#This program can be used to print out everything in your Inbox or Sent folders and also take things out of the trash. #Scroll down to the bottom to see the functions that you can uncomment. Save then run this file. #The functions only read the database file seem to function just fine even if you have Bitmessage running but you should definitly close it before running the functions to take items out of the trash. import sqlite3 from time import strftime, localtime import sys APPNAME = "PyBitmessage" from os import path, environ if sys.platform == 'darwin': if "HOME" in environ: appdata = path.join(os.environ["HOME"], "Library/Application support/", APPNAME) + '/' else: print 'Could not find home folder, please report this message and your OS X version to the BitMessage Github.' sys.exit() elif 'win' in sys.platform: appdata = path.join(environ['APPDATA'], APPNAME) + '\\' else: appdata = path.expanduser(path.join("~", "." + APPNAME + "/")) conn = sqlite3.connect( appdata + 'messages.dat' ) conn.text_factory = str cur = conn.cursor() def readInbox(): print 'Printing everything in inbox table:' item = '''select * from inbox''' parameters = '' cur.execute(item, parameters) output = cur.fetchall() for row in output: print row def readSent(): print 'Printing everything in Sent table:' item = '''select * from sent''' parameters = '' cur.execute(item, parameters) output = cur.fetchall() for row in output: print row def readSubscriptions(): print 'Printing everything in subscriptions table:' item = '''select * from subscriptions''' parameters = '' cur.execute(item, parameters) output = cur.fetchall() for row in output: print row def readPubkeys(): print 'Printing everything in pubkeys table:' item = '''select hash, havecorrectnonce, transmitdata, time, usedpersonally from pubkeys''' parameters = '' cur.execute(item, parameters) output = cur.fetchall() for row in output: hash, havecorrectnonce, transmitdata, time, usedpersonally = row print 'Hash:', hash.encode('hex'), '\tHave correct nonce:', havecorrectnonce, '\tTime first broadcast:', strftime('%a, %d %b %Y %I:%M %p',localtime(time)), '\tUsed by me personally:', usedpersonally, '\tFull pubkey message:', transmitdata.encode('hex') def readInventory(): print 'Printing everything in inventory table:' item = '''select hash, objecttype, streamnumber, payload, receivedtime from inventory''' parameters = '' cur.execute(item, parameters) output = cur.fetchall() for row in output: hash, objecttype, streamnumber, payload, receivedtime = row print 'Hash:', hash.encode('hex'), objecttype, streamnumber, '\t', payload.encode('hex'), '\t', strftime('%a, %d %b %Y %I:%M %p',localtime(receivedtime)) def takeInboxMessagesOutOfTrash(): item = '''update inbox set folder='inbox' where folder='trash' ''' parameters = '' cur.execute(item, parameters) output = cur.fetchall() conn.commit() print 'done' def takeSentMessagesOutOfTrash(): item = '''update sent set folder='sent' where folder='trash' ''' parameters = '' cur.execute(item, parameters) output = cur.fetchall() conn.commit() print 'done' #takeInboxMessagesOutOfTrash() #takeSentMessagesOutOfTrash() #readInbox() #readSent() #readPubkeys() #readSubscriptions() readInventory()