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# Customize Xfce Desktop
*Automate the customization of your Xfce Desktop to Look Like macOS Big Sur*
## Prerequisite:
* **Install Dependencies**
sudo apt update
sudo apt install software-properties-common
sudo add-apt-repository --yes --update ppa:ansible/ansible
sudo apt install ansible git xfce4
* **Switch to xfce-session**
* Logout
* On the login screen, click on the settings icon in the bottom-right corner and select xfce-session
* Login
## Automate and chill
* Open terminal and paste below command
ansible-pull -d ~/Documents/modify-desktop-ansible -U ~/Documents/modify-desktop-ansible/playbook/setup.yml -K
* Enter password when prompted for `BECOME password`
* Logout and login again after the execution finishes