settingsDialog 0 0 476 340 Settings Qt::Horizontal QDialogButtonBox::Cancel|QDialogButtonBox::Ok 0 true User Interface QFormLayout::AllNonFixedFieldsGrow Start Bitmessage on user login Start Bitmessage in the tray (don't show main window) Minimize to tray true Show notification when message received and minimzed to tray Qt::Vertical 20 40 true Network Settings Listening port Qt::Horizontal 125 20 Listen for connections on port: Proxy server / Tor Type: none SOCKS4a SOCKS5 Server hostname: Port: Authentication Username: false Pass: false Qt::Vertical 20 70 tabWidgetSettings checkBoxStartOnLogon checkBoxStartInTray checkBoxMinimizeToTray checkBoxShowTrayNotifications lineEditTCPPort comboBoxProxyType lineEditSocksHostname lineEditSocksPort checkBoxAuthentication lineEditSocksUsername lineEditSocksPassword buttonBox buttonBox accepted() settingsDialog accept() 257 330 157 274 buttonBox rejected() settingsDialog reject() 325 330 286 274 checkBoxAuthentication toggled(bool) lineEditSocksUsername setEnabled(bool) 125 190 233 189 checkBoxAuthentication toggled(bool) lineEditSocksPassword setEnabled(bool) 79 190 370 192