import asyncore import base64 import email from email.parser import Parser from email.header import decode_header import re import signal import smtpd import socket import threading import time from addresses import decodeAddress from bmconfigparser import BMConfigParser from debug import logger from helper_sql import sqlExecute from helper_threading import StoppableThread from pyelliptic.openssl import OpenSSL import queues from version import softwareVersion SMTPDOMAIN = "bmaddr.lan" LISTENPORT = 8425 class smtpServerChannel(smtpd.SMTPChannel): def smtp_EHLO(self, arg): if not arg: self.push('501 Syntax: HELO hostname') return self.push('250-PyBitmessage %s' % softwareVersion) self.push('250 AUTH PLAIN') def smtp_AUTH(self, arg): if not arg or arg[0:5] not in ["PLAIN"]: self.push('501 Syntax: AUTH PLAIN') return authstring = arg[6:] try: decoded = base64.b64decode(authstring) correctauth = "\x00" + BMConfigParser().safeGet("bitmessagesettings", "smtpdusername", "") + \ "\x00" + BMConfigParser().safeGet("bitmessagesettings", "smtpdpassword", "") logger.debug("authstring: %s / %s", correctauth, decoded) if correctauth == decoded: self.auth = True self.push('235 2.7.0 Authentication successful') else: raise Exception("Auth fail") except: self.push('501 Authentication fail') def smtp_DATA(self, arg): if not hasattr(self, "auth") or not self.auth: self.push ("530 Authentication required") return smtpd.SMTPChannel.smtp_DATA(self, arg) class smtpServerPyBitmessage(smtpd.SMTPServer): def handle_accept(self): pair = self.accept() if pair is not None: conn, addr = pair # print >> DEBUGSTREAM, 'Incoming connection from %s' % repr(addr) = smtpServerChannel(self, conn, addr) def send(self, fromAddress, toAddress, subject, message): status, addressVersionNumber, streamNumber, ripe = decodeAddress(toAddress) ackdata = OpenSSL.rand(32) t = () sqlExecute( '''INSERT INTO sent VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)''', '', toAddress, ripe, fromAddress, subject, message, ackdata, int(time.time()), # sentTime (this will never change) int(time.time()), # lastActionTime 0, # sleepTill time. This will get set when the POW gets done. 'msgqueued', 0, # retryNumber 'sent', # folder 2, # encodingtype min(BMConfigParser().getint('bitmessagesettings', 'ttl'), 86400 * 2) # not necessary to have a TTL higher than 2 days ) queues.workerQueue.put(('sendmessage', toAddress)) def decode_header(self, hdr): ret = [] for h in decode_header(self.msg_headers[hdr]): if h[1]: ret.append(unicode(h[0], h[1])) else: ret.append(h[0].decode("utf-8", errors='replace')) return ret def process_message(self, peer, mailfrom, rcpttos, data): # print 'Receiving message from:', peer p = re.compile(".*<([^>]+)>") if not hasattr(, "auth") or not logger.error("Missing or invalid auth") return try: self.msg_headers = Parser().parsestr(data) except: logger.error("Invalid headers") return try: sender, domain = p.sub(r'\1', mailfrom).split("@") if domain != SMTPDOMAIN: raise Exception("Bad domain %s", domain) if sender not in BMConfigParser().sections(): raise Exception("Nonexisting user %s", sender) except Exception as err: logger.debug("Bad envelope from %s: %s", mailfrom, repr(err)) msg_from = self.decode_header("from") try: msg_from = p.sub(r'\1', self.decode_header("from")[0]) sender, domain = msg_from.split("@") if domain != SMTPDOMAIN: raise Exception("Bad domain %s", domain) if sender not in BMConfigParser().sections(): raise Exception("Nonexisting user %s", sender) except Exception as err: logger.error("Bad headers from %s: %s", msg_from, repr(err)) return try: msg_subject = self.decode_header('subject')[0] except: msg_subject = "Subject missing..." msg_tmp = email.message_from_string(data) body = u'' for part in msg_tmp.walk(): if part and part.get_content_type() == "text/plain": body += part.get_payload(decode=1).decode(part.get_content_charset('utf-8'), errors='replace') for to in rcpttos: try: rcpt, domain = p.sub(r'\1', to).split("@") if domain != SMTPDOMAIN: raise Exception("Bad domain %s", domain) logger.debug("Sending %s to %s about %s", sender, rcpt, msg_subject) self.send(sender, rcpt, msg_subject, body)"Relayed %s to %s", sender, rcpt) except Exception as err: logger.error( "Bad to %s: %s", to, repr(err)) continue return class smtpServer(threading.Thread, StoppableThread): def __init__(self, parent=None): threading.Thread.__init__(self, name="smtpServerThread") self.initStop() self.server = smtpServerPyBitmessage(('', LISTENPORT), None) def stopThread(self): super(smtpServer, self).stopThread() self.server.close() return s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) # for ip in ('', BMConfigParser().get('bitmessagesettings', 'onionbindip')): for ip in (''): try: s.connect((ip, LISTENPORT)) s.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RDWR) s.close() break except: pass def run(self): asyncore.loop(1) def signals(signal, frame): print "Got signal, terminating" for thread in threading.enumerate(): if thread.isAlive() and isinstance(thread, StoppableThread): thread.stopThread() def runServer(): print "Running SMTPd thread" smtpThread = smtpServer() smtpThread.start() signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signals) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, signals) print "Processing" smtpThread.join() print "The end" if __name__ == "__main__": runServer()