import base64 from binascii import hexlify import hashlib import math import time from pprint import pprint import socket import struct import random import traceback from addresses import calculateInventoryHash from debug import logger from inventory import Inventory import knownnodes from network.advanceddispatcher import AdvancedDispatcher from network.bmobject import BMObject, BMObjectInsufficientPOWError, BMObjectInvalidDataError, BMObjectExpiredError, BMObjectUnwantedStreamError, BMObjectInvalidError, BMObjectAlreadyHaveError import network.connectionpool from network.downloadqueue import DownloadQueue from network.node import Node import network.asyncore_pollchoose as asyncore from network.objectracker import ObjectTracker from network.proxy import Proxy, ProxyError, GeneralProxyError from network.uploadqueue import UploadQueue, UploadElem, AddrUploadQueue, ObjUploadQueue import addresses from bmconfigparser import BMConfigParser from queues import objectProcessorQueue, portCheckerQueue, UISignalQueue import shared import state import protocol class BMProtoError(ProxyError): pass class BMProtoInsufficientDataError(BMProtoError): pass class BMProtoExcessiveDataError(BMProtoError): pass class BMProto(AdvancedDispatcher, ObjectTracker): # ~1.6 MB which is the maximum possible size of an inv message. maxMessageSize = 1600100 # 2**18 = 256kB is the maximum size of an object payload maxObjectPayloadSize = 2**18 # protocol specification says max 1000 addresses in one addr command maxAddrCount = 1000 # protocol specification says max 50000 objects in one inv command maxObjectCount = 50000 # address is online if online less than this many seconds ago addressAlive = 10800 # maximum time offset maxTimeOffset = 3600 # def __init__(self, address=None, sock=None): # AdvancedDispatcher.__init__(self, sock) # self.verackReceived = False # self.verackSent = False # self.lastTx = time.time() # self.streams = [0] # self.fullyEstablished = False # self.connectedAt = 0 # self.skipUntil = 0 # if address is None and sock is not None: # self.destination = state.Peer(sock.getpeername()[0], sock.getpeername()[1]) # self.isOutbound = False # TLSDispatcher.__init__(self, sock, server_side=True) # self.connectedAt = time.time() # #print "received connection in background from %s:%i" % (, self.destination.port) # else: # self.destination = address # self.isOutbound = True # if ":" in # self.create_socket(socket.AF_INET6, socket.SOCK_STREAM) # else: # self.create_socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) # self.socket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) # TLSDispatcher.__init__(self, sock, server_side=False) # self.connect(self.destination) # #print "connecting in background to %s:%i" % (, self.destination.port) # shared.connectedHostsList[self.destination] = 0 # ObjectTracker.__init__(self) # UISignalQueue.put(('updateNetworkStatusTab', 'no data')) def bm_proto_reset(self): self.magic = None self.command = None self.payloadLength = 0 self.checksum = None self.payload = None self.invalid = False self.payloadOffset = 0 self.object = None def state_bm_header(self): #print "%s:%i: header" % (, self.destination.port) if len(self.read_buf) < protocol.Header.size: #print "Length below header size" return False self.magic, self.command, self.payloadLength, self.checksum = protocol.Header.unpack(self.read_buf[:protocol.Header.size]) self.command = self.command.rstrip('\x00') if self.magic != 0xE9BEB4D9: # skip 1 byte in order to sync self.bm_proto_reset() self.set_state("bm_header", 1) print "Bad magic" self.close() return False if self.payloadLength > BMProto.maxMessageSize: self.invalid = True self.set_state("bm_command", protocol.Header.size) return True def state_bm_command(self): if len(self.read_buf) < self.payloadLength: #print "Length below announced object length" return False print "%s:%i: command %s (%ib)" % (, self.destination.port, self.command, self.payloadLength) self.payload = self.read_buf[:self.payloadLength] if self.checksum != hashlib.sha512(self.payload).digest()[0:4]: print "Bad checksum, ignoring" self.invalid = True retval = True if not self.fullyEstablished and self.command not in ("version", "verack"): logger.error("Received command %s before connection was fully established, ignoring", self.command) self.invalid = True if not self.invalid: try: retval = getattr(self, "bm_command_" + str(self.command).lower())() except AttributeError: # unimplemented command print "unimplemented command %s" % (self.command) except BMProtoInsufficientDataError: print "packet length too short, skipping" except BMProtoExcessiveDataError: print "too much data, skipping" except BMObjectInsufficientPOWError: print "insufficient PoW, skipping" except BMObjectInvalidDataError: print "object invalid data, skipping" except BMObjectExpiredError: print "object expired, skipping" except BMObjectUnwantedStreamError: print "object not in wanted stream, skipping" except BMObjectInvalidError: print "object invalid, skipping" except BMObjectAlreadyHaveError: print "already got object, skipping" except struct.error: print "decoding error, skipping" else: #print "Skipping command %s due to invalid data" % (self.command) print "Closing due to invalid data" % (self.command) self.close() return False if retval: self.set_state("bm_header", self.payloadLength) self.bm_proto_reset() # else assume the command requires a different state to follow return True def decode_payload_string(self, length): value = self.payload[self.payloadOffset:self.payloadOffset+length] self.payloadOffset += length return value def decode_payload_varint(self): value, offset = addresses.decodeVarint(self.payload[self.payloadOffset:]) self.payloadOffset += offset return value def decode_payload_node(self): services, host, port = self.decode_payload_content("Q16sH") if host[0:12] == '\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xFF\xFF': host = socket.inet_ntop(socket.AF_INET, host[12:]) elif host[0:6] == '\xfd\x87\xd8\x7e\xeb\x43': # Onion, based on BMD/bitcoind host = base64.b32encode(host[6:]).lower() + ".onion" else: host = socket.inet_ntop(socket.AF_INET6, host) if host == "": # This can happen on Windows systems which are not 64-bit compatible # so let us drop the IPv6 address. host = socket.inet_ntop(socket.AF_INET, host[12:]) return Node(services, host, port) def decode_payload_content(self, pattern = "v"): # l = varint indicating the length of the next array # L = varint indicating the length of the next item # v = varint (or array) # H = uint16 # I = uint32 # Q = uint64 # i = net_addr (without time and stream number) # s = string # 0-9 = length of the next item # , = end of array retval = [] size = None insideDigit = False i = 0 while i < len(pattern): if pattern[i] in "0123456789" and (i == 0 or pattern[i-1] not in "lL"): if size is None: size = 0 size = size * 10 + int(pattern[i]) i += 1 continue elif pattern[i] == "l" and size is None: size = self.decode_payload_varint() i += 1 continue elif pattern[i] == "L" and size is None: size = self.decode_payload_varint() i += 1 continue if size is not None: if pattern[i] == "s": retval.append(self.payload[self.payloadOffset:self.payloadOffset + size]) self.payloadOffset += size i += 1 else: if "," in pattern[i:]: subpattern = pattern[i:pattern.index(",")] else: subpattern = pattern[i:] for j in range(size): if pattern[i-1:i] == "L": retval.extend(self.decode_payload_content(subpattern)) else: retval.append(self.decode_payload_content(subpattern)) i += len(subpattern) size = None else: if pattern[i] == "v": retval.append(self.decode_payload_varint()) if pattern[i] == "i": retval.append(self.decode_payload_node()) if pattern[i] == "H": retval.append(struct.unpack(">H", self.payload[self.payloadOffset:self.payloadOffset+2])[0]) self.payloadOffset += 2 if pattern[i] == "I": retval.append(struct.unpack(">I", self.payload[self.payloadOffset:self.payloadOffset+4])[0]) self.payloadOffset += 4 if pattern[i] == "Q": retval.append(struct.unpack(">Q", self.payload[self.payloadOffset:self.payloadOffset+8])[0]) self.payloadOffset += 8 i += 1 if self.payloadOffset > self.payloadLength: print "Insufficient data %i/%i" % (self.payloadOffset, self.payloadLength) raise BMProtoInsufficientDataError() return retval def bm_command_error(self): fatalStatus, banTime, inventoryVector, errorText = self.decode_payload_content("vvlsls") print "%s:%i error: %i, %s" % (, self.destination.port, fatalStatus, errorText) return True def bm_command_getdata(self): items = self.decode_payload_content("L32s") # if time.time() < self.skipUntil: # print "skipping getdata" # return True for i in items: #print "received getdata request for item %s" % (hexlify(i)) #logger.debug('received getdata request for item:' + hexlify(i)) #if i in ObjUploadQueue.streamElems(1): if False: self.antiIntersectionDelay() else: self.receiveQueue.put(("object", i)) return True def bm_command_inv(self): items = self.decode_payload_content("L32s") if len(items) >= BMProto.maxObjectCount: logger.error("Too many items in inv message!") raise BMProtoExcessiveDataError() else: pass for i in items: self.receiveQueue.put(("inv", i)) self.handleReceivedInventory(i) payload = addresses.encodeVarint(len(self.objectsNewToMe)) + ''.join(self.objectsNewToMe.keys()) self.writeQueue.put(protocol.CreatePacket('getdata', payload)) return True def bm_command_object(self): objectOffset = self.payloadOffset nonce, expiresTime, objectType, version, streamNumber = self.decode_payload_content("QQIvv") self.object = BMObject(nonce, expiresTime, objectType, version, streamNumber, self.payload) if len(self.payload) - self.payloadOffset > BMProto.maxObjectPayloadSize:'The payload length of this object is too large (%s bytes). Ignoring it.' % len(self.payload) - self.payloadOffset) raise BMProtoExcessiveDataError() self.object.checkProofOfWorkSufficient() self.object.checkEOLSanity() self.object.checkStream() try: if self.object.objectType == protocol.OBJECT_GETPUBKEY: self.object.checkGetpubkey() elif self.object.objectType == protocol.OBJECT_PUBKEY: self.object.checkPubkey(self.payload[self.payloadOffset:self.payloadOffset+32]) elif self.object.objectType == protocol.OBJECT_MSG: self.object.checkMessage() elif self.object.objectType == protocol.OBJECT_BROADCAST: self.object.checkBroadcast(self.payload[self.payloadOffset:self.payloadOffset+32]) # other objects don't require other types of tests except BMObjectAlreadyHaveError: pass else: Inventory()[self.object.inventoryHash] = ( self.object.objectType, self.object.streamNumber, self.payload[objectOffset:], self.object.expiresTime, self.object.tag) objectProcessorQueue.put((self.object.objectType, #DownloadQueue().task_done(self.object.inventoryHash) network.connectionpool.BMConnectionPool().handleReceivedObject(self, self.object.streamNumber, self.object.inventoryHash) #ObjUploadQueue().put(UploadElem(self.object.streamNumber, self.object.inventoryHash)) #broadcastToSendDataQueues((streamNumber, 'advertiseobject', inventoryHash)) return True def _decode_addr(self): return self.decode_payload_content("lQIQ16sH") def bm_command_addr(self): addresses = self._decode_addr() for i in addresses: seenTime, stream, services, ip, port = i decodedIP = protocol.checkIPAddress(ip) if stream not in state.streamsInWhichIAmParticipating: continue #print "maybe adding %s in stream %i to knownnodes (%i)" % (decodedIP, stream, len(knownnodes.knownNodes[stream])) if decodedIP is not False and seenTime > time.time() - BMProto.addressAlive: peer = state.Peer(decodedIP, port) if peer in knownnodes.knownNodes[stream] and knownnodes.knownNodes[stream][peer] > seenTime: continue knownnodes.knownNodes[stream][peer] = seenTime AddrUploadQueue().put((stream, peer)) return True def bm_command_portcheck(self): portCheckerQueue.put(state.Peer(self.destination, self.peerNode.port)) return True def bm_command_ping(self): self.writeQueue.put(protocol.CreatePacket('pong')) return True def bm_command_pong(self): # nothing really return True def bm_command_verack(self): self.verackReceived = True if self.verackSent: if self.isSSL: self.set_state("tls_init", self.payloadLength) self.bm_proto_reset() return False else: self.set_connection_fully_established() return True return True def bm_command_version(self): #self.remoteProtocolVersion,, self.timestamp, padding1, self.myExternalIP, padding2, self.remoteNodeIncomingPort = protocol.VersionPacket.unpack(self.payload[:protocol.VersionPacket.size]) self.remoteProtocolVersion,, self.timestamp, self.sockNode, self.peerNode, self.nonce, self.userAgent, self.streams = self.decode_payload_content("IQQiiQlslv") self.nonce = struct.pack('>Q', self.nonce) self.timeOffset = self.timestamp - int(time.time()) #print "remoteProtocolVersion: %i" % (self.remoteProtocolVersion) #print "services: %08X" % ( #print "time offset: %i" % (self.timestamp - int(time.time())) #print "my external IP: %s" % ( #print "remote node incoming port: %i" % (self.peerNode.port) #print "user agent: %s" % (self.userAgent) #print "streams: [%s]" % (",".join(map(str,self.streams))) if not self.peerValidityChecks(): # TODO ABORT return True #shared.connectedHostsList[self.destination] = self.streams[0] self.writeQueue.put(protocol.CreatePacket('verack')) self.verackSent = True if not self.isOutbound: self.writeQueue.put(protocol.assembleVersionMessage(, self.destination.port, network.connectionpool.BMConnectionPool().streams, True)) print "%s:%i: Sending version" % (, self.destination.port) if (( & protocol.NODE_SSL == protocol.NODE_SSL) and protocol.haveSSL(not self.isOutbound)): self.isSSL = True if self.verackReceived: if self.isSSL: self.set_state("tls_init", self.payloadLength) self.bm_proto_reset() return False else: self.set_connection_fully_established() return True return True def peerValidityChecks(self): if self.remoteProtocolVersion < 3: self.writeQueue.put(protocol.assembleErrorMessage(fatal=2, errorText="Your is using an old protocol. Closing connection.")) logger.debug ('Closing connection to old protocol version %s, node: %s', str(self.remoteProtocolVersion), str(self.destination)) return False if self.timeOffset > BMProto.maxTimeOffset: self.writeQueue.put(protocol.assembleErrorMessage(fatal=2, errorText="Your time is too far in the future compared to mine. Closing connection."))"%s's time is too far in the future (%s seconds). Closing connection to it.", self.destination, self.timeOffset) shared.timeOffsetWrongCount += 1 return False elif self.timeOffset < -BMProto.maxTimeOffset: self.writeQueue.put(protocol.assembleErrorMessage(fatal=2, errorText="Your time is too far in the past compared to mine. Closing connection."))"%s's time is too far in the past (timeOffset %s seconds). Closing connection to it.", self.destination, self.timeOffset) shared.timeOffsetWrongCount += 1 return False else: shared.timeOffsetWrongCount = 0 if len(self.streams) == 0: self.writeQueue.put(protocol.assembleErrorMessage(fatal=2, errorText="We don't have shared stream interests. Closing connection.")) logger.debug ('Closed connection to %s because there is no overlapping interest in streams.', str(self.destination)) return False if self.destination in network.connectionpool.BMConnectionPool().inboundConnections: try: if not protocol.checkSocksIP( self.writeQueue.put(protocol.assembleErrorMessage(fatal=2, errorText="Too many connections from your IP. Closing connection.")) logger.debug ('Closed connection to %s because we are already connected to that IP.', str(self.destination)) return False except: pass if self.nonce == protocol.eightBytesOfRandomDataUsedToDetectConnectionsToSelf: self.writeQueue.put(protocol.assembleErrorMessage(fatal=2, errorText="I'm connected to myself. Closing connection.")) logger.debug ("Closed connection to %s because I'm connected to myself.", str(self.destination)) return True @staticmethod def assembleAddr(peerList): if type(peerList) is state.Peer: peerList = (peerList) # TODO handle max length, now it's done by upper layers payload = addresses.encodeVarint(len(peerList)) for address in peerList: stream, peer, timestamp = address payload += struct.pack( '>Q', timestamp) # 64-bit time payload += struct.pack('>I', stream) payload += struct.pack( '>q', 1) # service bit flags offered by this node payload += protocol.encodeHost( payload += struct.pack('>H', peer.port) # remote port return protocol.CreatePacket('addr', payload) def close(self, reason=None): self.set_state("close") # if reason is None: # print "%s:%i: closing" % (, self.destination.port) # #traceback.print_stack() # else: # print "%s:%i: closing, %s" % (, self.destination.port, reason) network.connectionpool.BMConnectionPool().removeConnection(self) AdvancedDispatcher.close(self)