# `merge()` The merge method merges the given object into the original collection. If a key in the given object matches a key in the original collection, the given objects value will overwrite the value in the original collection: ```js const collection = collect({ id: 1, price: 29, }); const merged = collection.merge({ price: 400, discount: false, }); merged.all(); // { id: 1, price: 400, discount: false } ``` If our collection is an array, the values will be appended to the end of the collection: ```js const collection = collect(['Unicorn', 'Rainbow']); const merged = collection.merge(['Sunshine', 'Rainbow']); merged.all(); // ['Unicorn', 'Rainbow', 'Sunshine', 'Rainbow'] ``` [View source on GitHub](https://github.com/ecrmnn/collect.js/blob/master/src/methods/merge.js)