# pylint: disable=too-many-branches,protected-access """ Copyright (C) 2013 by Daniel Kraft This file is part of the Bitmessage project. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. .. todo:: from debug import logger crashes PyBitmessage due to a circular dependency. The debug module will also override/disable logging.getLogger() # loggers so module level logging functions are used instead """ from __future__ import absolute_import import base64 import httplib import json import os import socket import sys import logging as logger import defaults import tr # translate from bmconfigparser import BMConfigParser configSection = "bitmessagesettings" class RPCError(Exception): """Error thrown when the RPC call returns an error.""" error = None def __init__(self, data): super(RPCError, self).__init__() self.error = data def __str__(self): return '{0}: {1}'.format(type(self).__name__, self.error) class namecoinConnection(object): """This class handles the Namecoin identity integration.""" user = None password = None host = None port = None nmctype = None bufsize = 4096 queryid = 1 con = None def __init__(self, options=None): """ Initialise. If options are given, take the connection settings from them instead of loading from the configs. This can be used to test currently entered connection settings in the config dialog without actually changing the values (yet). """ if options is None: self.nmctype = BMConfigParser().get(configSection, "namecoinrpctype") self.host = BMConfigParser().get(configSection, "namecoinrpchost") self.port = int(BMConfigParser().get(configSection, "namecoinrpcport")) self.user = BMConfigParser().get(configSection, "namecoinrpcuser") self.password = BMConfigParser().get(configSection, "namecoinrpcpassword") else: self.nmctype = options["type"] self.host = options["host"] self.port = int(options["port"]) self.user = options["user"] self.password = options["password"] assert self.nmctype == "namecoind" or self.nmctype == "nmcontrol" if self.nmctype == "namecoind": self.con = httplib.HTTPConnection(self.host, self.port, timeout=3) def query(self, string): """ Query for the bitmessage address corresponding to the given identity string. If it doesn't contain a slash, id/ is prepended. We return the result as (Error, Address) pair, where the Error is an error message to display or None in case of success. """ slashPos = string.find("/") if slashPos < 0: string = "id/" + string try: if self.nmctype == "namecoind": res = self.callRPC("name_show", [string]) res = res["value"] elif self.nmctype == "nmcontrol": res = self.callRPC("data", ["getValue", string]) res = res["reply"] if not res: return (tr._translate("MainWindow", 'The name %1 was not found.').arg(unicode(string)), None) else: assert False except RPCError as exc: logger.exception("Namecoin query RPC exception") if isinstance(exc.error, dict): errmsg = exc.error["message"] else: errmsg = exc.error return (tr._translate("MainWindow", 'The namecoin query failed (%1)').arg(unicode(errmsg)), None) except Exception: logger.exception("Namecoin query exception") return (tr._translate("MainWindow", 'The namecoin query failed.'), None) try: val = json.loads(res) except: logger.exception("Namecoin query json exception") return (tr._translate("MainWindow", 'The name %1 has no valid JSON data.').arg(unicode(string)), None) if "bitmessage" in val: if "name" in val: ret = "%s <%s>" % (val["name"], val["bitmessage"]) else: ret = val["bitmessage"] return (None, ret) return ( tr._translate( "MainWindow", 'The name %1 has no associated Bitmessage address.').arg( unicode(string)), None) def test(self): """ Test the connection settings. This routine tries to query a "getinfo" command, and builds either an error message or a success message with some info from it. """ try: if self.nmctype == "namecoind": try: vers = self.callRPC("getinfo", [])["version"] except RPCError: vers = self.callRPC("getnetworkinfo", [])["version"] v3 = vers % 100 vers = vers / 100 v2 = vers % 100 vers = vers / 100 v1 = vers if v3 == 0: versStr = "0.%d.%d" % (v1, v2) else: versStr = "0.%d.%d.%d" % (v1, v2, v3) message = ( 'success', tr._translate( "MainWindow", 'Success! Namecoind version %1 running.').arg( unicode(versStr))) elif self.nmctype == "nmcontrol": res = self.callRPC("data", ["status"]) prefix = "Plugin data running" if ("reply" in res) and res["reply"][:len(prefix)] == prefix: return ('success', tr._translate("MainWindow", 'Success! NMControll is up and running.')) logger.error("Unexpected nmcontrol reply: %s", res) message = ('failed', tr._translate("MainWindow", 'Couldn\'t understand NMControl.')) else: print "Unsupported Namecoin type" sys.exit(1) return message except Exception: logger.info("Namecoin connection test failure") return ( 'failed', tr._translate( "MainWindow", "The connection to namecoin failed.") ) def callRPC(self, method, params): """Helper routine that actually performs an JSON RPC call.""" data = {"method": method, "params": params, "id": self.queryid} if self.nmctype == "namecoind": resp = self.queryHTTP(json.dumps(data)) elif self.nmctype == "nmcontrol": resp = self.queryServer(json.dumps(data)) else: assert False val = json.loads(resp) if val["id"] != self.queryid: raise Exception("ID mismatch in JSON RPC answer.") if self.nmctype == "namecoind": self.queryid = self.queryid + 1 error = val["error"] if error is None: return val["result"] if isinstance(error, bool): raise RPCError(val["result"]) raise RPCError(error) def queryHTTP(self, data): """Query the server via HTTP.""" result = None try: self.con.putrequest("POST", "/") self.con.putheader("Connection", "Keep-Alive") self.con.putheader("User-Agent", "bitmessage") self.con.putheader("Host", self.host) self.con.putheader("Content-Type", "application/json") self.con.putheader("Content-Length", str(len(data))) self.con.putheader("Accept", "application/json") authstr = "%s:%s" % (self.user, self.password) self.con.putheader("Authorization", "Basic %s" % base64.b64encode(authstr)) self.con.endheaders() self.con.send(data) try: resp = self.con.getresponse() result = resp.read() if resp.status != 200: raise Exception("Namecoin returned status %i: %s" % resp.status, resp.reason) except: logger.info("HTTP receive error") except: logger.info("HTTP connection error") return result def queryServer(self, data): """Helper routine sending data to the RPC server and returning the result.""" try: s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) s.settimeout(3) s.connect((self.host, self.port)) s.sendall(data) result = "" while True: tmp = s.recv(self.bufsize) if not tmp: break result += tmp s.close() return result except socket.error as exc: raise Exception("Socket error in RPC connection: %s" % str(exc)) def lookupNamecoinFolder(): """ Look up the namecoin data folder. .. todo:: Check whether this works on other platforms as well! """ app = "namecoin" from os import path, environ if sys.platform == "darwin": if "HOME" in environ: dataFolder = path.join(os.environ["HOME"], "Library/Application Support/", app) + '/' else: print( "Could not find home folder, please report this message" " and your OS X version to the BitMessage Github." ) sys.exit() elif "win32" in sys.platform or "win64" in sys.platform: dataFolder = path.join(environ["APPDATA"], app) + "\\" else: dataFolder = path.join(environ["HOME"], ".%s" % app) + "/" return dataFolder def ensureNamecoinOptions(): """ Ensure all namecoin options are set, by setting those to default values that aren't there. """ if not BMConfigParser().has_option(configSection, "namecoinrpctype"): BMConfigParser().set(configSection, "namecoinrpctype", "namecoind") if not BMConfigParser().has_option(configSection, "namecoinrpchost"): BMConfigParser().set(configSection, "namecoinrpchost", "localhost") hasUser = BMConfigParser().has_option(configSection, "namecoinrpcuser") hasPass = BMConfigParser().has_option(configSection, "namecoinrpcpassword") hasPort = BMConfigParser().has_option(configSection, "namecoinrpcport") # Try to read user/password from .namecoin configuration file. defaultUser = "" defaultPass = "" nmcFolder = lookupNamecoinFolder() nmcConfig = nmcFolder + "namecoin.conf" try: nmc = open(nmcConfig, "r") while True: line = nmc.readline() if line == "": break parts = line.split("=") if len(parts) == 2: key = parts[0] val = parts[1].rstrip() if key == "rpcuser" and not hasUser: defaultUser = val if key == "rpcpassword" and not hasPass: defaultPass = val if key == "rpcport": defaults.namecoinDefaultRpcPort = val nmc.close() except IOError: logger.error("%s unreadable or missing, Namecoin support deactivated", nmcConfig) except Exception: logger.warning("Error processing namecoin.conf", exc_info=True) # If still nothing found, set empty at least. if not hasUser: BMConfigParser().set(configSection, "namecoinrpcuser", defaultUser) if not hasPass: BMConfigParser().set(configSection, "namecoinrpcpassword", defaultPass) # Set default port now, possibly to found value. if not hasPort: BMConfigParser().set(configSection, "namecoinrpcport", defaults.namecoinDefaultRpcPort)