The gitea webhook list of pushed commits is in order from newest to oldest. If commits are appended to the changes array and returned, the last commit in the array will be the oldest commit in the push. However, buildbot treats the last change as the *most* recent. This means that unless you use 'alwaysUseLatest=True' in your Git step, the Git step will not check out the newest commit in the push. If you happen to be using 'shallow=True', this will actually cause the Git update step to fail because only the newest commit is available in a shallow checkout. This update inserts each commit in the gitea webhook call at the beginning of the array, which means buildbot sees them in chronological order. A Git step with 'shallow=True' will now succeed.
158 lines
5.9 KiB
158 lines
5.9 KiB
import json
import re
from buildbot.util import bytes2unicode
from buildbot.www.hooks.base import BaseHookHandler
from twisted.python import log
from dateutil.parser import parse as dateparse
_HEADER_EVENT_TYPE = 'X-Gitea-Event'
class GiteaHandler(BaseHookHandler):
def process_push(self, payload, event_type, codebase):
refname = payload["ref"]
changes = []
# We only care about regular heads or tags
match = re.match(r"^refs/(heads|tags)/(.+)$", refname)
if not match:
log.msg("Ignoring refname '{}': Not a branch or tag".format(refname))
return changes
branch = match.group(2)
repository = payload['repository']
repo_url = repository['ssh_url']
project = repository['full_name']
commits = payload['commits']
if isinstance(self.options, dict) and self.options.get('onlyIncludePushCommit', False):
commits = commits[:1]
for commit in commits:
timestamp = dateparse(commit['timestamp'])
change = {
'author': '{} <{}>'.format(commit['author']['name'],
'comments': commit['message'],
'revision': commit['id'],
'when_timestamp': timestamp,
'branch': branch,
'revlink': commit['url'],
'repository': repo_url,
'project': project,
'category': event_type,
'properties': {
'event': event_type,
'repository_name': repository['name'],
'owner': repository["owner"]["username"]
if codebase is not None:
change['codebase'] = codebase
changes.insert(0, change)
return changes
def process_pull_request(self, payload, event_type, codebase):
action = payload['action']
# Only handle potential new stuff, ignore close/.
# Merge itself is handled by the regular branch push message
if action not in ['opened', 'synchronized', 'edited', 'reopened']:
log.msg("Gitea Pull Request event '{}' ignored".format(action))
return []
pull_request = payload['pull_request']
if not pull_request['mergeable']:
log.msg("Gitea Pull Request ignored because it is not mergeable.")
return []
if pull_request['merged']:
log.msg("Gitea Pull Request ignored because it is already merged.")
return []
timestamp = dateparse(pull_request['updated_at'])
base = pull_request['base']
head = pull_request['head']
repository = payload['repository']
change = {
'author': '{} <{}>'.format(pull_request['user']['full_name'],
'comments': 'PR#{}: {}\n\n{}'.format(
'revision': head['sha'],
'when_timestamp': timestamp,
'branch': head['ref'],
'revlink': pull_request['html_url'],
'repository': repository['ssh_url'],
'project': repository['full_name'],
'category': event_type,
'properties': {
'event': event_type,
'base_branch': base['ref'],
'base_sha': base['sha'],
'base_repo_id': base['repo_id'],
'base_repository': base['repo']['clone_url'],
'base_git_ssh_url': base['repo']['ssh_url'],
'head_branch': head['ref'],
'head_sha': head['sha'],
'head_repo_id': head['repo_id'],
'head_repository': head['repo']['clone_url'],
'head_git_ssh_url': head['repo']['ssh_url'],
'pr_id': pull_request['id'],
'pr_number': pull_request['number'],
'repository_name': repository['name'],
'owner': repository["owner"]["username"],
if codebase is not None:
change['codebase'] = codebase
return [change]
def getChanges(self, request):
secret = None
if isinstance(self.options, dict):
secret = self.options.get('secret')
content = request.content.read()
payload = json.loads(bytes2unicode(content))
except Exception as exception:
raise ValueError('Error loading JSON: ' + str(exception))
if secret is not None and secret != payload['secret']:
raise ValueError('Invalid secret')
event_type = bytes2unicode(request.getHeader(_HEADER_EVENT_TYPE))
log.msg("Received event '{}' from gitea".format(event_type))
codebases = request.args.get('codebase', [None])
codebase = bytes2unicode(codebases[0])
changes = []
handler_function = getattr(self, 'process_{}'.format(event_type), None)
if not handler_function:
log.msg("Ignoring gitea event '{}'".format(event_type))
changes = handler_function(payload, event_type, codebase)
return (changes, 'git')
class GiteaHandlerPlugin(BaseHookHandler):
def __init__(self, master, options):
if not options:
options = {}
super().__init__(master, options)
handler_class = options.get('class', GiteaHandler)
if 'class' in options:
del options['class']
self.handler = handler_class(master, options)
def getChanges(self, request):
return self.handler.getChanges(request)
# Plugin name
gitea = GiteaHandlerPlugin