#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (C) 2011 Yann GUIBET # See LICENSE for details. from hashlib import sha512 from pyelliptic.openssl import OpenSSL from pyelliptic.cipher import Cipher from pyelliptic.hash import hmac_sha256 from struct import pack, unpack class ECC: """ Asymmetric encryption with Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) ECDH, ECDSA and ECIES import pyelliptic alice = pyelliptic.ECC() # default curve: sect283r1 bob = pyelliptic.ECC(curve='sect571r1') ciphertext = alice.encrypt("Hello Bob", bob.get_pubkey()) print bob.decrypt(ciphertext) signature = bob.sign("Hello Alice") # alice's job : print pyelliptic.ECC( pubkey=bob.get_pubkey()).verify(signature, "Hello Alice") # ERROR !!! try: key = alice.get_ecdh_key(bob.get_pubkey()) except: print("For ECDH key agreement,\ the keys must be defined on the same curve !") alice = pyelliptic.ECC(curve='sect571r1') print alice.get_ecdh_key(bob.get_pubkey()).encode('hex') print bob.get_ecdh_key(alice.get_pubkey()).encode('hex') """ def __init__(self, pubkey=None, privkey=None, pubkey_x=None, pubkey_y=None, raw_privkey=None, curve='sect283r1'): """ For a normal and High level use, specifie pubkey, privkey (if you need) and the curve """ if type(curve) == str: self.curve = OpenSSL.get_curve(curve) else: self.curve = curve if pubkey_x is not None and pubkey_y is not None: self._set_keys(pubkey_x, pubkey_y, raw_privkey) elif pubkey is not None: curve, pubkey_x, pubkey_y, i = ECC._decode_pubkey(pubkey) if privkey is not None: curve2, raw_privkey, i = ECC._decode_privkey(privkey) if curve != curve2: raise Exception("Bad ECC keys ...") self.curve = curve self._set_keys(pubkey_x, pubkey_y, raw_privkey) else: self.privkey, self.pubkey_x, self.pubkey_y = self._generate() def _set_keys(self, pubkey_x, pubkey_y, privkey): if self.raw_check_key(privkey, pubkey_x, pubkey_y) < 0: self.pubkey_x = None self.pubkey_y = None self.privkey = None raise Exception("Bad ECC keys ...") else: self.pubkey_x = pubkey_x self.pubkey_y = pubkey_y self.privkey = privkey @staticmethod def get_curves(): """ static method, returns the list of all the curves available """ return OpenSSL.curves.keys() def get_curve(self): return OpenSSL.get_curve_by_id(self.curve) def get_curve_id(self): return self.curve def get_pubkey(self): """ High level function which returns : curve(2) + len_of_pubkeyX(2) + pubkeyX + len_of_pubkeyY + pubkeyY """ return b''.join((pack('!H', self.curve), pack('!H', len(self.pubkey_x)), self.pubkey_x, pack('!H', len(self.pubkey_y)), self.pubkey_y )) def get_privkey(self): """ High level function which returns curve(2) + len_of_privkey(2) + privkey """ return b''.join((pack('!H', self.curve), pack('!H', len(self.privkey)), self.privkey )) @staticmethod def _decode_pubkey(pubkey): i = 0 curve = unpack('!H', pubkey[i:i + 2])[0] i += 2 tmplen = unpack('!H', pubkey[i:i + 2])[0] i += 2 pubkey_x = pubkey[i:i + tmplen] i += tmplen tmplen = unpack('!H', pubkey[i:i + 2])[0] i += 2 pubkey_y = pubkey[i:i + tmplen] i += tmplen return curve, pubkey_x, pubkey_y, i @staticmethod def _decode_privkey(privkey): i = 0 curve = unpack('!H', privkey[i:i + 2])[0] i += 2 tmplen = unpack('!H', privkey[i:i + 2])[0] i += 2 privkey = privkey[i:i + tmplen] i += tmplen return curve, privkey, i def _generate(self): try: pub_key_x = OpenSSL.BN_new() pub_key_y = OpenSSL.BN_new() key = OpenSSL.EC_KEY_new_by_curve_name(self.curve) if key == 0: raise Exception("[OpenSSL] EC_KEY_new_by_curve_name FAIL ...") if (OpenSSL.EC_KEY_generate_key(key)) == 0: raise Exception("[OpenSSL] EC_KEY_generate_key FAIL ...") if (OpenSSL.EC_KEY_check_key(key)) == 0: raise Exception("[OpenSSL] EC_KEY_check_key FAIL ...") priv_key = OpenSSL.EC_KEY_get0_private_key(key) group = OpenSSL.EC_KEY_get0_group(key) pub_key = OpenSSL.EC_KEY_get0_public_key(key) if (OpenSSL.EC_POINT_get_affine_coordinates_GFp(group, pub_key, pub_key_x, pub_key_y, 0 )) == 0: raise Exception( "[OpenSSL] EC_POINT_get_affine_coordinates_GFp FAIL ...") privkey = OpenSSL.malloc(0, OpenSSL.BN_num_bytes(priv_key)) pubkeyx = OpenSSL.malloc(0, OpenSSL.BN_num_bytes(pub_key_x)) pubkeyy = OpenSSL.malloc(0, OpenSSL.BN_num_bytes(pub_key_y)) OpenSSL.BN_bn2bin(priv_key, privkey) privkey = privkey.raw OpenSSL.BN_bn2bin(pub_key_x, pubkeyx) pubkeyx = pubkeyx.raw OpenSSL.BN_bn2bin(pub_key_y, pubkeyy) pubkeyy = pubkeyy.raw self.raw_check_key(privkey, pubkeyx, pubkeyy) return privkey, pubkeyx, pubkeyy finally: OpenSSL.EC_KEY_free(key) OpenSSL.BN_free(pub_key_x) OpenSSL.BN_free(pub_key_y) def get_ecdh_key(self, pubkey): """ High level function. Compute public key with the local private key and returns a 512bits shared key """ curve, pubkey_x, pubkey_y, i = ECC._decode_pubkey(pubkey) if curve != self.curve: raise Exception("ECC keys must be from the same curve !") return sha512(self.raw_get_ecdh_key(pubkey_x, pubkey_y)).digest() def raw_get_ecdh_key(self, pubkey_x, pubkey_y): try: ecdh_keybuffer = OpenSSL.malloc(0, 32) other_key = OpenSSL.EC_KEY_new_by_curve_name(self.curve) if other_key == 0: raise Exception("[OpenSSL] EC_KEY_new_by_curve_name FAIL ...") other_pub_key_x = OpenSSL.BN_bin2bn(pubkey_x, len(pubkey_x), 0) other_pub_key_y = OpenSSL.BN_bin2bn(pubkey_y, len(pubkey_y), 0) other_group = OpenSSL.EC_KEY_get0_group(other_key) other_pub_key = OpenSSL.EC_POINT_new(other_group) if (OpenSSL.EC_POINT_set_affine_coordinates_GFp(other_group, other_pub_key, other_pub_key_x, other_pub_key_y, 0)) == 0: raise Exception( "[OpenSSL] EC_POINT_set_affine_coordinates_GFp FAIL ...") if (OpenSSL.EC_KEY_set_public_key(other_key, other_pub_key)) == 0: raise Exception("[OpenSSL] EC_KEY_set_public_key FAIL ...") if (OpenSSL.EC_KEY_check_key(other_key)) == 0: raise Exception("[OpenSSL] EC_KEY_check_key FAIL ...") own_key = OpenSSL.EC_KEY_new_by_curve_name(self.curve) if own_key == 0: raise Exception("[OpenSSL] EC_KEY_new_by_curve_name FAIL ...") own_priv_key = OpenSSL.BN_bin2bn( self.privkey, len(self.privkey), 0) if (OpenSSL.EC_KEY_set_private_key(own_key, own_priv_key)) == 0: raise Exception("[OpenSSL] EC_KEY_set_private_key FAIL ...") OpenSSL.ECDH_set_method(own_key, OpenSSL.ECDH_OpenSSL()) ecdh_keylen = OpenSSL.ECDH_compute_key( ecdh_keybuffer, 32, other_pub_key, own_key, 0) if ecdh_keylen != 32: raise Exception("[OpenSSL] ECDH keylen FAIL ...") return ecdh_keybuffer.raw finally: OpenSSL.EC_KEY_free(other_key) OpenSSL.BN_free(other_pub_key_x) OpenSSL.BN_free(other_pub_key_y) OpenSSL.EC_POINT_free(other_pub_key) OpenSSL.EC_KEY_free(own_key) OpenSSL.BN_free(own_priv_key) def check_key(self, privkey, pubkey): """ Check the public key and the private key. The private key is optional (replace by None) """ curve, pubkey_x, pubkey_y, i = ECC._decode_pubkey(pubkey) if privkey is None: raw_privkey = None curve2 = curve else: curve2, raw_privkey, i = ECC._decode_privkey(privkey) if curve != curve2: raise Exception("Bad public and private key") return self.raw_check_key(raw_privkey, pubkey_x, pubkey_y, curve) def raw_check_key(self, privkey, pubkey_x, pubkey_y, curve=None): if curve is None: curve = self.curve elif type(curve) == str: curve = OpenSSL.get_curve(curve) else: curve = curve try: key = OpenSSL.EC_KEY_new_by_curve_name(curve) if key == 0: raise Exception("[OpenSSL] EC_KEY_new_by_curve_name FAIL ...") if privkey is not None: priv_key = OpenSSL.BN_bin2bn(privkey, len(privkey), 0) pub_key_x = OpenSSL.BN_bin2bn(pubkey_x, len(pubkey_x), 0) pub_key_y = OpenSSL.BN_bin2bn(pubkey_y, len(pubkey_y), 0) if privkey is not None: if (OpenSSL.EC_KEY_set_private_key(key, priv_key)) == 0: raise Exception( "[OpenSSL] EC_KEY_set_private_key FAIL ...") group = OpenSSL.EC_KEY_get0_group(key) pub_key = OpenSSL.EC_POINT_new(group) if (OpenSSL.EC_POINT_set_affine_coordinates_GFp(group, pub_key, pub_key_x, pub_key_y, 0)) == 0: raise Exception( "[OpenSSL] EC_POINT_set_affine_coordinates_GFp FAIL ...") if (OpenSSL.EC_KEY_set_public_key(key, pub_key)) == 0: raise Exception("[OpenSSL] EC_KEY_set_public_key FAIL ...") if (OpenSSL.EC_KEY_check_key(key)) == 0: raise Exception("[OpenSSL] EC_KEY_check_key FAIL ...") return 0 finally: OpenSSL.EC_KEY_free(key) OpenSSL.BN_free(pub_key_x) OpenSSL.BN_free(pub_key_y) OpenSSL.EC_POINT_free(pub_key) if privkey is not None: OpenSSL.BN_free(priv_key) def sign(self, inputb): """ Sign the input with ECDSA method and returns the signature """ try: size = len(inputb) buff = OpenSSL.malloc(inputb, size) digest = OpenSSL.malloc(0, 64) md_ctx = OpenSSL.EVP_MD_CTX_create() dgst_len = OpenSSL.pointer(OpenSSL.c_int(0)) siglen = OpenSSL.pointer(OpenSSL.c_int(0)) sig = OpenSSL.malloc(0, 151) key = OpenSSL.EC_KEY_new_by_curve_name(self.curve) if key == 0: raise Exception("[OpenSSL] EC_KEY_new_by_curve_name FAIL ...") priv_key = OpenSSL.BN_bin2bn(self.privkey, len(self.privkey), 0) pub_key_x = OpenSSL.BN_bin2bn(self.pubkey_x, len(self.pubkey_x), 0) pub_key_y = OpenSSL.BN_bin2bn(self.pubkey_y, len(self.pubkey_y), 0) if (OpenSSL.EC_KEY_set_private_key(key, priv_key)) == 0: raise Exception("[OpenSSL] EC_KEY_set_private_key FAIL ...") group = OpenSSL.EC_KEY_get0_group(key) pub_key = OpenSSL.EC_POINT_new(group) if (OpenSSL.EC_POINT_set_affine_coordinates_GFp(group, pub_key, pub_key_x, pub_key_y, 0)) == 0: raise Exception( "[OpenSSL] EC_POINT_set_affine_coordinates_GFp FAIL ...") if (OpenSSL.EC_KEY_set_public_key(key, pub_key)) == 0: raise Exception("[OpenSSL] EC_KEY_set_public_key FAIL ...") if (OpenSSL.EC_KEY_check_key(key)) == 0: raise Exception("[OpenSSL] EC_KEY_check_key FAIL ...") OpenSSL.EVP_MD_CTX_init(md_ctx) OpenSSL.EVP_DigestInit(md_ctx, OpenSSL.EVP_ecdsa()) if (OpenSSL.EVP_DigestUpdate(md_ctx, buff, size)) == 0: raise Exception("[OpenSSL] EVP_DigestUpdate FAIL ...") OpenSSL.EVP_DigestFinal(md_ctx, digest, dgst_len) OpenSSL.ECDSA_sign(0, digest, dgst_len.contents, sig, siglen, key) if (OpenSSL.ECDSA_verify(0, digest, dgst_len.contents, sig, siglen.contents, key)) != 1: raise Exception("[OpenSSL] ECDSA_verify FAIL ...") return sig.raw[:siglen.contents.value] finally: OpenSSL.EC_KEY_free(key) OpenSSL.BN_free(pub_key_x) OpenSSL.BN_free(pub_key_y) OpenSSL.BN_free(priv_key) OpenSSL.EC_POINT_free(pub_key) OpenSSL.EVP_MD_CTX_destroy(md_ctx) def verify(self, sig, inputb): """ Verify the signature with the input and the local public key. Returns a boolean """ try: bsig = OpenSSL.malloc(sig, len(sig)) binputb = OpenSSL.malloc(inputb, len(inputb)) digest = OpenSSL.malloc(0, 64) dgst_len = OpenSSL.pointer(OpenSSL.c_int(0)) md_ctx = OpenSSL.EVP_MD_CTX_create() key = OpenSSL.EC_KEY_new_by_curve_name(self.curve) if key == 0: raise Exception("[OpenSSL] EC_KEY_new_by_curve_name FAIL ...") pub_key_x = OpenSSL.BN_bin2bn(self.pubkey_x, len(self.pubkey_x), 0) pub_key_y = OpenSSL.BN_bin2bn(self.pubkey_y, len(self.pubkey_y), 0) group = OpenSSL.EC_KEY_get0_group(key) pub_key = OpenSSL.EC_POINT_new(group) if (OpenSSL.EC_POINT_set_affine_coordinates_GFp(group, pub_key, pub_key_x, pub_key_y, 0)) == 0: raise Exception( "[OpenSSL] EC_POINT_set_affine_coordinates_GFp FAIL ...") if (OpenSSL.EC_KEY_set_public_key(key, pub_key)) == 0: raise Exception("[OpenSSL] EC_KEY_set_public_key FAIL ...") if (OpenSSL.EC_KEY_check_key(key)) == 0: raise Exception("[OpenSSL] EC_KEY_check_key FAIL ...") OpenSSL.EVP_MD_CTX_init(md_ctx) OpenSSL.EVP_DigestInit(md_ctx, OpenSSL.EVP_ecdsa()) if (OpenSSL.EVP_DigestUpdate(md_ctx, binputb, len(inputb))) == 0: raise Exception("[OpenSSL] EVP_DigestUpdate FAIL ...") OpenSSL.EVP_DigestFinal(md_ctx, digest, dgst_len) ret = OpenSSL.ECDSA_verify( 0, digest, dgst_len.contents, bsig, len(sig), key) if ret == -1: return False # Fail to Check else: if ret == 0: return False # Bad signature ! else: return True # Good return False finally: OpenSSL.EC_KEY_free(key) OpenSSL.BN_free(pub_key_x) OpenSSL.BN_free(pub_key_y) OpenSSL.EC_POINT_free(pub_key) OpenSSL.EVP_MD_CTX_destroy(md_ctx) @staticmethod def encrypt(data, pubkey, ephemcurve=None, ciphername='aes-256-cbc'): """ Encrypt data with ECIES method using the public key of the recipient. """ curve, pubkey_x, pubkey_y, i = ECC._decode_pubkey(pubkey) return ECC.raw_encrypt(data, pubkey_x, pubkey_y, curve=curve, ephemcurve=ephemcurve, ciphername=ciphername) @staticmethod def raw_encrypt(data, pubkey_x, pubkey_y, curve='sect283r1', ephemcurve=None, ciphername='aes-256-cbc'): if ephemcurve is None: ephemcurve = curve ephem = ECC(curve=ephemcurve) key = sha512(ephem.raw_get_ecdh_key(pubkey_x, pubkey_y)).digest() key_e, key_m = key[:32], key[32:] pubkey = ephem.get_pubkey() iv = OpenSSL.rand(OpenSSL.get_cipher(ciphername).get_blocksize()) ctx = Cipher(key_e, iv, 1, ciphername) import time if int(time.time()) < 1416175200: # Sun, 16 Nov 2014 22:00:00 GMT ciphertext = ctx.ciphering(data) else: ciphertext = iv + pubkey + ctx.ciphering(data) # Everyone should be using this line after the Bitmessage protocol v3 upgrade period mac = hmac_sha256(key_m, ciphertext) if int(time.time()) < 1416175200: # Sun, 16 Nov 2014 22:00:00 GMT return iv + pubkey + ciphertext + mac else: return ciphertext + mac # Everyone should be using this line after the Bitmessage protocol v3 upgrade period def decrypt(self, data, ciphername='aes-256-cbc'): """ Decrypt data with ECIES method using the local private key """ blocksize = OpenSSL.get_cipher(ciphername).get_blocksize() iv = data[:blocksize] i = blocksize curve, pubkey_x, pubkey_y, i2 = ECC._decode_pubkey(data[i:]) i += i2 ciphertext = data[i:len(data)-32] i += len(ciphertext) mac = data[i:] key = sha512(self.raw_get_ecdh_key(pubkey_x, pubkey_y)).digest() key_e, key_m = key[:32], key[32:] """ pyelliptic was changed slightly so that the hmac covers the iv and pubkey. So let's have an upgrade period where we support both the old and the new hmac'ing algorithms. https://github.com/yann2192/pyelliptic/issues/17 """ if hmac_sha256(key_m, ciphertext) != mac: if hmac_sha256(key_m, data[:len(data) - 32]) != mac: raise RuntimeError("Fail to verify data") ctx = Cipher(key_e, iv, 0, ciphername) return ctx.ciphering(ciphertext)