import kivy_helper_search import os import queues import shutdown import time from import App from kivy.lang import Builder from import BooleanProperty from kivy.clock import Clock from navigationdrawer import NavigationDrawer from import ObjectProperty, StringProperty, ListProperty from kivy.uix.screenmanager import Screen from kivy.uix.textinput import TextInput from kivymd.theming import ThemeManager from kivymd.toolbar import Toolbar from bmconfigparser import BMConfigParser from helper_ackPayload import genAckPayload from addresses import decodeAddress, addBMIfNotPresent from helper_sql import sqlExecute statusIconColor = 'red' global belonging belonging = '' class NavigateApp(App, TextInput): """Application uses kivy in which base Class of Navigate App inherits from the App class.""" theme_cls = ThemeManager() nav_drawer = ObjectProperty() def build(self): """Return a main_widget as a root widget. An application can be built if you return a widget on build(), or if you set self.root. """ global main_widget main_widget = Builder.load_file( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'main.kv')) self.nav_drawer = Navigator() return main_widget def getCurrentAccountData(self, text): """Get Current Address Account Data.""" global belonging belonging = text main_widget.ids.sc1.clear_widgets() main_widget.ids.sc2.clear_widgets() main_widget.ids.sc3.clear_widgets() main_widget.ids.sc1.add_widget(Inbox()) main_widget.ids.sc2.add_widget(Sent()) main_widget.ids.sc3.add_widget(Trash()) main_widget.ids.toolbar.title = BMConfigParser().get( belonging, 'label') + '({})'.format(belonging) Inbox() Sent() Trash() def say_exit(self): """Exit the application as uses shutdown PyBitmessage.""" print("**************************EXITING FROM APPLICATION*****************************") App.get_running_app().stop() shutdown.doCleanShutdown() def showmeaddresses(self, name="text"): """Show the addresses in spinner to make as dropdown.""" if name == "text": return BMConfigParser().addresses()[0] elif name == "values": return BMConfigParser().addresses() def update_index(self, data_index, index): """Update index after archieve message to trash.""" if self.root.ids.scr_mngr.current == 'inbox':[data_index]['index'] = index elif self.root.ids.scr_mngr.current == 'sent':[data_index]['index'] = index elif self.root.ids.scr_mngr.current == 'trash':[data_index]['index'] = index def delete(self, data_index): """It will make delete using remove function.""" print("delete {}".format(data_index)) self._remove(data_index) def archive(self, data_index): """It will make archieve using remove function.""" print("archive {}".format(data_index)) self._remove(data_index) def _remove(self, data_index): """It will remove message by resetting the values in recycleview data.""" if self.root.ids.scr_mngr.current == 'inbox': = [{ 'data_index': i, 'index': d['index'], 'height': d['height'], 'text': d['text']} for i, d in enumerate( ] elif self.root.ids.scr_mngr.current == 'sent': = [{ 'data_index': i, 'index': d['index'], 'height': d['height'], 'text': d['text']} for i, d in enumerate( ] elif self.root.ids.scr_mngr.current == 'trash': = [{ 'data_index': i, 'index': d['index'], 'height': d['height'], 'text': d['text']} for i, d in enumerate( ] def getInboxMessageDetail(self, instance): """It will get message detail after make selected message description.""" try: self.root.ids.scr_mngr.current = 'page' except AttributeError: self.parent.manager.current = 'page' print('Message Clicked {}'.format(instance)) def getCurrentAccount(self): """It uses to get current account label.""" global belonging return BMConfigParser().get(belonging, 'label') + '({})'.format(belonging) class Navigator(NavigationDrawer): """Navigator class uses NavigationDrawer. It is an UI panel that shows our app's main navigation menu It is hidden when not in use, but appears when the user swipes a finger from the left edge of the screen or, when at the top level of the app, the user touches the drawer icon in the app bar """ image_source = StringProperty('images/qidenticon_two.png') title = StringProperty('Navigation') class Inbox(Screen): """Inbox Screen uses screen to show widgets of screens.""" data = ListProperty() def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(Inbox, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) global belonging if belonging == '': belonging = Navigator().ids.btn.text Clock.schedule_once(self.init_ui, 0) def init_ui(self, dt=0): global belonging self.orientation = "vertical" self.inboxaccounts() def inboxaccounts(self): account = belonging folder = 'inbox' self.loadMessagelist(account, folder, 'All', '') def loadMessagelist(self, account, folder, where="", what="", unreadOnly=False): xAddress = "toaddress" queryreturn = kivy_helper_search.search_sql( xAddress, account, folder, where, what, unreadOnly) if queryreturn: = [{ 'data_index': i, 'index': 1, 'height': 48, 'text': row[4]} for i, row in enumerate(queryreturn) ] else: = [{ 'data_index': 1, 'index': 1, 'height': 48, 'text': "yet no message for this account!!!!!!!!!!!!!"} ] class Page(Screen): pass class AddressSuccessful(Screen): pass class Sent(Screen): """Sent Screen uses screen to show widgets of screens.""" data = ListProperty() def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(Sent, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) global belonging if belonging == '': belonging = Navigator().ids.btn.text Clock.schedule_once(self.init_ui, 0) def init_ui(self, dt=0): global belonging self.orientation = "vertical" self.sentaccounts() def sentaccounts(self): account = belonging folder = 'inbox' self.loadSent(account, 'All', '') def loadSent(self, account, where="", what=""): xAddress = 'fromaddress' queryreturn = kivy_helper_search.search_sql( xAddress, account, "sent", where, what, False) if queryreturn: = [{ 'data_index': i, 'index': 1, 'height': 48, 'text': row[2]} for i, row in enumerate(queryreturn) ] else: = [{ 'data_index': 1, 'index': 1, 'height': 48, 'text': "yet no message for this account!!!!!!!!!!!!!"} ] def getSentMessageDetail(self, instance): try: self.manager.current = 'page' except AttributeError: self.parent.manager.current = 'page' print('I am {}'.format(instance.text)) class Trash(Screen): """Trash Screen uses screen to show widgets of screens.""" data = ListProperty() def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(Trash, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) global belonging if belonging == '': belonging = Navigator().ids.btn.text Clock.schedule_once(self.init_ui, 0) def init_ui(self, dt=0): global belonging self.orientation = "vertical" self.inboxaccounts() def inboxaccounts(self): account = belonging folder = 'trash' self.loadTrashlist(account, folder, 'All', '') def loadTrashlist(self, account, folder, where="", what="", unreadOnly=False): xAddress = "toaddress" queryreturn = kivy_helper_search.search_sql( xAddress, account, folder, where, what, unreadOnly) if queryreturn: = [{ 'data_index': i, 'index': 1, 'height': 48, 'text': row[4]} for i, row in enumerate(queryreturn) ] else: = [{ 'data_index': 1, 'index': 1, 'height': 48, 'text': "yet no message for this account!!!!!!!!!!!!!"} ] class Dialog(Screen): pass class Test(Screen): pass class Create(Screen): """Create Screen uses screen to show widgets of screens.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(Create, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) Clock.schedule_once(self.init_ui, 0) def init_ui(self, dt=0): pass def send(self): """Send message from one address to another.""" fromAddress = self.ids.spinner_id.text # For now we are using static address i.e we are not using recipent field value. toAddress = "BM-2cWyUfBdY2FbgyuCb7abFZ49JYxSzUhNFe" message = self.ids.message.text subject = self.ids.subject.text encoding = 3 print("message: ", self.ids.message.text) sendMessageToPeople = True if sendMessageToPeople: if toAddress != '': status, addressVersionNumber, streamNumber, ripe = decodeAddress( toAddress) if status == 'success': toAddress = addBMIfNotPresent(toAddress) if addressVersionNumber > 4 or addressVersionNumber <= 1: print("addressVersionNumber > 4 or addressVersionNumber <= 1") if streamNumber > 1 or streamNumber == 0: print("streamNumber > 1 or streamNumber == 0") if statusIconColor == 'red': print("shared.statusIconColor == 'red'") stealthLevel = BMConfigParser().safeGetInt( 'bitmessagesettings', 'ackstealthlevel') ackdata = genAckPayload(streamNumber, stealthLevel) t = () sqlExecute( '''INSERT INTO sent VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)''', '', toAddress, ripe, fromAddress, subject, message, ackdata, int(time.time()), int(time.time()), 0, 'msgqueued', 0, 'sent', encoding, BMConfigParser().getint('bitmessagesettings', 'ttl')) toLabel = '' queues.workerQueue.put(('sendmessage', toAddress)) print("sqlExecute successfully ##### ##################") self.ids.message.text = '' self.ids.spinner_id.text = '' self.ids.subject.text = '' self.ids.recipent.text = '' return None class NewIdentity(Screen): """Create new address for PyBitmessage.""" is_active = BooleanProperty(False) checked = StringProperty("") # self.manager.parent.ids.create.children[0].source = 'images/plus-4-xxl.png' def generateaddress(self): """Generate new address.""" if self.checked == 'use a random number generator to make an address': queues.apiAddressGeneratorReturnQueue.queue.clear() streamNumberForAddress = 1 label = self.ids.label.text eighteenByteRipe = False nonceTrialsPerByte = 1000 payloadLengthExtraBytes = 1000 queues.addressGeneratorQueue.put(( 'createRandomAddress', 4, streamNumberForAddress, label, 1, "", eighteenByteRipe, nonceTrialsPerByte, payloadLengthExtraBytes) ) self.manager.current = 'add_sucess' if __name__ == '__main__': NavigateApp().run()