- got rid of shared config parser and made it into a singleton
- refactored safeConfigGetBoolean as a method of the config singleton
- refactored safeConfigGet as a method of the config singleton
- moved softwareVersion from shared.py into version.py
- moved some global variables from shared.py into state.py
- moved some protocol-specific functions from shared.py into protocol.py
- minor refactoring, made it into singleton instead of a shared global
variable. This makes it a little bit cleaner and moves the class into
a separate file
- removed duplicate inventory locking
- renamed singleton.py to singleinstance.py (this is the code that
ensures only one instance of PyBitmessage runs at the same time)
- changed almost all "print" into logger
- threads have nicer names
- logger can have configuration in "logger.dat" in the same directory as
"keys.dat", and the logger will pick the one named "default" to replace
the "console" and "file" that are in PyBitmessage otherwise
Example file for logging to syslog:
keys = root,syslog
keys = syslog
class = handlers.SysLogHandler
formatter = syslog
level = DEBUG
args=(('localhost', handlers.SYSLOG_UDP_PORT),
keys = syslog
format=%(asctime)s %(threadName)s %(filename)s@%(lineno)d %(message)s
datefmt=%b %d %H:%M:%S