Added auth class

Added auth class for user account
This commit is contained in:
cp6 2021-03-17 11:31:43 +11:00
parent 6e93fe9582
commit 50b30ba0cb

View File

@ -23,6 +23,11 @@ class idlersConfig
const SAVE_YABS_OUTPUT = true;//true or false const SAVE_YABS_OUTPUT = true;//true or false
const GET_ASN_INFO = true;//Get ANS name and number const GET_ASN_INFO = true;//Get ANS name and number
//Failed attempts before ip locked from attempting login
//Minutes to lock ip for
const IP_LOCK_MINUTES = 10;
} }
class elementHelpers extends idlersConfig class elementHelpers extends idlersConfig
@ -3847,3 +3852,251 @@ class itemUpdate extends idlers
} }
} }
class auth extends idlers
public string $token;
private string $user;
private string $ip_address;
public function selfDestruct()
$select = $this->dbConnect()->prepare("SELECT `user` FROM `auth`;");
$user_count = $select->rowCount();
if ($user_count == 0) {
//Begin create user
} else {
//User already exists
//Delete AUTH.php
protected function createAccountForm()
if (isset($_POST['pass']) && isset($_POST['user'])) {
//Form submitted
$this->insertAccount($_POST['user'], $_POST['pass']);
} else {
$this->rowColOpen('row text-center', 'col-12');
$this->tagOpen('div', 'card');
$this->tagOpen('div', 'card-header');
$this->HTMLphrase('h1', '', 'Create account');
$this->HTMLphrase('p', '', 'If you are seeing this there are currently 0 accounts. Once 1 is created this file gets deleted.');
$this->tagOpen('div', 'card-body');
$this->outputString('<form method="post">');
$this->rowColOpen('form-row', 'col-12 col-md-6 mm-col');
$this->tagOpen('div', 'input-group');
$this->textInput('user', '', 'form-control', true, 4, 64);
$this->tagClose('div', 2);
$this->colOpen('col-12 col-md-6 mm-col');
$this->tagOpen('div', 'input-group');
$this->outputString("<input type='password' id='pass' name='pass' class='form-control' min-length='12' max-length='124' required>");
$this->tagClose('div', 3);
$this->rowColOpen('form-row text-center', 'col-12');
$this->submitInput('Create', 'submitInput', 'btn btn-main');
$this->tagClose('div', 2);
$this->tagClose('div', 4);
protected function insertAccount(string $user, string $pass): bool
$hashed_password = password_hash($pass, PASSWORD_DEFAULT);//Hash the submitted password
$insert = $this->dbConnect()->prepare("INSERT INTO `auth` (`user`, `pass`) VALUES (?,?)");
return $insert->execute([$user, $hashed_password]);
public function sessionStartIfNone()
if (session_status() == PHP_SESSION_NONE) {
session_start();//No session stated... so start one
public function isLoggedIn(): bool
$this->sessionStartIfNone();//Start session if none already started
if (isset($_SESSION['token']) && !empty($_SESSION['token'])) {
$this->token = $_SESSION['token'];
return true;//Logged in
} else {
return false;
public function loginForm()
if (isset($_POST['user']) && isset($_POST['pass'])) {
$this->attemptLogin($_POST['user'], $_POST['pass']);
} else {
$this->rowColOpen('row text-center', 'col-12');
$this->tagOpen('div', 'card');
$this->tagOpen('div', 'card-header');
$this->HTMLphrase('h3', '', 'My idlers login');
$this->tagOpen('div', 'card-body');
$this->outputString('<form method="post">');
$this->rowColOpen('form-row', 'col-12 col-md-3');
$this->tagClose('div', 1);
$this->colOpen('col-12 col-md-6 mm-col');
$this->tagOpen('div', 'input-group');
$this->textInput('user', '', 'form-control', true, 4, 64);
$this->tagClose('div', 2);
$this->colOpen('col-12 col-md-3');
$this->tagClose('div', 2);
$this->rowColOpen('form-row', 'col-12 col-md-3');
$this->tagClose('div', 1);
$this->colOpen('col-12 col-md-6 mm-col');
$this->tagOpen('div', 'input-group');
$this->outputString("<input type='password' id='pass' name='pass' class='form-control' min-length='12' max-length='124' required>");
$this->tagClose('div', 2);
$this->colOpen('col-12 col-md-3');
$this->tagClose('div', 2);
$this->rowColOpen('form-row text-center', 'col-12');
$this->submitInput('Login', 'submitInput', 'btn btn-main');
$this->tagClose('div', 2);
$this->tagClose('div', 4);
protected function usernameExists(string $username): bool
$select = $this->dbConnect()->prepare("SELECT `user` FROM `auth` WHERE `user` = ? LIMIT 1;");
$row = $select->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
if (!empty($row)) {//Row found
$this->user = $row['user'];
return true;
} else {//NO row found
return false;
protected function checkPasswordCorrect(string $password): bool
$select = $this->dbConnect()->prepare("SELECT `pass` FROM `auth` WHERE `user` = ? LIMIT 1;");
$row = $select->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
if (password_verify($password, $row['pass'])) {
return true;//Password is correct
} else {
return false;//Bad password
protected function doLoginWasSuccess(): bool
$update = $this->dbConnect()->prepare("UPDATE `auth` SET `login_count` = (login_count + 1), `last_login` = NOW() WHERE `user` = ? LIMIT 1;");
return $update->execute([$this->user]);
protected function addLoginFailCount(): bool
$update = $this->dbConnect()->prepare("UPDATE `auth` SET login_fails = (login_fails + 1), `last_fail` = NOW() WHERE `user` = ? LIMIT 1;");
return $update->execute([$this->user]);
protected function addLoginFailAttempt(): bool
$insert = $this->dbConnect()->prepare('INSERT IGNORE INTO `login_attempts` (`user`, `ip`) VALUES (?, ?)');
return $insert->execute([$this->user, $this->ip_address]);
protected function setToken(int $length = 32)
$_SESSION['token'] = $this->genID($length);//Set session as token
$this->token = $_SESSION['token'];
$update_token = $this->dbConnect()->prepare("UPDATE `auth` SET `token` = ? WHERE `user` = ? LIMIT 1;");
$update_token->execute([$_SESSION['token'], $this->user]);
protected function indexRedirect()
header("Location: index.php");
protected function getRecentFailCount(): int
$select = $this->dbConnect()->prepare("SELECT COUNT(*) as the_count FROM `login_attempts` WHERE `ip` = ? AND `datetime` > (NOW() - INTERVAL 10 MINUTE);");
return $select->fetch()['the_count'];//login fails for IP in last 10 minutes
protected function hasLockTimePassed(): bool
$select = $this->dbConnect()->prepare("SELECT `datetime` FROM `login_attempts` WHERE `ip` = ? ORDER BY `datetime` DESC LIMIT 1;");
$locked_until = $select->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
$time = new DateTime($locked_until['datetime']);
$time->add(new DateInterval("PT" . self::IP_LOCK_MINUTES . "M"));
$locked_until_formatted = $time->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$now = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
if ($now > $locked_until_formatted) {//Time has passed
return true;
} else {
return false;
public function attemptLogin(string $username, string $password)
$this->ip_address = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
if ($this->getRecentFailCount() >= self::FAIL_ATTEMPTS_ALLOWED) {
if (!$this->hasLockTimePassed()) {//IP is currently not allowed to attempt login
$this->indexRedirect();//Redirect to index and show login form
} else {//IP has passed lock time
if ($this->usernameExists($username)) {//Username found
if ($this->checkPasswordCorrect($password)) {//Password is correct
$this->doLoginWasSuccess();//Add login counter and last login datetime
$this->setToken();//Set session token
$this->indexRedirect();//Redirect to index and show servers
} else {//Password is wrong
$this->indexRedirect();//Redirect to index and login form
} else {//Username not found in DB
$this->indexRedirect();//Redirect to index and show login form
} else {//A clean attempt
echo $this->getRecentFailCount();
if ($this->usernameExists($username)) {//Username found
if ($this->checkPasswordCorrect($password)) {//Password is correct
$this->doLoginWasSuccess();//Add login counter and last login datetime
$this->setToken();//Set session token
$this->indexRedirect();//Redirect to index and show servers
} else {//Password is wrong
$this->addLoginFailCount();//Add 1 onto login fail count
$this->addLoginFailAttempt();//ip and datetime into login attempt fail logs
$this->indexRedirect();//Redirect to index and show login form
} else {//Username not found in DB
$this->indexRedirect();//Redirect to index and show login form
protected function deleteAuthFile()