# Copyright (c) 2014 Luke Montalvo # This file adds a alternative commandline interface # # Dependencies: # * from python2-pip # * python2-pythondialog # * dialog import os import sys import StringIO import time from time import strftime, localtime from threading import Timer import curses import dialog from dialog import Dialog import shared import ConfigParser from addresses import * quit = False menutab = 1 menu = ["Inbox", "Send", "Sent", "Your Identities", "Subscriptions", "Address Book", "Blacklist", "Network Status"] log = "" logpad = None inventorydata = 0 startuptime = time.time() addresses = [] addrcur = 0 addrcopy = 0 class printLog: def write(self, output): global log log += output def flush(self): pass class errLog: def write(self, output): global log log += "!"+output def flush(self): pass printlog = printLog() errlog = errLog() def cpair(a): r = curses.color_pair(a) if r not in range(1, curses.COLOR_PAIRS-1): r = curses.color_pair(0) return r def drawmenu(stdscr): menustr = " " for i in range(0, len(menu)): if menutab == i+1: menustr = menustr[:-1] menustr += "[" menustr += str(i+1)+menu[i] if menutab == i+1: menustr += "] " elif i != len(menu)-1: menustr += " " stdscr.addstr(2, 5, menustr, curses.A_UNDERLINE) def resetlookups(): inventorydata = shared.numberOfInventoryLookupsPerformed shared.numberOfInventoryLookupsPerformed = 0 Timer(2, resetlookups, ()).start() def drawtab(stdscr): if menutab in range(1, len(menu)+1): if menutab == 1: # Inbox pass elif menutab == 2: # Send pass elif menutab == 3: # Sent pass elif menutab == 4: # Identities stdscr.addstr(3, 5, "Label", curses.A_BOLD) stdscr.addstr(3, 50, "Address", curses.A_BOLD) stdscr.addstr(3, 100, "Stream", curses.A_BOLD) for i, item in enumerate(addresses): a = 0 if i == addrcur: # Highlight current address a = a | curses.A_REVERSE if item[1] == True and item[3] not in [8,9]: # Embolden enabled, non-special addresses a = a | curses.A_BOLD stdscr.addstr(4+i, 5, item[0], a) stdscr.addstr(4+i, 50, item[2], cpair(item[3]) | a) stdscr.addstr(4+i, 100, str(1), a) elif menutab == 5: # Subscriptions pass elif menutab == 6: # Address book pass elif menutab == 7: # Blacklist pass elif menutab == 8: # Network status # Connection data stdscr.addstr(4, 5, "Total Connections: "+str(len(shared.connectedHostsList)).ljust(2)) stdscr.addstr(6, 6, "Stream #", curses.A_BOLD) stdscr.addstr(6, 17, "Connections", curses.A_BOLD) streamcount = [] for host, stream in shared.connectedHostsList.items(): if stream >= len(streamcount): streamcount.append(1) else: streamcount[stream] += 1 for i, item in enumerate(streamcount): if i < 5: if i == 0: stdscr.addstr(7+i, 6, "?") else: stdscr.addstr(7+i, 6, str(i)) stdscr.addstr(7+i, 17, str(item)) # Uptime and processing data stdscr.addstr(6, 35, "Since startup on "+unicode(strftime(shared.config.get('bitmessagesettings', 'timeformat'), localtime(int(startuptime))))) stdscr.addstr(7, 40, "Processed "+str(shared.numberOfMessagesProcessed).ljust(4)+" person-to-person messages.") stdscr.addstr(8, 40, "Processed "+str(shared.numberOfBroadcastsProcessed).ljust(4)+" broadcast messages.") stdscr.addstr(9, 40, "Processed "+str(shared.numberOfPubkeysProcessed).ljust(4)+" public keys.") # Inventory data stdscr.addstr(11, 35, "Inventory lookups per second: "+str(int(inventorydata/2)).ljust(3)) # Log stdscr.addstr(13, 6, "Log", curses.A_BOLD) n = log.count('\n') if n > 0: l = log.split('\n') if n > 512: del l[:(n-256)] logpad.erase() n = len(l) for i, item in enumerate(l): a = 0 if len(item) > 0 and item[0] == '!': a = curses.color_pair(1) item = item[1:] logpad.addstr(i, 0, item, a) logpad.refresh(n-curses.LINES+2, 0, 14, 6, curses.LINES-2, curses.COLS-7) stdscr.refresh() def redraw(stdscr): stdscr.erase() stdscr.border() drawmenu(stdscr) stdscr.refresh() def dialogreset(stdscr): stdscr.clear() stdscr.keypad(1) curses.curs_set(0) def handlech(c, stdscr): if c != curses.ERR: if c in range(256): if chr(c) in '12345678': global menutab menutab = int(chr(c)) elif chr(c) == 'q': global quit quit = True elif chr(c) == '\n': if menutab == 4: curses.curs_set(1) d = Dialog(dialog="dialog") d.set_background_title("Your Identities Dialog Box") r, t = d.menu("Do what with \""+addresses[addrcur][0]+"\" : \""+addresses[addrcur][2]+"\"?", choices=[("1", "Create new address"), ("2", "Copy address to internal buffer"), ("3", "Rename"), ("4", "Enable"), ("5", "Disable"), ("6", "Delete"), ("7", "Special address behavior")]) if r == d.DIALOG_OK: if t == "1": # Create new address d.set_background_title("Create new address") d.scrollbox(unicode("Here you may generate as many addresses as you like.\n" "Indeed, creating and abandoning addresses is encouraged.\n" "Deterministic addresses have several pros and cons:\n" "\nPros:\n" " * You can recreate your addresses on any computer from memory\n" " * You need not worry about backing up your keys.dat file as long as you \n can remember your passphrase\n" "Cons:\n" " * You must remember (or write down) your passphrase in order to recreate \n your keys if they are lost\n" " * You must also remember the address version and stream numbers\n" " * If you choose a weak passphrase someone may be able to brute-force it \n and then send and receive messages as you"), exit_label="Continue") r, t = d.menu("Choose an address generation technique", choices=[("1", "Use a random number generator"), ("2", "Use a passphrase")]) if r == d.DIALOG_OK: if t == "1": d.set_background_title("Randomly generate address") r, t = d.inputbox("Label (not shown to anyone except you)") label = "" if r == d.DIALOG_OK and len(t) > 0: label = t r, t = d.menu("Choose a stream", choices=[("1", "Use the most available stream"),("", "(Best if this is the first of many addresses you will create)"), ("2", "Use the same stream as an existing address"),("", "(Saves you some bandwidth and processing power)")]) if r == d.DIALOG_OK: if t == "1": stream = 1 elif t == "2": addrs = [] for i, item in enumerate(addresses): addrs.append([str(i), item[2]]) r, t = d.menu("Choose an existing address's stream", choices=addrs) if r == d.DIALOG_OK: stream = decodeAddress(addrs[int(t)][1])[2] shorten = False r, t = d.checklist("Miscellaneous options", choices=[("1", "Spend time shortening the address", shorten)]) if r == d.DIALOG_OK and "1" in t: shorten = True shared.addressGeneratorQueue.put(("createRandomAddress", 4, stream, label, 1, "", shorten)) elif t == "2": d.set_background_title("Make deterministic addresses") r, t = d.passwordform("Enter passphrase", [("Passphrase", 1, 1, "", 2, 1, 64, 128), ("Confirm passphrase", 3, 1, "", 4, 1, 64, 128)], form_height=4, insecure=True) if r == d.DIALOG_OK: if t[0] == t[1]: passphrase = t[0] r, t = d.rangebox("Number of addresses to generate", width=48, min=1, max=99, init=8) if r == d.DIALOG_OK: number = t stream = 1 shorten = False r, t = d.checklist("Miscellaneous options", choices=[("1", "Spend time shortening the address", shorten)]) if r == d.DIALOG_OK and "1" in t: shorten = True d.scrollbox(unicode("In addition to your passphrase, be sure to remember the following numbers:\n" "\n * Address version number: "+str(4)+"\n" " * Stream number: "+str(stream)), exit_label="Continue") shared.addressGeneratorQueue.put(('createDeterministicAddresses', 4, stream, "unused deterministic address", number, str(passphrase), shorten)) else: d.scrollbox(unicode("Passphrases do not match"), exit_label="Continue") elif t == "2": # Copy address to internal buffer addrcopy = addrcur elif t == "3": # Rename address label a = addresses[addrcur][2] label = addresses[addrcur][0] r, t = d.inputbox("New address label", init=label) if r == d.DIALOG_OK: label = t shared.config.set(a, "label", label) # Write config with open(shared.appdata + 'keys.dat', 'wb') as configfile: shared.config.write(configfile) addresses[addrcur][0] = label elif t == "4": # Enable address a = addresses[addrcur][2] shared.config.set(a, "enabled", "true") # Set config # Write config with open(shared.appdata + 'keys.dat', 'wb') as configfile: shared.config.write(configfile) # Change color if shared.safeConfigGetBoolean(a, 'chan'): addresses[addrcur][3] = 9 # orange elif shared.safeConfigGetBoolean(a, 'mailinglist'): addresses[addrcur][3] = 5 # magenta else: addresses[addrcur][3] = 0 # black addresses[addrcur][1] = True shared.reloadMyAddressHashes() # Reload address hashes elif t == "5": # Disable address a = addresses[addrcur][2] shared.config.set(a, "enabled", "false") # Set config addresses[addrcur][3] = 8 # Set color to gray # Write config with open(shared.appdata + 'keys.dat', 'wb') as configfile: shared.config.write(configfile) addresses[addrcur][1] = False shared.reloadMyAddressHashes() # Reload address hashes elif t == "6": # Delete address pass elif t == "7": # Special address behavior a = addresses[addrcur][2] d.set_background_title("Special address behavior") if shared.safeConfigGetBoolean(a, "chan"): d.scrollbox(unicode("This is a chan address. You cannot use it as a pseudo-mailing list."), exit_label="Continue") else: m = shared.safeConfigGetBoolean(a, "mailinglist") r, t = d.radiolist("Select address behavior", choices=[("1", "Behave as a normal address", not m), ("2", "Behave as a pseudo-mailing-list address", m)]) if r == d.DIALOG_OK: if t == "1" and m == True: shared.config.set(a, "mailinglist", "false") if addresses[addrcur][1]: addresses[addrcur][3] = 0 # Set color to black else: addresses[addrcur][3] = 8 # Set color to gray elif t == "2" and m == False: try: mn = shared.config.get(a, "mailinglistname") except ConfigParser.NoOptionError: mn = "" r, t = d.inputbox("Mailing list name", init=mn) if r == d.DIALOG_OK: mn = t shared.config.set(a, "mailinglist", "true") shared.config.set(a, "mailinglistname", mn) addresses[addrcur][3] = 6 # Set color to magenta # Write config with open(shared.appdata + 'keys.dat', 'wb') as configfile: shared.config.write(configfile) dialogreset(stdscr) else: global addrcur if c == curses.KEY_UP: if menutab == 4 and addrcur > 0: addrcur -= 1 elif c == curses.KEY_DOWN: if menutab == 4 and addrcur < len(addresses)-1: addrcur += 1 redraw(stdscr) def runwrapper(): sys.stdout = printlog sys.stderr = errlog stdscr = curses.initscr() global logpad logpad = curses.newpad(1024, curses.COLS) stdscr.nodelay(1) curses.curs_set(0) curses.start_color() curses.wrapper(run) shutdown() def run(stdscr): # Schedule inventory lookup data resetlookups() # Init color pairs if curses.has_colors(): curses.init_pair(1, curses.COLOR_RED, curses.COLOR_BLACK) # red curses.init_pair(2, curses.COLOR_GREEN, curses.COLOR_BLACK) # green curses.init_pair(3, curses.COLOR_YELLOW, curses.COLOR_BLACK) # yellow curses.init_pair(4, curses.COLOR_BLUE, curses.COLOR_BLACK) # blue curses.init_pair(5, curses.COLOR_MAGENTA, curses.COLOR_BLACK) # magenta curses.init_pair(6, curses.COLOR_CYAN, curses.COLOR_BLACK) # cyan curses.init_pair(7, curses.COLOR_WHITE, curses.COLOR_BLACK) # white if curses.can_change_color(): curses.init_color(8, 500, 500, 500) # gray curses.init_pair(8, 8, 0) curses.init_color(9, 844, 465, 0) # orange curses.init_pair(9, 9, 0) else: curses.init_pair(8, curses.COLOR_WHITE, curses.COLOR_BLACK) # grayish curses.init_pair(9, curses.COLOR_YELLOW, curses.COLOR_BLACK) # orangish # Init list of address in 'Your Identities' tab configSections = shared.config.sections() for addressInKeysFile in configSections: if addressInKeysFile != "bitmessagesettings": isEnabled = shared.config.getboolean(addressInKeysFile, "enabled") addresses.append([shared.config.get(addressInKeysFile, "label"), isEnabled, addressInKeysFile]) # Set address color if not isEnabled: addresses[len(addresses)-1].append(8) # gray elif shared.safeConfigGetBoolean(addressInKeysFile, 'chan'): addresses[len(addresses)-1].append(9) # orange elif shared.safeConfigGetBoolean(addressInKeysFile, 'mailinglist'): addresses[len(addresses)-1].append(5) # magenta else: addresses[len(addresses)-1].append(0) # black addresses.reverse() # Load messages from database """ loadInbox() loadSend() """ # Initialize address display and send form """ rerenderAddressBook() rerenderSubscriptions() rerenderComboBoxSendForm() """ redraw(stdscr) while quit == False: drawtab(stdscr) handlech(stdscr.getch(), stdscr) def shutdown(): sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__ print("Shutting down...") sys.stdout = printlog shared.doCleanShutdown() sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__ sys.stderr = sys.__stderr__ os._exit(0)