE subscriptions SET enabled=0 WHERE label=? AND address=?", subscriptions[subcur][0], subscriptions[subcur][1])
subscriptions[subcur][2] = False
elif menutab == 6:
d.set_background_title("Address Book Dialog Box")
r, t = d.menu("Do what with \""+addrbook[abookcur][0]+"\" : \""+addrbook[abookcur][1]+"\"",
choices=[("1", "Send a message to this address"),
("2", "Subscribe to this address"),
("3", "Add new address to Address Book"),
("4", "Delete this address")])
if r == d.DIALOG_OK:
if t == "1":
elif t == "2":
r, t = d.inputbox("New subscription label")
if r == d.DIALOG_OK:
label = t
subscriptions.reverse().append(label, addr, True).reverse()
sqlExecute("INSERT INTO subscriptions VALUES (?,?,?)", label, address, True)
elif t == "3":
r, t = d.inputbox("Input new address")
if r == d.DIALOG_OK:
addr = t
if addr not in [item[1] for i,item in enumerate(addrbook)]:
r, t = d.inputbox("Label for address \""+addr+"\"")
if r == d.DIALOG_OK:
sqlExecute("INSERT INTO addressbook VALUES (?,?)", t, addr)
addrbook.reverse().append([t, addr]).reverse() # Prepend new entry
d.scrollbox(unicode("The selected address is already in the Address Book."), exit_label="Continue")
elif t == "4":
r, t = d.inputbox("Type in \"I want to delete this Address Book entry\"")
if r == d.DIALOG_OK and t == "I want to delete this Address Book entry":
sqlExecute("DELETE FROM addressbook WHERE label=? AND address=?", addrbook[abookcur][0], addrbook[abookcur][1])
del addrbook[abookcur]
elif menutab == 7:
d.set_background_title("Blacklist Dialog Box")
r, t = d.menu("Do what with \""+blacklist[blackcur][0]+"\" : \""+blacklist[blackcur][1]+"\"?",
choices=[("1", "Delete"),
("2", "Enable"),
("3", "Disable")])
if r == d.DIALOG_OK:
if t == "1":
r, t = d.inputbox("Type in \"I want to delete this Blacklist entry\"")
if r == d.DIALOG_OK and t == "I want to delete this Blacklist entry":
sqlExecute("DELETE FROM blacklist WHERE label=? AND address=?", blacklist[blackcur][0], blacklist[blackcur][1])
del blacklist[blackcur]
elif t == "2":
sqlExecute("UPDATE blacklist SET enabled=1 WHERE label=? AND address=?", blacklist[blackcur][0], blacklist[blackcur][1])
blacklist[blackcur][2] = True
elif t== "3":
sqlExecute("UPDATE blacklist SET enabled=0 WHERE label=? AND address=?", blacklist[blackcur][0], blacklist[blackcur][1])
blacklist[blackcur][2] = False
global addrcur, inboxcur, abookcur
global addrcur, inboxcur, sentcur, subcur, abookcur, blackcur
if c == curses.KEY_UP:
if menutab == 1 and inboxcur > 0:
inboxcur -= 1
if (menutab == 2 or menutab == 4) and addrcur > 0:
addrcur -= 1
if menutab == 3 and sentcur > 0:
sentcur -= 1
if menutab == 5 and subcur > 0:
subcur -= 1
if menutab == 6 and abookcur > 0:
abookcur -= 1
if menutab == 7 and blackcur > 0:
blackcur -= 1
elif c == curses.KEY_DOWN:
if menutab == 1 and inboxcur < len(inbox)-1:
inboxcur += 1
if (menutab == 2 or menutab == 4) and addrcur < len(addresses)-1:
addrcur += 1
if menutab == 3 and sentcur < len(sentbox)-1:
sentcur += 1
if menutab == 5 and subcur < len(subscriptions)-1:
subcur += 1
if menutab == 6 and abookcur < len(addrbook)-1:
abookcur += 1
if menutab == 7 and blackcur < len(blacklist)-1:
blackcur += 1
elif c == curses.KEY_HOME:
if menutab == 1:
inboxcur = 0
if menutab == 2 or menutab == 4:
addrcur = 0
if menutab == 3:
sentcur = 0
if menutab == 5:
subcur = 0
if menutab == 6:
abookcur = 0
if menutab == 7:
blackcur = 0
elif c == curses.KEY_END:
if menutab == 1:
inboxcur = len(inbox)-1
if menutab == 2 or menutab == 4:
addrcur = len(addresses)-1
if menutab == 3:
sentcur = len(sentbox)-1
if menutab == 5:
subcur = len(subscriptions)-1
if menutab == 6:
abookcur = len(addrbook)-1
if menutab == 7:
blackcur = len(blackcur)-1
def sendMessage(sender="", recv="", broadcast=None, subject="", body=""):
def sendMessage(sender="", recv="", broadcast=None, subject="", body="", reply=False):
if sender == "":
d = Dialog(dialog="dialog")
@ -505,13 +677,13 @@ def sendMessage(sender="", recv="", broadcast=None, subject="", body=""):
broadcast = False
if t == "2": # Broadcast
broadcast = True
if subject == "":
r, t = d.inputbox("Message subject", width=60)
if subject == "" or reply:
r, t = d.inputbox("Message subject", width=60, init=subject)
if r != d.DIALOG_OK:
subject = shared.fixPotentiallyInvalidUTF8Data(t)
if body == "":
r, t = d.inputbox("Message body", 10, 80)
if body == "" or reply:
r, t = d.inputbox("Message body", 10, 80, init=body)
if r != d.DIALOG_OK:
body = shared.fixPotentiallyInvalidUTF8Data(t)
@ -561,8 +733,8 @@ def sendMessage(sender="", recv="", broadcast=None, subject="", body=""):
ackdata = OpenSSL.rand(32)
'''INSERT INTO sent VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)''',
"INSERT INTO sent VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)",
@ -570,10 +742,10 @@ def sendMessage(sender="", recv="", broadcast=None, subject="", body=""):
shared.workerQueue.put(("sendmessage", addr))
else: # Broadcast
@ -586,8 +758,8 @@ def sendMessage(sender="", recv="", broadcast=None, subject="", body=""):
ripe = ""
'''INSERT INTO sent VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)''',
"INSERT INTO sent VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)",
@ -595,10 +767,10 @@ def sendMessage(sender="", recv="", broadcast=None, subject="", body=""):
shared.workerQueue.put(('sendbroadcast', ''))
@ -653,6 +825,83 @@ def loadInbox():
strftime(shared.config.get('bitmessagesettings', 'timeformat'), localtime(int(received))),
def loadSent():
sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__
print("Loading sent messages...")
sys.stdout = printlog
where = "toaddress || fromaddress || subject || message"
what = "%%"
ret = sqlQuery("""SELECT toaddress, fromaddress, subject, status, ackdata, lastactiontime
FROM sent WHERE folder='sent' AND %s LIKE ?
ORDER BY lastactiontime
""" % (where,), what)
global sent
for row in ret:
toaddr, fromaddr, subject, status, ackdata, lastactiontime = row
subject = ascii(shared.fixPotentiallyInvalidUTF8Data(subject))
# Set label for to address
tolabel = ""
qr = sqlQuery("SELECT label FROM addressbook WHERE address=?", toaddr)
if qr != []:
for r in qr:
tolabel, = r
if tolabel == "":
qr = sqlQuery("SELECT label FROM subscriptions WHERE address=?", toaddr)
if qr != []:
for r in qr:
tolabel, = r
if tolabel == "":
if shared.config.has_section(toaddr):
tolabel = shared.config.get(toaddr, "label")
if tolabel == "":
tolabel = toaddr
# Set label for from address
fromlabel = ""
if shared.config.has_section(fromaddr):
fromlabel = shared.config.get(fromaddr, "label")
if fromlabel == "":
fromlabel = fromaddr
# Set status string
if status == "awaitingpubkey":
statstr = "Waiting for their public key. Will request it again soon"
elif status == "doingpowforpubkey":
statstr = "Encryption key request queued"
elif status == "msgqueued":
statstr = "Message queued"
elif status == "msgsent":
t = strftime(shared.config.get('bitmessagesettings', 'timeformat'), localtime(int(lastactiontime)))
statstr = "Message sent at "+t+".Waiting for acknowledgement."
elif status == "msgsentnoackexpected":
t = strftime(shared.config.get('bitmessagesettings', 'timeformat'), localtime(int(lastactiontime)))
statstr = "Message sent at "+t+"."
elif status == "doingmsgpow":
statstr = "The proof of work required to send the message has been queued."
elif status == "askreceived":
t = strftime(shared.config.get('bitmessagesettings', 'timeformat'), localtime(int(lastactiontime)))
statstr = "Acknowledgment of the message received at "+t+"."
elif status == "broadcastqueued":
statstr = "Broadcast queued."
elif status == "broadcastsent":
t = strftime(shared.config.get('bitmessagesettings', 'timeformat'), localtime(int(lastactiontime)))
statstr = "Broadcast sent at "+t+"."
elif status == "forcepow":
statstr = "Forced difficulty override. Message will start sending soon."
elif status == "badkey":
statstr = "Warning: Could not encrypt message because the recipient's encryption key is no good."
elif status == "toodifficult":
statstr = "Error: The work demanded by the recipient is more difficult than you are willing to do."
t = strftime(shared.config.get('bitmessagesettings', 'timeformat'), localtime(int(lastactiontime)))
statstr = "Unknown status "+status+" at "+t+"."
# Load into array
sentbox.append([tolabel, toaddr, fromlabel, fromaddr, subject, statstr, ackdata,
strftime(shared.config.get('bitmessagesettings', 'timeformat'), localtime(int(lastactiontime)))])
def loadAddrBook():
sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__
print("Loading address book...")
@ -665,6 +914,23 @@ def loadAddrBook():
label = shared.fixPotentiallyInvalidUTF8Data(label)
addrbook.append([label, addr])
def loadSubscriptions():
ret = sqlQuery("SELECT label, address, enabled FROM subscriptions")
for row in ret:
label, address, enabled = row
subscriptions.append([label, address, enabled])
def loadBlackWhiteList():
global bwtype
bwtype = shared.config.get("bitmessagesettings", "blackwhitelist")
if bwtype == "black":
ret = sqlQuery("SELECT label, address, enabled FROM blacklist")
ret = sqlQuery("SELECT label, address, enabled FROM whitelist")
for row in ret:
label, address, enabled = row
blacklist.append([label, address, enabled])
def runwrapper():
sys.stdout = printlog
@ -672,8 +938,10 @@ def runwrapper():
# Load messages from database
stdscr = curses.initscr()