Dialog true 0 0 338 225 Dialog Connect on the Internet with everyone else true Ignore Internet nodes. Only try to connect to these hosts: false example.domain.local:8444 false false Note that you can still receive incoming connections from anyone unless they are blocked by a firewall. true false Store network objects for two months rather than two days false Forgo the proof of work Qt::Horizontal QDialogButtonBox::Cancel|QDialogButtonBox::Ok buttonBox accepted() Dialog accept() 227 201 157 218 buttonBox rejected() Dialog reject() 295 207 286 218 radioButton_2 toggled(bool) checkBox setEnabled(bool) 127 40 93 146 radioButton_2 toggled(bool) checkBox_2 setEnabled(bool) 160 38 135 169 radioButton_2 toggled(bool) lineEdit setEnabled(bool) 63 41 68 74 radioButton_2 toggled(bool) lineEdit_2 setEnabled(bool) 43 38 50 98 radioButton_2 toggled(bool) label setEnabled(bool) 161 44 160 120