MainWindow 0 0 795 561 Bitmessage :/newPrefix/images/can-icon-24px.png:/newPrefix/images/can-icon-24px.png QTabWidget::Rounded 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 QTabWidget::North QTabWidget::Rounded 0 :/newPrefix/images/inbox.png:/newPrefix/images/inbox.png Inbox true QAbstractItemView::SingleSelection QAbstractItemView::SelectRows true false true 200 false 27 false true false 26 To From Subject Received 0 500 :/newPrefix/images/send.png:/newPrefix/images/send.png Send Subject: Qt::Vertical 20 297 From: Message: To: Broadcast to everyone who is subscribed to your address 7 Load from Address book Qt::Horizontal 28 20 Send to one or more specific people true Qt::Horizontal 20 20 Send Qt::Horizontal 192 20 <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" ""> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'MS Shell Dlg 2'; font-size:9pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style="-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><br /></p></body></html> :/newPrefix/images/sent.png:/newPrefix/images/sent.png Sent QAbstractItemView::DragDrop true QAbstractItemView::SingleSelection QAbstractItemView::SelectRows true false true 130 false false true false false To From Subject Status :/newPrefix/images/identities.png:/newPrefix/images/identities.png Your Identities New Qt::Horizontal 689 20 QFrame::Sunken 1 true QAbstractItemView::SingleSelection QAbstractItemView::SelectRows true true 346 52 true true false 26 false false Label (not shown to anyone) true Address Stream :/newPrefix/images/subscriptions.png:/newPrefix/images/subscriptions.png Subscriptions Here you can subscibe to 'broadcast messages' that are sent by other users. Messages will appear in your Inbox. Addresses here override those on the Blacklist tab. true Add Qt::Horizontal 689 20 true QAbstractItemView::SingleSelection QAbstractItemView::SelectRows true true 400 false false true false Label Address :/newPrefix/images/addressbook.png:/newPrefix/images/addressbook.png Address book The Address book is useful for adding names or labels to other people's Bitmessage addresses so that you can recognize them more easily in your inbox. You can add entries here using the 'Add' button, or from your inbox by right-clicking on a message. true Add Qt::Horizontal 689 20 true QAbstractItemView::SingleSelection QAbstractItemView::SelectRows true true 400 false true false Name or Label Address :/newPrefix/images/blacklist.png:/newPrefix/images/blacklist.png Blacklist Use a Blacklist (Allow all incoming messages except those on the Blacklist) true Use a Whitelist (Block all incoming messages except those on the Whitelist) Add Qt::Horizontal 689 20 true QAbstractItemView::SingleSelection QAbstractItemView::SelectRows true true 400 false false true false Name or Label Address :/newPrefix/images/networkstatus.png:/newPrefix/images/networkstatus.png Network Status 680 440 21 23 :/newPrefix/images/redicon.png:/newPrefix/images/redicon.png true 20 70 241 241 212 208 200 212 208 200 212 208 200 QFrame::Box QFrame::Plain false true QAbstractItemView::NoSelection true false true false Stream Number Number of Connections 20 30 401 16 Total connections: 0 320 110 331 20 Since startup at asdf: 350 130 361 16 Processed 0 person-to-person messages. 350 170 331 16 Processed 0 public keys. 350 150 351 16 Processed 0 broadcasts. 0 0 795 18 File Settings Help 16777215 22 Import keys false true Manage keys Exit Help About Settings radioButtonSpecific toggled(bool) lineEditTo setEnabled(bool) 121 60 133 149