--- - name: Picom | Install dependencies apt: name: "{{ picom_dependency }}" state: present - name: Picom | Clone picom repository git: repo: "{{ picom_git }}" dest: /tmp/picom recursive: yes - name: Picom | Build and Install picom shell: "cd /tmp/picom && meson --buildtype=release . build && ninja -C build && sudo ninja -C build install" - name: Picom | Copy picom config copy: src: /root/Downloads/update-xfce-bigsur/picom dest: /root/.config/ remote_src: yes - name: Picom | Add picom to startup copy: src: /root/.config/picom/picom.desktop dest: /root/.config/autostart/ remote_src: yes - name: Picom | Disable compositing xfconf: channel: xfwm4 property: /general/use_compositing value_type: bool value: "false"