@section("title", "Enter new server") @section('scripts') @endsection {{ __('Insert a new server') }}

Server information

{{ route('servers.index') }} Go back
@error('name') {{ $message }} @enderror
Server type
OS os_id {{Session::get('default_server_os')}}

If you need to add more IPs go to /IPs after creation.

NS1 ns1 255
NS2 ns2 255
SSH ssh_port 22 999999 1
Bandwidth GB bandwidth 1000 99999 1
Promo price was_promo 1
Price price 2.50 9999 0.01

Note adding a YABs output will overwrite Ram, disk and CPU values.

Ram ram 2024 100000
Ram type ram_type
Disk disk 10 99999 0.1
Disk type disk_type
CPU cpu 2 64 1
Owned since owned_since {{Carbon\Carbon::now()->format('Y-m-d') }}
Next due date next_due_date {{Carbon\Carbon::now()->addDays(30)->format('Y-m-d') }}
label label1
label label2
label label3
label label4
Insert server