--- - name: General Changes | Install xfce4 apt: name: xfce4 state: latest - name: General Changes | Hide icons xfconf: channel: "xfce4-desktop" property: "/desktop-icons/style" value_type: "int" value: 0 - name: General Changes | Update Window Manager - cycle_draw_frame xfconf: channel: xfwm4 property: /general/cycle_draw_frame value_type: bool value: "false" - name: General Changes | Update Window Manager - placement_mode xfconf: channel: xfwm4 property: /general/placement_mode value_type: string value: center - name: General Changes | Update Window Manager - show_dock_shadow xfconf: channel: xfwm4 property: /general/show_dock_shadow value_type: bool value: "false" - name: General Changes | Download and Unzip update-xfce-bigsur.zip unarchive: src: "{{ update_xfce_bigsur_file_url }}" dest: "{{ home_directory }}/Downloads" remote_src: yes - name: General Changes | Copy wallpapers to ~/Pictures copy: src: "{{ home_directory }}/Downloads/update-xfce-bigsur/wallpapers" dest: "{{ home_directory }}/Pictures" remote_src: yes - name: General Changes | Change wallpaper xfconf: channel: "xfce4-desktop" property: "/backdrop/screen0/monitorscreen/workspace0/last-image" value_type: "string" value: "{{ home_directory }}/Pictures/wallpapers/Yosemite.png"