#!/usr/bin/python2.7 try: import msgpack except ImportError: try: import umsgpack as msgpack except ImportError: import fallback.umsgpack.umsgpack as msgpack import string import zlib from bmconfigparser import BMConfigParser from debug import logger import messagetypes from tr import _translate import helper_random BITMESSAGE_ENCODING_IGNORE = 0 BITMESSAGE_ENCODING_TRIVIAL = 1 BITMESSAGE_ENCODING_SIMPLE = 2 BITMESSAGE_ENCODING_EXTENDED = 3 class MsgEncodeException(Exception): pass class MsgDecodeException(Exception): pass class DecompressionSizeException(MsgDecodeException): def __init__(self, size): self.size = size class MsgEncode(object): def __init__(self, message, encoding=BITMESSAGE_ENCODING_SIMPLE): self.data = None self.encoding = encoding self.length = 0 if self.encoding == BITMESSAGE_ENCODING_EXTENDED: self.encodeExtended(message) elif self.encoding == BITMESSAGE_ENCODING_SIMPLE: self.encodeSimple(message) elif self.encoding == BITMESSAGE_ENCODING_TRIVIAL: self.encodeTrivial(message) else: raise MsgEncodeException("Unknown encoding %i" % (encoding)) def encodeExtended(self, message): try: msgObj = messagetypes.message.Message() self.data = zlib.compress(msgpack.dumps(msgObj.encode(message)), 9) except zlib.error: logger.error("Error compressing message") raise MsgEncodeException("Error compressing message") except msgpack.exceptions.PackException: logger.error("Error msgpacking message") raise MsgEncodeException("Error msgpacking message") self.length = len(self.data) def encodeSimple(self, message): self.data = 'Subject:' + message['subject'] + '\n' + 'Body:' + message['body'] self.length = len(self.data) def encodeTrivial(self, message): self.data = message['body'] self.length = len(self.data) class MsgDecode(object): def __init__(self, encoding, data): self.encoding = encoding if self.encoding == BITMESSAGE_ENCODING_EXTENDED: self.decodeExtended(data) elif self.encoding in [BITMESSAGE_ENCODING_SIMPLE, BITMESSAGE_ENCODING_TRIVIAL]: self.decodeSimple(data) else: self.body = _translate("MsgDecode", "The message has an unknown encoding.\nPerhaps you should upgrade Bitmessage.") self.subject = _translate("MsgDecode", "Unknown encoding") def decodeExtended(self, data): dc = zlib.decompressobj() tmp = "" while len(tmp) <= BMConfigParser().safeGetInt("zlib", "maxsize"): try: got = dc.decompress(data, BMConfigParser().safeGetInt("zlib", "maxsize") + 1 - len(tmp)) # EOF if got == "": break tmp += got data = dc.unconsumed_tail except zlib.error: logger.error("Error decompressing message") raise MsgDecodeException("Error decompressing message") else: raise DecompressionSizeException(len(tmp)) try: tmp = msgpack.loads(tmp) except (msgpack.exceptions.UnpackException, msgpack.exceptions.ExtraData): logger.error("Error msgunpacking message") raise MsgDecodeException("Error msgunpacking message") try: msgType = tmp[""] except KeyError: logger.error("Message type missing") raise MsgDecodeException("Message type missing") msgObj = messagetypes.constructObject(tmp) if msgObj is None: raise MsgDecodeException("Malformed message") try: msgObj.process() except: raise MsgDecodeException("Malformed message") if msgType == "message": self.subject = msgObj.subject self.body = msgObj.body def decodeSimple(self, data): bodyPositionIndex = string.find(data, '\nBody:') if bodyPositionIndex > 1: subject = data[8:bodyPositionIndex] # Only save and show the first 500 characters of the subject. # Any more is probably an attack. subject = subject[:500] body = data[bodyPositionIndex + 6:] else: subject = '' body = data # Throw away any extra lines (headers) after the subject. if subject: subject = subject.splitlines()[0] self.subject = subject self.body = body if __name__ == '__main__': import random messageData = { "subject": ''.join(helper_random.randomchoice(string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits) for _ in range(40)), "body": ''.join(helper_random.randomchoice(string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits) for _ in range(10000)) } obj1 = MsgEncode(messageData, 1) obj2 = MsgEncode(messageData, 2) obj3 = MsgEncode(messageData, 3) print "1:%i 2:%i 3:%i" %(len(obj1.data), len(obj2.data), len(obj3.data)) obj1e = MsgDecode(1, obj1.data) # no subject in trivial encoding assert messageData["body"] == obj1e.body obj2e = MsgDecode(2, obj2.data) assert messageData["subject"] == obj2e.subject assert messageData["body"] == obj2e.body obj3e = MsgDecode(3, obj3.data) assert messageData["subject"] == obj3e.subject assert messageData["body"] == obj3e.body