- in corner cases, download request could have contained an incorrect request length. I haven't actually checked if this can be triggered though - wait for downloading until anti intersection delay expires. Doesn't necessarily mean that it will always avoid peer's anti intersection delay, but it's close enough - tracks last time an object was received. If it was too long time ago, reset the download request queue. This avoid situations like when a request gets ignored during the anti intersection delay, but it will keep thinking there are still pending requests as long as not all missing objects have been requested. This caused staggered download (request 1000 items, wait 1 minute, request 1000 more, wait another minute, ...) - with these fixes, you should end up downloading as fast as your network and CPU allow - best tested with trustedpeer
Bitmessage is a P2P communication protocol used to send encrypted messages to another person or to many subscribers. It is decentralized and trustless, meaning that you need-not inherently trust any entities like root certificate authorities. It uses strong authentication, which means that the sender of a message cannot be spoofed. BM aims to hide metadata from passive eavesdroppers like those ongoing warrantless wiretapping programs. Hence the sender and receiver of Bitmessages stay anonymous.
Bitmessage is a collaborative project. You are welcome to submit pull requests although if you plan to put a non-trivial amount of work into coding new features, it is recommended that you first solicit feedback on the DevTalk pseudo-mailing list: BM-2D9QKN4teYRvoq2fyzpiftPh9WP9qggtzh
Feel welcome to join chan "bitmessage", BM-2cWy7cvHoq3f1rYMerRJp8PT653jjSuEdY which is on preview here: http://beamstat.com/chan/bitmessage