from collections import namedtuple from random import choice, sample, expovariate from threading import RLock from time import time from bmconfigparser import BMConfigParser import network.connectionpool from debug import logging from queues import invQueue from singleton import Singleton import state # randomise routes after 600 seconds REASSIGN_INTERVAL = 600 # trigger fluff due to expiration FLUFF_TRIGGER_FIXED_DELAY = 10 FLUFF_TRIGGER_MEAN_DELAY = 30 MAX_STEMS = 2 Stem = namedtuple('Stem', ['child', 'stream', 'timeout']) @Singleton class Dandelion(): def __init__(self): # currently assignable child stems self.stem = [] # currently assigned parent <-> child mappings self.nodeMap = {} # currently existing objects in stem mode self.hashMap = {} # when to rerandomise routes self.refresh = time() + REASSIGN_INTERVAL self.lock = RLock() def poissonTimeout(self, start=None, average=0): if start is None: start = time() if average == 0: average = FLUFF_TRIGGER_MEAN_DELAY return start + expovariate(1.0/average) + FLUFF_TRIGGER_FIXED_DELAY def addHash(self, hashId, source=None, stream=1): if not state.dandelion: return with self.lock: self.hashMap[hashId] = Stem( self.getNodeStem(source), stream, self.poissonTimeout()) def setHashStream(self, hashId, stream=1): with self.lock: if hashId in self.hashMap: self.hashMap[hashId] = Stem( self.hashMap[hashId].child, stream, self.poissonTimeout()) def removeHash(self, hashId, reason="no reason specified"): logging.debug("%s entering fluff mode due to %s.", ''.join('%02x'%ord(i) for i in hashId), reason) with self.lock: try: del self.hashMap[hashId] except KeyError: pass def hasHash(self, hashId): return hashId in self.hashMap def objectChildStem(self, hashId): return self.hashMap[hashId].child def maybeAddStem(self, connection): # fewer than MAX_STEMS outbound connections at last reshuffle? with self.lock: if len(self.stem) < MAX_STEMS: self.stem.append(connection) for k in (k for k, v in self.nodeMap.iteritems() if v is None): self.nodeMap[k] = connection for k, v in {k: v for k, v in self.hashMap.iteritems() if v.child is None}.iteritems(): self.hashMap[k] = Stem(connection,, self.poissionTimeout()) invQueue.put((, k, v.child)) def maybeRemoveStem(self, connection): # is the stem active? with self.lock: if connection in self.stem: self.stem.remove(connection) # active mappings to pointing to the removed node for k in (k for k, v in self.nodeMap.iteritems() if v == connection): self.nodeMap[k] = None for k, v in {k: v for k, v in self.hashMap.iteritems() if v.child == connection}.iteritems(): self.hashMap[k] = Stem(None,, self.poissonTimeout()) def pickStem(self, parent=None): try: # pick a random from available stems stem = choice(range(len(self.stem))) if self.stem[stem] == parent: # one stem available and it's the parent if len(self.stem) == 1: return None # else, pick the other one return self.stem[1 - stem] # all ok return self.stem[stem] except IndexError: # no stems available return None def getNodeStem(self, node=None): with self.lock: try: return self.nodeMap[node] except KeyError: self.nodeMap[node] = self.pickStem(node) return self.nodeMap[node] def expire(self): with self.lock: deadline = time() # only expire those that have a child node, i.e. those without a child not will stick around toDelete = [[, k, v.child] for k, v in self.hashMap.iteritems() if v.timeout < deadline and v.child] for row in toDelete: self.removeHash(row[1], 'expiration') invQueue.put((row[0], row[1], row[2])) def reRandomiseStems(self): with self.lock: try: # random two connections self.stem = sample(network.connectionpool.BMConnectionPool().outboundConnections.values(), MAX_STEMS) # not enough stems available except ValueError: self.stem = network.connectionpool.BMConnectionPool().outboundConnections.values() self.nodeMap = {} # hashMap stays to cater for pending stems self.refresh = time() + REASSIGN_INTERVAL