--- - name: Customize Firefox | Check if Firefox is installed command: "which firefox" register: firefox_check ignore_errors: yes - name: Customize Firefox | Run firefox - Make sure its initialised shell: cmd: "nohup firefox &" when: firefox_check.rc == 0 - name: Customize Firefox | Close firefox if it's running shell: cmd: "pkill firefox" ignore_errors: true when: firefox_check.rc == 0 - name: Customize Firefox | Run Firefox Tweaks become: yes shell: "cd {{ home_directory }}/Downloads/WhiteSur-gtk-theme/ && ./tweaks.sh -f" when: firefox_check.rc == 0 - name: Customize Firefox | Get the name of default profile shell: cmd: "ls ~/.mozilla/firefox/ | grep 'default-release'" register: firefox_profile when: firefox_check.rc == 0 - name: Customize Firefox | Place user.js in profile copy: src: user.js dest: "{{ home_directory }}/.mozilla/firefox/{{ firefox_profile.stdout }}/user.js" when: firefox_check.rc == 0