Merge branch 'master' of git:// into sendiulo-master

This commit is contained in:
Jonathan Warren 2013-08-27 21:11:40 -04:00
commit aea1d41bf8
19 changed files with 4457 additions and 897 deletions

View File

@ -2038,6 +2038,11 @@ class MyForm(QtGui.QMainWindow):
shared.config.set('bitmessagesettings', 'willinglysendtomobile', str(
lang_ind = int(self.settingsDialogInstance.ui.languageComboBox.currentIndex())
if not languages[lang_ind] == 'other':
shared.config.set('bitmessagesettings', 'userlocale', languages[lang_ind])
if int(shared.config.get('bitmessagesettings', 'port')) != int(self.settingsDialogInstance.ui.lineEditTCPPort.text()):
if not shared.safeConfigGetBoolean('bitmessagesettings', 'dontconnect'):
QMessageBox.about(self, _translate("MainWindow", "Restart"), _translate(
@ -3048,6 +3053,16 @@ class settingsDialog(QtGui.QDialog):
shared.config.getboolean('bitmessagesettings', 'startintray'))
shared.safeConfigGetBoolean('bitmessagesettings', 'willinglysendtomobile'))
global languages
languages = ['system','en','eo','fr','de','es','ru','en_pirate','other']
user_countrycode = str(shared.config.get('bitmessagesettings', 'userlocale'))
if user_countrycode in languages:
curr_index = languages.index(user_countrycode)
curr_index = languages.index('other')
if shared.appdata == '':
if 'darwin' in sys.platform:
@ -3388,25 +3403,46 @@ class UISignaler(QThread):
def run():
app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv)
translator = QtCore.QTranslator()
lang_countrycode = str(locale.getdefaultlocale()[0])
translation = "translations/bitmessage_" + lang_countrycode
if not os.path.isfile(translation + ".pro"):
# Don't have fully localized translation, try language only
lang = lang_countrycode[0:2]
translation = "translations/bitmessage_" + lang
if not os.path.isfile(translation + ".pro"):
# Don't have language either, default to 'Merica USA! USA!
translation = "translations/bitmessage_en_US"
#translator.load("translations/bitmessage_fr_BE") # test French
# The above is not compatible with all versions of OSX.
translator.load("translations/bitmessage_en_US") # Default to english.
locale_countrycode = str(locale.getdefaultlocale()[0])
locale_lang = locale_countrycode[0:2]
user_countrycode = str(shared.config.get('bitmessagesettings', 'userlocale'))
user_lang = user_countrycode[0:2]
translation_path = "translations/bitmessage_"
if shared.config.get('bitmessagesettings', 'userlocale') == 'system':
# try to detect the users locale otherwise fallback to English
# try the users full locale, e.g. 'en_US':
# since we usually only provide languages, not localozations
# this will usually fail
translator.load(translation_path + locale_countrycode)
# try the users locale language, e.g. 'en':
# since we usually only provide languages, not localozations
# this will usually succeed
translator.load(translation_path + locale_lang)
# as English is already the default language, we don't
# need to do anything. No need to translate.
# check if the user input is a valid translation file:
# since user_countrycode will be usually set by the combobox
# it will usually just be a language code
translator.load(translation_path + user_countrycode)
# check if the user lang is a valid translation file:
# this is only needed if the user manually set his 'userlocale'
# in the keys.dat to a countrycode (e.g. 'de_CH')
translator.load(translation_path + user_lang)
# as English is already the default language, we don't
# need to do anything. No need to translate.
app.setStyleSheet("QStatusBar::item { border: 0px solid black }")

View File

@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
# Form implementation generated from reading ui file 'settings.ui'
# Created: Wed Aug 14 18:31:34 2013
# by: PyQt4 UI code generator 4.10
# Created: Sat Aug 24 09:19:58 2013
# by: PyQt4 UI code generator 4.10.2
# WARNING! All changes made in this file will be lost!
@ -41,55 +41,67 @@ class Ui_settingsDialog(object):
self.gridLayout_5 = QtGui.QGridLayout(self.tabUserInterface)
self.labelSettingsNote = QtGui.QLabel(self.tabUserInterface)
self.gridLayout_5.addWidget(self.labelSettingsNote, 7, 0, 1, 1)
spacerItem = QtGui.QSpacerItem(20, 40, QtGui.QSizePolicy.Minimum, QtGui.QSizePolicy.Expanding)
self.gridLayout_5.addItem(spacerItem, 8, 0, 1, 1)
self.checkBoxStartInTray = QtGui.QCheckBox(self.tabUserInterface)
self.gridLayout_5.addWidget(self.checkBoxStartInTray, 1, 0, 1, 1)
self.checkBoxShowTrayNotifications = QtGui.QCheckBox(self.tabUserInterface)
self.gridLayout_5.addWidget(self.checkBoxShowTrayNotifications, 3, 0, 1, 1)
self.checkBoxMinimizeToTray = QtGui.QCheckBox(self.tabUserInterface)
self.gridLayout_5.addWidget(self.checkBoxMinimizeToTray, 2, 0, 1, 1)
self.label_7 = QtGui.QLabel(self.tabUserInterface)
self.gridLayout_5.addWidget(self.label_7, 5, 0, 1, 1)
spacerItem = QtGui.QSpacerItem(20, 40, QtGui.QSizePolicy.Minimum, QtGui.QSizePolicy.Expanding)
self.gridLayout_5.addItem(spacerItem, 10, 0, 1, 1)
self.checkBoxStartOnLogon = QtGui.QCheckBox(self.tabUserInterface)
self.gridLayout_5.addWidget(self.checkBoxStartOnLogon, 0, 0, 1, 1)
self.checkBoxShowTrayNotifications = QtGui.QCheckBox(self.tabUserInterface)
self.gridLayout_5.addWidget(self.checkBoxShowTrayNotifications, 3, 0, 1, 1)
self.checkBoxPortableMode = QtGui.QCheckBox(self.tabUserInterface)
self.gridLayout_5.addWidget(self.checkBoxPortableMode, 4, 0, 1, 1)
self.checkBoxStartInTray = QtGui.QCheckBox(self.tabUserInterface)
self.gridLayout_5.addWidget(self.checkBoxStartInTray, 1, 0, 1, 1)
self.PortableModeDescription = QtGui.QLabel(self.tabUserInterface)
self.gridLayout_5.addWidget(self.PortableModeDescription, 5, 0, 1, 2)
self.checkBoxWillinglySendToMobile = QtGui.QCheckBox(self.tabUserInterface)
self.gridLayout_5.addWidget(self.checkBoxWillinglySendToMobile, 6, 0, 1, 1)
self.gridLayout_5.addWidget(self.checkBoxWillinglySendToMobile, 6, 0, 1, 2)
self.groupBox = QtGui.QGroupBox(self.tabUserInterface)
self.horizontalLayout_2 = QtGui.QHBoxLayout(self.groupBox)
self.languageComboBox = QtGui.QComboBox(self.groupBox)
self.gridLayout_5.addWidget(self.groupBox, 10, 1, 1, 1)
self.tabWidgetSettings.addTab(self.tabUserInterface, _fromUtf8(""))
self.tabNetworkSettings = QtGui.QWidget()
self.gridLayout_4 = QtGui.QGridLayout(self.tabNetworkSettings)
self.groupBox = QtGui.QGroupBox(self.tabNetworkSettings)
self.gridLayout_3 = QtGui.QGridLayout(self.groupBox)
self.groupBox1 = QtGui.QGroupBox(self.tabNetworkSettings)
self.gridLayout_3 = QtGui.QGridLayout(self.groupBox1)
spacerItem1 = QtGui.QSpacerItem(125, 20, QtGui.QSizePolicy.Expanding, QtGui.QSizePolicy.Minimum)
self.gridLayout_3.addItem(spacerItem1, 0, 0, 1, 1)
self.label = QtGui.QLabel(self.groupBox)
self.label = QtGui.QLabel(self.groupBox1)
self.gridLayout_3.addWidget(self.label, 0, 1, 1, 1)
self.lineEditTCPPort = QtGui.QLineEdit(self.groupBox)
self.lineEditTCPPort = QtGui.QLineEdit(self.groupBox1)
self.lineEditTCPPort.setMaximumSize(QtCore.QSize(70, 16777215))
self.gridLayout_3.addWidget(self.lineEditTCPPort, 0, 2, 1, 1)
self.gridLayout_4.addWidget(self.groupBox, 0, 0, 1, 1)
self.gridLayout_4.addWidget(self.groupBox1, 0, 0, 1, 1)
self.groupBox_2 = QtGui.QGroupBox(self.tabNetworkSettings)
self.gridLayout_2 = QtGui.QGridLayout(self.groupBox_2)
@ -324,15 +336,25 @@ class Ui_settingsDialog(object):
def retranslateUi(self, settingsDialog):
settingsDialog.setWindowTitle(_translate("settingsDialog", "Settings", None))
self.checkBoxStartInTray.setText(_translate("settingsDialog", "Start Bitmessage in the tray (don\'t show main window)", None))
self.checkBoxShowTrayNotifications.setText(_translate("settingsDialog", "Show notification when message received", None))
self.checkBoxMinimizeToTray.setText(_translate("settingsDialog", "Minimize to tray", None))
self.label_7.setText(_translate("settingsDialog", "In Portable Mode, messages and config files are stored in the same directory as the program rather than the normal application-data folder. This makes it convenient to run Bitmessage from a USB thumb drive.", None))
self.checkBoxStartOnLogon.setText(_translate("settingsDialog", "Start Bitmessage on user login", None))
self.checkBoxShowTrayNotifications.setText(_translate("settingsDialog", "Show notification when message received", None))
self.checkBoxPortableMode.setText(_translate("settingsDialog", "Run in Portable Mode", None))
self.checkBoxStartInTray.setText(_translate("settingsDialog", "Start Bitmessage in the tray (don\'t show main window)", None))
self.PortableModeDescription.setText(_translate("settingsDialog", "In Portable Mode, messages and config files are stored in the same directory as the program rather than the normal application-data folder. This makes it convenient to run Bitmessage from a USB thumb drive.", None))
self.checkBoxWillinglySendToMobile.setText(_translate("settingsDialog", "Willingly include unencrypted destination address when sending to a mobile device", None))
self.groupBox.setTitle(_translate("settingsDialog", "Interface Language", None))
self.languageComboBox.setItemText(0, _translate("settingsDialog", "System Settings", "system"))
self.languageComboBox.setItemText(1, _translate("settingsDialog", "English", "en"))
self.languageComboBox.setItemText(2, _translate("settingsDialog", "Esperanto", "eo"))
self.languageComboBox.setItemText(3, _translate("settingsDialog", "French", "fr"))
self.languageComboBox.setItemText(4, _translate("settingsDialog", "German", "de"))
self.languageComboBox.setItemText(5, _translate("settingsDialog", "Spanish", "es"))
self.languageComboBox.setItemText(6, _translate("settingsDialog", "Russian", "ru"))
self.languageComboBox.setItemText(7, _translate("settingsDialog", "Pirate English", "en_pirate"))
self.languageComboBox.setItemText(8, _translate("settingsDialog", "Other (set in keys.dat)", "other"))
self.tabWidgetSettings.setTabText(self.tabWidgetSettings.indexOf(self.tabUserInterface), _translate("settingsDialog", "User Interface", None))
self.groupBox.setTitle(_translate("settingsDialog", "Listening port", None))
self.groupBox1.setTitle(_translate("settingsDialog", "Listening port", None))
self.label.setText(_translate("settingsDialog", "Listen for connections on port:", None))
self.groupBox_2.setTitle(_translate("settingsDialog", "Proxy server / Tor", None))
self.label_2.setText(_translate("settingsDialog", "Type:", None))
@ -367,3 +389,13 @@ class Ui_settingsDialog(object):
self.radioButtonNamecoinNmcontrol.setText(_translate("settingsDialog", "NMControl", None))
self.tabWidgetSettings.setTabText(self.tabWidgetSettings.indexOf(self.tabNamecoin), _translate("settingsDialog", "Namecoin integration", None))
if __name__ == "__main__":
import sys
app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv)
settingsDialog = QtGui.QDialog()
ui = Ui_settingsDialog()

View File

@ -37,17 +37,17 @@
<string>User Interface</string>
<layout class="QGridLayout" name="gridLayout_5">
<item row="7" column="0">
<widget class="QLabel" name="labelSettingsNote">
<item row="2" column="0">
<widget class="QCheckBox" name="checkBoxMinimizeToTray">
<property name="text">
<string>Minimize to tray</string>
<property name="wordWrap">
<property name="checked">
<item row="8" column="0">
<item row="10" column="0">
<spacer name="verticalSpacer_2">
<property name="orientation">
@ -60,10 +60,10 @@
<item row="1" column="0">
<widget class="QCheckBox" name="checkBoxStartInTray">
<item row="0" column="0">
<widget class="QCheckBox" name="checkBoxStartOnLogon">
<property name="text">
<string>Start Bitmessage in the tray (don't show main window)</string>
<string>Start Bitmessage on user login</string>
@ -74,18 +74,22 @@
<item row="2" column="0">
<widget class="QCheckBox" name="checkBoxMinimizeToTray">
<item row="4" column="0">
<widget class="QCheckBox" name="checkBoxPortableMode">
<property name="text">
<string>Minimize to tray</string>
<property name="checked">
<string>Run in Portable Mode</string>
<item row="5" column="0">
<widget class="QLabel" name="label_7">
<item row="1" column="0">
<widget class="QCheckBox" name="checkBoxStartInTray">
<property name="text">
<string>Start Bitmessage in the tray (don't show main window)</string>
<item row="5" column="0" colspan="2">
<widget class="QLabel" name="PortableModeDescription">
<property name="text">
<string>In Portable Mode, messages and config files are stored in the same directory as the program rather than the normal application-data folder. This makes it convenient to run Bitmessage from a USB thumb drive.</string>
@ -94,27 +98,71 @@
<item row="0" column="0">
<widget class="QCheckBox" name="checkBoxStartOnLogon">
<property name="text">
<string>Start Bitmessage on user login</string>
<item row="4" column="0">
<widget class="QCheckBox" name="checkBoxPortableMode">
<property name="text">
<string>Run in Portable Mode</string>
<item row="6" column="0">
<item row="6" column="0" colspan="2">
<widget class="QCheckBox" name="checkBoxWillinglySendToMobile">
<property name="text">
<string>Willingly include unencrypted destination address when sending to a mobile device</string>
<item row="10" column="1">
<widget class="QGroupBox" name="groupBox">
<property name="title">
<string>Interface Language</string>
<layout class="QHBoxLayout" name="horizontalLayout_2">
<widget class="QComboBox" name="languageComboBox">
<property name="text">
<string comment="system">System Settings</string>
<property name="text">
<string comment="en">English</string>
<property name="text">
<string comment="eo">Esperanto</string>
<property name="text">
<string comment="fr">French</string>
<property name="text">
<string comment="de">German</string>
<property name="text">
<string comment="es">Spanish</string>
<property name="text">
<string comment="ru">Russian</string>
<property name="text">
<string comment="en_pirate">Pirate English</string>
<property name="text">
<string comment="other">Other (set in keys.dat)</string>
<widget class="QWidget" name="tabNetworkSettings">

View File

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ import shared
import ConfigParser
import sys
import os
import locale
from namecoin import ensureNamecoinOptions
@ -82,6 +83,7 @@ def loadConfig():
'bitmessagesettings', 'maxacceptablepayloadlengthextrabytes', '0')
shared.config.set('bitmessagesettings', 'dontconnect', 'true')
shared.config.set('bitmessagesettings', 'userlocale', 'system')
if storeConfigFilesInSameDirectoryAsProgramByDefault:

View File

@ -1,33 +1,33 @@
SOURCES = ../\
TRANSLATIONS = bitmessage_de_DE.ts
SOURCES = ../\
TRANSLATIONS = bitmessage_de.ts

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -1,200 +1,201 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<TS version="2.0" language="de_DE" sourcelanguage="en">
<TS version="2.0" language="de" sourcelanguage="en">
<location filename="" line="91"/>
<location filename="../bitmessageqt/" line="91"/>
<source>One of your addresses, %1, is an old version 1 address. Version 1 addresses are no longer supported. May we delete it now?</source>
<translation>Eine Ihrer Adressen, %1, ist eine alte Version 1 Adresse. Version 1 Adressen werden nicht mehr unterstützt. Soll sie jetzt gelöscht werden?</translation>
<location filename="" line="163"/>
<location filename="../bitmessageqt/" line="163"/>
<location filename="" line="165"/>
<location filename="../bitmessageqt/" line="165"/>
<source>Add sender to your Address Book</source>
<translation>Absender zum Adressbuch hinzufügen</translation>
<translation>Absender zum Adressbuch hinzufügen.</translation>
<location filename="" line="269"/>
<location filename="../bitmessageqt/" line="269"/>
<source>Move to Trash</source>
<translation>In den Papierkorb verschieben</translation>
<location filename="" line="169"/>
<location filename="../bitmessageqt/" line="169"/>
<source>View HTML code as formatted text</source>
<translation>HTML als formatierten Text anzeigen</translation>
<location filename="" line="171"/>
<location filename="../bitmessageqt/" line="171"/>
<source>Save message as...</source>
<translation>Nachricht speichern unter...</translation>
<location filename="" line="573"/>
<location filename="../bitmessageqt/" line="573"/>
<location filename="" line="292"/>
<location filename="../bitmessageqt/" line="292"/>
<location filename="" line="294"/>
<location filename="../bitmessageqt/" line="294"/>
<location filename="" line="290"/>
<location filename="../bitmessageqt/" line="290"/>
<source>Copy address to clipboard</source>
<translation>Adresse in die Zwischenablage kopieren</translation>
<location filename="" line="200"/>
<location filename="../bitmessageqt/" line="200"/>
<source>Special address behavior...</source>
<translation>Spezielles Verhalten der Adresse...</translation>
<location filename="" line="218"/>
<location filename="../bitmessageqt/" line="218"/>
<source>Send message to this address</source>
<translation>Nachricht an diese Adresse senden</translation>
<location filename="" line="222"/>
<location filename="../bitmessageqt/" line="222"/>
<source>Subscribe to this address</source>
<translation>Diese Adresse abonnieren</translation>
<location filename="" line="224"/>
<location filename="../bitmessageqt/" line="224"/>
<source>Add New Address</source>
<translation>Neue Adresse hinzufügen</translation>
<location filename="" line="288"/>
<location filename="../bitmessageqt/" line="288"/>
<location filename="" line="271"/>
<location filename="../bitmessageqt/" line="271"/>
<source>Copy destination address to clipboard</source>
<translation>Zieladresse in die Zwischenablage kopieren</translation>
<location filename="" line="273"/>
<location filename="../bitmessageqt/" line="273"/>
<source>Force send</source>
<translation>Senden erzwingen</translation>
<location filename="" line="600"/>
<location filename="../bitmessageqt/" line="600"/>
<source>Add new entry</source>
<translation>Neuen Eintrag erstellen</translation>
<location filename="" line="632"/>
<location filename="../bitmessageqt/" line="632"/>
<source>Waiting on their encryption key. Will request it again soon.</source>
<translation>Warte auf den Verschlüsselungscode. Wird bald erneut angefordert.</translation>
<location filename="" line="635"/>
<location filename="../bitmessageqt/" line="635"/>
<source>Encryption key request queued.</source>
<translation>Verschlüsselungscode Anforderung steht aus.</translation>
<location filename="" line="638"/>
<location filename="../bitmessageqt/" line="638"/>
<translation>In Warteschlange.</translation>
<location filename="" line="641"/>
<location filename="../bitmessageqt/" line="641"/>
<source>Message sent. Waiting on acknowledgement. Sent at %1</source>
<translation>Nachricht gesendet. Warten auf Bestätigung. Gesendet %1</translation>
<location filename="" line="647"/>
<location filename="../bitmessageqt/" line="647"/>
<source>Need to do work to send message. Work is queued.</source>
<translation>Es muss Arbeit verrichtet werden um die Nachricht zu versenden. Arbeit ist in Warteschlange.</translation>
<location filename="" line="650"/>
<location filename="../bitmessageqt/" line="650"/>
<source>Acknowledgement of the message received %1</source>
<translation>Bestätigung der Nachricht erhalten %1</translation>
<location filename="" line="653"/>
<location filename="../bitmessageqt/" line="653"/>
<source>Broadcast queued.</source>
<translation>Rundruf in Warteschlange.</translation>
<location filename="" line="656"/>
<location filename="../bitmessageqt/" line="656"/>
<source>Broadcast on %1</source>
<translation>Rundruf um %1</translation>
<location filename="" line="659"/>
<location filename="../bitmessageqt/" line="659"/>
<source>Problem: The work demanded by the recipient is more difficult than you are willing to do. %1</source>
<translation>Problem: Die vom Empfänger geforderte Arbeit ist schwerer als Sie bereit sind zu berechnen. %1</translation>
<location filename="" line="662"/>
<location filename="../bitmessageqt/" line="662"/>
<source>Problem: The recipient&apos;s encryption key is no good. Could not encrypt message. %1</source>
<translation>Problem: Der Verschlüsselungscode des Empfängers ist nicht in Ordnung. Nachricht konnte nicht verschlüsselt werden. %1</translation>
<location filename="" line="665"/>
<location filename="../bitmessageqt/" line="665"/>
<source>Forced difficulty override. Send should start soon.</source>
<translation>Schwierigkeitslimit überschrieben. Senden sollte bald beginnen.</translation>
<location filename="" line="668"/>
<location filename="../bitmessageqt/" line="668"/>
<source>Unknown status: %1 %2</source>
<translation>Unbekannter Status: %1 %2</translation>
<location filename="" line="398"/>
<location filename="../bitmessageqt/" line="398"/>
<source>Since startup on %1</source>
<translation>Seit Start der Anwendung am %1</translation>
<location filename="" line="1344"/>
<location filename="../bitmessageqt/" line="1344"/>
<source>Not Connected</source>
<translation>Nicht verbunden</translation>
<location filename="" line="821"/>
<location filename="../bitmessageqt/" line="821"/>
<source>Show Bitmessage</source>
<translation>Bitmessage anzeigen</translation>
<location filename="" line="556"/>
<location filename="../bitmessageqt/" line="556"/>
<location filename="" line="836"/>
<location filename="../bitmessageqt/" line="836"/>
<location filename="" line="597"/>
<location filename="../bitmessageqt/" line="597"/>
<source>Address Book</source>
<location filename="" line="622"/>
<location filename="../bitmessageqt/" line="622"/>
<location filename="" line="1130"/>
<location filename="../bitmessageqt/" line="1130"/>
<source>You may manage your keys by editing the keys.dat file stored in the same directory as this program. It is important that you back up this file.</source>
<translation>Sie können Ihre Schlüssel verwalten, indem Sie die keys.dat Datei bearbeiten, die im gleichen Ordner wie das Programm liegt. Es ist wichtig, dass Sie diese Datei sichern.</translation>
<location filename="" line="1134"/>
<location filename="../bitmessageqt/" line="1134"/>
<source>You may manage your keys by editing the keys.dat file stored in
It is important that you back up this file.</source>
@ -203,17 +204,17 @@ It is important that you back up this file.</source>
Es ist wichtig, dass Sie diese Datei sichern.</translation>
<location filename="" line="1141"/>
<location filename="../bitmessageqt/" line="1141"/>
<source>Open keys.dat?</source>
<translation>Datei keys.dat öffnen?</translation>
<location filename="" line="1138"/>
<location filename="../bitmessageqt/" line="1138"/>
<source>You may manage your keys by editing the keys.dat file stored in the same directory as this program. It is important that you back up this file. Would you like to open the file now? (Be sure to close Bitmessage before making any changes.)</source>
<translation>Sie können Ihre Schlüssel verwalten, indem Sie die keys.dat Datei bearbeiten, die im gleichen Ordner wie das Programm liegt. Es ist wichtig, dass Sie diese Datei sichern. Möchten Sie die Datei jetzt öffnen? (Stellen Sie sicher, dass Bitmessage geschlossen ist, bevor Sie etwas ändern.)</translation>
<location filename="" line="1141"/>
<location filename="../bitmessageqt/" line="1141"/>
<source>You may manage your keys by editing the keys.dat file stored in
It is important that you back up this file. Would you like to open the file now? (Be sure to close Bitmessage before making any changes.)</source>
@ -223,192 +224,192 @@ Es ist wichtig, dass Sie diese Datei sichern. Möchten Sie die datei jetzt öffn
(Stellen Sie sicher, dass Bitmessage geschlossen ist, bevor Sie etwas ändern.)</translation>
<location filename="" line="1147"/>
<location filename="../bitmessageqt/" line="1147"/>
<source>Delete trash?</source>
<translation>Papierkorb leeren?</translation>
<location filename="" line="1147"/>
<location filename="../bitmessageqt/" line="1147"/>
<source>Are you sure you want to delete all trashed messages?</source>
<translation>Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie alle Nachrichten im Papierkorb löschen möchten?</translation>
<location filename="" line="1158"/>
<location filename="../bitmessageqt/" line="1158"/>
<source>bad passphrase</source>
<translation>Falscher Passwort-Satz</translation>
<location filename="" line="1158"/>
<location filename="../bitmessageqt/" line="1158"/>
<source>You must type your passphrase. If you don&apos;t have one then this is not the form for you.</source>
<translation>Sie müssen Ihren Passwort-Satz eingeben. Wenn Sie keinen haben, ist dies das falsche Formular für Sie.</translation>
<location filename="" line="1265"/>
<location filename="../bitmessageqt/" line="1265"/>
<source>Processed %1 person-to-person messages.</source>
<translation>%1 Person-zu-Person-Nachrichten bearbeitet.</translation>
<location filename="" line="1270"/>
<location filename="../bitmessageqt/" line="1270"/>
<source>Processed %1 broadcast messages.</source>
<translation>%1 Rundruf-Nachrichten bearbeitet.</translation>
<location filename="" line="1275"/>
<location filename="../bitmessageqt/" line="1275"/>
<source>Processed %1 public keys.</source>
<translation>%1 öffentliche Schlüssel bearbeitet.</translation>
<location filename="" line="1319"/>
<location filename="../bitmessageqt/" line="1319"/>
<source>Total Connections: %1</source>
<translation>Verbindungen insgesamt: %1</translation>
<location filename="" line="1338"/>
<location filename="../bitmessageqt/" line="1338"/>
<source>Connection lost</source>
<translation>Verbindung verloren</translation>
<location filename="" line="1379"/>
<location filename="../bitmessageqt/" line="1379"/>
<location filename="" line="1425"/>
<location filename="../bitmessageqt/" line="1425"/>
<source>Message trashed</source>
<translation>Nachricht in den Papierkorb verschoben</translation>
<location filename="" line="1559"/>
<location filename="../bitmessageqt/" line="1559"/>
<source>Error: Bitmessage addresses start with BM- Please check %1</source>
<translation>Fehler: Bitmessage Adressen starten mit BM- Bitte überprüfen Sie %1</translation>
<location filename="" line="1562"/>
<location filename="../bitmessageqt/" line="1562"/>
<source>Error: The address %1 is not typed or copied correctly. Please check it.</source>
<translation>Fehler: Die Adresse %1 wurde nicht korrekt getippt oder kopiert. Bitte überprüfen.</translation>
<location filename="" line="1565"/>
<location filename="../bitmessageqt/" line="1565"/>
<source>Error: The address %1 contains invalid characters. Please check it.</source>
<translation>Fehler: Die Adresse %1 beinhaltet ungültig Zeichen. Bitte überprüfen.</translation>
<location filename="" line="1568"/>
<location filename="../bitmessageqt/" line="1568"/>
<source>Error: The address version in %1 is too high. Either you need to upgrade your Bitmessage software or your acquaintance is being clever.</source>
<translation>Fehler: Die Adressversion von %1 ist zu hoch. Entweder Sie müssen Ihre Bitmessage Software aktualisieren oder Ihr Bekannter ist sehr clever.</translation>
<location filename="" line="1571"/>
<location filename="../bitmessageqt/" line="1571"/>
<source>Error: Some data encoded in the address %1 is too short. There might be something wrong with the software of your acquaintance.</source>
<translation>Fehler: Einige Daten die in der Adresse %1 codiert sind, sind zu kurz. Es könnte sein, dass etwas mit der Software Ihres Bekannten nicht stimmt.</translation>
<location filename="" line="1574"/>
<location filename="../bitmessageqt/" line="1574"/>
<source>Error: Some data encoded in the address %1 is too long. There might be something wrong with the software of your acquaintance.</source>
<translation>Fehler: Einige Daten die in der Adresse %1 codiert sind, sind zu lang. Es könnte sein, dass etwas mit der Software Ihres Bekannten nicht stimmt.</translation>
<location filename="" line="1577"/>
<location filename="../bitmessageqt/" line="1577"/>
<source>Error: Something is wrong with the address %1.</source>
<translation>Fehler: Mit der Adresse %1 stimmt etwas nicht.</translation>
<location filename="" line="1644"/>
<location filename="../bitmessageqt/" line="1644"/>
<source>Error: You must specify a From address. If you don&apos;t have one, go to the &apos;Your Identities&apos; tab.</source>
<translation>Fehler: Sie müssen eine Absenderadresse auswählen. Sollten Sie keine haben, wechseln Sie zum Reiter &quot;Ihre Identitäten&quot;.</translation>
<location filename="" line="1588"/>
<location filename="../bitmessageqt/" line="1588"/>
<source>Sending to your address</source>
<translation>Sende zu Ihrer Adresse</translation>
<location filename="" line="1588"/>
<location filename="../bitmessageqt/" line="1588"/>
<source>Error: One of the addresses to which you are sending a message, %1, is yours. Unfortunately the Bitmessage client cannot process its own messages. Please try running a second client on a different computer or within a VM.</source>
<translation>Fehler: Eine der Adressen an die Sie eine Nachricht schreiben (%1) ist Ihre. Leider kann die Bitmessage Software ihre eigenen Nachrichten nicht verarbeiten. Bitte verwenden Sie einen zweite Installation auf einem anderen Computer oder in einer VM.</translation>
<location filename="" line="1594"/>
<location filename="../bitmessageqt/" line="1594"/>
<source>Address version number</source>
<location filename="" line="1594"/>
<location filename="../bitmessageqt/" line="1594"/>
<source>Concerning the address %1, Bitmessage cannot understand address version numbers of %2. Perhaps upgrade Bitmessage to the latest version.</source>
<translation>Bezüglich der Adresse %1, Bitmessage kann Adressen mit der Version %2 nicht verarbeiten. Möglicherweise müssen Sie Bitmessage auf die aktuelle Version aktualisieren.</translation>
<location filename="" line="1598"/>
<location filename="../bitmessageqt/" line="1598"/>
<source>Stream number</source>
<translation>Datenstrom Nummer</translation>
<location filename="" line="1598"/>
<location filename="../bitmessageqt/" line="1598"/>
<source>Concerning the address %1, Bitmessage cannot handle stream numbers of %2. Perhaps upgrade Bitmessage to the latest version.</source>
<translation>Bezüglich der Adresse %1, Bitmessage kann den Datenstrom mit der Version %2 nicht verarbeiten. Möglicherweise müssen Sie Bitmessage auf die aktuelle Version aktualisieren.</translation>
<location filename="" line="1603"/>
<location filename="../bitmessageqt/" line="1603"/>
<source>Warning: You are currently not connected. Bitmessage will do the work necessary to send the message but it won&apos;t send until you connect.</source>
<translation>Warnung: Sie sind aktuell nicht verbunden. Bitmessage wird die nötige Arbeit zum versenden verrichten, aber erst senden, wenn Sie verbunden sind.</translation>
<location filename="" line="1640"/>
<location filename="../bitmessageqt/" line="1640"/>
<source>Your &apos;To&apos; field is empty.</source>
<translation>Ihr &quot;Empfänger&quot;-Feld ist leer.</translation>
<location filename="" line="1695"/>
<location filename="../bitmessageqt/" line="1695"/>
<source>Work is queued.</source>
<translation>Arbeit in Warteschlange.</translation>
<location filename="" line="1717"/>
<location filename="../bitmessageqt/" line="1717"/>
<source>Right click one or more entries in your address book and select &apos;Send message to this address&apos;.</source>
<translation>Klicken Sie mit rechts auf eine oder mehrere Einträge aus Ihrem Adressbuch und wählen Sie &quot;Nachricht an diese Adresse senden&quot;.</translation>
<location filename="" line="1805"/>
<location filename="../bitmessageqt/" line="1805"/>
<source>Work is queued. %1</source>
<translation>Arbeit in Warteschlange. %1</translation>
<location filename="" line="1874"/>
<location filename="../bitmessageqt/" line="1874"/>
<source>New Message</source>
<translation>Neue Nachricht</translation>
<location filename="" line="1874"/>
<location filename="../bitmessageqt/" line="1874"/>
<source>From </source>
<location filename="" line="3274"/>
<location filename="../bitmessageqt/" line="3282"/>
<source>Address is valid.</source>
<translation>Adresse ist gültig.</translation>
<location filename="" line="2436"/>
<location filename="../bitmessageqt/" line="2440"/>
<source>Error: You cannot add the same address to your address book twice. Try renaming the existing one if you want.</source>
<translation>Fehler: Sie können eine Adresse nicht doppelt im Adressbuch speichern. Wenn Sie möchten, benennen Sie den existierenden Eintrag um.</translation>
<location filename="" line="2226"/>
<location filename="../bitmessageqt/" line="2230"/>
<source>The address you entered was invalid. Ignoring it.</source>
<translation>Die von Ihnen eingegebene Adresse ist ungültig, sie wird ignoriert.</translation>
<location filename="" line="2606"/>
<location filename="../bitmessageqt/" line="2610"/>
<source>Error: You cannot add the same address to your subsciptions twice. Perhaps rename the existing one if you want.</source>
<translation>Fehler: Sie können eine Adresse nicht doppelt abonnieren. Wenn Sie möchten, benennen Sie den existierenden Eintrag um.</translation>
<location filename="" line="2042"/>
<location filename="../bitmessageqt/" line="2046"/>
<location filename="" line="2036"/>
<location filename="../bitmessageqt/" line="2040"/>
<source>You must restart Bitmessage for the port number change to take effect.</source>
<translation>Sie müssen Bitmessage neu starten, um den geänderten Port zu verwenden.</translation>
@ -418,173 +419,173 @@ Es ist wichtig, dass Sie diese Datei sichern. Möchten Sie die datei jetzt öffn
<translation type="obsolete">Bitmessage wird den Proxy-Server ab jetzt verwenden, möglicherweise möchten Sie Bitmessage neu starten um bestehende Verbindungen zu schließen.</translation>
<location filename="" line="2223"/>
<location filename="../bitmessageqt/" line="2227"/>
<source>Error: You cannot add the same address to your list twice. Perhaps rename the existing one if you want.</source>
<translation>Fehler: Sie können eine Adresse nicht doppelt zur Liste hinzufügen. Wenn Sie möchten, benennen Sie den existierenden Eintrag um.</translation>
<location filename="" line="2276"/>
<location filename="../bitmessageqt/" line="2280"/>
<source>Passphrase mismatch</source>
<translation>Kennwortsatz nicht identisch</translation>
<location filename="" line="2276"/>
<location filename="../bitmessageqt/" line="2280"/>
<source>The passphrase you entered twice doesn&apos;t match. Try again.</source>
<translation>Die von Ihnen eingegebenen Kennwortsätze sind nicht identisch. Bitte neu versuchen.</translation>
<location filename="" line="2279"/>
<location filename="../bitmessageqt/" line="2283"/>
<source>Choose a passphrase</source>
<translation>Wählen Sie einen Kennwortsatz</translation>
<location filename="" line="2279"/>
<location filename="../bitmessageqt/" line="2283"/>
<source>You really do need a passphrase.</source>
<translation>Sie benötigen wirklich einen Kennwortsatz.</translation>
<location filename="" line="2302"/>
<location filename="../bitmessageqt/" line="2306"/>
<source>All done. Closing user interface...</source>
<translation>Alles fertig. Benutzer interface wird geschlossen...</translation>
<location filename="" line="2376"/>
<location filename="../bitmessageqt/" line="2380"/>
<source>Address is gone</source>
<translation>Adresse ist verloren</translation>
<location filename="" line="2376"/>
<location filename="../bitmessageqt/" line="2380"/>
<source>Bitmessage cannot find your address %1. Perhaps you removed it?</source>
<translation>Bitmassage kann Ihre Adresse %1 nicht finden. Haben Sie sie gelöscht?</translation>
<location filename="" line="2380"/>
<location filename="../bitmessageqt/" line="2384"/>
<source>Address disabled</source>
<translation>Adresse deaktiviert</translation>
<location filename="" line="2380"/>
<location filename="../bitmessageqt/" line="2384"/>
<source>Error: The address from which you are trying to send is disabled. You&apos;ll have to enable it on the &apos;Your Identities&apos; tab before using it.</source>
<translation>Fehler: Die Adresse von der Sie versuchen zu senden ist deaktiviert. Sie müssen sie unter dem Reiter &quot;Ihre Identitäten&quot; aktivieren bevor Sie fortfahren.</translation>
<location filename="" line="2433"/>
<location filename="../bitmessageqt/" line="2437"/>
<source>Entry added to the Address Book. Edit the label to your liking.</source>
<translation>Eintrag dem Adressbuch hinzugefügt. Editieren Sie den Eintrag nach Belieben.</translation>
<location filename="" line="2498"/>
<location filename="../bitmessageqt/" line="2502"/>
<source>Moved items to trash. There is no user interface to view your trash, but it is still on disk if you are desperate to get it back.</source>
<translation>Objekt in den Papierkorb verschoben. Es gibt kein Benutzerinterface für den Papierkorb, aber die Daten sind noch auf Ihrer Festplatte wenn Sie sie wirklich benötigen.</translation>
<location filename="" line="2472"/>
<location filename="../bitmessageqt/" line="2476"/>
<source>Save As...</source>
<translation>Speichern unter...</translation>
<location filename="" line="2481"/>
<location filename="../bitmessageqt/" line="2485"/>
<source>Write error.</source>
<translation>Fehler beim speichern.</translation>
<location filename="" line="2592"/>
<location filename="../bitmessageqt/" line="2596"/>
<source>No addresses selected.</source>
<translation>Keine Adresse ausgewählt.</translation>
<location filename="" line="3055"/>
<location filename="../bitmessageqt/" line="3063"/>
<source>Options have been disabled because they either aren&apos;t applicable or because they haven&apos;t yet been implemented for your operating system.</source>
Optionen wurden deaktiviert, da sie für Ihr Betriebssystem nicht relevant, oder noch nicht implementiert sind.</translation>
<location filename="" line="3256"/>
<location filename="../bitmessageqt/" line="3264"/>
<source>The address should start with &apos;&apos;BM-&apos;&apos;</source>
<translation>Die Adresse sollte mit &quot;BM-&quot; beginnen</translation>
<location filename="" line="3259"/>
<location filename="../bitmessageqt/" line="3267"/>
<source>The address is not typed or copied correctly (the checksum failed).</source>
<translation>Die Adresse wurde nicht korrekt getippt oder kopiert (Prüfsumme falsch).</translation>
<location filename="" line="3262"/>
<location filename="../bitmessageqt/" line="3270"/>
<source>The version number of this address is higher than this software can support. Please upgrade Bitmessage.</source>
<translation>Die Versionsnummer dieser Adresse ist höher als diese Software unterstützt. Bitte installieren Sie die neuste Bitmessage Version.</translation>
<location filename="" line="3265"/>
<location filename="../bitmessageqt/" line="3273"/>
<source>The address contains invalid characters.</source>
<translation>Diese Adresse beinhaltet ungültige Zeichen.</translation>
<location filename="" line="3268"/>
<location filename="../bitmessageqt/" line="3276"/>
<source>Some data encoded in the address is too short.</source>
<translation>Die in der Adresse codierten Daten sind zu kurz.</translation>
<location filename="" line="3271"/>
<location filename="../bitmessageqt/" line="3279"/>
<source>Some data encoded in the address is too long.</source>
<translation>Die in der Adresse codierten Daten sind zu lang.</translation>
<location filename="" line="3316"/>
<location filename="../bitmessageqt/" line="3324"/>
<source>You are using TCP port %1. (This can be changed in the settings).</source>
<translation>Sie benutzen TCP-Port %1 (Dieser kann in den Einstellungen verändert werden).</translation>
<location filename="" line="524"/>
<location filename="../bitmessageqt/" line="524"/>
<location filename="" line="565"/>
<location filename="../bitmessageqt/" line="565"/>
<location filename="" line="567"/>
<location filename="../bitmessageqt/" line="567"/>
<location filename="" line="569"/>
<location filename="../bitmessageqt/" line="569"/>
<location filename="" line="539"/>
<location filename="../bitmessageqt/" line="539"/>
<location filename="" line="540"/>
<location filename="../bitmessageqt/" line="540"/>
<location filename="" line="541"/>
<location filename="../bitmessageqt/" line="541"/>
<source>Load from Address book</source>
<translation>Aus Adressbuch wählen</translation>
<location filename="" line="543"/>
<location filename="../bitmessageqt/" line="543"/>
<location filename="" line="544"/>
<location filename="../bitmessageqt/" line="544"/>
<location filename="" line="545"/>
<location filename="../bitmessageqt/" line="545"/>
<source>Send to one or more specific people</source>
<translation>Nachricht an eine oder mehrere spezifische Personen</translation>
<location filename="" line="546"/>
<location filename="../bitmessageqt/" line="546"/>
<source>&lt;!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC &quot;-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN&quot; &quot;;&gt;
&lt;html&gt;&lt;head&gt;&lt;meta name=&quot;qrichtext&quot; content=&quot;1&quot; /&gt;&lt;style type=&quot;text/css&quot;&gt;
p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
@ -597,277 +598,277 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
&lt;p style=&quot;-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;&quot;&gt;&lt;br /&gt;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;/body&gt;&lt;/html&gt;</translation>
<location filename="" line="551"/>
<location filename="../bitmessageqt/" line="551"/>