Bugfix: infinite loop if our max acceptable difficulty is too low

This commit is contained in:
Jonathan Warren 2014-10-15 17:16:27 -04:00
parent fdb0d1e776
commit 713ed89467
2 changed files with 26 additions and 12 deletions

View File

@ -2347,12 +2347,31 @@ class MyForm(QtGui.QMainWindow):
if float(self.settingsDialogInstance.ui.lineEditSmallMessageDifficulty.text()) >= 1:
shared.config.set('bitmessagesettings', 'defaultpayloadlengthextrabytes', str(int(float(
self.settingsDialogInstance.ui.lineEditSmallMessageDifficulty.text()) * shared.networkDefaultPayloadLengthExtraBytes)))
acceptableDifficultyChanged = False
if float(self.settingsDialogInstance.ui.lineEditMaxAcceptableTotalDifficulty.text()) >= 1 or float(self.settingsDialogInstance.ui.lineEditMaxAcceptableTotalDifficulty.text()) == 0:
if shared.config.get('bitmessagesettings','maxacceptablenoncetrialsperbyte') != str(int(float(
self.settingsDialogInstance.ui.lineEditMaxAcceptableTotalDifficulty.text()) * shared.networkDefaultProofOfWorkNonceTrialsPerByte)):
# the user changed the max acceptable total difficulty
acceptableDifficultyChanged = True
shared.config.set('bitmessagesettings', 'maxacceptablenoncetrialsperbyte', str(int(float(
self.settingsDialogInstance.ui.lineEditMaxAcceptableTotalDifficulty.text()) * shared.networkDefaultProofOfWorkNonceTrialsPerByte)))
if float(self.settingsDialogInstance.ui.lineEditMaxAcceptableSmallMessageDifficulty.text()) >= 1 or float(self.settingsDialogInstance.ui.lineEditMaxAcceptableSmallMessageDifficulty.text()) == 0:
if shared.config.get('bitmessagesettings','maxacceptablepayloadlengthextrabytes') != str(int(float(
self.settingsDialogInstance.ui.lineEditMaxAcceptableSmallMessageDifficulty.text()) * shared.networkDefaultPayloadLengthExtraBytes)):
# the user changed the max acceptable small message difficulty
acceptableDifficultyChanged = True
shared.config.set('bitmessagesettings', 'maxacceptablepayloadlengthextrabytes', str(int(float(
self.settingsDialogInstance.ui.lineEditMaxAcceptableSmallMessageDifficulty.text()) * shared.networkDefaultPayloadLengthExtraBytes)))
if acceptableDifficultyChanged:
# It might now be possible to send msgs which were previously marked as toodifficult.
# Let us change them to 'msgqueued'. The singleWorker will try to send them and will again
# mark them as toodifficult if the receiver's required difficulty is still higher than
# we are willing to do.
sqlExecute('''UPDATE sent SET status='msgqueued' WHERE status='toodifficult' ''')
shared.workerQueue.put(('sendmessage', ''))
#start:UI setting to stop trying to send messages after X days/months
# I'm open to changing this UI to something else if someone has a better idea.
if ((self.settingsDialogInstance.ui.lineEditDays.text()=='') and (self.settingsDialogInstance.ui.lineEditMonths.text()=='')):#We need to handle this special case. Bitmessage has its default behavior. The input is blank/blank

View File

@ -515,14 +515,9 @@ class singleWorker(threading.Thread):
def sendMsg(self):
while True: # while we have a msg that needs some work
# Select just one msg that needs work. We'll get a msg
# which is ready to be sent or a msg which we have sent in
# the last 28 days which were previously marked
# as 'toodifficult'. If the user has raised the maximum acceptable
# difficulty then those msgs may now be sendable.
# Select just one msg that needs work.
queryreturn = sqlQuery(
'''SELECT toaddress, toripe, fromaddress, subject, message, ackdata, status FROM sent WHERE (status='msgqueued' or status='doingmsgpow' or status='forcepow' or (status='toodifficult' and lastactiontime>?)) and folder='sent' LIMIT 1''',
int(time.time()) - 2419200)
'''SELECT toaddress, toripe, fromaddress, subject, message, ackdata, status FROM sent WHERE (status='msgqueued' or status='doingmsgpow' or status='forcepow') and folder='sent' LIMIT 1''')
if len(queryreturn) == 0: # if there is no work to do then
break # break out of this sendMsg loop and
# wait for something to get put in the shared.workerQueue.
@ -717,7 +712,7 @@ class singleWorker(threading.Thread):
'''UPDATE sent SET status='toodifficult' WHERE ackdata=? ''',
shared.UISignalQueue.put(('updateSentItemStatusByAckdata', (ackdata, tr.translateText("MainWindow", "Problem: The work demanded by the recipient (%1 and %2) is more difficult than you are willing to do.").arg(str(float(requiredAverageProofOfWorkNonceTrialsPerByte) / shared.networkDefaultProofOfWorkNonceTrialsPerByte)).arg(str(float(
shared.UISignalQueue.put(('updateSentItemStatusByAckdata', (ackdata, tr.translateText("MainWindow", "Problem: The work demanded by the recipient (%1 and %2) is more difficult than you are willing to do. %3").arg(str(float(requiredAverageProofOfWorkNonceTrialsPerByte) / shared.networkDefaultProofOfWorkNonceTrialsPerByte)).arg(str(float(
requiredPayloadLengthExtraBytes) / shared.networkDefaultPayloadLengthExtraBytes)).arg(l10n.formatTimestamp()))))
else: # if we are sending a message to ourselves or a chan..