# My idlers A web app for displaying, organizing and storing information about servers (VPS), shared & reseller hosting, seed boxes, domains, DNS and misc services. Despite what the name infers this self hosted web app isn't just for storing idling server information. By using a [YABs](https://github.com/masonr/yet-another-bench-script) output you can get disk & network speed values along with GeekBench 5 scores to do easier comparing and sorting. [![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/version-2.1.1-blue.svg)](https://shields.io/) [![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Laravel-9.0-red.svg)](https://shields.io/) [![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/PHP-8.1-purple.svg)](https://shields.io/) [![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Bootstrap-5.1-pink.svg)](https://shields.io/) [Demo site](https://demo.myidlers.com/) **Note:** Create, Update and Delete are disabled. ## Project sponsor [Cloud Five Limited](https://cloud-v.net/) for providing the hosting for demo installation. ## 2.1.1 changes (19th June 2022): * Added compatability for YABs version v2022-06-11 * Added Create, Update and Delete servers with API * Added Update pricing with API * Updated YABs compatible versions check ## Requires * PHP 8.1 ## Features * Add servers * Add shared hosting * Add domains * [Auto get IP's from hostname](https://cdn.write.corbpie.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/my-idlers-self-hosted-server-domain-information-ips-from-hostname.gif) * [Check up/down status](https://cdn.write.corbpie.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/my-idlers-self-hosted-server-domain-information-ping-up-feature.gif) * Get YABs data from output * Compare 2 servers * Save & view YABs output * Update YABs disk & network results * Next due date system * Multi currency compatibility * Multi payment-term compatibility * Pre-defined operating systems * Assign labels * Assign server type (KVM, OVZ, LXC & dedi) * Easy to edit values ## Install * Run `git clone https://github.com/cp6/my-idlers.git` into your directory of choice * Run `composer install` * Run `cp .env.example .env` * Edit (If needed) MySQL details in .env * Run `php artisan key:generate` * Run `php artisan make:database my_idlers` to create database * Run `php artisan migrate:fresh --seed` to create tables and seed data * Run `php artisan serve` ## Update If you have at least version 2.0 installed: * Run `git clone https://github.com/cp6/my-idlers.git` * Run `composer install` * Run `php artisan migrate` ## Run using Docker ``` docker run \ -p 8000:8000\ -e APP_URL=https://... \ -e DB_HOST=... \ -e DB_DATABASE=... \ -e DB_USERNAME=... \ -e DB_PASSWORD=... \ ghcr.io/cp6/my-idlers:latest docker exec ... php artisan migrate:fresh --seed --force # Set up database one time ``` ## Managed Hosting Run with a single click on [PikaPods.com](https://www.pikapods.com/) [![PikaPods](https://www.pikapods.com/static/run-button.svg)](https://www.pikapods.com/pods?run=my-idlers) ## API endpoints For GET requests the header must have `Accept: application/json` and your API token (found at `/account`) `Authorization : Bearer API_TOKEN_HERE` All API requests must be appended with `api/` e.g `mydomain.com/api/servers/gYk8J0a7` **GET request:** `dns/` `dns/{id}` `domains/` `domains/{id}` `servers` `servers/{id}` `labels/` `labels/{id}` `locations/` `locations/{id}` `misc/` `misc/{id}` `networkSpeeds/` `networkSpeeds/{id}` `os/` `os/{id}` `pricing/` `pricing/{id}` `providers/` `providers/{id}` `reseller/` `reseller/{id}` `seedbox/` `seedbox/{id}` `settings/` `shared/` `shared/{id}` **POST requests** Create a server `/servers` Body content template ```json { "active": 1, "show_public": 0, "hostname": "test.domain.com", "ns1": "ns1", "ns2": "ns2", "server_type": 1, "os_id": 2, "provider_id": 10, "location_id": 15, "ssh_port": 22, "bandwidth": 2000, "ram": 2024, "ram_type": "MB", "ram_as_mb": 2024, "disk": 30, "disk_type": "GB", "disk_as_gb": 30, "cpu": 2, "has_yabs": 0, "was_promo": 1, "ip1": "", "ip2": null, "owned_since": "2022-01-01", "currency": "USD", "price": 4.00, "payment_term": 1, "as_usd": 4.00, "usd_per_month": 4.00, "next_due_date": "2022-02-01" } ``` **PUT requests** Update a server `/servers/ID` Body content template ```json { "active": 1, "show_public": 0, "hostname": "test.domain.com", "ns1": "ns1", "ns2": "ns2", "server_type": 1, "os_id": 2, "provider_id": 10, "location_id": 15, "ssh_port": 22, "bandwidth": 2000, "ram": 2024, "ram_type": "MB", "ram_as_mb": 2024, "disk": 30, "disk_type": "GB", "disk_as_gb": 30, "cpu": 2, "has_yabs": 0, "was_promo": 1, "owned_since": "2022-01-01" } ``` Update pricing `/pricing/ID` Body content template ```json { "price": 10.50, "currency": "USD", "term" : 1 } ``` **DELETE requests** Delete a server `/servers/ID` ## Notes **Public viewable listings** If enabled the public viewable table for your server listings is at `/servers/public` You can configure what you want viewable at ```/settings``` **Due date / due soon** This is simply just a reminder. If the homepage is requested (viewed) when a service is over due date it will get reset to plus the term from the old due date. E.g if the term is a month then the due date gets updated to be 1 month from the old due date. **Supporting YABS commands:** ```curl -sL yabs.sh | bash``` or ```curl -sL yabs.sh | bash -s -- -r``` **Make sure YABs output starts at the first line which is:** ```# ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #``` Logo icons created by Freepik - Flaticon ## Screenshots for v2 [![My idlers screenshot1](https://cdn.write.corbpie.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/My-idlers-v2-home-2.jpg)](https://cdn.write.corbpie.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/My-idlers-v2-home-2.jpg) [![My idlers screenshot2](https://cdn.write.corbpie.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/My-idlers-v2-server-view.jpg)](https://cdn.write.corbpie.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/My-idlers-v2-server-view.jpg) [![My idlers screenshot3](https://cdn.write.corbpie.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/My-idlers-v2-servers-home.jpg)](https://cdn.write.corbpie.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/My-idlers-v2-servers-home.jpg) [![My idlers screenshot4](https://cdn.write.corbpie.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/My-idlers-v2-YABs.jpg)](https://cdn.write.corbpie.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/My-idlers-v2-YABs.jpg) [![My idlers screenshot5](https://cdn.write.corbpie.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/My-idlers-v2-add-server_2.png)](https://cdn.write.corbpie.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/My-idlers-v2-add-server_2.png) [![My idlers screenshot6](https://cdn.write.corbpie.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/My-idlers-v2-servers-compare.jpg)](https://cdn.write.corbpie.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/My-idlers-v2-servers-compare.jpg) [![My idlers screenshot7](https://cdn.write.corbpie.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/My-idlers-v2-Ips.jpg)](https://cdn.write.corbpie.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/My-idlers-v2-Ips.jpg) [![My idlers screenshot8](https://cdn.write.corbpie.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/My-idlers-v2-labels.jpg)](https://cdn.write.corbpie.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/My-idlers-v2-labels.jpg)