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shashi278 e70d8b1ee4
buildbot/travis_bionic Build done. Details
Added roadmap file
2022-03-08 19:07:37 +05:30
readme.txt Added roadmap file 2022-03-08 19:07:37 +05:30


- install xfce

- use xfconf-query for most changes

	- Hide icons
		- xfce4-desktop : "desktop-icons/style" -t "int" -s 0 OR iterare through all icons(in file-icons properties) and set value to false
	- xfwm4 "general/cycle_draw_frame" type="bool" set to false
			"general/placement_mode" type="string" set to center
			"general/show_dock_shadow" type="bool" set to false
	- Download https://www.opencode.net/lsteam/xfce-big-sur-setup-file/-/raw/master/update-xfce-bigsur.zip
		- Unzip
		- copy update-xfce-bigsur/wallpapers to ~/Pictures
	- Change wallpaper
		- xfce4-desktop : "backdrop/screen0/monitor0(or all available monitors under screen0)/image-path" type="string" value="~/Pictures/wallpapers/any"
	- send to side pane
		- Already in side pane
	- Theme-icons-cursor-fonts
		- sudo apt install gtk2-engines-murrine sassc
		- git clone https://github.com/vinceliuice/WhiteSur-gtk-theme.git
			- ./install.sh -c dark -c light
		- git clone https://github.com/vinceliuice/WhiteSur-icon-theme.git
			- ./install.sh
		- git clone https://github.com/vinceliuice/WhiteSur-cursors.git
			- ./install.sh
		- mkdir ~/.fonts
			- copy contents from update-xfce-bigsur/fonts to ~/.fonts
		- xsettings : "Net/ThemeName" type="string" set to "WhiteSur-dark"
					: "Net/IconThemeName" type="string" set to "WhiteSur-dark"
					: "Gtk/FontName" type="string" set to "San Francisco Display Regular" (maybe? cant find other setting for font)
					: How to set monospace one?
		- xfwm4 : "general/theme" type="string" set to "WhiteSur-dark"
				: "general/button_layout" type="string" value="O|HMC" set to "CHM|" (need to test) . How to hide arrow buttons?
				: "general/title_font" set to "San Francisco Display Medium"
	- Global menu
		- sudo apt install vala-panel-appmenu-common bamfdaemon // xfce4-appmenu-plugin
		- sudo apt-get install unity-gtk-module-common unity-gtk2-module unity-gtk3-module
		- xfconf-query -c xsettings -p /Gtk/Modules -n -t string -s "unity-gtk-module"
		- xfconf-query -c xsettings -p /Gtk/ShellShowsMenubar -n -t bool -s true
		- xfconf-query -c xsettings -p /Gtk/ShellShowsAppmenu -n -t bool -s true

	- Xfce Pannel
		- Xpple Menu
			- xpple_menu.zip: https://dl1.pling.com/api/files/download/j/eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpZCI6MTYyMjAwMzM1MCwidSI6bnVsbCwibHQiOiJkb3dubG9hZCIsInMiOiI3Yjc3NWQ0NTUyMzRlNWUxNmYxMjM3OTYwNjRiNjk3MWMxMGVhMTA5ODA4OGI2ODg2ZGUyZTZmMzRlZjZhMTk1ZGY1ZWY0ZWE3ZTcwYzNlNWQ1OWRkZTVkZWNhMTI0ZDdiMDViYzRhMTJmZTIyNThlNjRkOWYyYTk2YWE1YzFjNiIsInQiOjE2NDY3MTU2MTMsInN0ZnAiOiIxYjNjZGM0NjRmZGUyMzBhNjZiN2RlYTA5YzI4NTEzYiIsInN0aXAiOiIyNDAxOjQ5MDA6MWMzNjo0ZmMwOmVmM2U6ODcwZTo1YzIxOjZjZGYifQ.H1uGGy0qQp9YoYheln14iqKNOxuUtAWzanOVzeN-sE4/xpple_menu.zip
			- unzip
			- mkdir ~/.local/share/applications
			- cp xpple_menu/applications/ ~/.local/share/applications/
			- mkdir ~/.config/menu
			- cp xpple_menu/xpple.menu ~/.config/menu

		- Panel Changes : Channel Name : xfce4-panel
			- Add two separators
				- -np "/plugins/plugin-26" -t string -s "separator"
				- -np "/plugins/plugin-27" -t string -s "separator"
			- Add keyboard Layout
				- -np "plugins/plugin-28" -t string -s "xkb"
			- Add weather Update
				- -np "plugins/plugin-29" -t string -s "weather"
			- Appmenu plugin
				- -np "plugins/plugin-30" -t string -s "appmenu"
			- Modify applicationsmenu(plugin-1)
				- -np "plugins/plugin1/custom-menu" -t bool -s true
				- -np "plugins/plugin1/custom-menu-file" -t string -s ~/.config/menu/xpple.menu
				- -np "plugins/plugin1/button-icon" -t string -s start-here
				- -np "plugins/plugin1/show-button-title" -t bool -s false
			- Modify appmenu(plugin-30)
				- -np "plugins/plugin-30/use-bold-name" -t bool -s true /// Verify prop name
			- Modify Weather(Needed?)
				- How? Maybe look into the source code to find properties
			- Modify xkb(plugin-28)
				- "plugins/plugin-28/display-type" -t uint -s 1
				- "plugins/plugin-28/display-name" -t uint -s 1
				- "plugins/plugin-28/display-scale" -t uint -s 50
				- "plugins/plugin-28/group-policy" -t uint -s 0
				- "plugins/plugin-28/display-tooltip-icon" -t bool -s true
			- Modify Actions Buttons
				- "plugins/plugin-14/appearance" -t uint -s 0
				- "plugins/plugin-14/items" -a /
						-t string -s "-lock-screen"/
						-t string -s "-switch-user"/
						-t string -s "-separator"/
						-t string -s "-suspend"/
						-t string -s "-hibernate"/
						-t string -s "-hybrid-sleep"/
						-t string -s "-separator"/
						-t string -s "-shutdown"/
						-t string -s "-restart"/
						-t string -s "-separator"/
						-t string -s "+logout"/
						-t string -s "-logout-dialog"
			- Rearrange Plugins
				- "panels/panel-1/plugin-ids" -a // below order
				- 26(sep), 1(applicationsmenu), 3(sep), 30(appmenu), 5(sep), 29(weath), 28(xkb), 6(systray), 7(status), 8(paudio), ..., 27(sep)
			- Modify first, second, and last separator
				- "plugins/plugin-26/style" -t uint -s 0 //first one
				- "plugins/plugin-3/expand" -t bool -s false //second
				- "plugins/plugin-27/style" -t uint -s 0 //last one
	- Configuring Plank Dock
		- sudo apt install plank
		- cp ~/Downloads/WhiteSur-gtk-theme/src/other/plank/ ~/.local/share/plank/themes/
		-Remove panel-2
			- -c xfce4-panel -p /panels -a -t int -s 0
			- Run plank
		- plank --preferences opens a UI popup. How to automate this?
		- cp ~/Downloads/update-xfce-bigsur/icon/launchpad.svg ~/.local/share/icons/
		- Add ~/.local/share/applications/launchpad.desktop to dock
			- echo -e "[PlankDockItemPreferences]\nLauncher=file:///home/user/.local/share/applications/launchpad.desktop" >> ~/.config/plank/dock1/launchers/launchpad.dockitem
		- Add plank to autostart
			- sudo nano ~/.config/autostart/plank.desktop
				[Desktop Entry]
		- Add terminl to dock
			- echo -e "[PlankDockItemPreferences]\nLauncher=file:///usr/share/applications/xfce4-terminal.desktop" >> ~/.config/plank/dock1/launchers/xfce4-terminal.dockitem
		- Add File manager to dock
			- echo -e "[PlankDockItemPreferences]\nLauncher=file:///usr/share/applications/thunar.desktop" >> ~/.config/plank/dock1/launchers/thunar.dockitem
		- Add Calculator to dock
			- echo -e "[PlankDockItemPreferences]\nLauncher=file:///usr/share/applications/mate-calc.desktop" >> ~/.config/plank/dock1/launchers/mate-calc.dockitem
	- Configuring Rofi Launcher
		- sudo apt install rofi
		- cp ~/Downloads/update-xfce-bigsur/rofi ~/.config/
	- Configuring Ulauncher
		- sudo add-apt-repository ppa:agornostal/ulauncher && sudo apt update && sudo apt install ulauncher
		- cp ~/Downloads/update-xfce-bigsur/'ulauncher theme'/user-themes ~/.config/ulauncher/
		- ~/.config/ulauncher/settings.json update "theme-name": "Arc Dark" // verify theme name
		- run unlauncher
	- Configuring Conky
		- sudo apt install conky-all jq curl
		- mkdir ~/.conky && cp ~/Downloads/update-xfce-bigsur/conky/ ~/.conky
		- add conky in startup
			- sudo nano ~/.config/autostart/conky.desktop
				[Desktop Entry]
		// conky should be started by now otherwise we'd need to run the start script explicitly