The change hook is set as part of the `www` section in the `change_hook_dialects` named `gitea`.
| Parameter | Description |
| --- | --- |
| `secret` | The secret, which needs to be set in gitea |
| `onlyIncludePushCommit` | A push may have more than one commit associated with it. If this is true, only the newest (latest) commit of all received will be added as a change to buildbot. If this is set to false, all commits will inside the push will be added. |
In gitea in your project or organization and add a new webhook of type gitea.
The change source is part build step to clone a gitea repository. It includes features to build a pull request, if the pull request can be merged without conflicts. This needs to be used in conjunction with a gitea `change_hook` and have it send pull request updates in order to be able to handle pull requests.
The parameters for this are identical to the default [`git`]( step from buildbot. It just uses information provided by the gitea `change_hook` to be able to handle pull requests.
## Reporter
The reporter sets the commit status of a commit inside of gitea, so in gitea a small icon will be displayed next to the commit message, indicating the build status.
The `GiteaStatusPush` is added to the `services` section of the global master config.
The parameters are as follows:
| Parameter | Value |
| --- | --- |
| URL | The URL to the gitea instance. |
| `token` | Generate an access token in the profile you want the buildbot to impersonate. Make sure the account in gitea has access to the repositories. |
| `startDescription` | `Renderable` A short description when buildbot starts building on a change. Defaults to `Build started.` |
| `endDescription` | `Renderable` A short description when buildbot stops building on a change. Defaults to `Build done.` |
| `context` | `Renderable` The context is an identifier for this status, allowing to identify from which builder this came, defaults to `Interpolate('buildbot/%(prop:buildername)s')` |
| `context_pr` | `Renderable` The context message to use, when building on a pull request, allowing to identify from which builder this came, defaults to `Interpolate('buildbot/pull_request/%(prop:buildername)s')` |
| `warningAsSuccess` | Treat warnings as build as success to set in the build status of gitea. If false, warnings will be displayed as warnings. |