import collections from importlib import import_module from threading import current_thread, enumerate as threadingEnumerate, RLock import Queue import time import sys from bmconfigparser import BMConfigParser from helper_sql import * from singleton import Singleton # TODO make this dynamic, and watch out for frozen, like with messagetypes import storage.sqlite import storage.filesystem @Singleton class Inventory(): def __init__(self): #super(self.__class__, self).__init__() self._moduleName = BMConfigParser().safeGet("inventory", "storage") self._inventoryClass = getattr(getattr(storage, self._moduleName), "{}Inventory".format(self._moduleName.title())) self._realInventory = self._inventoryClass() self.numberOfInventoryLookupsPerformed = 0 # cheap inheritance copied from asyncore def __getattr__(self, attr): try: if attr == "__contains__": self.numberOfInventoryLookupsPerformed += 1 realRet = getattr(self._realInventory, attr) except AttributeError: raise AttributeError("%s instance has no attribute '%s'" %(self.__class__.__name__, attr)) else: return realRet