import os import time import json import requests # Define the path to the persistent data store DATA_STORE_PATH = "/data/last_update_time.txt" def get_last_update_time(): with open(DATA_STORE_PATH, 'r') as file: return def update_last_update_time(new_time): with open(DATA_STORE_PATH, 'w') as file: file.write(new_time) def get_annotations(last_update_time, inoreader_username, inoreader_password): # Replace with actual API call # This is a placeholder implementation response = requests.get( "", params={"since": last_update_time}, auth=(inoreader_username, inoreader_password), ) return response.json() def push_to_readwise(annotations, readwise_username, readwise_password): # Replace with actual API call # This is a placeholder implementation response = "", data=json.dumps(annotations), auth=(readwise_username, readwise_password), ) return response.status_code def main(): # Get credentials from environment variables inoreader_username = os.getenv("INOREADER_USERNAME") inoreader_password = os.getenv("INOREADER_PASSWORD") readwise_username = os.getenv("READWISE_USERNAME") readwise_password = os.getenv("READWISE_PASSWORD") while True: last_update_time = get_last_update_time() # Get annotations after the last update time annotations = get_annotations(last_update_time, inoreader_username, inoreader_password) # Push annotations to Readwise push_to_readwise(annotations, readwise_username, readwise_password) # Update the last update time update_last_update_time(time.ctime()) # Wait for an hour time.sleep(3600) if __name__ == "__main__": main()