
196 lines
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Raw Normal View History

namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use App\Models\Pricing;
use Carbon\Carbon;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
2022-03-06 02:58:25 +11:00
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Cache;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB;
use App\Process;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Session;
//Custom code example
class HomeController extends Controller
* Create a new controller instance.
* @return void
public function __construct()
public function index()
$p = new Process();
2022-03-06 02:58:25 +11:00
$services_count = Cache::remember('services_count', 1440, function () {
return DB::table('pricings')
->select('service_type', DB::raw('COUNT(*) as amount'))
->where('active', '=', 1)
$due_soon = Cache::remember('due_soon', 1440, function () {
return DB::table('pricings as p')
->leftJoin('servers as s', 'p.service_id', '=', '')
->leftJoin('shared_hosting as sh', 'p.service_id', '=', '')
->leftJoin('reseller_hosting as r', 'p.service_id', '=', '')
->leftJoin('domains as d', 'p.service_id', '=', '')
->leftJoin('misc_services as ms', 'p.service_id', '=', '')
->where('', '=', 1)
->orderBy('next_due_date', 'ASC')
2022-03-06 02:58:25 +11:00
->get(['p.*', 's.hostname', 'd.domain', 'd.extension', 'r.main_domain as reseller', 'sh.main_domain', '']);
$server_summary = Cache::remember('servers_summary', 1440, function () {
$cpu_sum = DB::table('servers')->get()->where('active', '=', 1)->sum('cpu');
$ram_mb = DB::table('servers')->get()->where('active', '=', 1)->sum('ram_as_mb');
$disk_gb = DB::table('servers')->get()->where('active', '=', 1)->sum('disk_as_gb');
$bandwidth = DB::table('servers')->get()->where('active', '=', 1)->sum('bandwidth');
$locations_sum = DB::table('servers')->get()->where('active', '=', 1)->groupBy('location_id')->count();
$providers_sum = DB::table('servers')->get()->where('active', '=', 1)->groupBy('provider_id')->count();
return array(
'cpu_sum' => $cpu_sum,
'ram_mb_sum' => $ram_mb,
'disk_gb_sum' => $disk_gb,
'bandwidth_sum' => $bandwidth,
'locations_sum' => $locations_sum,
'providers_sum' => $providers_sum,
//Check for past due date and refresh the due date if so:
$pricing = new Pricing();
$count = 0;
foreach ($due_soon as $service) {
if (Carbon::createFromFormat('Y-m-d', $service->next_due_date)->isPast()) {
$months = $pricing->termAsMonths($service->term);//Get months for term to update the next due date to
$new_due_date = Carbon::createFromFormat('Y-m-d', $service->next_due_date)->addMonths($months)->format('Y-m-d');
DB::table('pricings')//Update the DB
->where('service_id', $service->service_id)
->update(['next_due_date' => $new_due_date]);
$due_soon[$count]->next_due_date = $new_due_date;//Update array being sent to view
} else {
break;//Break because if this date isnt past than the ones after it in the loop wont be either
2022-03-06 02:58:25 +11:00
Cache::put('due_soon', $due_soon);
$recently_added = Cache::remember('recently_added', 1440, function () {
return DB::table('pricings as p')
->leftJoin('servers as s', 'p.service_id', '=', '')
->leftJoin('shared_hosting as sh', 'p.service_id', '=', '')
->leftJoin('reseller_hosting as r', 'p.service_id', '=', '')
->leftJoin('domains as d', 'p.service_id', '=', '')
->leftJoin('misc_services as ms', 'p.service_id', '=', '')
->where('', '=', 1)
->orderBy('created_at', 'DESC')
2022-03-06 02:58:25 +11:00
->get(['p.*', 's.hostname', 'd.domain', 'd.extension', 'r.main_domain as reseller', 'sh.main_domain', '']);
$settings = Cache::remember('settings', 15, function () {
return DB::table('settings')
->where('id', '=', 1)
Session::put('timer_version_footer', $settings[0]->show_versions_footer ?? 1);
Session::put('show_servers_public', $settings[0]->show_servers_public ?? 0);
Session::put('show_server_value_ip', $settings[0]->show_server_value_ip ?? 0);
Session::put('show_server_value_hostname', $settings[0]->show_server_value_hostname ?? 0);
Session::put('show_server_value_price', $settings[0]->show_server_value_price ?? 0);
Session::put('show_server_value_yabs', $settings[0]->show_server_value_yabs ?? 0);
Session::put('show_server_value_provider', $settings[0]->show_server_value_provider ?? 0);
Session::put('show_server_value_location', $settings[0]->show_server_value_location ?? 0);
Session::put('default_currency', $settings[0]->default_currency ?? 'USD');
Session::put('default_server_os', $settings[0]->default_server_os ?? 1);
Session::put('due_soon_amount', $settings[0]->due_soon_amount ?? 6);
Session::put('recently_added_amount', $settings[0]->recently_added_amount ?? 6);
$pricing = json_decode(DB::table('pricings')->get(), true);
$total_cost_weekly = $total_cost_pm = $inactive_count = 0;
foreach ($pricing as $price) {
if ($price['active'] === 1) {
if ($price['term'] === 1) {//1 month
$total_cost_weekly += ($price['as_usd'] / 4);
$total_cost_pm += $price['as_usd'];
} elseif ($price['term'] === 2) {//3 months
$total_cost_weekly += ($price['as_usd'] / 12);
$total_cost_pm += ($price['as_usd'] / 3);
} elseif ($price['term'] === 3) {// 6 month
$total_cost_weekly += ($price['as_usd'] / 24);
$total_cost_pm += ($price['as_usd'] / 6);
} elseif ($price['term'] === 4) {// 1 year
$total_cost_weekly += ($price['as_usd'] / 48);
$total_cost_pm += ($price['as_usd'] / 12);
} elseif ($price['term'] === 5) {//2 years
$total_cost_weekly += ($price['as_usd'] / 96);
$total_cost_pm += ($price['as_usd'] / 24);
} elseif ($price['term'] === 6) {//3 years
$total_cost_weekly += ($price['as_usd'] / 144);
$total_cost_pm += ($price['as_usd'] / 36);
} else {
$total_cost_yearly = ($total_cost_pm * 12);
$services_count = json_decode($services_count, true);
$servers_count = $domains_count = $shared_count = $reseller_count = $other_count = $total_services = 0;
foreach ($services_count as $sc) {
$total_services += $sc['amount'];
if ($sc['service_type'] === 1) {
$servers_count = $sc['amount'];
} else if ($sc['service_type'] === 2) {
$shared_count = $sc['amount'];
} else if ($sc['service_type'] === 3) {
$reseller_count = $sc['amount'];
} else if ($sc['service_type'] === 4) {
$domains_count = $sc['amount'];
} else if ($sc['service_type'] === 5) {
$other_count = $sc['amount'];
$information = array(
'servers' => $servers_count,
'domains' => $domains_count,
'shared' => $shared_count,
'reseller' => $reseller_count,
'misc' => $other_count,
'labels' => DB::table('labels')->count(),
'dns' => DB::table('d_n_s')->count(),
'total_services' => $total_services,
'total_inactive' => $inactive_count,
'total_cost_weekly' => number_format($total_cost_weekly, 2),
'total_cost_monthly' => number_format($total_cost_pm, 2),
'total_cost_yearly' => number_format($total_cost_yearly, 2),
'total_cost_2_yearly' => number_format(($total_cost_yearly * 2), 2),
'due_soon' => $due_soon,
'newest' => $recently_added,
'execution_time' => number_format($p->getTimeTaken(), 2),
'servers_summary' => $server_summary
return view('home', compact('information'));